/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.pig.impl.util.avro; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.avro.AvroRuntimeException; import org.apache.avro.Schema; import org.apache.avro.Schema.Field; import org.apache.avro.Schema.Type; import org.apache.pig.LoadPushDown.RequiredField; import org.apache.pig.ResourceSchema; import org.apache.pig.LoadPushDown.RequiredFieldList; import org.apache.pig.backend.executionengine.ExecException; import org.apache.pig.data.DataType; import org.mortbay.log.Log; import com.google.common.collect.Lists; import com.google.common.collect.Maps; import com.google.common.collect.Sets; /** * Static methods for converting from Avro Schema object to Pig Schema objects, * and vice versa. */ public class AvroStorageSchemaConversionUtilities { /** * Determines the pig object type of the Avro schema. * @param s The avro schema for which to determine the type * @return the byte representing the schema type * @throws ExecException * @see org.apache.avro.Schema.Type */ public static byte getPigType(final Schema s) throws ExecException { switch (s.getType()) { case ARRAY: return DataType.BAG; case BOOLEAN: return DataType.BOOLEAN; case BYTES: return DataType.BYTEARRAY; case DOUBLE: return DataType.DOUBLE; case ENUM: return DataType.CHARARRAY; case FIXED: return DataType.BYTEARRAY; case FLOAT: return DataType.FLOAT; case INT: return DataType.INTEGER; case LONG: return DataType.LONG; case MAP: return DataType.MAP; case NULL: return DataType.NULL; case RECORD: return DataType.TUPLE; case STRING: return DataType.CHARARRAY; case UNION: List<Schema> types = s.getTypes(); if (types.size() == 1) { return getPigType(types.get(0)); } else if (types.size() == 2 && types.get(0).getType() == Type.NULL) { return getPigType(types.get(1)); } else if (types.size() == 2 && types.get(1).getType() == Type.NULL) { return getPigType(types.get(0)); } else if (isUnionOfSimpleTypes(s)) { return DataType.BYTEARRAY; } throw new ExecException( "Currently only supports element unions of a type and null (" + s.toString() +")"); default: throw new ExecException("Unknown type: " + s.getType().toString()); } } public static boolean isUnionOfSimpleTypes(Schema s) { List<Schema> types = s.getTypes(); if (types == null) { return false; } for (Schema subSchema : types) { switch (subSchema.getType()) { case BOOLEAN: case BYTES: case DOUBLE: case ENUM: case FIXED: case FLOAT: case INT: case LONG: case NULL: case STRING: continue; default: return false; } } return true; } /** * Translates an Avro schema to a Resource Schema (for Pig). * @param s The avro schema for which to determine the type * @param allowRecursiveSchema Flag indicating whether to * throw an error if a recursive schema definition is found * @throws IOException * @return the corresponding pig schema */ public static ResourceSchema avroSchemaToResourceSchema( final Schema s, final Boolean allowRecursiveSchema) throws IOException { return avroSchemaToResourceSchema(s, Sets.<Schema> newHashSet(), Maps.<String, ResourceSchema> newHashMap(), allowRecursiveSchema); } /** * Translates a field schema (avro) to a resource field schema (pig). * @param f * The avro schema field for which to determine the type * @param namesInStack * Set of already defined object names * @param alreadyDefinedSchemas * Map of schema names to resourceschema objects * @param allowRecursiveSchema * controls whether to throw an erro if the schema is recursive * @throws IOException * @return the corresponding pig resource schema field */ private static ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema fieldToResourceFieldSchema( final Field f, final Set<Schema> schemasInStack, final Map<String, ResourceSchema> alreadyDefinedSchemas, final Boolean allowRecursiveSchema) throws IOException { ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema rf = new ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema(); rf.setName(f.name()); Schema fieldSchema = f.schema(); if (isNullableUnion(fieldSchema)) { fieldSchema = removeSimpleUnion(fieldSchema); } // if this is a fixed schema, save the schema into the description to // use later when writing out the field if (fieldSchema.getType() == Type.FIXED) { rf.setDescription(fieldSchema.toString()); } else { rf.setDescription(f.doc()); } byte pigType = getPigType(fieldSchema); rf.setType(pigType); switch (pigType) { case DataType.BAG: { ResourceSchema bagSchema = new ResourceSchema(); ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[] bagSchemaFields = new ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[1]; bagSchemaFields[0] = new ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema(); bagSchemaFields[0].setType(DataType.TUPLE); bagSchemaFields[0].setDescription(fieldSchema.getDoc()); ResourceSchema