/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.test; import static org.apache.pig.builtin.mock.Storage.tuple; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.fail; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileWriter; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.io.FileUtils; import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job; import org.apache.pig.ExecType; import org.apache.pig.PigServer; import org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema; import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.datastorage.ConfigurationUtil; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.mapReduceLayer.MRConfiguration; import org.apache.pig.backend.hadoop.executionengine.physicalLayer.expressionOperators.POProject; import org.apache.pig.builtin.PigStorage; import org.apache.pig.data.DataType; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; import org.apache.pig.impl.PigContext; import org.apache.pig.impl.io.FileLocalizer; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.FrontendException; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema; import org.apache.pig.impl.util.Utils; import org.apache.pig.test.utils.TypeCheckingTestUtil; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonGenerationException; import org.codehaus.jackson.map.JsonMappingException; import org.codehaus.jackson.map.ObjectMapper; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.AfterClass; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.Test; public class TestPigStorage { private static PigServer pig; private static PigContext pigContext; private static Properties properties; private static MiniGenericCluster cluster; private static final String datadir = "build/test/tmpdata/"; @Before public void setup() throws IOException { // some tests are in map-reduce mode and some in local - so before // each test, we will re-initialize FileLocalizer so that temp files // are created correctly depending on the ExecType in the test. Util.resetStateForExecModeSwitch(); // If needed, a test can change that. Most tests are local so we save a bit // of typing here. pig = new PigServer(ExecType.LOCAL); Util.deleteDirectory(new File(datadir)); try { pig.mkdirs(datadir); } catch (IOException e) {}; Util.createLocalInputFile(datadir + "originput", new String[] {"A,1", "B,2", "C,3", "D,2", "A,5", "B,5", "C,8", "A,8", "D,8", "A,9"}); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { Util.deleteDirectory(new File(datadir)); pig.shutdown(); } @BeforeClass public static void oneTimeSetup() { cluster = MiniGenericCluster.buildCluster(); properties = cluster.getProperties(); pigContext = new PigContext(ExecType.LOCAL, new Properties()); } @AfterClass public static void shutdown() { cluster.shutDown(); } private static void assertAliasIs(String alias, List<Tuple> expectedResults) throws IOException { Iterator<Tuple> iter = pig.openIterator(alias); int counter = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults.get(counter++).toString(), iter.next().toString()); } Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults.size(), counter); } @Test public void testBlockBoundary() throws ExecException { // This tests PigStorage loader with records exactly // on the boundary of the file blocks. Properties props = new Properties(); for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : properties.entrySet()) { props.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } props.setProperty(MRConfiguration.MAX_SPLIT_SIZE, "20"); Util.resetStateForExecModeSwitch(); PigServer pigServer = new PigServer(cluster.getExecType(), props); String[] inputs = { "abcdefgh1", "abcdefgh2", "abcdefgh3", "abcdefgh4", "abcdefgh5", "abcdefgh6", "abcdefgh7", "abcdefgh8", "abcdefgh9" }; String[] expected = { "(abcdefgh1)", "(abcdefgh2)", "(abcdefgh3)", "(abcdefgh4)", "(abcdefgh5)", "(abcdefgh6)", "(abcdefgh7)", "(abcdefgh8)", "(abcdefgh9)" }; System.setProperty("pig.overrideBlockSize", "20"); String INPUT_FILE = "tmp.txt"; try { PrintWriter w = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(INPUT_FILE)); for (String s : inputs) { w.println(s); } w.close(); Util.copyFromLocalToCluster(cluster, INPUT_FILE, INPUT_FILE); pigServer.registerQuery("a = load '" + INPUT_FILE + "';"); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pigServer.openIterator("a"); int counter = 0; while (iter.hasNext()){ assertEquals(expected[counter++].toString(), iter.next().toString()); } assertEquals(expected.length, counter); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } finally { new File(INPUT_FILE).delete(); try { Util.deleteFile(cluster, INPUT_FILE); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Assert.fail(); } } } /** * Test to verify that PigStorage works fine in the following scenario: * The column prune optimization determines only columns 2 and 3 are needed * and there are records in the data which have only 1 column (malformed data). * In this case, PigStorage should return an empty tuple to represent columns * 2 and 3 and {@link POProject} would handle catching any * {@link IndexOutOfBoundsException} resulting from accessing a field in the * tuple and substitute a null. */ @Test public void testPruneColumnsWithMissingFields() throws IOException { String inputFileName = "TestPigStorage-testPruneColumnsWithMissingFields-input.txt"; Util.createLocalInputFile( inputFileName, new String[] {"1\t2\t3", "4", "5\t6\t7"}); String script = "a = load '" + inputFileName + "' as (i:int, j:int, k:int);" + "b = foreach a generate j, k;"; Util.registerMultiLineQuery(pig, script); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("b"); assertEquals(Util.createTuple(new Integer[] { 2, 3}), it.next()); assertEquals(Util.createTuple(new Integer[] { null, null}), it.next()); assertEquals(Util.createTuple(new Integer[] { 6, 7}), it.next()); assertFalse(it.hasNext()); } @Test public void testPigStorageNoSchema() throws Exception { //if the schema file does not exist, and '-schema' option is used // it should result in an error pigContext.connect(); String query = "a = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage('\\t', '-schema') " + "as (f1:chararray, f2:int);"; try{ pig.registerQuery(query); pig.dumpSchema("a"); }catch(FrontendException ex){ assertEquals(ex.toString(), 1000, ex.getErrorCode()); return; } fail("no exception caught"); } @Test public void testPigStorageSchema() throws Exception { pigContext.connect(); String query = "a = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage('\\t') " + "as (f1:chararray, f2:int);"; pig.registerQuery(query); Schema origSchema = pig.dumpSchema("a"); pig.store("a", datadir + "aout", "PigStorage('\\t', '-schema')"); // aout now has a schema. // Verify that loading a-out with no given schema produces // the original schema. pig.registerQuery("b = LOAD '" + datadir + "aout' using PigStorage('\\t');"); Schema genSchema = pig.dumpSchema("b"); Assert.assertTrue("generated schema equals original" , Schema.equals(genSchema, origSchema, true, false)); // Verify that giving our own schema works String [] aliases ={"foo", "bar"}; byte[] types = {DataType.INTEGER, DataType.LONG}; Schema newSchema = TypeCheckingTestUtil.genFlatSchema( aliases,types); pig.registerQuery("c = LOAD '" + datadir + "aout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-schema') "+ "as (foo:int, bar:long);"); Schema newGenSchema = pig.dumpSchema("c"); Assert.assertTrue("explicit schema overrides metadata", Schema.equals(newSchema, newGenSchema, true, false)); // Verify that explicitly requesting no schema works pig.registerQuery("d = LOAD '" + datadir + "aout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-noschema');"); genSchema = pig.dumpSchema("d"); assertNull(genSchema); } @Test public void testPruneColumnsWithSchema() throws Exception { pigContext.connect(); String query = "a = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage(',') " + "as (f1:chararray, f2:int);"; pig.registerQuery(query); pig.store("a", datadir + "aout", "PigStorage('\\t', '-schema')"); // aout now has a schema. // Verify that loaded data has the correct data type after the prune pig.registerQuery("b = LOAD '" + datadir + "aout' using PigStorage('\\t'); c = FOREACH b GENERATE f2;"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("c"); Assert.assertTrue("results were produced", it.hasNext()); Tuple t = it.next(); Assert.assertTrue("data is correct type", t.get(0) instanceof Integer); } @Test public void testSchemaConversion() throws Exception { Util.createLocalInputFile(datadir + "originput2", new String[] {"1", "2", "3", "2", "5", "5", "8", "8", "8", "9"}); pig.registerQuery("A = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput2' using PigStorage('\\t') " + "as (f:int);"); pig.registerQuery("B = group A by f;"); Schema origSchema = pig.dumpSchema("B"); ResourceSchema rs1 = new ResourceSchema(origSchema); pig.registerQuery("STORE B into '" + datadir + "bout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-schema');"); pig.registerQuery("C = LOAD '" + datadir + "bout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-schema');"); Schema genSchema = pig.dumpSchema("C"); ResourceSchema rs2 = new ResourceSchema(genSchema); Assert.assertTrue("generated schema equals original" , ResourceSchema.equals(rs1, rs2)); pig.registerQuery("C1 = LOAD '" + datadir + "bout' as (a0:int, A: {t: (f:int) } );"); pig.registerQuery("D = foreach C1 generate a0, SUM(A);"); List<Tuple> expectedResults = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings( new String[] { "(1,1L)", "(2,4L)", "(3,3L)", "(5,10L)", "(8,24L)", "(9,9L)" }); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pig.openIterator("D"); int counter = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults.get(counter++).toString(), iter.next().toString()); } Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults.size(), counter); } @Test public void testSchemaConversion2() throws Exception { pig.registerQuery("A = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage(',') " + "as (f1:chararray, f2:int);"); pig.registerQuery("B = group A by f1;"); Schema origSchema = pig.dumpSchema("B"); ResourceSchema rs1 = new ResourceSchema(origSchema); pig.registerQuery("STORE B into '" + datadir + "cout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-schema');"); pig.registerQuery("C = LOAD '" + datadir + "cout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-schema');"); Schema genSchema = pig.dumpSchema("C"); ResourceSchema rs2 = new ResourceSchema(genSchema); Assert.assertTrue("generated schema equals original" , ResourceSchema.equals(rs1, rs2)); pig.registerQuery("C1 = LOAD '" + datadir + "cout' as (a0:chararray, A: {t: (f1:chararray, f2:int) } );"); pig.registerQuery("D = foreach C1 generate a0, SUM(A.f2);"); List<Tuple> expectedResults = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings( new String[] { "('A',23L)", "('B',7L)", "('C',11L)", "('D',10L)" }); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pig.openIterator("D"); int counter = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults.get(counter++).toString(), iter.next().toString()); } Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults.size(), counter); } @Test public void testSchemaDataNotMatchWITHCast() throws Exception { pig.registerQuery("A = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage(',') as (x:chararray);"); List<Tuple> expectedResults = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings( new String[] { "('A')", "('B')", "('C')", "('D')", "('A')", "('B')", "('C')", "('A')", "('D')", "('A')", }); assertAliasIs("A", expectedResults); } @Test public void testSchemaDataNotMatchNOCast() throws Exception { pig.registerQuery("A = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage(',') as (x:bytearray);"); List<Tuple> expectedResults = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings( new String[] { "('A')", "('B')", "('C')", "('D')", "('A')", "('B')", "('C')", "('A')", "('D')", "('A')", }); assertAliasIs("A", expectedResults); } @Test public void testSchemaDataNotMatchAsEXTRACoumns() throws Exception { pig.registerQuery("A = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage(',') as (x,y,z);"); List<Tuple> expectedResults = Util.getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings( new String[] { "('A',1,NULL)", "('B',2,NULL)", "('C',3,NULL)", "('D',2,NULL)", "('A',5,NULL)", "('B',5,NULL)", "('C',8,NULL)", "('A',8,NULL)", "('D',8,NULL)", "('A',9,NULL)", }); assertAliasIs("A", expectedResults); } /** * See PIG-1830 * @throws IOException */ @Test public void testByteArrayConversion() throws IOException { Util.createLocalInputFile(datadir + "originput2", new String[] {"peter\t1", "samir\t2", "michael\t4", "peter\t2", "peter\t4", "samir\t1", "john\t" }); Util.createLocalInputFile(datadir + ".pig_schema", new String[] { "{\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"name\",\"type\":55,\"schema\":null," + "\"description\":\"autogenerated from Pig Field Schema\"}," + "{\"name\":\"val\",\"type\":10,\"schema\":null,\"description\":"+ "\"autogenerated from Pig Field Schema\"}],\"version\":0," + "\"sortKeys\":[],\"sortKeyOrders\":[]}" }); pig.registerQuery("Events = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput2' USING PigStorage('\\t', '-schema');"); pig.registerQuery("Sessions = GROUP Events BY name;"); Iterator<Tuple> sessions = pig.openIterator("Sessions"); while (sessions.hasNext()) { System.out.println(sessions.next()); } } // See PIG-1993 @Test public void testColumnPrune() throws IOException { Util.createLocalInputFile(datadir + "originput2", new String[] {"peter\t1", "samir\t2", "michael\t4", "peter\t2", "peter\t4", "samir\t1", "john\t" }); Util.createLocalInputFile(datadir + ".pig_schema", new String[] { "{\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"name\",\"type\":55,\"schema\":null," + "\"description\":\"autogenerated from Pig Field Schema\"}," + "{\"name\":\"val\",\"type\":10,\"schema\":null,\"description\":"+ "\"autogenerated from Pig Field Schema\"}],\"version\":0," + "\"sortKeys\":[],\"sortKeyOrders\":[]}" }); pig.registerQuery("Events = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput2' USING PigStorage('\\t', '-schema');"); pig.registerQuery("EventsName = foreach Events generate name;"); Iterator<Tuple> sessions = pig.openIterator("EventsName"); sessions.next().toString().equals("(1)"); sessions.next().toString().equals("(2)"); sessions.next().toString().equals("(4)"); sessions.next().toString().equals("(2)"); sessions.next().toString().equals("(4)"); sessions.next().toString().equals("(1)"); sessions.next().toString().equals("()"); Assert.assertFalse(sessions.hasNext()); } @Test public void testPigStorageSchemaHeader() throws Exception { pigContext.connect(); String query = "a = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage(',') " + "as (foo:chararray, bar:int);"; pig.registerQuery(query); pig.registerQuery("a2 = FOREACH a GENERATE *, 1;"); // adds a field with a null schema name pig.registerQuery("STORE a2 into '" + datadir + "nout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-schema');"); String outPath = FileLocalizer.fullPath(datadir + "nout/.pig_header", pig.getPigContext()); Assert.assertTrue(FileLocalizer.fileExists(outPath, pig.getPigContext())); String[] header = Util.readOutput(pig.getPigContext(), outPath); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Headers are not the same.", new String[] {"foo\tbar\t$2"}, header); } @Test public void testPigStorageSchemaHeaderDelimiter() throws Exception { pigContext.connect(); String query = "a = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage(',') " + "as (foo:chararray, bar:int);"; pig.registerQuery(query); pig.registerQuery("STORE a into '" + datadir + "dout' using PigStorage('#', '-schema');"); pig.registerQuery("STORE a into '" + datadir + "eout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-schema');"); String outPath = FileLocalizer.fullPath(datadir + "dout/.pig_header", pig.getPigContext()); Assert.assertTrue(FileLocalizer.fileExists(outPath, pig.getPigContext())); String[] header = Util.readOutput(pig.getPigContext(), outPath); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Headers are not the same.", new String[] {"foo#bar"}, header); outPath = FileLocalizer.fullPath(datadir + "eout/.pig_header", pig.getPigContext()); Assert.assertTrue(FileLocalizer.fileExists(outPath, pig.getPigContext())); header = Util.readOutput(pig.getPigContext(), outPath); Assert.assertArrayEquals("Headers are not the same.", new String[] {"foo\tbar"}, header); } private void putInputFile(String filename) throws IOException { Util.createLocalInputFile(filename, new String[] {}); } private void putSchemaFile(String schemaFilename, ResourceSchema testSchema) throws JsonGenerationException, JsonMappingException, IOException { new ObjectMapper().writeValue(new File(schemaFilename), testSchema); } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Test public void testPigStorageSchemaSearch() throws Exception { String globtestdir = "build/test/tmpglobbingdata/"; ResourceSchema testSchema = new ResourceSchema(Utils.parseSchema("a0:chararray")); PigStorage pigStorage = new PigStorage(); pigContext.connect(); try{ Util.deleteDirectory(new File(datadir)); pig.mkdirs(globtestdir+"a"); pig.mkdirs(globtestdir+"a/a0"); putInputFile(globtestdir+"a/a0/input"); pig.mkdirs(globtestdir+"a/b0"); putInputFile(globtestdir+"a/b0/input"); pig.mkdirs(globtestdir+"b"); } catch (IOException e) {}; Configuration conf = ConfigurationUtil.toConfiguration(pigContext.getProperties()); // if schema file is not found, schema is null ResourceSchema schema = pigStorage.getSchema(globtestdir, new Job(conf)); Assert.assertTrue(schema==null); // if .pig_schema is in the input directory putSchemaFile(globtestdir+"a/a0/.pig_schema", testSchema); schema = pigStorage.getSchema(globtestdir+"a/a0", new Job(conf)); Assert.assertTrue(ResourceSchema.equals(schema, testSchema)); new File(globtestdir+"a/a0/.pig_schema").delete(); // .pig_schema in one of globStatus returned directory putSchemaFile(globtestdir+"a/.pig_schema", testSchema); schema = pigStorage.getSchema(globtestdir+"*", new Job(conf)); Assert.assertTrue(ResourceSchema.equals(schema, testSchema)); new File(globtestdir+"a/.pig_schema").delete(); putSchemaFile(globtestdir+"b/.pig_schema", testSchema); schema = pigStorage.getSchema(globtestdir+"*", new Job(conf)); Assert.assertTrue(ResourceSchema.equals(schema, testSchema)); new File(globtestdir+"b/.pig_schema").delete(); // if .pig_schema is deep in the globbing, it will not get used putSchemaFile(globtestdir+"a/a0/.pig_schema", testSchema); schema = pigStorage.getSchema(globtestdir+"*", new Job(conf)); Assert.assertTrue(schema==null); putSchemaFile(globtestdir+"a/.pig_schema", testSchema); schema = pigStorage.getSchema(globtestdir+"*", new Job(conf)); Assert.assertTrue(ResourceSchema.equals(schema, testSchema)); new File(globtestdir+"a/a0/.pig_schema").delete(); new File(globtestdir+"a/.pig_schema").delete(); pigStorage = new PigStorage("\t", "-schema"); putSchemaFile(globtestdir+"a/.pig_schema", testSchema); schema = pigStorage.getSchema(globtestdir+"{a,b}", new Job(conf)); Assert.assertTrue(ResourceSchema.equals(schema, testSchema)); } /** * This is for testing source tagging option on PigStorage. When a user * specifies '-tagFile' as an option, PigStorage must prepend the input * source path to the tuple and "INPUT_FILE_NAME" to schema. * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testPigStorageSourceTagSchema() throws Exception { pigContext.connect(); String query = "a = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage('\\t') " + "as (f1:chararray, f2:int);"; pig.registerQuery(query); pig.store("a", datadir + "aout", "PigStorage('\\t', '-schema')"); // aout now has a schema. // Verify that loading a-out with '-tagFile' produces // the original schema, and prepends 'INPUT_FILE_NAME' to // original schema. pig.registerQuery("b = LOAD '" + datadir + "aout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-tagFile');"); Schema genSchema = pig.dumpSchema("b"); String[] fileAliases = {"INPUT_FILE_NAME", "f1", "f2"}; byte[] fileTypes = {DataType.CHARARRAY, DataType.CHARARRAY, DataType.INTEGER}; Schema newSchema = TypeCheckingTestUtil.genFlatSchema( fileAliases,fileTypes); Assert.assertTrue("schema with -tagFile preprends INPUT_FILE_NAME", Schema.equals(newSchema, genSchema, true, false)); // Verify that loading a-out with '-tagPath' produces // the original schema, and prepends 'INPUT_FILE_PATH' to // original schema. pig.registerQuery("b = LOAD '" + datadir + "aout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-tagPath');"); genSchema = pig.dumpSchema("b"); String[] pathAliases = {"INPUT_FILE_PATH", "f1", "f2"}; byte[] pathTypes = {DataType.CHARARRAY, DataType.CHARARRAY, DataType.INTEGER}; newSchema = TypeCheckingTestUtil.genFlatSchema(pathAliases,pathTypes); Assert.assertTrue("schema with -tagPath preprends INPUT_FILE_PATH", Schema.equals(newSchema, genSchema, true, false)); // Verify that explicitly requesting no schema works pig.registerQuery("d = LOAD '" + datadir + "aout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-noschema');"); genSchema = pig.dumpSchema("d"); assertNull(genSchema); // Verify specifying your own