/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this * work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF * licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package org.apache.hadoop.zebra.mapred; import java.io.DataInput; import java.io.DataOutput; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.StringReader; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.PathFilter; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.io.BytesWritable; import org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.tfile.RawComparable; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileInputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.FileSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InvalidInputException; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.RecordReader; import org.apache.hadoop.mapred.Reporter; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.io.BasicTable; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.io.BasicTableStatus; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.io.BlockDistribution; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.io.KeyDistribution; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.io.BasicTable.Reader; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.io.BasicTable.Reader.RangeSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.io.BasicTable.Reader.RowSplit; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.mapred.TableExpr.LeafTableInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.parser.ParseException; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.types.Projection; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.schema.Schema; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.types.SortInfo; import org.apache.hadoop.zebra.tfile.TFile; import org.apache.pig.data.DataBag; import org.apache.pig.data.DataByteArray; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; /** * {@link org.apache.hadoop.mapred.InputFormat} class for reading one or more * BasicTables. * * Usage Example: * <p> * In the main program, add the following code. * * <pre> * jobConf.setInputFormat(TableInputFormat.class); * TableInputFormat.setInputPaths(jobConf, new Path("path/to/table1", new Path("path/to/table2"); * TableInputFormat.setProjection(jobConf, "Name, Salary, BonusPct"); * </pre> * * The above code does the following things: * <UL> * <LI>Set the input format class to TableInputFormat. * <LI>Set the paths to the BasicTables to be consumed by user's Mapper code. * <LI>Set the projection on the input tables. In this case, the Mapper code is * only interested in three fields: "Name", "Salary", "BonusPct". "Salary" * (perhaps for the purpose of calculating the person's total payout). If no * project is specified, then all columns from the input tables will be * retrieved. If input tables have different schemas, then the input contains * the union of all columns from all the input tables. Absent fields will be * left as nul in the input tuple. * </UL> * The user Mapper code should look like the following: * * <pre> * static class MyMapClass implements Mapper<BytesWritable, Tuple, K, V> { * // keep the tuple object for reuse. * // indices of various fields in the input Tuple. * int idxName, idxSalary, idxBonusPct; * * @Override * public void configure(JobConf job) { * Schema projection = TableInputFormat.getProjection(job); * // determine the field indices. * idxName = projection.getColumnIndex("Name"); * idxSalary = projection.getColumnIndex("Salary"); * idxBonusPct = projection.getColumnIndex("BonusPct"); * } * * @Override * public void map(BytesWritable key, Tuple value, OutputCollector<K, V> output, * Reporter reporter) throws IOException { * try { * String name = (String) value.get(idxName); * int salary = (Integer) value.get(idxSalary); * double bonusPct = (Double) value.get(idxBonusPct); * // do something with the input data * } catch (ExecException e) { * e.printStackTrace(); * } * } * * @Override * public void close() throws IOException { * // no-op * } * } * </pre> * * A little bit more explanation on the PIG {@link Tuple} objects. A Tuple is an * ordered list of PIG datum objects. The permitted PIG datum types can be * categorized as Scalar types and Composite types. * <p> * Supported Scalar types include seven native Java types: Boolean, Byte, * Integer, Long, Float, Double, String, as well as one PIG class called * {@link DataByteArray} that represents type-less byte array. * <p> * Supported Composite types include: * <UL> * <LI>{@link Map} : It is the same as Java Map class, with the additional * restriction that the key-type must be one of the