package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.BeanProperty; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.InjectableValues; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.jsontype.NamedType; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import kafka.admin.TopicCommand; import kafka.api.FetchRequestBuilder; import kafka.consumer.ConsumerConfig; import kafka.consumer.ConsumerTimeoutException; import kafka.consumer.KafkaStream; import kafka.javaapi.FetchResponse; import kafka.javaapi.consumer.ConsumerConnector; import kafka.javaapi.consumer.SimpleConsumer; import kafka.message.MessageAndMetadata; import kafka.message.MessageAndOffset; import kafka.server.KafkaConfig; import kafka.utils.ZkUtils; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.ClassRule; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.RuleChain; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import rx.functions.Action3; import scala.Option; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class TestKafkaSink { @Rule public TemporaryFolder tempDir = new TemporaryFolder(); public static ZkExternalResource zk = new ZkExternalResource(); public static KafkaServerExternalResource kafkaServer = new KafkaServerExternalResource(zk); @ClassRule public static TestRule chain = RuleChain .outerRule(zk) .around(kafkaServer); private static final String TOPIC_NAME = "routingKey"; private static final String TOPIC_NAME_MULTITHREAD = "routingKeyMultithread"; private static final String TOPIC_NAME_PARTITION_BY_KEY = "routingKey_partitionByKey"; private static final String TOPIC_NAME_BACKWARD_COMPAT = "routingKey_backwardCompat"; private static ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new DefaultObjectMapper(); @BeforeClass public static void startup() { jsonMapper.registerSubtypes(new NamedType(KafkaSink.class, "kafka")); jsonMapper.setInjectableValues(new InjectableValues() { @Override public Object findInjectableValue(Object valueId, DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty forProperty, Object beanInstance) { if (valueId.equals(KafkaRetentionPartitioner.class.getName())) { return new KafkaRetentionPartitioner(); } else { return null; } } }); } @Test public void testDefaultParameters() throws IOException { TopicCommand.createTopic(zk.getZkClient(), new TopicCommand.TopicCommandOptions(new String[]{ "--zookeeper", "dummy", "--create", "--topic", TOPIC_NAME, "--replication-factor", "2", "--partitions", "1"})); String description = "{\n" + " \"type\": \"kafka\",\n" + " \"\": \"kafkasink\",\n" + " \"bootstrap.servers\": \"" + kafkaServer.getBrokerListStr() + "\",\n" + " \"acks\": 1\n" + "}"; KafkaSink sink = jsonMapper.readValue(description, new TypeReference<Sink>(){});; Iterator<Message> msgIterator = new MessageSetReader(createMessageSet(TOPIC_NAME, 2)).iterator(); while (msgIterator.hasNext()) { sink.writeTo(new StringMessage(; } assertTrue(sink.getNumOfPendingMessages() > 0); sink.close(); assertEquals(sink.getNumOfPendingMessages(), 0); System.out.println(sink.getStat()); // get the leader Option<Object> leaderOpt = ZkUtils.getLeaderForPartition(zk.getZkClient(), TOPIC_NAME, 0); assertTrue("Leader for topic new-topic partition 0 should exist", leaderOpt.isDefined()); int leader = (Integer) leaderOpt.get(); KafkaConfig config; if (leader == kafkaServer.getServer(0).config().brokerId()) { config = kafkaServer.getServer(0).config(); } else { config = kafkaServer.getServer(1).config(); } SimpleConsumer consumer = new SimpleConsumer(config.hostName(), config.port(), 100000, 100000, "clientId"); FetchResponse response = consumer.fetch(new FetchRequestBuilder().addFetch(TOPIC_NAME, 0, 0, 100000).build()); List<MessageAndOffset> messageSet = Lists.newArrayList(response.messageSet(TOPIC_NAME, 0).iterator()); assertEquals("Should have fetched 2 messages", 2, messageSet.size()); assertEquals(new String(extractMessage(messageSet, 0)), "testMessage" + 0); assertEquals(new String(extractMessage(messageSet, 1)), "testMessage" + 1); } @Test public void testMultithread() throws