/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.test.utils; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema; import org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema; import org.apache.pig.data.DataBag; import org.apache.pig.data.DataByteArray; import org.apache.pig.data.DataType; import org.apache.pig.data.DefaultBagFactory; import org.apache.pig.data.DefaultTuple; import org.apache.pig.data.TupleFactory; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; public class GenRandomData { public static ResourceFieldSchema getRandMapFieldSchema() throws IOException { ResourceFieldSchema bytefs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); bytefs.setType(DataType.BYTEARRAY); ResourceSchema mapSchema = new ResourceSchema(); mapSchema.setFields(new ResourceFieldSchema[]{bytefs}); ResourceFieldSchema mapfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); mapfs.setSchema(mapSchema); mapfs.setType(DataType.MAP); return mapfs; } public static Map<String, Object> genRandMap(Random r, int numEnt) { Map<String,Object> ret = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if(r==null){ ret.put("random", "RANDOM"); return ret; } for(int i=0;i<numEnt;i++){ ret.put(genRandString(r), new DataByteArray(genRandString(r).getBytes())); } return ret; } public static String genRandString(Random r){ if(r==null) return "RANDOM"; char[] chars = new char[10]; for(int i=0;i<10;i++){ chars[i] = (char)(r.nextInt(26)+65); } return new String(chars); } public static String genRandLargeString(Random r, int size){ if(r==null) return "RANDOM"; if(size <= 10) return genRandString(r); char[] chars = new char[size]; for(int i=0;i<size;i++){ chars[i] = (char)(r.nextInt(26)+65); } return new String(chars); } public static DataByteArray genRandDBA(Random r){ if(r==null) return new DataByteArray("RANDOM".getBytes()); byte[] bytes = new byte[10]; r.nextBytes(bytes); return new DataByteArray(bytes); } public static DataByteArray genRandTextDBA(Random r){ if(r==null) return new DataByteArray("RANDOM".getBytes()); return new DataByteArray(genRandString(r).getBytes()); } public static ResourceFieldSchema getSmallTupleFieldSchema() throws IOException{ ResourceFieldSchema stringfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); stringfs.setType(DataType.CHARARRAY); ResourceFieldSchema intfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); intfs.setType(DataType.INTEGER); ResourceSchema tupleSchema = new ResourceSchema(); tupleSchema.setFields(new ResourceFieldSchema[]{stringfs, intfs}); ResourceFieldSchema tuplefs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); tuplefs.setSchema(tupleSchema); tuplefs.setType(DataType.TUPLE); return tuplefs; } public static Tuple genRandSmallTuple(Random r, int limit){ if(r==null){ Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append("RANDOM"); return t; } Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append(genRandString(r)); t.append(r.nextInt(limit)); return t; } public static Tuple genRandSmallTuple(String s, Integer value){ Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append(s); t.append(value); return t; } public static DataBag genRandSmallTupDataBagWithNulls(Random r, int num, int limit){ if(r==null) { DataBag db = DefaultBagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag(); Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append("RANDOM"); db.add(t); return db; } DataBag db = DefaultBagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag(); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ // the first tuple is used as a sample tuple // in some tests to deduce return type - so // don't introduce nulls into first tuple if(i == 0) { db.add(genRandSmallTuple(r, limit)); continue; } else { int rand = r.nextInt(num); if(rand <= (0.2 * num) ) { db.add(genRandSmallTuple((String)null, rand)); } else if (rand > (0.2 * num) && rand <= (0.4 * num)) { db.add(genRandSmallTuple(genRandString(r), null)); } else if (rand > (0.4 * num) && rand <= (0.6 * num)) { db.add(genRandSmallTuple(null, null)); } else { db.add(genRandSmallTuple(r, limit)); } } } return db; } public static ResourceFieldSchema getSmallTupDataBagFieldSchema() throws IOException { ResourceFieldSchema tuplefs = getSmallTupleFieldSchema(); ResourceSchema bagSchema = new ResourceSchema(); bagSchema.setFields(new ResourceFieldSchema[]{tuplefs}); ResourceFieldSchema bagfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); bagfs.setSchema(bagSchema); bagfs.setType(DataType.BAG); return