package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized; import org.junit.runners.Parameterized.Parameters; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static*; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; @RunWith(Parameterized.class) public class SimpleMessageFilterParsingTest { private static final String TIME_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss:SSS"; private final static DateTime now =; @Parameters public static Collection<Object[]> data() { return Arrays.asList( new Object[][] { {0, stringComp, "root", "!=", "value", "!value", "value"}, {1, stringComp, "//a/b/c", "!=", "value", "!value", "value"}, {2, stringComp, "root", "=", "value", "value", "!value"}, {3, stringComp, "//a/b/c", "=", "value", "value", "!value"}, {4, numberComp, "root", "=", -5, -5, 4}, {5, numberComp, "//a/b/c/f", "!=", 10.11, 10.12, 10.11}, {6, numberComp, "root", ">", 5, 9, 5}, {7, numberComp, "root", ">", 5, 9, 4}, {8, numberComp, "//a/b/c/f", ">=", 134.12, 134.12, 133}, {9, numberComp, "root", ">", 134.12, 150, -100}, {10, numberComp, "//a/b/c/f", ">=", 134.12, 140, 100}, {11, numberComp, "root", "<", 5, 4, 5}, {12, numberComp, "root", "<", 5, 4, 9}, {13, numberComp, "//a/b/c/f", "<=", 134.12, 134.12, 190}, {14, numberComp, "//a/b/c/f", "<=", 134.12, 100, 190}, {15, between, "//a/b/cd", null, new Object[]{6, 10}, 6, 15}, {16, between, "//a/b/cd", null, new Object[]{6, 10}, 8, 15}, {17, between, "//a/b/cd", null, new Object[]{6, 10}, 8, 10}, {18, between, "//a/b/cd", null, new Object[]{6, 10}, 8, 15}, {19, between, "//a/b/cd", null, new Object[]{6, 10}, 8, 5}, {20, between, "//a/b/ef", null, new Object[]{ timeMillisNHoursAway(-3, TIME_FORMAT), timeMillisNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT) }, nHoursAway(0), nHoursAway(-4) }, {21, between, "//a/b/ef", null, new Object[]{ timeMillisNHoursAway(-3, TIME_FORMAT), timeMillisNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT) }, nHoursAway(-3), nHoursAway(3) }, {22, between, "//a/b/ef", null, new Object[]{ timeMillisNHoursAway(-3, TIME_FORMAT), timeMillisNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT) }, nHoursAway(2), nHoursAway(4) }, {23, between, "//a/b/ef", null, new Object[]{ timeStringNHoursAway(-3, TIME_FORMAT), timeStringNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT) }, nHoursAway(0, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(-4, TIME_FORMAT) }, {24, between, "//a/b/ef", null, new Object[]{ timeStringNHoursAway(-3, TIME_FORMAT), timeStringNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT) }, nHoursAway(-3, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT) }, {25, between, "//a/b/ef", null, new Object[]{ timeStringNHoursAway(-3, TIME_FORMAT), timeStringNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT) }, nHoursAway(2, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(4, TIME_FORMAT) }, {26, timeComp, "//a/b/ef", ">", timeStringNHoursAway(-3, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(0, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(-4, TIME_FORMAT) }, {27, timeComp, "//a/b/ef", "<", timeStringNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(0, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(4, TIME_FORMAT) }, {28, timeComp, "//a/b/ef", "=", timeStringNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(4, TIME_FORMAT) }, {29, timeComp, "//a/b/ef", "!=", timeStringNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(4, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT) }, {30, timeComp, "//a/b/ef", "<", timeMillisNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(0), nHoursAway(4) }, {31, timeComp, "//a/b/ef", ">", timeMillisNHoursAway(-3, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(0), nHoursAway(-4) }, {32, timeComp, "//a/b/ef", "<", timeMillisNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(0), nHoursAway(4) }, {33, timeComp, "//a/b/ef", "=", timeMillisNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(3), nHoursAway(4) }, {34, timeComp, "//a/b/ef", "!