/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this * work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF * licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.zebra.tfile; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.DataOutput; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.apache.hadoop.io.Text; /** * Supporting Utility classes used by TFile, and shared by users of TFile. */ public final class Utils { /** * Prevent the instantiation of Utils. */ private Utils() { // nothing } /** * Encoding an integer into a variable-length encoding format. Synonymous to * <code>Utils#writeVLong(out, n)</code>. * * @param out * output stream * @param n * The integer to be encoded * @throws IOException * @see Utils#writeVLong(DataOutput, long) */ public static void writeVInt(DataOutput out, int n) throws IOException { writeVLong(out, n); } /** * Encoding a Long integer into a variable-length encoding format. * <ul> * <li>if n in [-32, 127): encode in one byte with the actual value. * Otherwise, * <li>if n in [-20*2^8, 20*2^8): encode in two bytes: byte[0] = n/256 - 52; * byte[1]=n&0xff. Otherwise, * <li>if n IN [-16*2^16, 16*2^16): encode in three bytes: byte[0]=n/2^16 - * 88; byte[1]=(n>>8)&0xff; byte[2]=n&0xff. Otherwise, * <li>if n in [-8*2^24, 8*2^24): encode in four bytes: byte[0]=n/2^24 - 112; * byte[1] = (n>>16)&0xff; byte[2] = (n>>8)&0xff; byte[3]=n&0xff. Otherwise: * <li>if n in [-2^31, 2^31): encode in five bytes: byte[0]=-125; byte[1] = * (n>>24)&0xff; byte[2]=(n>>16)&0xff; byte[3]=(n>>8)&0xff; byte[4]=n&0xff; * <li>if n in [-2^39, 2^39): encode in six bytes: byte[0]=-124; byte[1] = * (n>>32)&0xff; byte[2]=(n>>24)&0xff; byte[3]=(n>>16)&0xff; * byte[4]=(n>>8)&0xff; byte[5]=n&0xff * <li>if n in [-2^47, 2^47): encode in seven bytes: byte[0]=-123; byte[1] = * (n>>40)&0xff; byte[2]=(n>>32)&0xff; byte[3]=(n>>24)&0xff; * byte[4]=(n>>16)&0xff; byte[5]=(n>>8)&0xff; byte[6]=n&0xff; * <li>if n in [-2^55, 2^55): encode in eight bytes: byte[0]=-122; byte[1] = * (n>>48)&0xff; byte[2] = (n>>40)&0xff; byte[3]=(n>>32)&0xff; * byte[4]=(n>>24)&0xff; byte[5]=(n>>16)&0xff; byte[6]=(n>>8)&0xff; * byte[7]=n&0xff; * <li>if n in [-2^63, 2^63): encode in nine bytes: byte[0]=-121; byte[1] = * (n>>54)&0xff; byte[2] = (n>>48)&0xff; byte[3] = (n>>40)&0xff; * byte[4]=(n>>32)&0xff; byte[5]=(n>>24)&0xff; byte[6]=(n>>16)&0xff; * byte[7]=(n>>8)&0xff; byte[8]=n&0xff; * </ul> * * @param out * output stream * @param n * the integer number * @throws IOException */ @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") public static void writeVLong(DataOutput out, long n) throws IOException { if ((n < 128) && (n >= -32)) { out.writeByte((int) n); return; } long un = (n < 0) ? ~n : n; // how many bytes do we need to represent the number with sign bit? int len = (Long.SIZE - Long.numberOfLeadingZeros(un)) / 8 + 1; int firstByte = (int) (n >> ((len - 1) * 8)); switch (len) { case 1: // fall it through to firstByte==-1, len=2. firstByte >>= 8; case 2: if ((firstByte < 20) && (firstByte >= -20)) { out.writeByte(firstByte - 52); out.writeByte((int) n); return; } // fall it through to firstByte==0/-1, len=3. firstByte >>= 8; case 3: if ((firstByte < 16) && (firstByte >= -16)) { out.writeByte(firstByte - 88); out.writeShort((int) n); return; } // fall it through to firstByte==0/-1, len=4. firstByte >>= 8; case 4: if ((firstByte < 8) && (firstByte >= -8)) { out.writeByte(firstByte - 112); out.writeShort(((int) n) >>> 8); out.writeByte((int) n); return; } out.writeByte(len - 129); out.writeInt((int) n); return; case 5: out.writeByte(len - 129); out.writeInt((int) (n >>> 8)); out.writeByte((int) n); return; case 6: out.writeByte(len - 129); out.writeInt((int) (n >>> 16)); out.writeShort((int) n); return; case 7: out.writeByte(len - 129); out.writeInt((int) (n >>> 24)); out.writeShort((int) (n >>> 8)); out.writeByte((int) n); return; case 8: out.writeByte(len - 129); out.writeLong(n); return; default: throw