package squill.functions; import static squill.functions.OperationsHelper.expressionOrConstant; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import squill.query.Expression; import squill.query.JoinType; import squill.query.cud.InsertCruElement; import squill.query.cud.InsertFieldElement; import squill.query.cud.UpdateCruElement; import squill.query.cud.UpdateFieldElement; import squill.query.from.JoinElement; import squill.query.orderby.OrderByElement; import; import; import; import squill.query.where.WhereExpression; /** * Helper methods for creating expressions. * <p/> * These methods should be used by static imports. */ public class Operations { public static <T> SelectExpression<T> unchecked(String alias, Class<T> type, final String sql, final Object... args) { return OperationsHelper.unchecked(alias, type, sql, args); } public static <T> SelectExpression<T> unchecked(Class<T> type, final String sql, final Object... args) { return OperationsHelper.unchecked(type,sql,args); } public static <T> SelectExpression<T> unchecked(Class<T> type, final String sql) { return OperationsHelper.unchecked(type,sql); } public static <T> SelectExpression<T> constant(T value) { return OperationsHelper.constant(value); } public static <T> SelectExpression<T> param(String name,Class<T> type) { return OperationsHelper.param(name,type); } public static SelectExpression<Object> param(String name) { return OperationsHelper.param(name,Object.class); } public static <T> SelectExpression<T> literal(T value) { return OperationsHelper.literal(value); } public static WhereExpression or(WhereExpression... exps) { return OperationsHelper.multiBooleanOperator(" OR ", exps); } public static WhereExpression and(WhereExpression... exps) { return OperationsHelper.multiBooleanOperator(" AND ", exps); } public static <T> WhereExpression not(Expression<T> exp1) { return OperationsHelper.unaryPrefixBooleanOperator(exp1, " not "); } public static <T> WhereExpression not(T val) { return OperationsHelper.unaryPrefixBooleanOperator(constant(val), " not "); } public static <T> WhereExpression notNull(Expression<T> exp1) { return OperationsHelper.unaryPostfixBooleanOperator(exp1, " is not null "); } public static <T> WhereExpression isNull(Expression<T> exp1) { return OperationsHelper.unaryPostfixBooleanOperator(exp1, " is null "); } /** * Equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression eq(Expression<T> exp1, Expression<T> exp2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp1, " = ", exp2); } /** * Equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression eq(Expression<T> exp, T val) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp, " = ", constant(val)); } /** * Equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression eq(T val, Expression<T> exp) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(constant(val), " = ", exp); } /** * Equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression eq(T val1, T val2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(expressionOrConstant(val1), " = ", expressionOrConstant(val2)); } /** * In */ public static <T> WhereExpression in(T exp, T...values) { final Collection<Expression<T>> expressions=new ArrayList<Expression<T>>(values.length+1); expressions.add(expressionOrConstant(exp)); for (T value : values) { expressions.add(expressionOrConstant(value)); } return OperationsHelper.inOperation(expressions); } /** * Like */ public static <T> WhereExpression like(Expression<T> exp1, Expression<T> exp2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp1, " like ", exp2); } /** * Like */ public static <T> WhereExpression like(Expression<T> exp, T value) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp, " like ", constant(value)); } /** * Like */ public static <T> WhereExpression like(T value, Expression<T> exp) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(constant(value), " like ", exp); } /** * Less than */ public static <T> WhereExpression lt(Expression<T> exp1, Expression<T> exp2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp1, " < ", exp2); } /** * Less than */ public static <T> WhereExpression lt(Expression<T> exp, T value) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp, " < ", constant(value)); } /** * Less than */ public static <T> WhereExpression lt(T value, Expression<T> exp) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(constant(value), " < ", exp); } /** * Greater than */ public static <T> WhereExpression gt(Expression<T> exp1, Expression<T> exp2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp1, " > ", exp2); } /** * Greater than */ public static <T> WhereExpression gt(Expression<T> exp, T value) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp, " > ", constant(value)); } /** * Greater than */ public static <T> WhereExpression gt(T value, Expression<T> exp) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(constant(value), " > ", exp); } /** * Greater than - Double to BigDecimal conversion */ public static <T> WhereExpression gt(Expression<BigDecimal> exp, Double value) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp, " > ", constant(new BigDecimal(value))); } /** * Not equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression ne(Expression<T> exp1, Expression<T> exp2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp1, " <> ", exp2); } /** * Not equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression ne(Expression<T> exp, T value) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp, " <> ", constant(value)); } /** * Not equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression ne(T value, Expression<T> exp) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(constant(value), " <> ", exp); } /** * Greater than or equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression ge(Expression<T> exp1, Expression<T> exp2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp1, " >= ", exp2); } /** * Greater than or equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression ge(Expression<T> exp, T value) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp, " >= ", constant(value)); } /** * Greater than or equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression ge(T value, Expression<T> exp) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(constant(value), " >= ", exp); } /** * Less than or equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression le(Expression<T> exp1, Expression<T> exp2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp1, " <= ", exp2); } /** * Less than or equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression le(Expression<T> exp, T value) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(exp, " <= ", constant(value)); } /** * Less than or equal to */ public static <T> WhereExpression le(T value, Expression<T> exp) { return OperationsHelper.binaryBooleanOperator(constant(value), " <= ", exp); } public static <A extends Number, B extends Number> SelectExpression<BigDecimal> add(Expression<A> exp1, Expression<B> exp2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryOperator(BigDecimal.class, " + ", exp1, exp2); } public static <A extends Number, B extends Number> SelectExpression<BigDecimal> add(Expression<A> exp, B val) { return OperationsHelper.binaryOperator(BigDecimal.class, " + ", exp, constant(val)); } public static <A extends Number, B extends Number> SelectExpression<BigDecimal> add(A val, Expression<B> exp) { return OperationsHelper.binaryOperator(BigDecimal.class, " + ", constant(val), exp); } /** * Returns UncheckedExpr because this can be used in insert! */ public static <A extends Number, B extends Number> SelectExpression<BigDecimal> add(A val, B val2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryOperator(BigDecimal.class, " + ", constant(val), constant(val2)); } /** * Standard: a || b. MSSQL: + MySQL: CONCAT(,) */ public static <A, B> SelectExpression<String> concat(Expression<A> exp1, Expression<B> exp2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryOperator(String.class, " || ", exp1, exp2); } public static <A, B> SelectExpression<String> concat(Expression<A> exp, B val) { return OperationsHelper.binaryOperator(String.class, " || ", exp, constant(val)); } public static <A, B> SelectExpression<String> concat(A val, Expression<B> exp) { return OperationsHelper.binaryOperator(String.class, " || ", constant(val), exp); } public static <A, B, C> SelectExpression<String> concat(Expression<A> exp1, C val, Expression<B> exp2) { return OperationsHelper.binaryOperator(String.class, " || ", expressionOrConstant(exp1), OperationsHelper.binaryOperator(String.class, " || ", literal(val), expressionOrConstant(exp2))); } // standard coalesce, Oracle: nvl public static <T extends Number> SelectExpression<T> nvl(SelectExpression<T> exp1, SelectExpression<T> exp2) { return OperationsHelper.nvl(exp1.getTableType(), exp1, exp2); } public static <T extends Number> SelectExpression<T> nvl(SelectExpression<T> exp, T val) { return OperationsHelper.nvl(exp.getTableType(), exp, constant(val)); } public static <T extends Number> SelectExpression<T> nvl(T val, SelectExpression<T> exp) { return OperationsHelper.nvl(exp.getTableType(), constant(val), exp); } public static <FIELD, TABLE> UpdateFieldElement<TABLE> updateElement( Column<FIELD, TABLE> field, SelectExpression<FIELD> newValue) { return new UpdateFieldElement<TABLE>(field, newValue); } public static <FIELD, TABLE> UpdateFieldElement<TABLE> updateElement( Column<FIELD, TABLE> field, FIELD newValueRaw) { return new UpdateFieldElement<TABLE>(field, constant(newValueRaw)); } public static <FIELD, TABLE> UpdateCruElement<TABLE> updateElement( ReadableTable<TABLE> cru, TABLE newValue) { return new UpdateCruElement<TABLE>(cru, newValue); } public static <FIELD, TABLE> InsertFieldElement<TABLE> insertElement( Column<FIELD, TABLE> field, SelectExpression<FIELD> newValue) { return new InsertFieldElement<TABLE>(field, newValue); } // thesis:label=insertElement public static <FIELD, TABLE> InsertFieldElement<TABLE> insertElement(Column<FIELD, TABLE> field, FIELD newValue) { return new InsertFieldElement<TABLE> (field, newValue); } public static <TABLE> InsertCruElement<TABLE> insertElement(ReadableTable<TABLE> field, TABLE modelObj) { return new InsertCruElement<TABLE>(field, modelObj); } // Order by a field using default order public static <FIELD> OrderByElement<FIELD> asc(Column<FIELD, ?> field) { return ascOrDesc(field, true); } // Order by public static <FIELD> OrderByElement<FIELD> desc(Column<FIELD, ?> field) { return ascOrDesc(field, false); } public static <FIELD> OrderByElement<FIELD> ascOrDesc(Column<FIELD, ?> field, boolean ascendingly) { return new OrderByElement<FIELD>(field, ascendingly); } public static <RETURNTYPE> OrderByElement<RETURNTYPE> asc(SelectExpression<RETURNTYPE> uncheckedExpr) { return ascOrDesc(uncheckedExpr, true); } public static <RETURNTYPE> OrderByElement<RETURNTYPE> desc(SelectExpression<RETURNTYPE> uncheckedExpr) { return ascOrDesc(uncheckedExpr, false); } public static <RETURNTYPE> OrderByElement<RETURNTYPE> ascOrDesc(SelectExpression<RETURNTYPE> uncheckedExpr, boolean ascendingly) { return new OrderByElement<RETURNTYPE>(uncheckedExpr, ascendingly); } // Different types of joins public static <FIELD, TABLE> JoinElement<FIELD, TABLE> join (ReadableTable<TABLE> table, Column<FIELD, TABLE> onField1, Column<FIELD, ?> onField2) { return new JoinElement<FIELD, TABLE>(table, onField1, onField2, JoinType.INNER); } public static <FIELD, TABLE> JoinElement<FIELD, TABLE> rightJoin( ReadableTable<TABLE> table, Column<FIELD, TABLE> onField1, Column<FIELD, ?> onField2) { return new JoinElement<FIELD, TABLE>(table, onField1, onField2, JoinType.RIGHT); } public static <FIELD, TABLE> JoinElement<FIELD, TABLE> leftJoin( ReadableTable<TABLE> table, Column<FIELD, TABLE> onField1, Column<FIELD, ?> onField2) { return new JoinElement<FIELD, TABLE>(table, onField1, onField2, JoinType.LEFT); } }