package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; /** * Asynchronous sink would have the internal buffer to return on * {@link Sink#writeTo(} method. * Implementing asynchronous sink can be done by simply extending this class * and initialize itself with {@link MessageQueue4Sink}. This is extending * {@link Thread} and its start() method should be called. * * @author jbae */ public abstract class QueuedSink extends Thread { protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QueuedSink.class); private long lastBatch = System.currentTimeMillis(); protected volatile boolean isRunning = false; private volatile boolean isStopped = false; public static int MAX_PENDING_MESSAGES_TO_PAUSE = 1000000; // not final for the test @VisibleForTesting protected MessageQueue4Sink queue4Sink; private int batchSize; private int batchTimeout; private String sinkId; protected Meter throughput; private boolean pauseOnLongQueue; // make queue occupied more than half, then should be paused // if throughput is too small at the beginning, pause can be too big // so, setting up minimum threshold as 1 message per millisecond public long checkPause() { if (pauseOnLongQueue && (getNumOfPendingMessages() > queue4Sink.remainingCapacity() || getNumOfPendingMessages() > MAX_PENDING_MESSAGES_TO_PAUSE)) { double throughputRate = Math.max(throughput.meanRate(), 1.0); return (long) (getNumOfPendingMessages() / throughputRate); } else { return 0; } } public String getSinkId() { return sinkId; } protected void initialize( String sinkId, MessageQueue4Sink queue4Sink, int batchSize, int batchTimeout, boolean pauseOnLongQueue) { this.sinkId = sinkId; this.queue4Sink = queue4Sink; this.batchSize = batchSize == 0 ? 1000 : batchSize; this.batchTimeout = batchTimeout == 0 ? 1000 : batchTimeout; this.pauseOnLongQueue = pauseOnLongQueue; throughput = new Meter(MonitorConfig.builder(sinkId + "_throughput_meter").build()); } protected void initialize(MessageQueue4Sink queue4Sink, int batchSize, int batchTimeout) { initialize("empty_sink_id", queue4Sink, batchSize, batchTimeout, false); } @VisibleForTesting protected AtomicLong droppedMessagesCount = new AtomicLong(0); protected void enqueue(Message message) { if (!queue4Sink.offer(message)) { droppedMessagesCount.incrementAndGet(); DynamicCounter.increment( MonitorConfig.builder(TagKey.DROPPED_COUNT) .withTag("reason", "queueFull") .withTag("sink", sinkId) .build()); } } @Override public void run() { isRunning = true; List<Message> msgList = new LinkedList<>(); while (isRunning || !msgList.isEmpty()) { try { beforePolling(); boolean full = (msgList.size() >= batchSize); boolean expired = false; if (!full) { Message msg = queue4Sink.poll( Math.max(0, lastBatch + batchTimeout - System.currentTimeMillis()), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); expired = (msg == null); if (!expired) { msgList.add(msg); queue4Sink.drain(batchSize - msgList.size(), msgList); } } full = (msgList.size() >= batchSize); if (expired || full) { if (msgList.size() > 0) { write(msgList); msgList.clear(); } lastBatch = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("Thrown on running: " + e.getMessage(), e); droppedMessagesCount.addAndGet(msgList.size()); DynamicCounter.increment( MonitorConfig.builder(TagKey.DROPPED_COUNT) .withTag("reason", "sinkException") .withTag("sink", sinkId) .build(), msgList.size()); msgList.clear(); // drop messages, otherwise, it will retry forever } }"Shutdown request exit loop ..., queue.size at exit time: " + queue4Sink.size()); try { while (!queue4Sink.isEmpty()) { if (queue4Sink.drain(batchSize, msgList) > 0) { write(msgList); msgList.clear(); } }"Shutdown request internalClose done ..."); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Exception on terminating: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { isStopped = true; } } public void close() { isRunning = false;"Starting to close and set isRunning to false"); do { try { Thread.sleep(500); isRunning = false; } catch (Exception ignored) { log.error("ignoring an exception on close"); } } while (!isStopped); try { queue4Sink.close(); innerClose(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore exceptions when closing log.error("Exception while closing: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally {"close finished"); } } /** * Some preparation job before polling messages from the queue * * @throws IOException */ abstract protected void beforePolling() throws IOException; /** * Actual writing to the sink * * @param msgList * @throws IOException */ abstract protected void write(List<Message> msgList) throws IOException; /** * Actual close implementation * * @throws IOException */ abstract protected void innerClose() throws IOException; @Monitor(name = "numOfPendingMessages", type = DataSourceType.GAUGE) public long getNumOfPendingMessages() { return queue4Sink.size(); } }