scalar types PIG recognizes, * and the value-type any of the scaler or composite types PIG understands. * <LI>{@link DataBag} : A DataBag is a collection of Tuples. * <LI>{@link Tuple} : Yes, Tuple itself can be a datum in another Tuple. * </UL> * * @Deprecated Use (@link org.apache.hadoop.zebra.mapreduce.TableInputFormat) instead */ @Deprecated public class TableInputFormat implements InputFormat<BytesWritable, Tuple> { static Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(TableInputFormat.class); public static final String INPUT_EXPR = "mapred.lib.table.input.expr"; public static final String INPUT_PROJ = "mapred.lib.table.input.projection"; public static final String INPUT_SORT = "mapred.lib.table.input.sort"; public static final String INPUT_FE = "mapred.lib.table.input.fe"; public static final String INPUT_DELETED_CGS = "mapred.lib.table.input.deleted_cgs"; static final String DELETED_CG_SEPARATOR_PER_UNION = ";"; /** * Set the paths to the input table. * * @param conf * JobConf object. * @param paths * one or more paths to BasicTables. The InputFormat class will * produce splits on the "union" of these BasicTables. */ public static void setInputPaths(JobConf conf, Path... paths) { if (paths.length < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Requring at least one input path"); } if (paths.length == 1) { setInputExpr(conf, new BasicTableExpr(paths[0])); } else { TableUnionExpr expr = new TableUnionExpr(); for (Path path : paths) { expr.add(new BasicTableExpr(path)); } setInputExpr(conf, expr); } } /** * Set the input expression in the JobConf object. * * @param conf * JobConf object. * @param expr * The input table expression. */ static void setInputExpr(JobConf conf, TableExpr expr) { StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); expr.encode(out); conf.set(INPUT_EXPR, out.toString()); } static TableExpr getInputExpr(JobConf conf) throws IOException { String expr = conf.get(INPUT_EXPR); if (expr == null) { // try setting from input path Path[] paths = FileInputFormat.getInputPaths(conf); if (paths != null) { setInputPaths(conf, paths); } expr = conf.get(INPUT_EXPR); } if (expr == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input expression not defined."); } StringReader in = new StringReader(expr); return TableExpr.parse(in); } /** * Get the schema of a table expr * * @param conf * JobConf object. * */ public static Schema getSchema(JobConf conf) throws IOException { TableExpr expr = getInputExpr(conf); return expr.getSchema(conf); } /** * Set the input projection in the JobConf object. * * @param conf * JobConf object. * @param projection * A common separated list of column names. If we want select all * columns, pass projection==null. The syntax of the projection * conforms to the {@link Schema} string. * @deprecated Use {@link #setProjection(JobConf, ZebraProjection)} instead. */ public static void setProjection(JobConf conf, String projection) throws ParseException { conf.set(INPUT_PROJ, Schema.normalize(projection)); } /** * Set the input projection in the JobConf object. * * @param conf * JobConf object. * @param projection * A common separated list of column names. If we want select all * columns, pass projection==null. The syntax of the projection * conforms to the {@link Schema} string. * */ public static void setProjection(JobConf conf, ZebraProjection projection) throws ParseException { /* validity check on projection */ Schema schema = null; String normalizedProjectionString = Schema.normalize(projection.toString()); try { schema = getSchema(conf); new org.apache.hadoop.zebra.types.Projection(schema, normalizedProjectionString); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new ParseException("[" + projection + "] " + "is not a valid Zebra projection string " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ParseException("[" + projection + "] " + "is not a valid Zebra projection string " + e.getMessage()); } conf.set(INPUT_PROJ, normalizedProjectionString); } /** * Get the projection from the JobConf * * @param conf * The JobConf object * @return The projection schema. If projection has not been defined, or is * not known at this time, null will be returned. Note that by the time * when this method is called in Mapper code, the projection must * already be known. * @throws IOException * */ public static String getProjection(JobConf conf) throws IOException, ParseException { String strProj = conf.get(INPUT_PROJ); // TODO: need to be revisited if (strProj != null) return strProj; TableExpr expr = getInputExpr(conf); if (expr != null) { return expr.getSchema(conf).toProjectionString(); } return null; } /** * Set