IOException { TopicCommand.createTopic(zk.getZkClient(), new TopicCommand.TopicCommandOptions(new String[]{ "--zookeeper", "dummy", "--create", "--topic", TOPIC_NAME_MULTITHREAD, "--replication-factor", "2", "--partitions", "1"})); String description = "{\n" + " \"type\": \"kafka\",\n" + " \"\": \"kafkasink\",\n" + " \"bootstrap.servers\": \"" + kafkaServer.getBrokerListStr() + "\",\n" + " \"acks\": 1\n" + "}"; KafkaSink sink = jsonMapper.readValue(description, new TypeReference<Sink>() { });; int msgCount = 10000; sendMessages(TOPIC_NAME_MULTITHREAD, sink, msgCount); assertTrue(sink.getNumOfPendingMessages() > 0); sink.close(); System.out.println(sink.getStat()); assertEquals(sink.getNumOfPendingMessages(), 0); checkConsumer(TOPIC_NAME_MULTITHREAD, msgCount - (int) sink.droppedRecords.get()); } @Test public void testPartitionByKey() throws Exception { int numPartitions = 9; TopicCommand.createTopic(zk.getZkClient(), new TopicCommand.TopicCommandOptions(new String[]{ "--zookeeper", "dummy", "--create", "--topic", TOPIC_NAME_PARTITION_BY_KEY, "--replication-factor", "2", "--partitions", Integer.toString(numPartitions)})); String keyTopicMap = String.format(" \"keyTopicMap\": {\n" + " \"%s\": \"key\"\n" + " }", TOPIC_NAME_PARTITION_BY_KEY); String description = "{\n" + " \"type\": \"kafka\",\n" + " \"\": \"kafkasink\",\n" + " \"bootstrap.servers\": \"" + kafkaServer.getBrokerListStr() + "\",\n" + " \"acks\": 1,\n" + keyTopicMap + "\n" + "}"; KafkaSink sink = jsonMapper.readValue(description, new TypeReference<Sink>(){});; int messageCount = 10; for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; ++i) { Map<String, Object> msgMap = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object>() .put("key", Integer.toString(i % numPartitions)) .put("value", "message:" + i).build(); sink.writeTo(new DefaultMessageContainer( new Message(TOPIC_NAME_PARTITION_BY_KEY, jsonMapper.writeValueAsBytes(msgMap)), jsonMapper)); } sink.close(); System.out.println(sink.getStat()); ConsumerConnector consumer = kafka.consumer.Consumer.createJavaConsumerConnector( createConsumerConfig("localhost:" + zk.getServerPort(), "gropuid")); Map<String, Integer> topicCountMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); topicCountMap.put(TOPIC_NAME_PARTITION_BY_KEY, 1); Map<String, List<KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]>>> consumerMap = consumer.createMessageStreams(topicCountMap); KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]> stream = consumerMap.get(TOPIC_NAME_PARTITION_BY_KEY).get(0); Map<Integer, Set<Map<String, Object>>> resultSet = new HashMap<Integer, Set<Map<String, Object>>>(); for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; ++i) { MessageAndMetadata<byte[], byte[]> msgAndMeta = stream.iterator().next(); System.out.println(new String(msgAndMeta.message())); Map<String, Object> msg = jsonMapper.readValue(new String(msgAndMeta.message()), new TypeReference<Map<String, Object>>() {}); Set<Map<String, Object>> s = resultSet.get(msgAndMeta.partition()); if (s == null) { s = new HashSet<Map<String, Object>>(); resultSet.put(msgAndMeta.partition(), s); } s.add(msg); } int sizeSum = 0; for (Map.Entry<Integer, Set<Map<String, Object>>> e : resultSet.entrySet()) { sizeSum += e.getValue().size(); String key = (String) e.getValue().iterator().next().get("key"); for (Map<String, Object> ss : e.getValue()) { assertEquals(key, (String) ss.get("key")); } } assertEquals(sizeSum, messageCount); try { stream.iterator().next(); fail(); } catch (ConsumerTimeoutException e) { //this is expected consumer.shutdown(); } } @Test public void testCheckPause() throws IOException, InterruptedException { TopicCommand.createTopic(zk.getZkClient(), new TopicCommand.TopicCommandOptions(new String[]{ "--zookeeper", "dummy", "--create", "--topic", TOPIC_NAME + "check_pause", "--replication-factor", "2", "--partitions", "1"})); String description = "{\n" + " \"type\": \"kafka\",\n" + " \"\": \"kafkasink\",\n" + " \"bootstrap.servers\": \"" + kafkaServer.getBrokerListStr() + "\",\n" + " \"acks\": 