package com.occamlab.te.saxon; import java.util.List; import net.sf.saxon.Configuration; import net.sf.saxon.expr.Expression; import net.sf.saxon.expr.StaticContext; import net.sf.saxon.functions.FunctionLibrary; import; import net.sf.saxon.trans.XPathException; import com.occamlab.te.Test; import com.occamlab.te.index.FunctionEntry; import com.occamlab.te.index.Index; public class TEFunctionLibrary implements FunctionLibrary { Configuration config = null; Index index = null; public TEFunctionLibrary(Configuration config, Index index) { this.config = config; this.index = index; } public Expression bind(StructuredQName functionName, Expression[] staticArgs, StaticContext env) throws XPathException { if (functionName.getNamespaceURI().equals(Test.TE_NS) && functionName.getLocalName().equals("get-type")) { return new GetTypeFunctionCall(functionName, staticArgs, env); } String key = functionName.getClarkName(); List<FunctionEntry> functions = index.getFunctions(key); int argCount = staticArgs.length; if (functions != null) { for (FunctionEntry fe : functions) { if (argCount >= fe.getMinArgs() && argCount <= fe.getMaxArgs()) { if (fe.isJava()) { TEJavaFunctionCall fc = new TEJavaFunctionCall(fe, functionName, staticArgs, env); return fc; } else { TEXSLFunctionCall fc = new TEXSLFunctionCall(fe, functionName, staticArgs, env); return fc; } } } } // Just return null rather than throw an exception, because there may be // another function library that supports this function return null; } public FunctionLibrary copy() { return new TEFunctionLibrary(config, index); } public boolean isAvailable(StructuredQName functionName, int arity) { String key = functionName.getClarkName(); List<FunctionEntry> functions = index.getFunctions(key); if (functions != null) { for (FunctionEntry fe : functions) { if (arity == -1) { return true; } if (arity >= fe.getMinArgs() && arity <= fe.getMaxArgs()) { return true; } } } return false; } }