requirement for sorted table * *@param conf * JobConf object. */ private static void setSorted(JobConf conf) { conf.setBoolean(INPUT_SORT, true); } /** * Get the SortInfo object regarding a Zebra table * * @param conf * JobConf object * @return the zebra tables's SortInfo; null if the table is unsorted. */ public static SortInfo getSortInfo(JobConf conf) throws IOException { TableExpr expr = getInputExpr(conf); SortInfo result = null; int sortSize = 0; if (expr instanceof BasicTableExpr) { BasicTable.Reader reader = new BasicTable.Reader(((BasicTableExpr) expr).getPath(), conf); SortInfo sortInfo = reader.getSortInfo(); reader.close(); result = sortInfo; } else { List<LeafTableInfo> leaves = expr.getLeafTables(null); for (Iterator<LeafTableInfo> it = leaves.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { LeafTableInfo leaf = it.next(); BasicTable.Reader reader = new BasicTable.Reader(leaf.getPath(), conf); SortInfo sortInfo = reader.getSortInfo(); reader.close(); if (sortSize == 0) { sortSize = sortInfo.size(); result = sortInfo; } else if (sortSize != sortInfo.size()) { throw new IOException("Tables of the table union do not possess the same sort property."); } } } return result; } /** * Requires sorted table or table union * * @param conf * JobConf object. * @param sortInfo * ZebraSortInfo object containing sorting information. * */ public static void requireSortedTable(JobConf conf, ZebraSortInfo sortInfo) throws IOException { TableExpr expr = getInputExpr(conf); String comparatorName = null; String[] sortcolumns = null; if (sortInfo != null) { comparatorName = TFile.COMPARATOR_JCLASS+sortInfo.getComparator(); String sortColumnNames = sortInfo.getSortColumns(); if (sortColumnNames != null) sortcolumns = sortColumnNames.trim().split(SortInfo.SORTED_COLUMN_DELIMITER); if (sortcolumns == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No sort columns specified."); } if (expr instanceof BasicTableExpr) { BasicTable.Reader reader = new BasicTable.Reader(((BasicTableExpr) expr).getPath(), conf); SortInfo mySortInfo = reader.getSortInfo(); reader.close(); if (mySortInfo == null) throw new IOException("The table is not sorted"); if (comparatorName == null) // cheat the equals method's comparator comparison comparatorName = mySortInfo.getComparator(); if (sortcolumns != null && !mySortInfo.equals(sortcolumns, comparatorName)) { throw new IOException("The table is not properly sorted"); } } else { List<LeafTableInfo> leaves = expr.getLeafTables(null); for (Iterator<LeafTableInfo> it = leaves.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { LeafTableInfo leaf = it.next(); BasicTable.Reader reader = new BasicTable.Reader(leaf.getPath(), conf); SortInfo mySortInfo = reader.getSortInfo(); reader.close(); if (mySortInfo == null) throw new IOException("The table is not sorted"); if (comparatorName == null) comparatorName = mySortInfo.getComparator(); // use the first table's comparator as comparison base if (sortcolumns == null) { sortcolumns = mySortInfo.getSortColumnNames(); comparatorName = mySortInfo.getComparator(); } else { if (!mySortInfo.equals(sortcolumns, comparatorName)) { throw new IOException("The table is not properly sorted"); } } } } // need key range input splits for sorted table union setSorted(conf); } /** * Get requirement for sorted table * *@param conf * JobConf object. */ private static boolean getSorted(JobConf conf) { return conf.getBoolean(INPUT_SORT, false); } /** * @see InputFormat#getRecordReader(InputSplit, JobConf, Reporter) */ @Override public RecordReader<BytesWritable, Tuple> getRecordReader(InputSplit split, JobConf conf, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { TableExpr expr = getInputExpr(conf); if (expr == null) { throw new IOException("Table expression not defined"); } if (getSorted(conf)) expr.setSortedSplit(); String strProj = conf.get(INPUT_PROJ); String projection = null; try { if (strProj == null) { projection = expr.getSchema(conf).toProjectionString(); TableInputFormat.setProjection(conf, projection); } else { projection = strProj; } } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IOException("Projection parsing failed : "+e.getMessage()); } try { return new TableRecordReader(expr, projection, split, conf); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IOException("Projection parsing faile : "+e.getMessage()); } } /** * Get a TableRecordReader on a single split * * @param conf * JobConf object. * @param projection * comma-separated column names in projection. null means all columns in projection */ public static TableRecordReader getTableRecordReader(JobConf conf, String projection) throws IOException, ParseException { // a single split is needed if (projection != null) setProjection(conf, projection); TableInputFormat inputFormat = new TableInputFormat(); InputSplit[] splits = inputFormat.getSplits(conf, 1); return (TableRecordReader) inputFormat.getRecordReader(splits[0], conf, Reporter.NULL); } private static InputSplit[] getSortedSplits(JobConf conf, int numSplits, TableExpr expr, List<BasicTable.Reader> readers, List<BasicTableStatus> status) throws IOException { if (expr.sortedSplitRequired() && !expr.sortedSplitCapable()) { throw new IOException("Unable to created sorted splits"); } long totalBytes = 0; for (Iterator<BasicTableStatus> it = status.