1,\n" + " \"buffer.memory\": 1000,\n" + " \"batch.size\": 1000\n" + "}"; final KafkaSink sink = jsonMapper.readValue(description, new TypeReference<Sink>(){});; final AtomicBoolean exceptionCaught = new AtomicBoolean(false); final AtomicBoolean checkPaused = new AtomicBoolean(false); final AtomicBoolean pending = new AtomicBoolean(false); final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); sink.setRecordCounterListener(new Action3<Long, Long, Long>() { @Override public void call(Long queued, Long sent, Long dropped) { if (dropped > 0) { exceptionCaught.set(true); if (sink.checkPause() > 0) { checkPaused.set(true); } if (sink.getNumOfPendingMessages() > 0) { pending.set(true); } latch.countDown(); } } }); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { sink.writeTo(new DefaultMessageContainer(new Message(TOPIC_NAME + "check_pause", getBigData()), jsonMapper)); } assertTrue(latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); assertTrue(exceptionCaught.get()); assertTrue(checkPaused.get()); assertTrue(pending.get()); } @Test public void testBlockingOnBufferFull() throws Throwable { TopicCommand.createTopic(zk.getZkClient(), new TopicCommand.TopicCommandOptions(new String[]{ "--zookeeper", "dummy", "--create", "--topic", TOPIC_NAME + "buffer_full", "--replication-factor", "2", "--partitions", "1"})); String description = "{\n" + " \"type\": \"kafka\",\n" + " \"\": \"kafkasink\",\n" + " \"bootstrap.servers\": \"" + kafkaServer.getBrokerListStr() + "\",\n" + " \"acks\": 1,\n" + " \"block.on.buffer.full\": true,\n" + " \"buffer.memory\": 1000,\n" + " \"batch.size\": 1000\n" + "}"; final KafkaSink sink = jsonMapper.readValue(description, new TypeReference<Sink>(){});; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final CountDownLatch shutdownLatch = new CountDownLatch(1); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { try { sink.writeTo(new DefaultMessageContainer(new Message(TOPIC_NAME + "buffer_full", getBigData()), jsonMapper)); } catch (Exception e) { fail("exception thrown: " + e.toString()); } if (i == 50) { try{ kafkaServer.shutdown(); // to simulate kafka latency }finally { shutdownLatch.countDown(); } } } latch.countDown(); } }).start(); latch.await(3, TimeUnit.SECONDS); assertEquals(latch.getCount(), 1); // blocked // Make sure the kafka server is restarted only if shutdown is successful. shutdownLatch.await(); kafkaServer.before(); } @Test public void testConfigBackwardCompatible() throws IOException { int numPartitions = 9; TopicCommand.createTopic(zk.getZkClient(), new TopicCommand.TopicCommandOptions(new String[]{ "--zookeeper", "dummy", "--create", "--topic", TOPIC_NAME_BACKWARD_COMPAT, "--replication-factor", "2", "--partitions", Integer.toString(numPartitions)})); String keyTopicMap = String.format(" \"keyTopicMap\": {\n" + " \"%s\": \"key\"\n" + " }", TOPIC_NAME_BACKWARD_COMPAT); String description1 = "{\n" + " \"type\": \"Kafka\",\n" + " \"\": \"kafkasink\",\n" + " \"bootstrap.servers\": \"" + kafkaServer.getBrokerListStr() + "\",\n" + " \"ack\": 1,\n" + " \"compression.type\": \"snappy\",\n" + keyTopicMap + "\n" + "}"; String description2 = "{\n" + " \"type\": \"Kafka\",\n" + " \"\": \"kafkasink\",\n" + " \"\": \"" + kafkaServer.getBrokerListStr() + "\",\n" + " \"request.required.acks\": 1,\n" + " \"compression.codec\": \"snappy\",\n" + keyTopicMap + "\n" + "}"; // setup sinks, both old and new versions ObjectMapper jsonMapper = new DefaultObjectMapper(); jsonMapper.registerSubtypes(new NamedType(KafkaSink.class, "Kafka")); jsonMapper.setInjectableValues(new InjectableValues() { @Override public Object findInjectableValue(Object valueId, DeserializationContext ctxt, BeanProperty forProperty, Object beanInstance) { if (valueId.equals(KafkaRetentionPartitioner.class.getName())) { return new KafkaRetentionPartitioner(); } else { return null; } } }); KafkaSink sink1 = jsonMapper.readValue(description1, new TypeReference<Sink>(){}); KafkaSink sink2 = jsonMapper.readValue(description2, new TypeReference<Sink>(){});;; List<Sink> sinks = new