bagfs; } public static DataBag genRandSmallTupDataBag(Random r, int num, int limit){ if(r==null) { DataBag db = DefaultBagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag(); Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append("RANDOM"); db.add(t); return db; } DataBag db = DefaultBagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag(); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ db.add(genRandSmallTuple(r, limit)); } return db; } public static Tuple genRandSmallBagTuple(Random r, int num, int limit){ if(r==null){ Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append("RANDOM"); return t; } Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append(genRandSmallTupDataBag(r, num, limit)); t.append(genRandDBA(r)); t.append(genRandString(r)); t.append(r.nextDouble()); t.append(r.nextFloat()); t.append(r.nextInt()); t.append(r.nextLong()); t.append(genRandMap(r, num)); t.append(genRandSmallTuple(r, 100)); t.append(new Boolean(r.nextBoolean())); t.append(new DateTime(r.nextLong())); return t; } public static ResourceFieldSchema getSmallBagTextTupleFieldSchema() throws IOException{ ResourceFieldSchema dbafs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); dbafs.setType(DataType.BYTEARRAY); ResourceFieldSchema stringfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); stringfs.setType(DataType.CHARARRAY); ResourceFieldSchema intfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); intfs.setType(DataType.INTEGER); ResourceFieldSchema bagfs = getSmallTupDataBagFieldSchema(); ResourceFieldSchema floatfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); floatfs.setType(DataType.FLOAT); ResourceFieldSchema doublefs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); doublefs.setType(DataType.DOUBLE); ResourceFieldSchema longfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); longfs.setType(DataType.LONG); ResourceFieldSchema mapfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); mapfs.setType(DataType.MAP); ResourceFieldSchema tuplefs = getSmallTupleFieldSchema(); ResourceFieldSchema boolfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); boolfs.setType(DataType.BOOLEAN); ResourceFieldSchema dtfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); dtfs.setType(DataType.DATETIME); ResourceSchema outSchema = new ResourceSchema(); outSchema.setFields(new ResourceFieldSchema[]{bagfs, dbafs, stringfs, doublefs, floatfs, intfs, longfs, mapfs, tuplefs, boolfs, dtfs}); ResourceFieldSchema outfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); outfs.setSchema(outSchema); outfs.setType(DataType.TUPLE); return outfs; } public static Tuple genRandSmallBagTextTuple(Random r, int num, int limit){ if(r==null){ Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append("RANDOM"); return t; } Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append(genRandSmallTupDataBag(r, num, limit)); //TODO Fix //The text representation of byte array and char array //cannot be disambiguated without annotation. For now, //the tuples will not contain byte array t.append(genRandTextDBA(r)); t.append(genRandString(r)); t.append(r.nextDouble()); t.append(r.nextFloat()); t.append(r.nextInt()); t.append(r.nextLong()); t.append(genRandMap(r, num)); t.append(genRandSmallTuple(r, 100)); t.append(new Boolean(r.nextBoolean())); t.append(new DateTime(r.nextLong())); return t; } public static DataBag genRandFullTupDataBag(Random r, int num, int limit){ if(r==null) { DataBag db = DefaultBagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag(); Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append("RANDOM"); db.add(t); return db; } DataBag db = DefaultBagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag(); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ db.add(genRandSmallBagTuple(r, num, limit)); } return db; } public static ResourceFieldSchema getFullTupTextDataBagFieldSchema() throws IOException{ ResourceFieldSchema tuplefs = getSmallBagTextTupleFieldSchema(); ResourceSchema outBagSchema = new ResourceSchema(); outBagSchema.setFields(new ResourceFieldSchema[]{tuplefs}); ResourceFieldSchema outBagfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); outBagfs.setSchema(outBagSchema); outBagfs.setType(DataType.BAG); return outBagfs; } public static DataBag genRandFullTupTextDataBag(Random r, int num, int limit){ if(r==null) { DataBag db = DefaultBagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag(); Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append("RANDOM"); db.add(t); return