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { BasicTableStatus s = it.next(); totalBytes += s.getSize(); } long maxSplits = totalBytes / getMinSplitSize(conf); if (maxSplits == 0) numSplits = 1; else if (numSplits > maxSplits) { numSplits = -1; } ArrayList<InputSplit> splits = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(); for (Iterator<BasicTable.Reader> it = readers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { BasicTable.Reader reader = it.next(); if (!reader.isSorted()) { throw new IOException("Attempting sorted split on unsorted table"); } } if (numSplits == 1) { BlockDistribution bd = null; for (Iterator<BasicTable.Reader> it = readers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { BasicTable.Reader reader = it.next(); bd = BlockDistribution.sum(bd, reader.getBlockDistribution((RangeSplit) null)); } SortedTableSplit split = new SortedTableSplit(null, null, bd, conf); return new InputSplit[] { split }; } // TODO: Does it make sense to interleave keys for all leaf tables if // numSplits <= 0 ? int nLeaves = readers.size(); BlockDistribution lastBd = new BlockDistribution(); ArrayList<KeyDistribution> btKeyDistributions = new ArrayList<KeyDistribution>(); for (int i = 0; i < nLeaves; ++i) { KeyDistribution btKeyDistri = readers.get(i).getKeyDistribution( (numSplits <= 0) ? -1 : Math.max(numSplits * 5 / nLeaves, numSplits), nLeaves, lastBd); btKeyDistributions.add(btKeyDistri); } int btSize = btKeyDistributions.size(); KeyDistribution[] btKds = new KeyDistribution[btSize]; Object[] btArray = btKeyDistributions.toArray(); for (int i = 0; i < btSize; i++) btKds[i] = (KeyDistribution) btArray[i]; KeyDistribution keyDistri = KeyDistribution.merge(btKds); if (keyDistri == null) { // should never happen. SortedTableSplit split = new SortedTableSplit(null, null, null, conf); return new InputSplit[] { split }; } keyDistri.resize(lastBd); RawComparable[] keys = keyDistri.getKeys(); for (int i = 0; i <= keys.length; ++i) { RawComparable begin = (i == 0) ? null : keys[i - 1]; RawComparable end = (i == keys.length) ? null : keys[i]; BlockDistribution bd; if (i < keys.length) bd = keyDistri.getBlockDistribution(keys[i]); else bd = lastBd; BytesWritable beginB = null, endB = null; if (begin != null) beginB = new BytesWritable(begin.buffer()); if (end != null) endB = new BytesWritable(end.buffer()); SortedTableSplit split = new SortedTableSplit(beginB, endB, bd, conf); splits.add(split); } return splits.toArray(new InputSplit[splits.size()]); } static long getMinSplitSize(JobConf conf) { return conf.getLong("table.input.split.minSize", 1 * 1024 * 1024L); } /** * Set the minimum split size. * * @param conf * The job conf object. * @param minSize * Minimum size. */ public static void setMinSplitSize(JobConf conf, long minSize) { conf.setLong("table.input.split.minSize", minSize); } private static class DummyFileInputFormat extends FileInputFormat<BytesWritable, Tuple> { /** * the next constant and class are copies from FileInputFormat */ private static final PathFilter hiddenFileFilter = new PathFilter(){ public boolean accept(Path p){ String name = p.getName(); return !name.startsWith("_") && !name.startsWith("."); } }; /** * Proxy PathFilter that accepts a path only if all filters given in the * constructor do. Used by the listPaths() to apply the built-in * hiddenFileFilter together with a user provided one (if any). */ private static class MultiPathFilter implements PathFilter { private List<PathFilter> filters; public MultiPathFilter(List<PathFilter> filters) { this.filters = filters; } public boolean accept(Path path) { for (PathFilter filter : filters) { if (!filter.accept(path)) { return false; } } return true; } } private Integer[] fileNumbers = null; private List<BasicTable.Reader> readers; public Integer[] getFileNumbers() { return fileNumbers; } public DummyFileInputFormat(long minSplitSize, List<BasicTable.Reader> readers) { super.setMinSplitSize(minSplitSize); this.readers = readers; } @Override public RecordReader<BytesWritable, Tuple> getRecordReader(InputSplit split, JobConf conf, Reporter reporter) throws IOException { // no-op return null; } @Override public long computeSplitSize(long goalSize, long minSize, long blockSize) { return super.computeSplitSize(goalSize, minSize, blockSize); } /** * copy from FileInputFormat: add assignment to table file numbers */ @Override public FileStatus[] listStatus(JobConf job) throws IOException { Path[] dirs = getInputPaths(job); if (dirs.length == 0) { throw new IOException("No input paths specified in job"); } List<FileStatus> result = new ArrayList<FileStatus>(); List<IOException> errors = new ArrayList<IOException>(); // creates a MultiPathFilter with the hiddenFileFilter and the // user provided one (if any). List<PathFilter> filters = new ArrayList<PathFilter>(); filters.add(hiddenFileFilter); PathFilter jobFilter = getInputPathFilter(job); if (jobFilter != null) { filters.add(jobFilter); } PathFilter inputFilter = new MultiPathFilter(filters); ArrayList<Integer> fileNumberList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int index = 0; for (Path p: dirs) { FileSystem fs = p.getFileSystem(job); FileStatus[] matches = fs.globStatus(p, inputFilter); if (matches == null) { errors.add(new IOException("Input path does not exist: " + p)); } else if (matches.length == 0) { errors.add(new IOException("Input Pattern " + p + " matches 0 files")); } else { for (FileStatus globStat: matches) { if (globStat.isDir()) { FileStatus[] fileStatuses = fs.listStatus(globStat.getPath(), inputFilter); // reorder according to CG index BasicTable.Reader reader = readers.get(index); reader.rearrangeFileIndices(fileStatuses); for(FileStatus stat: fileStatuses) { if (stat != null) result.add(stat); } fileNumberList.add(fileStatuses.length); } else { result.add(globStat); fileNumberList.add(1); } } } index++; } fileNumbers = new Integer[fileNumberList.size()]; fileNumberList.toArray(fileNumbers); if (!errors.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidInputException(errors); } LOG.info("Total input paths to process : " + result.size()); return result.toArray(new FileStatus[result.size()]); } } private static InputSplit[] getRowSplits(JobConf conf, int numSplits, TableExpr expr, List<BasicTable.Reader> readers, List<BasicTableStatus> status) throws IOException { ArrayList<InputSplit> ret = new ArrayList<InputSplit>(); long minSplitSize = getMinSplitSize(conf); long minSize = Math.max(conf.getLong("mapred.min.split.size", 1), minSplitSize); long totalBytes = 0; for (Iterator<BasicTableStatus> it = status.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { totalBytes += it.next().getSize(); } long goalSize = totalBytes / (numSplits < 1 ? 1 : numSplits); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; PathFilter filter = null; List<BasicTable.Reader> realReaders = new ArrayList<BasicTable.Reader>(); int[] realReaderIndices = new int[readers.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < readers.size(); ++i) { BasicTable.Reader reader = readers.get(i); /* Get the index of the column group that will be used for row-split.*/ int splitCGIndex = reader.getRowSplitCGIndex(); /* We can create input splits only if there does exist a valid column group for split. * Otherwise, we do not create input splits. */ if (splitCGIndex >= 0) { realReaderIndices[realReaders.size()] = i; realReaders.add(reader); if (first) { // filter is identical across tables filter = reader.getPathFilter(conf); first = false; } else sb.append(","); sb.append(reader.getPath().toString() + "/" + reader.getName(splitCGIndex)); } } DummyFileInputFormat helper = new DummyFileInputFormat(minSplitSize, realReaders); if (!realReaders.isEmpty()) { DummyFileInputFormat.setInputPaths(conf, sb.toString()); DummyFileInputFormat.setInputPathFilter(conf, filter.getClass()); InputSplit[] inputSplits = helper.getSplits(conf, (numSplits < 1 ? 1 : numSplits)); int batchesPerSplit = inputSplits.length / (numSplits < 1 ? 1 : numSplits); if (batchesPerSplit <= 0) batchesPerSplit = 1; /* * Potential file batching optimizations include: * 1) sort single file inputSplits in the descending order of their sizes so * that the ops of new file opens are spread to a maximum degree; * 2) batching the files with maximum block distribution affinities into the same input split */ int[] inputSplitBoundaries = new int[realReaders.size()]; long start, prevStart = Long.MIN_VALUE; int tableIndex = 0, fileNumber = 0; Integer[] fileNumbers = helper.getFileNumbers(); if (fileNumbers.length != realReaders.size()) throw new IOException("Number of tables in input paths of input splits is incorrect."); for (int j=0; j<inputSplits.length; j++) { FileSplit fileSplit = (FileSplit) inputSplits[j]; start = fileSplit.getStart(); if (start <= prevStart) { fileNumber++; if (fileNumber >= fileNumbers[tableIndex]) { inputSplitBoundaries[tableIndex++] = j; fileNumber = 0; } } prevStart = start; } inputSplitBoundaries[tableIndex++] = inputSplits.length; if (tableIndex != realReaders.size()) throw new IOException("Number of tables in input splits is incorrect."); for (tableIndex = 0; tableIndex < realReaders.size(); tableIndex++) { int startSplitIndex = (tableIndex == 0 ? 