ArrayList<Sink>(); sinks.add(sink1); sinks.add(sink2); // setup Kafka consumer (to read back messages) ConsumerConnector consumer = kafka.consumer.Consumer.createJavaConsumerConnector( createConsumerConfig("localhost:" + zk.getServerPort(), "gropuid")); Map<String, Integer> topicCountMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); topicCountMap.put(TOPIC_NAME_BACKWARD_COMPAT, 1); Map<String, List<KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]>>> consumerMap = consumer.createMessageStreams(topicCountMap); KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]> stream = consumerMap.get(TOPIC_NAME_BACKWARD_COMPAT).get(0); // Send 20 test message, using the old and new Kafka sinks. // Retrieve the messages and ensure that they are identical and sent to the same partition. Random rand = new Random(); int messageCount = 20; for (int i = 0; i < messageCount; ++i) { Map<String, Object> msgMap = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object>() .put("key", new Long( rand.nextLong() ) ) .put("value", "message:" + i).build(); // send message to both sinks for( Sink sink : sinks ){ sink.writeTo(new DefaultMessageContainer( new Message(TOPIC_NAME_BACKWARD_COMPAT, jsonMapper.writeValueAsBytes(msgMap)), jsonMapper)); } // read two copies of message back from Kafka and check that partitions and data match MessageAndMetadata<byte[], byte[]> msgAndMeta1 = stream.iterator().next(); MessageAndMetadata<byte[], byte[]> msgAndMeta2 = stream.iterator().next(); System.out.println( "iteration: "+i+" partition1: "+msgAndMeta1.partition() ); System.out.println( "iteration: "+i+" partition2: "+msgAndMeta2.partition() ); assertEquals(msgAndMeta1.partition(), msgAndMeta2.partition()); String msg1Str = new String( msgAndMeta1.message() ); String msg2Str = new String( msgAndMeta2.message() ); System.out.println( "iteration: "+i+" message1: "+msg1Str ); System.out.println( "iteration: "+i+" message2: "+msg2Str ); assertEquals(msg1Str, msg2Str); } // close sinks sink1.close(); sink2.close(); // close consumer try { stream.iterator().next(); fail(); // there should be no data left to consume } catch (ConsumerTimeoutException e) { //this is expected consumer.shutdown(); } } @Test public void testStartWithKafkaOutage() throws Throwable { String topicName = TOPIC_NAME + "kafkaoutage"; TopicCommand.createTopic(zk.getZkClient(), new TopicCommand.TopicCommandOptions(new String[]{ "--zookeeper", "dummy", "--create", "--topic", topicName, "--replication-factor", "2", "--partitions", "1"})); String[] brokerList = kafkaServer.getBrokerListStr().split(","); int port1 = Integer.parseInt(brokerList[0].split(":")[1]); int port2 = Integer.parseInt(brokerList[1].split(":")[1]); String description = "{\n" + " \"type\": \"kafka\",\n" + " \"\": \"kafkasink\",\n" + " \"bootstrap.servers\": \"" + kafkaServer.getBrokerListStr() + "\",\n" + " \"acks\": 1\n" + " }" + "}"; kafkaServer.shutdown(); final KafkaSink sink = jsonMapper.readValue(description, new TypeReference<Sink>(){});; final int msgCount = 10000; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); sink.setRecordCounterListener(new Action3<Long, Long, Long>() { @Override public void call(Long queued, Long sent, Long dropped) { if (sent == msgCount - sink.droppedRecords.get()) { latch.countDown(); } } }); sendMessages(topicName, sink, msgCount); kafkaServer.startServer(port1, port2); // running up assertTrue(latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); sendMessages(topicName, sink, msgCount); sink.close(); checkConsumer(topicName, 2 * msgCount - (int) sink.droppedRecords.get()); } @Test public void testRunningKafkaOutage() throws IOException, InterruptedException { String topicName1 = TOPIC_NAME + "kafkaoutage2"; final String topicName2 = TOPIC_NAME + "kafkaoutage3"; TopicCommand.createTopic(zk.getZkClient(), new TopicCommand.TopicCommandOptions(new String[]{ "--zookeeper", "dummy", "--create", "--topic", topicName1, "--replication-factor", "2", "--partitions", "1"})); TopicCommand.createTopic(zk.getZkClient(), new TopicCommand.TopicCommandOptions(new String[]{ "--zookeeper", "dummy", "--create", "--topic", topicName2, "--replication-factor", "2", "--partitions", "1"})); String[] brokerList = kafkaServer.getBrokerListStr().split(","); int port1 = Integer.parseInt(brokerList[0].split(":")[1]); int port2 = Integer.parseInt(brokerList[1].split(":")[1]); String description = "{\n" + " \"type\": \"kafka\",\n" + " \"\": \"kafkasink\",\n" + " \"bootstrap.servers\": \"" + kafkaServer.getBrokerListStr() + "\",\n" + " \"acks\": 1\n" + "}"; final KafkaSink sink = jsonMapper.readValue(description, new TypeReference<Sink>(){});; final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1); final int msgCount = 10000; sink.setRecordCounterListener(new Action3<Long, Long, Long>() { @Override public void call(Long queued, Long sent, Long dropped) { if (sent == msgCount - sink.droppedRecords.get()) { latch.countDown(); } } }); sendMessages(topicName1, sink, msgCount); assertTrue(latch.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); final int numSentForTopicName1 = msgCount - (int) sink.droppedRecords.get(); checkConsumer(topicName1, numSentForTopicName1); kafkaServer.shutdown(); sendMessages(topicName2, sink, msgCount); kafkaServer.startServer(port1, port2); final CountDownLatch latch2 = new CountDownLatch(1); final AtomicInteger numSent = new AtomicInteger(); sink.setRecordCounterListener(new Action3<Long, Long, Long>() { @Override public void call(Long queued, Long sent, Long dropped) { if (sent + dropped == 3 * msgCount) { numSent.set((int) (sent - numSentForTopicName1)); latch2.countDown(); } } }); sendMessages(topicName2, sink, msgCount); sink.close(); assertTrue(latch2.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); assertTrue(numSent.get() > 0); checkConsumer(topicName2, numSent.get()); } private void sendMessages(String topicName, KafkaSink sink, int msgCount) throws JsonProcessingException { for (int i = 0; i < msgCount; ++i) { Map<String, Object> msgMap = new ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object>() .put("key", Integer.toString(i)) .put("value", "message:" + i).build(); sink.writeTo(new DefaultMessageContainer( new Message(topicName, jsonMapper.writeValueAsBytes(msgMap)), jsonMapper)); } } private void checkConsumer(String topicName, int msgCount) throws IOException { ConsumerConnector consumer = kafka.consumer.Consumer.createJavaConsumerConnector( createConsumerConfig("localhost:" + zk.getServerPort(), "gropuid")); Map<String, Integer> topicCountMap = new HashMap<>(); topicCountMap.put(topicName, 1); Map<String, List<KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]>>> consumerMap = consumer.createMessageStreams(topicCountMap); KafkaStream<byte[], byte[]> stream = consumerMap.get(topicName).get(0); for (int i = 0; i < msgCount; ++i) { try { stream.iterator().next(); } catch (ConsumerTimeoutException e) { fail(String.format("%d messages are consumed among %d", i, msgCount)); } } try { stream.iterator().next(); fail(); } catch (ConsumerTimeoutException e) { //this is expected consumer.shutdown(); } } private static ConsumerConfig createConsumerConfig(String a_zookeeper, String a_groupId) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.put("zookeeper.connect", a_zookeeper); props.put("", a_groupId); props.put("", "40000"); props.put("", "20000"); props.put("", "1000"); props.put("auto.offset.reset", "smallest"); props.put("", "3000"); return new ConsumerConfig(props); } private byte[] extractMessage(List<MessageAndOffset> messageSet, int offset) { ByteBuffer bb = messageSet.get(offset).message().payload(); byte[] bytes = new byte[bb.remaining()]; bb.get(bytes, 0, bytes.length); return bytes; } public static TMessageSet createMessageSet(String topic, int numMsgs) { MessageSetBuilder builder = new MessageSetBuilder(new ClientConfig()).withCompression(Compression.LZF); for (int i = 0; i < numMsgs; ++i) { builder.withMessage(topic, ("testMessage" + i).getBytes()); } return; } public byte[] getBigData() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 900; ++i) { sb.append('a'); } return sb.toString().getBytes(); } }