innerResourceSchema = null; Schema elementSchema = fieldSchema.getElementType(); if (isNullableUnion(elementSchema)) { elementSchema = removeSimpleUnion(elementSchema); } switch (elementSchema.getType()) { case RECORD: case MAP: case ARRAY: innerResourceSchema = avroSchemaToResourceSchema(elementSchema, schemasInStack, alreadyDefinedSchemas, allowRecursiveSchema); bagSchemaFields[0].setName(elementSchema.getName()); break; case UNION: throw new IOException( "Pig cannot translate avro schemas for complex unions"); default: innerResourceSchema = new ResourceSchema(); ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[] tupleSchemaFields = new ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[1]; tupleSchemaFields[0] = new ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema(); tupleSchemaFields[0].setType(getPigType(elementSchema)); innerResourceSchema.setFields(tupleSchemaFields); } bagSchemaFields[0].setSchema(innerResourceSchema); bagSchema.setFields(bagSchemaFields); rf.setSchema(bagSchema); } break; case DataType.MAP: { Schema mapAvroSchema = fieldSchema.getValueType(); if (isNullableUnion(mapAvroSchema)) { mapAvroSchema = removeSimpleUnion(mapAvroSchema); } ResourceSchema mapSchema = new ResourceSchema(); ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[] mapSchemaFields = new ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[1]; if (mapAvroSchema.getType() == Type.RECORD) { ResourceSchema innerResourceSchema = avroSchemaToResourceSchema(fieldSchema.getValueType(), schemasInStack, alreadyDefinedSchemas, allowRecursiveSchema); mapSchemaFields[0] = new ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema(); mapSchemaFields[0].setType(DataType.TUPLE); mapSchemaFields[0].setName(mapAvroSchema.getName()); mapSchemaFields[0].setSchema(innerResourceSchema); mapSchemaFields[0].setDescription(fieldSchema.getDoc()); } else { mapSchemaFields[0] = new ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema(); mapSchemaFields[0].setType(getPigType(mapAvroSchema)); } mapSchema.setFields(mapSchemaFields); rf.setSchema(mapSchema); } break; case DataType.TUPLE: if (alreadyDefinedSchemas.containsKey(fieldSchema.getFullName())) { rf.setSchema(alreadyDefinedSchemas.get(fieldSchema.getFullName())); } else { ResourceSchema innerResourceSchema = avroSchemaToResourceSchema(fieldSchema, schemasInStack, alreadyDefinedSchemas, allowRecursiveSchema); rf.setSchema(innerResourceSchema); alreadyDefinedSchemas.put( fieldSchema.getFullName(), innerResourceSchema); } break; } return rf; } /** * Translates an Avro schema to a Resource Schema (for Pig). Internal method. * @param s The avro schema for which to determine the type * @param namesInStack Set of already defined object names * @param alreadyDefinedSchemas Map of schema names to resourceschema objects * @param allowRecursiveSchema controls whether to throw an error * if the schema is recursive * @throws IOException * @return the corresponding pig schema */ private static ResourceSchema avroSchemaToResourceSchema(final Schema s, final Set<Schema> schemasInStack, final Map<String, ResourceSchema> alreadyDefinedSchemas, final Boolean allowRecursiveSchema) throws IOException { ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[] resourceFields = null; switch (s.getType()) { case RECORD: if (schemasInStack.contains(s)) { if (allowRecursiveSchema) { break; // don't define further fields in the schema } else { throw new IOException( "Pig found recursive schema definition while processing" + s.toString() + " encountered " + s.getFullName() + " which was already seen in this stack: " + schemasInStack.toString() + "\n"); } } schemasInStack.add(s); resourceFields = new ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[s.getFields().size()]; for (Field f : s.getFields()) { resourceFields[f.pos()] = fieldToResourceFieldSchema(f, schemasInStack, alreadyDefinedSchemas, allowRecursiveSchema); } schemasInStack.remove(s); break; default: // wrap in a tuple resourceFields = new ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema[1]; Field f = new Schema.Field(s.getName(), s, s.getDoc(), null); resourceFields[0] = fieldToResourceFieldSchema(f, schemasInStack, alreadyDefinedSchemas, allowRecursiveSchema); } ResourceSchema rs = new ResourceSchema(); rs.setFields(resourceFields); return rs; } /** * Translated a ResourceSchema to an Avro Schema. * @param rs Input schema. * @param recordName Record name * @param recordNameSpace Namespace * @param definedRecordNames Map of already defined record names * to schema objects * @return the translated schema * @throws IOException */ public static Schema resourceSchemaToAvroSchema(final ResourceSchema rs, String recordName, final String recordNameSpace, final Map<String, List<Schema>> definedRecordNames, final Boolean doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores) throws IOException { if (rs == null) { return null; } recordName = toAvroName(recordName, doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores); List<Schema.Field> fields = new ArrayList<Schema.Field>(); Schema newSchema = Schema.createRecord( recordName, null, recordNameSpace, false); if (rs.getFields() != null) { Integer i = 0; for (ResourceSchema.ResourceFieldSchema rfs : rs.getFields()) { String rfsName = toAvroName(rfs.getName(), doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores); Schema fieldSchema = resourceFieldSchemaToAvroSchema( rfsName, recordNameSpace, rfs.getType(), rfs.getDescription().equals("autogenerated from Pig Field Schema") ? null : rfs.getDescription(), rfs.getSchema(), definedRecordNames, doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores); fields.add(new Schema.Field((rfsName != null) ? rfsName : recordName + "_" + i.toString(), fieldSchema, rfs.getDescription().equals( "autogenerated from Pig Field Schema") ? null : rfs.getDescription(), null)); i++; } newSchema.setFields(fields); } return newSchema; } /** * Translates a name in a pig schema to an acceptable Avro name, or * throws an error if the name can't be translated. * @param name The variable name to translate. * @param doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores Indicates whether to translate * double colons to underscores or throw an error if they are encountered. * @return A name usable by Avro. * @throws IOException If the name is not compatible with Avro. */ private static String toAvroName(String name, final Boolean doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores) throws IOException { if (name == null) { return null; } if (doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores) { name = name.replace("::", "__"); } if (name.matches("[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*")) { return name; } else { throw new IOException( "Pig Schema contains a name that is not allowed in Avro"); } } /** * Returns a Union Schema composed of {@in} and null. * @param in the schema to combine with null * @return the new union schema */ private static Schema createNullableUnion(final Schema in) { return Schema.createUnion(Lists.newArrayList(Schema.create(Type.NULL), in)); } /** * Returns a Union Schema composed of {@in} and null. * @param t the avro raw type to combine with null * @return the new union schema */ private static Schema createNullableUnion(final Type t) { return createNullableUnion(Schema.create(t)); } /** * Creates a new Avro schema object from the input ResouceSchema. * @param name object name * @param nameSpace namespace for avro object * @param type type of avro object * @param description description for new avro object * @param schema pig schema for the object * @param definedRecordNames already defined record names * @param doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores whether to translate double * colons in Pig names to underscores in avro names. * @return the avro schema object * @throws IOException If there is a translation error. */ private static Schema resourceFieldSchemaToAvroSchema( final String name, final String nameSpace, final byte type, final String description, final ResourceSchema schema, final Map<String, List<Schema>> definedRecordNames, final Boolean doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores) throws IOException { switch (type) { case DataType.BAG: Schema innerBagSchema = resourceSchemaToAvroSchema( schema.getFields()[0].getSchema(), name, null, definedRecordNames, doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores); if (innerBagSchema == null) { throw new IOException("AvroStorage can't save bags with untyped values; please specify a value type or a schema."); } return createNullableUnion(Schema.createArray(innerBagSchema)); case DataType.BIGCHARARRAY: return createNullableUnion(Type.STRING); case DataType.BOOLEAN: return createNullableUnion(Type.BOOLEAN); case DataType.BYTEARRAY: Schema fixedSchema; try { fixedSchema = (new Schema.Parser()).parse(description); } catch (Exception e) { fixedSchema = null; } if (fixedSchema == null) { return createNullableUnion(Type.BYTES); } else { return createNullableUnion(fixedSchema); } case DataType.CHARARRAY: return createNullableUnion(Type.STRING); case DataType.DATETIME: return createNullableUnion(Type.LONG); case DataType.DOUBLE: return createNullableUnion(Type.DOUBLE); case DataType.FLOAT: return createNullableUnion(Type.FLOAT); case DataType.INTEGER: return createNullableUnion(Type.INT); case DataType.LONG: return createNullableUnion(Type.LONG); case DataType.MAP: if (schema == null) { throw new IOException("AvroStorage can't save maps with untyped values; please specify a value