new RuntimeException("Internel error"); } } /** * Decoding the variable-length integer. Synonymous to * <code>(int)Utils#readVLong(in)</code>. * * @param in * input stream * @return the decoded integer * @throws IOException * * @see Utils#readVLong(DataInput) */ public static int readVInt(DataInput in) throws IOException { long ret = readVLong(in); if ((ret > Integer.MAX_VALUE) || (ret < Integer.MIN_VALUE)) { throw new RuntimeException( "Number too large to be represented as Integer"); } return (int) ret; } /** * Decoding the variable-length integer. Suppose the value of the first byte * is FB, and the following bytes are NB[*]. * <ul> * <li>if (FB >= -32), return (long)FB; * <li>if (FB in [-72, -33]), return (FB+52)<<8 + NB[0]&0xff; * <li>if (FB in [-104, -73]), return (FB+88)<<16 + (NB[0]&0xff)<<8 + * NB[1]&0xff; * <li>if (FB in [-120, -105]), return (FB+112)<<24 + (NB[0]&0xff)<<16 + * (NB[1]&0xff)<<8 + NB[2]&0xff; * <li>if (FB in [-128, -121]), return interpret NB[FB+129] as a signed * big-endian integer. * * @param in * input stream * @return the decoded long integer. * @throws IOException */ public static long readVLong(DataInput in) throws IOException { int firstByte = in.readByte(); if (firstByte >= -32) { return firstByte; } switch ((firstByte + 128) / 8) { case 11: case 10: case 9: case 8: case 7: return ((firstByte + 52) << 8) | in.readUnsignedByte(); case 6: case 5: case 4: case 3: return ((firstByte + 88) << 16) | in.readUnsignedShort(); case 2: case 1: return ((firstByte + 112) << 24) | (in.readUnsignedShort() << 8) | in.readUnsignedByte(); case 0: int len = firstByte + 129; switch (len) { case 4: return in.readInt(); case 5: return ((long) in.readInt()) << 8 | in.readUnsignedByte(); case 6: return ((long) in.readInt()) << 16 | in.readUnsignedShort(); case 7: return ((long) in.readInt()) << 24 | (in.readUnsignedShort() << 8) | in.readUnsignedByte(); case 8: return in.readLong(); default: throw new IOException("Corrupted VLong encoding"); } default: throw new RuntimeException("Internal error"); } } /** * Write a String as a VInt n, followed by n Bytes as in Text format. * * @param out * @param s * @throws IOException */ public static void writeString(DataOutput out, String s) throws IOException { if (s != null) { Text text = new Text(s); byte[] buffer = text.getBytes(); int len = text.getLength(); writeVInt(out, len); out.write(buffer, 0, len); } else { writeVInt(out, -1); } } /** * Read a String as a VInt n, followed by n Bytes in Text format. * * @param in * The input stream. * @return The string * @throws IOException */ public static String readString(DataInput in) throws IOException { int length = readVInt(in); if (length == -1) return null; byte[] buffer = new byte[length]; in.readFully(buffer); return Text.decode(buffer); } /** * A generic Version class. We suggest applications built on top of TFile use * this class to maintain version information in their meta blocks. * * A version number consists of a major version and a minor version. The * suggested usage of major and minor version number is to increment major * version number when the new storage format is not backward compatible, and * increment the minor version otherwise. */ public static final class Version implements Comparable<Version> { private final short major; private final short minor; /** * Construct the Version object by reading from the input stream. * * @param in * input stream * @throws IOException */ public Version(DataInput in) throws IOException { major = in.readShort(); minor = in.readShort(); } /** * Constructor. * * @param major * major version. * @param minor * minor version. */ public Version(short major, short minor) { this.major = major; this.minor = minor; } /** * Write the objec to a DataOutput. The serialized format of the Version is * major version followed by minor version, both as big-endian short * integers. * * @param out * The DataOutput object. * @throws IOException */ public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { out.writeShort(major); out.writeShort(minor); } /** * Get the major version. * * @return Major version. */ public int getMajor() { return major; } /** * Get the minor version. * * @return The minor version. */ public int getMinor() { return minor; } /** * Get the size of the serialized Version object. * * @return serialized size of the version object. */ public static int size() { return (Short.SIZE + Short.SIZE) / Byte.SIZE; } /** * Return a string representation of the version. */ @Override public String toString() { return new StringBuilder("v").append(major).append(".").append(minor) .toString(); } /** * Test compatibility. * * @param other * The Version object to test compatibility with. * @return true if both versions have the same major version number; false * otherwise. */ public boolean compatibleWith(Version other) { return major == other.major; } /** * Compare this version with another version. */ @Override public int compareTo(Version that) { if (major != that.major) { return major - that.major; } return minor - that.minor; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { if (this == other) return true; if (!(other instanceof Version)) return false; return compareTo((Version) other) == 0; } @Override public int hashCode() { return (major << 16 + minor); } } /** * Lower bound binary search. Find the index to the first element in the list * that compares greater than or equal to key. * * @param <T> * Type of the input key. * @param list * The list * @param key * The input key. * @param cmp * Comparator for the key. * @return The index to the desired element if it exists; or list.size() * otherwise. */ public static <T> int lowerBound(List<? extends T> list, T key, Comparator<? super T> cmp) { int low = 0; int high = list.size(); while (low < high) { int mid = (low + high) >>> 1; T midVal = list.get(mid); int ret = cmp.compare(midVal, key); if (ret < 0) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } return low; } /** * Upper bound binary search. Find the index to the first element in the list * that compares greater than the input key. * * @param <T> * Type of the input key. * @param list * The list * @param key * The input key. * @param cmp * Comparator for the key. * @return The index to the desired element if it exists; or list.size() * otherwise. */ public static <T> int upperBound(List<? extends T> list, T key, Comparator<? super T> cmp) { int low = 0; int high = list.size(); while (low < high) { int mid = (low + high) >>> 1; T midVal = list.get(mid); int ret = cmp.compare(midVal, key); if (ret <= 0) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } return low; } /** * Lower bound binary search. Find the index to the first element in the list * that compares greater than or equal to key. * * @param <T> * Type of the input key. * @param list * The list * @param key * The input key. * @return The index to the desired element if it exists; or list.size() * otherwise. */ public static <T> int lowerBound(List<? extends Comparable<? super T>> list, T key) { int low = 0; int high = list.size(); while (low < high) { int mid = (low + high) >>> 1; Comparable<? super T> midVal = list.get(mid); int ret = midVal.compareTo(key); if (ret < 0) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } return low; } /** * Upper bound binary search. Find the index to the first element in the list * that compares greater than the input key. * * @param <T> * Type of the input key. * @param list * The list * @param key * The input key. * @return The index to the desired element if it exists; or list.size() * otherwise. */ public static <T> int upperBound(List<? extends Comparable<? super T>> list, T key) { int low = 0; int high = list.size(); while (low < high) { int mid = (low + high) >>> 1; Comparable<? super T> midVal = list.get(mid); int ret = midVal.compareTo(key); if (ret <= 0) low = mid + 1; else high = mid; } return low; } }