package linkedlists.lockbased.lazyutils; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * * @author Erik Sapir & Lior Zibi * * Lazy list implementation: lock-free contains method. * removed element are first removed logically and only than physically * * @param T Item type. */ public class LazyList<T>{ /** * First list Node */ volatile private Node m_head; /** * counter for number of element in the list */ volatile private SnapshotCounter m_counter; /** * Constructor */ public LazyList(int numOfThreads) { // Add sentinels to start and end this.m_head = new Node(Integer.MIN_VALUE); this.m_head.m_next = new Node(Integer.MAX_VALUE); m_counter = new SnapshotCounter(numOfThreads); } public boolean add(T item, int threadID) { int key = item.hashCode(); while (true) { Node pred = this.m_head; Node curr = m_head.m_next; //search for first element equal or greater than the new element while (curr.m_key < key) { pred = curr; curr = curr.m_next; } pred.lock(); try { curr.lock(); try { //validate theat pred and curr are not deleted and //that = curr if (validate(pred, curr)) { if (curr.m_key == key) { // element is already in list - nothing to add return false; } else { // add new element to list Node Node = new Node(item); Node.m_next = curr; pred.m_next = Node; //element added successfully - increment number of element in list; return true; } } } finally { curr.unlock(); // always unlock } } finally { pred.unlock(); // always unlock } } } public boolean remove(T item, int threadID) { int key = item.hashCode(); while (true) { Node pred = this.m_head; Node curr = m_head.m_next; //search for first element equal or greater than element to be removed while (curr.m_key < key) { pred = curr; curr = curr.m_next; } pred.lock(); try { curr.lock(); try { if (validate(pred, curr)) { if (curr.m_key != key) { // element was not found in list - nothing to remove return false; } else { //element was found in list - first logically remove, than //physically remove curr.marked = true; // logically remove pred.m_next = curr.m_next; // physically remove //element removed successfully - decrement number of elements in list m_counter.dec(threadID); return true; } } } finally { // always unlock curr curr.unlock(); } } finally { // always unlock pred pred.unlock(); } } } public boolean contains(T item, int threadID) { int key = item.hashCode(); Node curr = this.m_head; //search for first element equal or greater than element we are searching while (curr.m_key < key) curr = curr.m_next; //return true iff found element in list and it is not logically removed return curr.m_key == key && !curr.marked; } public void clean(int threadID) { m_head.lock(); Node curr = m_head.m_next; try { //go over each and every element in list and remove it. while (curr.m_key != Integer.MAX_VALUE){ curr.lock(); try { curr.marked = true; // logically remove m_head.m_next = curr.m_next; // physically remove //element removed successfully - decrement number of elements in list m_counter.dec(threadID); } finally { curr.unlock(); //always unlock } curr = m_head.m_next; } } finally { m_head.unlock(); //always unlock } } public boolean isEmpty(int threadID) { Node curr = this.m_head; //search an element that exist in the list, both logically and physically while (curr.m_key != Integer.MAX_VALUE) { //make sure element was not removed logically if (!curr.marked) return false; curr = curr.m_next; } return true; } public int size(int threadID) { return m_counter.scan_sum(); } /** * Check that prev and curr are still in list and adjacent */ private boolean validate(Node pred, Node curr) { return !pred.marked && !curr.marked && pred.m_next == curr; } /** * list Node */ private class Node { /** * actual item */ final T m_item; /** * item's hash code */ final int m_key; /** * next Node in list */ volatile Node m_next; /** * If true, Node is logically deleted. */ volatile boolean marked; /** * Synchronizes Node. */ Lock m_lock; /** * Constructor for usual Node * @param item element in list */ Node(T item) { // usual constructor this.m_item = item; this.m_key = item.hashCode(); this.m_next = null; this.marked = false; this.m_lock = new ReentrantLock(); } /** * Constructor for sentinel Node * @param key should be min or max int value */ Node(int key) { // sentinel constructor this.m_item = null; this.m_key = key; this.m_next = null; this.marked = false; this.m_lock = new ReentrantLock(); } /** * Lock Node */ void lock() {m_lock.lock();} /** * Unlock Node */ void unlock() {m_lock.unlock();} } }