package automenta.spacenet.plugin.neural; import automenta.spacenet.var.graph.MemGraph; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Observer; import org.neuroph.core.Connection; import org.neuroph.core.Layer; import org.neuroph.core.NeuralNetwork; import org.neuroph.core.Neuron; //TODO rename to NeuralGraph //TODO implements (Neuroph) observer - changes in neural network reflects in the graph public class NeuralGraph extends MemGraph<Neuron, Connection> implements Observer { private NeuralNetwork net; public NeuralGraph() { super(); } public NeuralGraph(NeuralNetwork net) { this(); setNetwork(net); } public NeuralNetwork getNet() { return net; } public void setNetwork(NeuralNetwork net) { = net; clear(); Iterator<Layer> li = net.getLayersIterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { Layer l =; Iterator<Neuron> ni = l.getNeuronsIterator(); while (ni.hasNext()) { Neuron neuron =; addNode(neuron); Iterator<Connection> ci = neuron.getInputConnections().iterator(); while (ci.hasNext()) { Connection connection =; Neuron fromNeuron = connection.getConnectedNeuron(); addEdge(connection, fromNeuron, neuron); } } } } public void update(Observable o, Object arg) { // we should distinct from network state change when its calculated // and when the network structure is changed (like neuron added or removed) // we should rebuild graph only when network structure has changed, ands we can use arg parameter to indicate that setNetwork((NeuralNetwork)o); } }