db; } DataBag db = DefaultBagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag(); for(int i=0;i<num;i++){ db.add(genRandSmallBagTextTuple(r, num, limit)); } return db; } public static Tuple genRandSmallBagTupleWithNulls(Random r, int num, int limit){ if(r==null){ Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append("RANDOM"); return t; } Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append(genRandSmallTupDataBag(r, num, limit)); t.append(genRandDBA(r)); t.append(genRandString(r)); t.append(r.nextDouble()); t.append(r.nextFloat()); t.append(r.nextInt()); t.append(r.nextLong()); t.append(genRandMap(r, num)); t.append(genRandSmallTuple(r, 100)); t.append(new Boolean(r.nextBoolean())); t.append(new DateTime(r.nextLong())); t.append(null); return t; } public static Tuple genRandSmallBagTextTupleWithNulls(Random r, int num, int limit){ if(r==null){ Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append("RANDOM"); return t; } Tuple t = new DefaultTuple(); t.append(genRandSmallTupDataBag(r, num, limit)); //TODO Fix //The text representation of byte array and char array //cannot be disambiguated without annotation. For now, //the tuples will not contain byte array t.append(genRandTextDBA(r)); t.append(genRandString(r)); t.append(r.nextDouble()); t.append(r.nextFloat()); t.append(r.nextInt()); t.append(r.nextLong()); t.append(genRandMap(r, num)); t.append(genRandSmallTuple(r, 100)); t.append(new Boolean(r.nextBoolean())); t.append(new DateTime(r.nextLong())); t.append(null); return t; } public static DataBag genFloatDataBag(Random r, int column, int row) { DataBag db = DefaultBagFactory.getInstance().newDefaultBag(); for (int i=0;i<row;i++) { Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(); for (int j=0;j<column;j++) { t.append(r.nextFloat()*1000); } db.add(t); } return db; } public static ResourceFieldSchema getFloatDataBagFieldSchema(int column) throws IOException { ResourceFieldSchema intfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); intfs.setType(DataType.INTEGER); ResourceSchema tupleSchema = new ResourceSchema(); ResourceFieldSchema[] fss = new ResourceFieldSchema[column]; for (int i=0;i<column;i++) { fss[i] = intfs; } tupleSchema.setFields(fss); ResourceFieldSchema tuplefs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); tuplefs.setSchema(tupleSchema); tuplefs.setType(DataType.TUPLE); ResourceSchema bagSchema = new ResourceSchema(); bagSchema.setFields(new ResourceFieldSchema[]{tuplefs}); ResourceFieldSchema bagfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); bagfs.setSchema(bagSchema); bagfs.setType(DataType.BAG); return bagfs; } public static Tuple genMixedTupleToConvert(Random r) { Tuple t = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(); t.append(r.nextInt()); t.append(r.nextInt()); long l = 0; while (l<=Integer.MAX_VALUE && l>=Integer.MIN_VALUE) l = r.nextLong(); t.append(l); t.append(r.nextFloat()*1000); t.append(r.nextDouble()*10000); t.append(genRandString(r)); t.append("K"+genRandString(r)); t.append("K"+genRandString(r)); t.append("K"+genRandString(r)); if (r.nextFloat()>0.5) t.append("true"); else t.append("false"); t.append(new DateTime(r.nextLong())); return t; } public static ResourceFieldSchema getMixedTupleToConvertFieldSchema() throws IOException { ResourceFieldSchema stringfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); stringfs.setType(DataType.CHARARRAY); ResourceFieldSchema intfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); intfs.setType(DataType.INTEGER); ResourceFieldSchema longfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); longfs.setType(DataType.LONG); ResourceFieldSchema floatfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); floatfs.setType(DataType.FLOAT); ResourceFieldSchema doublefs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); doublefs.setType(DataType.DOUBLE); ResourceFieldSchema boolfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); boolfs.setType(DataType.BOOLEAN); ResourceFieldSchema dtfs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); dtfs.setType(DataType.DATETIME); ResourceSchema tupleSchema = new ResourceSchema(); tupleSchema.setFields(new ResourceFieldSchema[]{stringfs, longfs, intfs, doublefs, floatfs, stringfs, intfs, doublefs, floatfs, boolfs, dtfs}); ResourceFieldSchema tuplefs = new ResourceFieldSchema(); tuplefs.setSchema(tupleSchema); tuplefs.setType(DataType.TUPLE); return tuplefs; } }