type or a schema."); } byte innerType = schema.getFields()[0].getType(); String desc = schema.getFields()[0].getDescription(); if (desc != null) { if (desc.equals("autogenerated from Pig Field Schema")) { desc = null; } } Schema innerSchema; if (DataType.isComplex(innerType)) { innerSchema = createNullableUnion( Schema.createMap(resourceSchemaToAvroSchema( schema.getFields()[0].getSchema(), name, nameSpace, definedRecordNames, doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores))); } else { innerSchema = createNullableUnion( Schema.createMap(resourceFieldSchemaToAvroSchema( name, nameSpace, innerType, desc, null, definedRecordNames, doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores))); } return innerSchema; case DataType.NULL: return Schema.create(Type.NULL); case DataType.TUPLE: if (schema == null) { throw new IOException("AvroStorage can't save tuples with untyped values; please specify a value type or a schema."); } Schema returnSchema = createNullableUnion( resourceSchemaToAvroSchema(schema, name, null, definedRecordNames, doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores)); if (definedRecordNames.containsKey(name)) { List<Schema> schemaList = definedRecordNames.get(name); boolean notfound = true; for (Schema cachedSchema : schemaList) { if (returnSchema.equals(cachedSchema)) { notfound = false; } break; } if (notfound) { returnSchema = createNullableUnion(resourceSchemaToAvroSchema( schema, name + "_" + new Integer(schemaList.size()).toString(), null, definedRecordNames, doubleColonsToDoubleUnderscores)); definedRecordNames.get(name).add(returnSchema); } } else { definedRecordNames.put(name, Lists.newArrayList(returnSchema)); } return returnSchema; case DataType.BYTE: case DataType.ERROR: case DataType.GENERIC_WRITABLECOMPARABLE: case DataType.INTERNALMAP: case DataType.UNKNOWN: default: throw new IOException( "Don't know how to encode type " + DataType.findTypeName(type) + " in schema " + ((schema == null) ? "" : schema.toString()) + "\n"); } } /** * Checks to see if an avro schema is a combination of * null and another object. * @param s The object to check * @return whether it's a nullable union */ public static boolean isNullableUnion(final Schema s) { return ( s.getType() == Type.UNION && ((s.getTypes().size() == 1) || (s.getTypes().size() == 2 && (s.getTypes().get(0).getType() == Type.NULL || s.getTypes().get(1).getType() == Type.NULL)))); } /** * Given an input schema that is a union of an avro schema * and null (or just a union with one type), return the avro schema. * @param s The input schema object * @return The non-null part of the union */ public static Schema removeSimpleUnion(final Schema s) { if (s.getType() == Type.UNION) { List<Schema> types = s.getTypes(); for (Schema t : types) { if (t.getType() != Type.NULL) { return t; } } } return s; } /** * Takes an Avro Schema and a Pig RequiredFieldList and returns a new schema * with only the requried fields, or no if the function can't extract only * those fields. Useful for push down projections. * @param oldSchema The avro schema from which to extract the schema * @param rfl the Pig required field list * @return the new schema, or null */ public static Schema newSchemaFromRequiredFieldList( final Schema oldSchema, final RequiredFieldList rfl) { return newSchemaFromRequiredFieldList(oldSchema, rfl.getFields()); } /** * Takes an Avro Schema and a Pig RequiredFieldList and returns a new schema * with only the required fields, or no if the function can't extract only * those fields. Useful for push down projections. * @param oldSchema The avro schema from which to extract the schema * @param rfl List of required fields * @return the new schema */ public static Schema newSchemaFromRequiredFieldList( final Schema oldSchema, final List<RequiredField> rfl) { List<Schema.Field> fields = Lists.newArrayList(); for (RequiredField rf : rfl) { try { Schema.Field f = oldSchema.getField(rf.getAlias()); if (f == null) { return null; } try { if (getPigType(f.schema()) != rf.getType()) { return null; } } catch (ExecException e) { Log.warn("ExecException caught in newSchemaFromRequiredFieldList", e); return null; } if (rf.getSubFields() == null) { fields.add( new Schema.Field(f.name(), f.schema(), f.doc(), f.defaultValue())); } else { Schema innerSchema = newSchemaFromRequiredFieldList(f.schema(), rf.getSubFields()); if (innerSchema == null) { return null; } else { fields.add( new Schema.Field( f.name(), innerSchema, f.doc(), f.defaultValue())); } } } catch (AvroRuntimeException e){ return oldSchema; } } Schema newSchema = Schema.createRecord( oldSchema.getName(), "subset of fields from " + oldSchema.getName() + "; " + oldSchema.getDoc(), oldSchema.getNamespace(), false); newSchema.setFields(fields); return newSchema; } }