package; import static java.lang.String.format; import java.math.BigDecimal; import squill.alias.Alias; import squill.functions.Operations; import squill.query.Expression; import squill.query.orderby.OrderByElement; import squill.query.where.WhereExpression; import squill.util.StringUtil; import squill.util.ToString; /** * All fields extend this class. * * @param <FIELD> Field type */ public class Column<FIELD, TABLE> extends BaseSelectExpression<FIELD> { private final ReadableTable<TABLE> table; private final String columnName; private final Alias fieldAlias; private final String modelSetterName; private final String modelGetterName; private final String propertyName; private final Class<FIELD> resultType; private FIELD value; public static final ToString<Column> GET_COLUMN_NAME = new ToString<Column>() { public String toString(Column column) { return column.getColumnName(); } }; public static final ToString<Column> GET_NAME = new ToString<Column>() { public String toString(Column column) { return column.getColumnNameWithTableSql(); } }; public static final ToString<Column> GET_SQL_STRING = new ToString<Column>() { public String toString(final Column column) { return column.getDefaultSql(); } }; public Column(String columnName, Class<FIELD> resultType, String propertyName, ReadableTable<TABLE> table) { this.fieldAlias = Alias.newColumnAlias(); this.columnName = columnName; this.resultType = resultType; this.propertyName = propertyName; this.table = table; final String capitalizedPropertyName = StringUtil.capitalize(propertyName); this.modelSetterName = "set" + capitalizedPropertyName; this.modelGetterName = "get" + capitalizedPropertyName; } @Override public String getDefaultSql() { return getColumnNameWithTableSql(); } public String getColumnAsAliasSql() { return format("%s AS %s", getDefaultSql(), getAlias()); } public Class<FIELD> getTableType() { return resultType; } public String getColumnName() { return columnName; } public String getColumnNameWithTableSql() { return format("%s.%s", table.getAlias(), columnName); } public String getAlias() { return table.getAlias() + fieldAlias.resolve(getContext()); } // get the field name of model object // this can be set by constructor or lazily found out on first call public String getModelSetterName() { return modelSetterName; } String getModelGetterName() { return modelGetterName; } public ReadableTable<TABLE> getTable() { return table; } public void set(FIELD value) { this.value = value; } public FIELD get() { return this.value; } public String getPropertyName() { return propertyName; } /** * Like */ public WhereExpression like(Expression<FIELD> exp) { return, exp); } /** * Like */ public WhereExpression like(FIELD value) { return, value); } /** * Equal to */ public WhereExpression eq(Expression<FIELD> exp) { return Operations.eq(this, exp); } /** * Equal to */ public WhereExpression eq(FIELD value) { return Operations.eq(this, value); } /** * In */ public WhereExpression in(FIELD... values) { return, values); } /** * Not equal to */ public WhereExpression ne(Expression<FIELD> exp) { return, exp); } /** * Not equal to */ public WhereExpression ne(FIELD value) { return, value); } /** * Less than */ public WhereExpression lt(Expression<FIELD> exp) { return, exp); } /** * Less than */ public WhereExpression lt(FIELD value) { return, value); } /** * Greater than */ public WhereExpression gt(Expression<FIELD> exp) { return, exp); } /** * Greater than */ public WhereExpression gt(FIELD value) { return, value); } /** * Greater than or equal to */ public WhereExpression ge(Expression<FIELD> exp) { return, exp); } /** * Greater than or equal to */ public WhereExpression ge(FIELD value) { return, value); } /** * Less than or equal to */ public WhereExpression le(Expression<FIELD> exp) { return Operations.le(this, exp); } /** * Less than or equal to */ public WhereExpression le(FIELD value) { return Operations.le(this, value); } public <A extends Number, B extends Number> SelectExpression<BigDecimal> add(Expression<B> exp) { return Operations.add((Expression<A>) this, exp); } public <A extends Number, B extends Number> SelectExpression<BigDecimal> add(B val) { return Operations.add((Expression<A>) this, val); } public OrderByElement<FIELD> asc() { return Operations.asc(this); } public OrderByElement<FIELD> desc() { return Operations.desc(this); } public WhereExpression not() { return Operations.not(this); } public WhereExpression notNull() { return Operations.notNull(this); } public WhereExpression isNull() { return Operations.isNull(this); } }