package; import squill.Squill; import; import; import; import squill.query.from.OrmJoin; import squill.query.JoinType; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import static java.lang.String.format; import static squill.functions.Operations.*; /** * This class was generated automatically by SquillGen. * Do not edit anything in this class. Your changes will be lost after the SquillGen runs again. */ public class PetData extends org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Pet implements squill.WritableDataObject { private java.lang.Integer ownerId; private java.lang.Integer typeId; public PetData() { super(); } public PetData(org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Pet model) { this.setName(model.getName()); this.setBirthDate(model.getBirthDate()); this.setId(model.getId()); } public static List<org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Pet> fromDataList(Collection<PetData> col) { List<org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Pet> result = new ArrayList<org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Pet>(); for (PetData item : col) { result.add(item); } return result; } public static List<PetData> toDataList(Collection<org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Pet> col) { List<PetData> result = new ArrayList<PetData>(); for (org.springframework.samples.petclinic.Pet item : col) { result.add(new PetData(item)); } return result; } public java.lang.Integer getOwnerId() { return ownerId; } public void setOwnerId(java.lang.Integer ownerId) { this.ownerId = ownerId; } public java.lang.Integer getTypeId() { return typeId; } public void setTypeId(java.lang.Integer typeId) { this.typeId = typeId; } public static PetData get(Squill squill, java.lang.Integer id) { PetTable t = new PetTable(); return squill.from(t).where(eq(, id)).select(t); } public void update(Squill squill) { PetTable t = new PetTable(); squill .update(t) .where(eq(, getId())) .set( updateElement(t.ownerId, getOwnerId()), updateElement(, getName()), updateElement(t.birthDate, getBirthDate()), updateElement(t.typeId, getTypeId())); } public void insert(Squill squill) { PetTable t = new PetTable(); squill .insert(t) .values( insertElement(t.ownerId, getOwnerId()), insertElement(, getName()), insertElement(t.birthDate, getBirthDate()), insertElement(, unchecked(java.lang.Integer.class, "null")), insertElement(t.typeId, getTypeId())); } public void delete(Squill squill) { PetTable t = new PetTable(); squill .delete(t) .where(eq(, getId())); } public static class PetTable extends WritableTable<PetData> { @Override public String getTableName() { return "pets"; } @Override public Class<PetData> getTableType() { return PetData.class; } public PetTable() { } public PetTable(String alias) { super(alias); } public final Column<java.lang.Integer, PetData> ownerId = new Column<java.lang.Integer, PetData>("OWNER_ID", java.lang.Integer.class, "ownerId", this); public final Column<java.lang.String, PetData> name = new Column<java.lang.String, PetData>("NAME", java.lang.String.class, "name", this); public final Column<java.util.Date, PetData> birthDate = new Column<java.util.Date, PetData>("BIRTH_DATE", java.util.Date.class, "birthDate", this); public final Column<java.lang.Integer, PetData> id = new Column<java.lang.Integer, PetData>("ID", java.lang.Integer.class, "id", this); public final Column<java.lang.Integer, PetData> typeId = new Column<java.lang.Integer, PetData>("TYPE_ID", java.lang.Integer.class, "typeId", this); private class PetTypeTableByTypeId extends PetTypeData.PetTypeTable implements OrmJoin { public ReadableTable getTable() { return PetTypeTableByTypeId.this; } public Column<?, ?> getSource() { return PetTable.this.typeId; } public Column<?, ?> getTarget() { return; } public JoinType getJoinType() { return JoinType.INNER; } public boolean isJoin() { return true; } }; private PetTypeData.PetTypeTable petType; public PetTypeData.PetTypeTable petType() { if (petType == null){ petType = new PetTypeTableByTypeId(); } return petType; } private class OwnerTableByOwnerId extends OwnerData.OwnerTable implements OrmJoin { public ReadableTable getTable() { return OwnerTableByOwnerId.this; } public Column<?, ?> getSource() { return PetTable.this.ownerId; } public Column<?, ?> getTarget() { return; } public JoinType getJoinType() { return JoinType.INNER; } public boolean isJoin() { return true; } }; private OwnerData.OwnerTable owner; public OwnerData.OwnerTable owner() { if (owner == null){ owner = new OwnerTableByOwnerId(); } return owner; } } }