0 : inputSplitBoundaries[tableIndex - 1]); int splitLen = (tableIndex == 0 ? inputSplitBoundaries[0] : inputSplitBoundaries[tableIndex] - inputSplitBoundaries[tableIndex-1]); BasicTable.Reader reader = realReaders.get(tableIndex); /* Get the index of the column group that will be used for row-split.*/ int splitCGIndex = reader.getRowSplitCGIndex(); long starts[] = new long[splitLen]; long lengths[] = new long[splitLen]; int batches[] = new int[splitLen + 1]; batches[0] = 0; int numBatches = 0; int batchSize = 0; Path paths[] = new Path [splitLen]; long totalLen = 0; final double SPLIT_SLOP = 1.1; int endSplitIndex = startSplitIndex + splitLen; for (int j=startSplitIndex; j< endSplitIndex; j++) { FileSplit fileSplit = (FileSplit) inputSplits[j]; Path p = fileSplit.getPath(); long blockSize = p.getFileSystem(conf).getBlockSize(p); long splitSize = (long) (helper.computeSplitSize(goalSize, minSize, blockSize) * SPLIT_SLOP); start = fileSplit.getStart(); long length = fileSplit.getLength(); int index = j - startSplitIndex; starts[index] = start; lengths[index] = length; totalLen += length; paths[index] = p; if (totalLen >= splitSize) { for (int ii = batches[numBatches] + 1; ii < index - 1; ii++) starts[ii] = -1; // all intermediate files are not split batches[++numBatches] = index; batchSize = 1; totalLen = length; } else if (batchSize + 1 > batchesPerSplit) { for (int ii = batches[numBatches] + 1; ii < index - 1; ii++) starts[ii] = -1; // all intermediate files are not split batches[++numBatches] = index; batchSize = 1; totalLen = length; } else { batchSize++; } } for (int ii = batches[numBatches] + 1; ii < splitLen - 1; ii++) starts[ii] = -1; // all intermediate files are not split if (splitLen > 0) batches[++numBatches] = splitLen; List<RowSplit> subSplits = reader.rowSplit(starts, lengths, paths, splitCGIndex, batches, numBatches); int realTableIndex = realReaderIndices[tableIndex]; for (Iterator<RowSplit> it = subSplits.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { RowSplit subSplit = it.next(); RowTableSplit split = new RowTableSplit(reader, subSplit, realTableIndex, conf); ret.add(split); } } } LOG.info("getSplits : returning " + ret.size() + " row splits."); return ret.toArray(new InputSplit[ret.size()]); } /** * @see InputFormat#getSplits(JobConf, int) */ @Override public InputSplit[] getSplits(JobConf conf, int numSplits) throws IOException { TableExpr expr = getInputExpr(conf); if (getSorted(conf)) expr.setSortedSplit(); if (expr.sortedSplitRequired() && !expr.sortedSplitCapable()) { throw new IOException("Unable to created sorted splits"); } String projection; try { projection = getProjection(conf); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IOException("getProjection failed : "+e.getMessage()); } List<LeafTableInfo> leaves = expr.getLeafTables(projection); int nLeaves = leaves.size(); ArrayList<BasicTable.Reader> readers = new ArrayList<BasicTable.Reader>(nLeaves); ArrayList<BasicTableStatus> status = new ArrayList<BasicTableStatus>(nLeaves); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); boolean sorted = expr.sortedSplitRequired(); boolean first = true; for (Iterator<LeafTableInfo> it = leaves.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { LeafTableInfo leaf = it.next(); BasicTable.Reader reader = new BasicTable.Reader(leaf.getPath(), conf); reader.setProjection(leaf.getProjection()); BasicTableStatus s = reader.getStatus(); status.add(s); readers.add(reader); if (first) first = false; else { sb.append(TableInputFormat.DELETED_CG_SEPARATOR_PER_UNION); } sb.append(reader.getDeletedCGs()); } conf.set(INPUT_FE, "true"); conf.set(INPUT_DELETED_CGS, sb.toString()); if (readers.isEmpty()) { return new InputSplit[0]; } if (sorted) { return getSortedSplits(conf, numSplits, expr, readers, status); } return getRowSplits(conf, numSplits, expr, readers, status); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IOException("Projection parsing failed : "+e.getMessage()); } finally { for (Iterator<BasicTable.Reader> it = readers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { try { it.next().close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // TODO: log the error here. } } } } @Deprecated public synchronized void validateInput(JobConf conf) throws IOException { // Validating imports by opening all Tables. TableExpr expr = getInputExpr(conf); try { String projection = getProjection(conf); List<LeafTableInfo> leaves = expr.getLeafTables(projection); Iterator<LeafTableInfo> iterator = leaves.