package fi.utu.ville.exercises.stub; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.UI; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.model.Editor; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.model.ExerciseData; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.model.ExerciseException; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.model.ExerciseSaveListener; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.model.ExerciseTypeDescriptor; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.model.GeneralExerciseInfo; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.model.PersistenceHandler; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.model.VilleContent; import fi.utu.ville.exercises.model.VilleUI; import fi.utu.ville.standardutils.Localizer; import fi.utu.ville.standardutils.TestTempFilesManager; /** * A quick and dirty implementation of a view presenting implementors of {@link Editor} and storing new {@link ExerciseData}-instances as XML-files (as * transformed by given {@link PersistenceHandler}. * * @author Riku Haavisto * * @param <E> * {@link ExerciseData}-implementor to be edited */ class ExerciseEditorViewStub<E extends ExerciseData> extends VilleContent { private static final Logger logger = Logger .getLogger(ExerciseEditorViewStub.class.getName()); private static final long serialVersionUID = 6333118110488402015L; private final TestTempFilesManager tempManager; private final EditorHelperStubImpl<E> genInfoEditor; private final String exerName; /** * Constructs a new {@link ExerciseEditorViewStub}. * * @param toLoad * {@link ExerciseTypeDescriptor} for the exercise for which the load the editor * @param info * {@link GeneralExerciseInfo} name and description of the exercise * @param localizer * {@link Localizer} for localizing the UI */ public ExerciseEditorViewStub(VilleUI ui, final ExerciseTypeDescriptor<E, ?> toLoad, GeneralExerciseInfo info, final Localizer localizer) { super(ui); setWidth("100%"); setHeight("100%"); setMargin(true); exerName = info.getName(); tempManager = new TestTempFilesManager(StubSessionData.getInstance() .getStubExerMaterialsTempDir()); genInfoEditor = new EditorHelperStubImpl<E>(info, localizer, toLoad, tempManager); Editor<E> generalEditor = toLoad.newExerciseEditor(); try { // TODO: quick fix passes null instead of an actual VilleUI generalEditor.initialize(ui, localizer, StubDataFilesHandler .loadExerDataForEditor(toLoad.getTypeDataClass(), toLoad.newExerciseXML(), toLoad, exerName, tempManager), genInfoEditor); } catch (ExerciseException e) { // this should maybe be shown directly to user of the stub logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Failed loading editor-view", e); } genInfoEditor.registerExerSaveListener(new ExerciseSaveListener<E>() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public void actOnExerciseTypeSave(E dataToSave) { if ("".equals(genInfoEditor.getExerciseInfo().getName())) { if (!genInfoEditor.wasShown()) { localizer .getUIText(StubUiConstants.INFO_EDITOR_NOT_SHOWN), Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); } else { .getUIText(StubUiConstants.EXER_NAME_MISSING), Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } else { try { StubDataFilesHandler.saveExerStream(toLoad, genInfoEditor.getExerciseInfo(), dataToSave, tempManager); .getUIText(StubUiConstants.EXERCISE_SAVED), Notification.Type.HUMANIZED_MESSAGE); } catch (ExerciseException e) { .getUIText(StubUiConstants.EXER_SAVE_FAILED), Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "Parsing exercise to xml failed", e); } UI.getCurrent().setContent(new StubStartView()); } } }); addComponent(new StubViewHeaderBar(localizer, localizer.getUIText(StubUiConstants.EDITOR_TEST_INFO))); addComponent(generalEditor.getView()); setExpandRatio(generalEditor.getView(), 1); } private static <E extends ExerciseData> ExerciseEditorViewStub<E> getView( VilleUI ui, ExerciseTypeDescriptor<E, ?> controller, GeneralExerciseInfo info, Localizer localizer) { return new ExerciseEditorViewStub<E>(ui, controller, info, localizer); } /** * Constructs and returns a new {@link ExerciseEditorViewStub} with given parameters. * * @param toLoad * {@link ExerciseTypeDescriptor} for the exercise for which the load the editor * * @param info * {@link GeneralExerciseInfo} name and description of the exercise * @param localizer * {@link Localizer} for localizing the UI * @return newly constructed {@link ExerciseEditorViewStub} */ public static ExerciseEditorViewStub<?> getViewFor(VilleUI ui, ExerciseTypeDescriptor<?, ?> toLoad, GeneralExerciseInfo info, Localizer localizer) { return getView(ui, toLoad, info, localizer); } @Override public void detach() { super.detach(); tempManager.shutdown(); } @Override public void doLayout() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } @Override public boolean isOkToExit() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return true; } @Override public String getViewName() { return exerName; } }