=", timeMillisNHoursAway(3, TIME_FORMAT), nHoursAway(0), nHoursAway(3) }, {35, isNull, "//a/b/c", null, null, null, "not null value"}, {36, regex, "//a/b/c", null, "[0-9]+", "1234234", "aaaaaaaaaa"}, {37, existsRight, "//a/b/c", "some value", null, "value", "whaever"}, {38, existsLeft, "//a/b/c", "some value", null, "value", "whaever"}, {39, trueValue, "//a/b/c", null, null, null, null}, {40, falseValue, "//a/b", null, null, null, null}, {41, inPred, "//a/b/c", null, new Object[]{ wrap("abc"), wrap("def"), wrap("foo"), wrap("123"), wrap("end") }, "foo", "bar" }, {41, inPred, "//a/b/c", null, new Object[]{ 123, 455, 1234.23, -1324, 23.0 }, 23.0, 100 } } ); } private static String wrap(String value){ return String.format("\"%s\"", value); } private static long nHoursAway(int n) { return now.plusHours(n).getMillis(); } private static String nHoursAway(int n, String format) { return DateTimeFormat.forPattern(format).print(nHoursAway(n)); } // Creates a time-millis that is n hours away from now private static String timeMillisNHoursAway(int n, String format) { return String.format( "time-millis(\"%s\", \"%s\")", format, nHoursAway(n, format)); } private static String timeStringNHoursAway(int n, String format) { return String.format( "time-string(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\")", format, format, nHoursAway(n, format)); } @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { } private int index; private FilterPredicate predicate; private String predicateString; private Object expectedValue; private Object unexpectedValue; private String xpath; public SimpleMessageFilterParsingTest( int index, FilterPredicate targetPredicate, String xpath, String operator, Object value, Object expected, Object unexpected ) { this.index = index; this.predicate = targetPredicate; this.xpath = xpath; this.predicateString = targetPredicate.create(xpath, operator, value); System.out.println(String.format("[%d] filter = %s", index, predicateString)); this.expectedValue = expected; this.unexpectedValue = unexpected; } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { } @Test public void testPredicate() throws Exception { try{ MessageFilter filter = MessageFilterCompiler.compile(predicateString); assertNotNull(filter); if(predicate != falseValue){ testPositiveMatch(filter); } if(predicate == trueValue){ return; } if(predicate == existsLeft || predicate == existsRight) { testNegativeExistsPredicate(filter); } else { testNegativeMatch(filter); } }catch(Exception e) { System.err.println(String.format("Failed input for test data [%d]: %s", index, predicateString)); throw e; } } private void testNegativeExistsPredicate(MessageFilter filter) { Object unexpectedEvent = createEvent("nonpath", unexpectedValue); assertEquals( String.format("The object is %s, should not match the filter %s for data set [%d]. Translated filter: %s", unexpectedEvent, predicateString, index, filter), false, filter.apply(unexpectedEvent)); } private void testNegativeMatch(MessageFilter filter) { Object unexpectedEvent = createEvent(xpath, unexpectedValue); assertEquals( String.format("The object is %s, should not match the filter %s for data set [%d]. Translated filter: %s", unexpectedEvent, predicateString, index, filter), false, filter.apply(unexpectedEvent)); } private void testPositiveMatch(MessageFilter filter) { Object expectedEvent = createEvent(xpath, expectedValue); assertEquals( String.format("The object is %s, should match the filter %s for data set [%d]. Translated filter: %s ", expectedEvent, predicateString, index, filter), true, filter.apply(expectedEvent)); } private static Object createEvent(String path, Object value) { List<String> steps = ImmutableList .copyOf(Splitter.on('/') .trimResults() .omitEmptyStrings() .split(path)); return createObjectWithPathAndValue(steps, value); } // Bypass JXPathContext#createPathAndValue() because it doesn't support context-dependent predicates private static Map<String, ? extends Object> createObjectWithPathAndValue(List<String> path, Object value) { if(path.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("There should be at least one step in the given path"); } if(path.size() == 1) { // We want to allow null values, so we don't use ImmutableMap.of() here. Map<String, ? super Object> map = Maps.newHashMap(); map.put(path.get(0), value); return map; } Map<String, ? extends Object> child = createObjectWithPathAndValue(path.subList(1, path.size()), value); return ImmutableMap.of(path.get(0), child); } }