package com.occamlab.te.spi.executors.testng; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.time.ZoneId; import java.time.ZonedDateTime; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import org.apache.jena.datatypes.xsd.XSDDatatype; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Bag; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Literal; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Model; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ModelFactory; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Seq; import org.apache.jena.vocabulary.DCTerms; import org.testng.IReporter; import org.testng.IResultMap; import org.testng.ISuite; import org.testng.ISuiteResult; import org.testng.ITestContext; import org.testng.ITestResult; import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite; import org.testng.xml.XmlTest; import com.occamlab.te.spi.vocabulary.CITE; import com.occamlab.te.spi.vocabulary.CONTENT; import com.occamlab.te.spi.vocabulary.EARL; import com.occamlab.te.spi.vocabulary.HTTP; /** * A reporter that creates and serializes an RDF graph containing the test * results expressed using the W3C Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) * vocabulary. The graph is serialized as RDF/XML to a file in the output * directory (earl-results.rdf). * * @see <a href="" target="_blank"> * Evaluation and Report Language (EARL) 1.0 Schema</a> * @see <a href="" target="_blank">HTTP * Vocabulary in RDF 1.0</a> * @see <a href="" target= * "_blank">Representing Content in RDF 1.0</a> */ public class EarlReporter implements IReporter { private static final Logger LOGR = Logger.getLogger(EarlReporter.class.getPackage().getName()); /** ISO 639 language code (2-3 letter, possibly with region subtag). */ private String langCode = "en"; private static final String TEST_RUN_ID = "uuid"; private Resource testRun; private int resultCount = 0; private Resource assertor; private Resource testSubject; private static final String REQ_ATTR = "request"; private static final String RSP_ATTR = "response"; private Model earlModel; public EarlReporter() { this.earlModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); } @Override public void generateReport(List<XmlSuite> xmlSuites, List<ISuite> suites, String outputDirectory) { for (ISuite suite : suites) { Model model = initializeModel(suite); addTestRequirements(model, suite.getXmlSuite().getTests()); addTestInputs(model, suite.getXmlSuite().getAllParameters()); TestRunSummary summary = new TestRunSummary(suite); this.testRun.addLiteral(CITE.testsPassed, new Integer(summary.getTotalPassed())); this.testRun.addLiteral(CITE.testsFailed, new Integer(summary.getTotalFailed())); this.testRun.addLiteral(CITE.testsSkipped, new Integer(summary.getTotalSkipped())); Literal duration = model.createTypedLiteral(summary.getTotalDuration(), XSDDatatype.XSDduration); this.testRun.addLiteral(DCTerms.extent, duration); processSuiteResults(model, suite.getResults()); this.earlModel.add(model); } File outputDir = new File(outputDirectory); if (!outputDir.isDirectory()) { outputDir = new File(System.getProperty("")); } try { writeModel(this.earlModel, outputDir, true); } catch (IOException iox) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to serialize EARL results to " + outputDir.getAbsolutePath(), iox); } } /** * Creates EARL statements for the entire collection of test suite results. * Each test subset is defined by a {@literal <test>} tag in the suite * definition; these correspond to earl:TestRequirement resources in the * model. * * @param model * An RDF Model containing EARL statements. * @param results * A Map containing the actual test results, where the key is the * name of a test subset (conformance class). */ void processSuiteResults(Model model, Map<String, ISuiteResult> results) { for (Map.Entry<String, ISuiteResult> entry : results.entrySet()) { String testReqName = entry.getKey().replaceAll("\\s", "-"); // can return existing resource in model Resource testReq = model.createResource(testReqName); ITestContext testContext = entry.getValue().getTestContext(); int nPassed = testContext.getPassedTests().size(); int nSkipped = testContext.getSkippedTests().size(); int nFailed = testContext.getFailedTests().size(); testReq.addLiteral(CITE.testsPassed, new Integer(nPassed)); testReq.addLiteral(CITE.testsFailed, new Integer(nFailed)); testReq.addLiteral(CITE.testsSkipped, new Integer(nSkipped)); if (nPassed + nFailed == 0) { testReq.addProperty(DCTerms.description, "A precondition was not met. All tests in this set were skipped."); } processTestResults(model, testContext.getFailedTests()); processTestResults(model, testContext.getSkippedTests()); processTestResults(model, testContext.getPassedTests()); } } /** * Initializes the test results graph with basic information about the * assertor (earl:Assertor) and test subject (earl:TestSubject). * * @param suite * Information about the test suite. * @return An RDF Model containing EARL statements. */ Model initializeModel(ISuite suite) { Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Map<String, String> nsBindings = new HashMap<>(); nsBindings.put("earl", EARL.NS_URI); nsBindings.put("dct", DCTerms.NS); nsBindings.put("cite", CITE.NS_URI); nsBindings.put("http", HTTP.NS_URI); nsBindings.put("cnt", CONTENT.NS_URI); model.setNsPrefixes(nsBindings); this.testRun = model.createResource(CITE.TestRun); this.testRun.addProperty(DCTerms.title, suite.getName()); String nowUTC ="Z")).format(DateTimeFormatter.ISO_INSTANT); this.testRun.addProperty(DCTerms.created, nowUTC); this.assertor = model.createResource("", EARL.Assertor); this.assertor.addProperty(DCTerms.title, "OGC TEAM Engine", this.langCode); this.assertor.addProperty(DCTerms.description, "Official test harness of the OGC conformance testing program (CITE).", this.langCode); Map<String, String> params = suite.getXmlSuite().getAllParameters(); String iut = params.get("iut"); if (null == iut) { // non-default parameter refers to test subject--use first URI value for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : params.entrySet()) { try { URI uri = URI.create(param.getValue()); iut = uri.toString(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { continue; } } } if (null == iut) { throw new NullPointerException("Unable to find URI reference for IUT in test run parameters."); } this.testSubject = model.createResource(iut, EARL.TestSubject); return model; } /** * Adds the list of conformance classes to the TestRun resource. A * conformance class corresponds to a {@literal <test>} tag in the TestNG * suite definition; it is represented as an earl:TestRequirement resource. * * @param earl * An RDF model containing EARL statements. * @param testList * The list of test sets comprising the test suite. */ void addTestRequirements(Model earl, final List<XmlTest> testList) { Seq reqs = earl.createSeq(); for (XmlTest xmlTest : testList) { String testName = xmlTest.getName(); Resource testReq = earl.createResource(testName.replaceAll("\\s", "-"), EARL.TestRequirement); testReq.addProperty(DCTerms.title, testName); reqs.add(testReq); } this.testRun.addProperty(CITE.requirements, reqs); } /** * Adds the test inputs to the TestRun resource. Each input is an anonymous * member of an unordered collection (rdf:Bag). A {@value #TEST_RUN_ID} * parameter is treated in special manner: its value is set as the value of * the standard dct:identifier property. * * @param earl * An RDF model containing EARL statements. * @param params * A collection of name-value pairs gleaned from the test suite * parameters. */ void addTestInputs(Model earl, final Map<String, String> params) { Bag inputs = earl.createBag(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> param : params.entrySet()) { if (param.getKey().equals(TEST_RUN_ID)) { this.testRun.addProperty(DCTerms.identifier, param.getValue()); } else { if (param.getValue().isEmpty()) continue; Resource testInput = earl.createResource(); testInput.addProperty(DCTerms.title, param.getKey()); testInput.addProperty(DCTerms.description, param.getValue()); inputs.add(testInput); } } this.testRun.addProperty(CITE.inputs, inputs); } /** * Writes the model to a file (earl-results.rdf) in the specified directory * using the RDF/XML syntax. * * @param model * A representation of an RDF graph. * @param outputDirectory * A File object denoting the directory in which the results file * will be written. * @param abbreviated * Indicates whether or not to serialize the model using the * abbreviated syntax. * @throws IOException * If an IO error occurred while trying to serialize the model * to a (new) file in the output directory. */ void writeModel(Model model, File outputDirectory, boolean abbreviated) throws IOException { if (!outputDirectory.isDirectory()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Directory does not exist at " + outputDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); } File outputFile = new File(outputDirectory, "earl-results.rdf"); if (!outputFile.createNewFile()) { outputFile.delete(); outputFile.createNewFile(); } LOGR.log(Level.CONFIG, "Writing EARL results to" + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); String syntax = (abbreviated) ? "RDF/XML-ABBREV" : "RDF/XML"; String baseUri = new StringBuilder("").append(outputDirectory.getName()).append('/') .toString(); OutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); try (Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(outStream, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)) { model.write(writer, syntax, baseUri); } } /** * Returns a description of an error or exception that occurred while * executing a test. The details are extracted from the associated * <code>Throwable</code> or its