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { LeafTableInfo leaf = iterator.next(); BasicTable.Reader reader = new BasicTable.Reader(leaf.getPath(), conf); reader.setProjection(projection); reader.close(); } } catch (ParseException e) { throw new IOException("Projection parsing failed : "+e.getMessage()); } } } /** * Adaptor class for sorted InputSplit for table. */ class SortedTableSplit implements InputSplit { BytesWritable begin = null, end = null; String[] hosts; long length = 1; public SortedTableSplit() { // no-op for Writable construction } public SortedTableSplit(BytesWritable begin, BytesWritable end, BlockDistribution bd, JobConf conf) { if (begin != null) { this.begin = new BytesWritable(); this.begin.set(begin.get(), 0, begin.getSize()); } if (end != null) { this.end = new BytesWritable(); this.end.set(end.get(), 0, end.getSize()); } if (bd != null) { length = bd.getLength(); hosts = bd.getHosts(conf.getInt("mapred.lib.table.input.nlocation", 5)); } } @Override public long getLength() throws IOException { return length; } @Override public String[] getLocations() throws IOException { if (hosts == null) { String[] tmp = new String[1]; tmp[0] = ""; return tmp; } return hosts; } @Override public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { begin = end = null; int bool = WritableUtils.readVInt(in); if (bool == 1) { begin = new BytesWritable(); begin.readFields(in); } bool = WritableUtils.readVInt(in); if (bool == 1) { end = new BytesWritable(); end.readFields(in); } length = WritableUtils.readVLong(in); int size = WritableUtils.readVInt(in); if (size > 0) hosts = new String[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) hosts[i] = WritableUtils.readString(in); } @Override public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { if (begin == null) { WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, 0); } else { WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, 1); begin.write(out); } if (end == null) { WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, 0); } else { WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, 1); end.write(out); } WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, length); WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, hosts == null ? 0 : hosts.length); for (int i = 0; i < hosts.length; i++) { WritableUtils.writeString(out, hosts[i]); } } public BytesWritable getBegin() { return begin; } public BytesWritable getEnd() { return end; } } /** * Adaptor class for unsorted InputSplit for table. */ class RowTableSplit implements InputSplit { String path = null; int tableIndex; RowSplit split = null; String[] hosts = null; long length = 1; public RowTableSplit(Reader reader, RowSplit split, int tableIndex, JobConf conf) throws IOException { this.path = reader.getPath(); this.split = split; this.tableIndex = tableIndex; BlockDistribution dataDist = reader.getBlockDistribution(split); if (dataDist != null) { length = dataDist.getLength(); hosts = dataDist.getHosts(conf.getInt("mapred.lib.table.input.nlocation", 5)); } } public RowTableSplit() { // no-op for Writable construction } @Override public long getLength() throws IOException { return length; } @Override public String[] getLocations() throws IOException { return hosts; } @Override public void readFields(DataInput in) throws IOException { tableIndex = WritableUtils.readVInt(in); path = WritableUtils.readString(in); int bool = WritableUtils.readVInt(in); if (bool == 1) { if (split == null) split = new RowSplit(); split.readFields(in); } else { split = null; } hosts = WritableUtils.readStringArray(in); length = WritableUtils.readVLong(in); } @Override public void write(DataOutput out) throws IOException { WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, tableIndex); WritableUtils.writeString(out, path); if (split == null) { WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, 0); } else { WritableUtils.writeVInt(out, 1); split.write(out); } WritableUtils.writeStringArray(out, hosts); WritableUtils.writeVLong(out, length); } public String getPath() { return path; } public RowSplit getSplit() { return split; } public int getTableIndex() { return tableIndex; } }