package com.occamlab.te.spi.vocabulary; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Property; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.RDF; /** * Additional vocabulary terms that are used to describe a test run. */ public class CITE { /** Model that holds the CITE vocabulary terms. */ private static final Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); public static final String NS_URI = ""; public static final Resource NAMESPACE = model.createResource(NS_URI); public static final Resource TestRun = model.createResource(NS_URI + "TestRun"); public static final Property testsFailed = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "testsFailed"); public static final Property testsPassed = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "testsPassed"); public static final Property testsSkipped = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "testsSkipped"); public static final Property testsContinue = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "testsContinue"); public static final Property testsBestPractice = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "testsBestPractice"); public static final Property testsNotTested = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "testsNotTested"); public static final Property testsWarning = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "testsWarning"); public static final Property testsInheritedFailure = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "testsInheritedFailure"); /** [cite:TestRun] requirements [earl:TestRequirement] 1..* (rdf:Seq) */ public static final Property requirements = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "requirements"); /** [cite:TestRun] inputs [rdf:Description] 1..* (rdf:Bag) */ public static final Property inputs = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "inputs"); /** [earl:TestResult] message [http:Request] */ public static final Property message = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "message"); /** [earl:Assertion] arguments [rdf:Description] 1..* (rdf:Seq) */ public static final Property arguments = model.createProperty(NS_URI + "arguments"); // CTL test verdicts public static final Resource Best_Practice = model.createResource(NS_URI + "bestPractice").addProperty(RDF.type, EARL.OutcomeValue); public static final Resource Warning = model.createResource(NS_URI + "warning").addProperty(RDF.type, EARL.OutcomeValue); public static final Resource Continue = model.createResource(NS_URI + "continue").addProperty(RDF.type, EARL.OutcomeValue); public static final Resource Not_Tested = model.createResource(NS_URI + "notTested").addProperty(RDF.type, EARL.OutcomeValue); public static final Resource Inherited_Failure = model.createResource(NS_URI + "inheritedFailure") .addProperty(RDF.type, EARL.OutcomeValue); }