underlying cause. * * @param result * Information about a test result. * @return A String providing diagnostic information. */ String getDetailMessage(ITestResult result) { if (null == result.getThrowable()) { return "No details available."; } String msg = result.getThrowable().getMessage(); if (null == msg && null != result.getThrowable().getCause()) { msg = result.getThrowable().getCause().getMessage(); } else { msg = result.getThrowable().toString(); } return msg; } /** * Creates EARL statements from the given test results. A test result is * described by an Assertion resource. The TestResult and TestCase resources * are linked to the Assertion in accord with the EARL schema; the latter is * also linked to a TestRequirement. * * @param earl * An RDF Model containing EARL statements. * @param results * The results of invoking a collection of test methods. */ void processTestResults(Model earl, IResultMap results) { for (ITestResult tngResult : results.getAllResults()) { // create earl:Assertion long endTime = tngResult.getEndMillis(); GregorianCalendar calTime = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getDefault()); calTime.setTimeInMillis(endTime); Resource assertion = earl.createResource("assert-" + ++this.resultCount, EARL.Assertion); assertion.addProperty(EARL.mode, EARL.AutomaticMode); assertion.addProperty(EARL.assertedBy, this.assertor); assertion.addProperty(EARL.subject, this.testSubject); // link earl:TestResult to earl:Assertion Resource earlResult = earl.createResource("result-" + this.resultCount, EARL.TestResult); earlResult.addProperty(, earl.createTypedLiteral(calTime)); switch (tngResult.getStatus()) { case ITestResult.FAILURE: earlResult.addProperty(DCTerms.description, getDetailMessage(tngResult)); if (AssertionError.class.isInstance(tngResult.getThrowable())) { earlResult.addProperty(EARL.outcome, EARL.Fail); } else { // an exception occurred earlResult.addProperty(EARL.outcome, EARL.CannotTell); } processResultAttributes(earlResult, tngResult); break; case ITestResult.SKIP: earlResult.addProperty(DCTerms.description, getDetailMessage(tngResult)); earlResult.addProperty(EARL.outcome, EARL.NotTested); break; default: earlResult.addProperty(EARL.outcome, EARL.Pass); break; } assertion.addProperty(EARL.result, earlResult); // link earl:TestCase to earl:Assertion and earl:TestRequirement String testMethodName = tngResult.getMethod().getMethodName(); String testClassName = tngResult.getTestClass().getName().replaceAll("\\.", "/"); StringBuilder testCaseId = new StringBuilder(testClassName); testCaseId.append('#').append(testMethodName); Resource testCase = earl.createResource(testCaseId.toString(), EARL.TestCase); testCase.addProperty(DCTerms.title, testMethodName); String testDescr = tngResult.getMethod().getDescription(); if (null != testDescr && !testDescr.isEmpty()) { testCase.addProperty(DCTerms.description, testDescr); } assertion.addProperty(EARL.test, testCase); String testReqName = tngResult.getTestContext().getName().replaceAll("\\s", "-"); earl.createResource(testReqName).addProperty(DCTerms.hasPart, testCase); } } /** * Processes any attributes that were attached to a test result. Attributes * should describe relevant test events in order to help identify the root * cause of a fail verdict. Specifically, the following statements are added * to the report: * <ul> * <li>{@value #REQ_ATTR} : Information about the request message * (earl:TestResult --cite:message-- http:Request)</li> * <li>{@value #RSP_ATTR} : Information about the response message * (http:Request --http:resp-- http:Response)</li> * </ul> * * @param earlResult * An earl:TestResult resource. * @param tngResult * The TestNG test result. */ void processResultAttributes(Resource earlResult, final ITestResult tngResult) { if (!tngResult.getAttributeNames().contains(REQ_ATTR)) return; // keep it simple for now String reqVal = tngResult.getAttribute(REQ_ATTR).toString(); String httpMethod = (reqVal.startsWith("<")) ? HttpMethod.POST : HttpMethod.GET; Resource httpReq = this.earlModel.createResource(HTTP.Request); httpReq.addProperty(HTTP.methodName, httpMethod); if (httpMethod.equals(HttpMethod.GET)) { httpReq.addProperty(HTTP.requestURI, reqVal); } else { Resource reqContent = this.earlModel.createResource(CONTENT.ContentAsXML); // XML content may be truncated and hence not well-formed reqContent.addProperty(, reqVal); httpReq.addProperty(HTTP.body, reqContent); } Object rsp = tngResult.getAttribute(RSP_ATTR); if (null != rsp) { Resource httpRsp = this.earlModel.createResource(HTTP.Response); // safe assumption, but need more response info to know for sure Resource rspContent = this.earlModel.createResource(CONTENT.ContentAsXML); rspContent.addProperty(, rsp.toString()); httpRsp.addProperty(HTTP.body, rspContent); httpReq.addProperty(HTTP.resp, httpRsp); } earlResult.addProperty(CITE.message, httpReq); } }