schema works pig.registerQuery("b = LOAD '" + datadir + "aout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-tagFile') " + "as (input_file:chararray, foo:chararray, bar:int);"); genSchema = pig.dumpSchema("b"); String[] newAliases = {"input_file", "foo", "bar"}; byte[] newTypes = {DataType.CHARARRAY, DataType.CHARARRAY, DataType.INTEGER}; newSchema = TypeCheckingTestUtil.genFlatSchema(newAliases,newTypes); Assert.assertTrue("explicit schema overrides metadata", Schema.equals(newSchema, genSchema, true, false)); } @Test public void testPigStorageSourceTagValue() throws Exception { final String storeFileName = "part-m-00000"; pigContext.connect(); String query = "a = LOAD '" + datadir + "' using PigStorage('\\t') " + "as (f1:chararray, f2:int);"; pig.registerQuery(query); // Storing in 'aout' directory will store contents in part-m-00000 pig.store("a", datadir + "aout", "PigStorage('\\t', '-schema')"); // Verify input source tag is present when using -tagFile or -tagPath pig.registerQuery("b = LOAD '" + datadir + "aout' using PigStorage('\\t', '-tagFile');"); pig.registerQuery("c = foreach b generate INPUT_FILE_NAME;"); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pig.openIterator("c"); while(iter.hasNext()) { Tuple tuple = iter.next(); String inputFileName = (String)tuple.get(0); assertEquals("tagFile value must be part-m-00000", inputFileName, storeFileName); } } @Test public void testIncompleteDataWithPigSchema() throws Exception { File parent = new File(datadir, "incomplete_data_with_pig_schema_1"); parent.deleteOnExit(); parent.mkdirs(); File tmpInput = File.createTempFile("tmp", "tmp"); tmpInput.deleteOnExit(); File outFile = new File(parent, "out"); pig.registerQuery("a = load '"+Util.encodeEscape(tmpInput.getAbsolutePath())+"' as (x:int, y:chararray, z:chararray);"); pig.store("a", outFile.getAbsolutePath(), "PigStorage('\\t', '-schema')"); File schemaFile = new File(outFile, ".pig_schema"); parent = new File(datadir, "incomplete_data_with_pig_schema_2"); parent.deleteOnExit(); File inputDir = new File(parent, "input"); inputDir.mkdirs(); File inputSchemaFile = new File(inputDir, ".pig_schema"); FileUtils.moveFile(schemaFile, inputSchemaFile); File inputFile = new File(inputDir, "data"); Util.writeToFile(inputFile, new String[]{"1"}); pig.registerQuery("a = load '"+Util.encodeEscape(inputDir.getAbsolutePath())+"';"); Iterator<Tuple> it = pig.openIterator("a"); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); assertEquals(tuple(1,null,null), it.next()); assertFalse(it.hasNext()); // Now, test with prune pig.registerQuery("a = load '"+Util.encodeEscape(inputDir.getAbsolutePath())+"'; b = foreach a generate y, z;"); it = pig.openIterator("b"); assertTrue(it.hasNext()); assertEquals(tuple(null,null), it.next()); assertFalse(it.hasNext()); } @Test public void testPigStorageSchemaWithOverwrite() throws Exception { pigContext.connect(); String query = "a = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage(',') " + "as (f1:chararray, f2:int);"; List<Tuple> expectedResults = Util .getTuplesFromConstantTupleStrings(new String[] { "('A',1L)", "('B',2L)", "('C',3L)", "('D',2L)", "('A',5L)", "('B',5L)", "('C',8L)", "('A',8L)", "('D',8L)", "('A',9L)", }); pig.registerQuery(query); pig.store("a", datadir + "aout", "PigStorage(',')"); // below shouldn't fail & we should get the same result in the end pig.store("a", datadir + "aout", "PigStorage(',', '--overwrite true')"); pig.registerQuery("b = LOAD '" + datadir + "aout' using PigStorage(',');"); Iterator<Tuple> iter = pig.openIterator("b"); int counter = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { String tuple = iter.next().toString(); Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults.get(counter++).toString(), tuple); } Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults.size(), counter); } @Test(expected = Exception.class) public void testPigStorageSchemaFailureWithoutOverwrite() throws Exception { pigContext.connect(); String query = "a = LOAD '" + datadir + "originput' using PigStorage(',') " + "as (f1:chararray, f2:int);"; pig.registerQuery(query); // should fail without the overwrite flag pig.store("a", datadir + "aout", "PigStorage(',')"); pig.store("a", datadir + "aout", "PigStorage(',')"); } }