package com.marshalchen.common.demoofui.labelview; import android.content.Context; import android.os.Bundle; import; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import com.lid.lib.LabelView; import com.marshalchen.common.demoofui.R; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ListViewActivity extends ActionBarActivity { public class CategoryData { public String image; public String text; public String label; } public class CategoryAdapter extends SimpleBaseAdapter<CategoryData> { public CategoryAdapter(Context context, List<CategoryData> data) { super(context, data); } @Override public int getItemResource() { return R.layout.label_view_list_view_item; } @Override public View getItemView(int position, View convertView, ViewHolder holder) { CategoryData item = (CategoryData) _categoryAdapter.getItem(position); TextView textView = holder.getView(; textView.setText(item.text); ImageView imageView = holder.getView(; imageView.setImageResource(Integer.parseInt(item.image)); // you have to generate label ID manual LabelView label = holder.getView(12345); if (label == null) { label = new LabelView(ListViewActivity.this); label.setId(12345); label.setBackgroundColor(0xffE91E63); label.setTargetViewInBaseAdapter(imageView, 138, 10, LabelView.Gravity.LEFT_TOP); } label.setText(item.label); return convertView; } } private CategoryAdapter _categoryAdapter; private ListView _listView; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.label_view_activity_list_view); _listView = (ListView) findViewById(; _categoryAdapter = new CategoryAdapter(this, null); _listView.setAdapter(_categoryAdapter); getCategoryData(); getCategoryData(); getCategoryData(); } private void getCategoryData() { List<CategoryData> data = new ArrayList<>(); { CategoryData item = new CategoryData(); item.text = "Following the founding of New China, the policy of cultural reawakening offered Kunqu Opera the chance to emerge from a long period of neglect."; item.image = R.drawable.test + ""; item.label = "MD"; data.add(item); } { CategoryData item = new CategoryData(); item.text = "Kunqu Opera can trace its origins back to the Ming Dynasty about six hundred years ago, and a small town south of the Yangtze, called Kunshan."; item.image = R.drawable.test_back + ""; item.label = "FC"; data.add(item); } { CategoryData item = new CategoryData(); item.text = "The popularity of Kunqu Opera historically has a lot to do with the support it received from the imperial court, from the time of Emperor Kangxi, onwards."; item.image = R.drawable.test_back2 + ""; item.label = "NFC"; data.add(item); } { CategoryData item = new CategoryData(); item.text = "Perhaps the greatest masterpiece of Kunqu Opera is “The Peony Pavilion” written by Tang Xianzu in the early years of the 17th century."; item.image = R.drawable.test_back1 + ""; item.label = "GBA"; data.add(item); } { CategoryData item = new CategoryData(); item.text = "Kunqu Opera is remarkable, if for nothing else, because of the long time it has been around. It continues to exert a strong appeal today."; item.image = R.drawable.test + ""; item.label = "PS"; data.add(item); } { CategoryData item = new CategoryData(); item.text = "In the late Qing Dynasty, after five hundred years of development, Kunqu faced the greatest crisis in its existence."; item.image = R.drawable.test_back1 + ""; item.label = "XBOX"; data.add(item); } { CategoryData item = new CategoryData(); item.text = "During the Qing Dynasty that followed, it became so popular that it was said to have an influence at every level of society, from the imperial court, down."; item.image = R.drawable.test_back2 + ""; item.label = "GB"; data.add(item); } { CategoryData item = new CategoryData(); item.text = "The Qing Dynasty’s greatest playwrights, are Hong Sheng and Kong Shangren, who wrote, respectively, “The Palace of Eternal Youth” and “The Peach Blossom Fan”."; item.image = R.drawable.test + ""; item.label = "N64"; data.add(item); } { CategoryData item = new CategoryData(); item.text = "Every period of history has its own fashions and tastes in clothing, music, etc. During the Ming Dynasty, it was fashionable among the intelligentsia to enjoy Kunqu Opera."; item.image = R.drawable.test_back1 + ""; item.label = "PSP"; data.add(item); } { CategoryData item = new CategoryData(); item.text = "Kunqu Opera can trace its origins back to the late Ming Dynasty and a small town south of the Yangtze, called Kunshan."; item.image = R.drawable.test_back2 + ""; item.label = "NDS"; data.add(item); } _categoryAdapter.addAll(data); _categoryAdapter.notifyDataSetChanged(); } }