package com.marshalchen.common.uimodule.imageprocessing.filter.colour; import android.opengl.GLES20; import com.marshalchen.common.uimodule.imageprocessing.filter.BasicFilter; /** * A image levels filter extension of BasicFilter. * This filter works like the levels filter in photoshop and can be use to adjust histographs as well * as gamma levels. * Values for min and max levels of both input and output should be in [0, 1]. * The gamma value works like the {@link com.marshalchen.common.uimodule.imageprocessing.filter.colour.GammaFilter} and should be in [0, 3] for normal use case. * @author Chris Batt */ public class LevelsFilter extends BasicFilter { private static final String UNIFORM_GAMMA = "u_Gamma"; private static final String UNIFORM_MAXIN = "u_MaxIn"; private static final String UNIFORM_MAXOUT = "u_MaxOut"; private static final String UNIFORM_MININ = "u_MinIn"; private static final String UNIFORM_MINOUT = "u_MinOut"; private float gamma; private float minIn; private float maxIn; private float minOut; private float maxOut; private int gammaHandle; private int minInHandle; private int maxInHandle; private int minOutHandle; private int maxOutHandle; /** * Creates a ImageLevelsFilter with the given min, gamma, max input levels and min and max output levels. * @param minIn * The minimum level of the input image. * @param maxIn * The maximum level of the input image. * @param gamma * The gamma adjust value. * @param minOut * The minimum level of the output image. * @param maxOut * The maximum level of the output image. */ public LevelsFilter(float minIn, float maxIn, float gamma, float minOut, float maxOut) { if(gamma < 0) { gamma = 0; } this.gamma = gamma; this.minIn = minIn; this.minOut = minOut; this.maxIn = maxIn; this.maxOut = maxOut; } /* ** Levels control (input (+gamma), output) ** Details: */ @Override protected String getFragmentShader() { return "#define GammaCorrection(color, gamma) pow(color, 1.0 / gamma)\n" +"#define LevelsControlInputRange(color, minInput, maxInput) min(max(color - minInput, vec3(0.0)) / (maxInput - minInput), vec3(1.0))\n" +"#define LevelsControlInput(color, minInput, gamma, maxInput) GammaCorrection(LevelsControlInputRange(color, minInput, maxInput), gamma)\n" +"#define LevelsControlOutputRange(color, minOutput, maxOutput) mix(minOutput, maxOutput, color)\n" +"#define LevelsControl(color, minInput, gamma, maxInput, minOutput, maxOutput) LevelsControlOutputRange(LevelsControlInput(color, minInput, gamma, maxInput), minOutput, maxOutput)\n" +"precision mediump float;\n" +"uniform sampler2D "+UNIFORM_TEXTURE0+";\n" +"varying vec2 "+VARYING_TEXCOORD+";\n" +"uniform float "+UNIFORM_GAMMA+";\n" +"uniform float "+UNIFORM_MININ+";\n" +"uniform float "+UNIFORM_MAXIN+";\n" +"uniform float "+UNIFORM_MINOUT+";\n" +"uniform float "+UNIFORM_MAXOUT+";\n" +"void main(){\n" +" vec4 color = texture2D("+UNIFORM_TEXTURE0+", "+VARYING_TEXCOORD+");\n" +" gl_FragColor = vec4(LevelsControl(color.rgb, vec3("+UNIFORM_MININ+"), vec3("+UNIFORM_GAMMA+"), vec3("+UNIFORM_MAXIN+"), vec3("+UNIFORM_MINOUT+"), vec3("+UNIFORM_MAXOUT+")), color.a);\n" +"}\n"; } @Override protected void initShaderHandles() { super.initShaderHandles(); gammaHandle = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(programHandle, UNIFORM_GAMMA); minInHandle = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(programHandle, UNIFORM_MININ); maxInHandle = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(programHandle, UNIFORM_MAXIN); minOutHandle = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(programHandle, UNIFORM_MINOUT); maxOutHandle = GLES20.glGetUniformLocation(programHandle, UNIFORM_MAXOUT); } /* ** Gamma correction ** Details: */ @Override protected void passShaderValues() { super.passShaderValues(); GLES20.glUniform1f(gammaHandle, gamma); GLES20.glUniform1f(minInHandle, minIn); GLES20.glUniform1f(maxInHandle, maxIn); GLES20.glUniform1f(minOutHandle, minOut); GLES20.glUniform1f(maxOutHandle, maxOut); } }