package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.ParsePosition; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.apache.http.Header; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.codehaus.jackson.JsonNode; import; import com.esri.ges.core.component.ComponentException; import com.esri.ges.core.component.RunningException; import com.esri.ges.core.component.RunningState; import com.esri.ges.core.http.GeoEventHttpClient; import com.esri.ges.core.http.GeoEventHttpClientService; import com.esri.ges.core.http.KeyValue; import com.esri.ges.framework.i18n.BundleLogger; import com.esri.ges.framework.i18n.BundleLoggerFactory; import com.esri.ges.transport.InboundTransportBase; import com.esri.ges.transport.RestInboundTransportProvider; import com.esri.ges.transport.TransportDefinition; import com.esri.ges.transport.http.HttpTransportService; import com.esri.ges.transport.http.HttpUtil; import com.esri.ges.transport.http.LastModifiedToDateFormatter; import com.esri.ges.util.DateUtil; public class MLOBIInboundTransport extends InboundTransportBase implements RestInboundTransportProvider { private String acceptableMimeTypes_server; protected String acceptableMimeTypes_client; private String eom = ""; protected GeoEventHttpClientService httpClientService; //private int httpTimeoutValue; private String host; private String user; private String pw; private String featureService; private String token; private int refreshInterval = 10; private String queryDefinition; private WorkerThread runThread; private Charset charset; private String oidFieldName; //private String newFeaturesOption; private String newFeaturesTimeFieldName; private long lastTimestamp; private String layerDescriptionForLogs; private String layerIndex; private Boolean getNewFeaturesOnly; private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); private JsonNode features; private static final BundleLogger LOGGER= BundleLoggerFactory.getLogger(MLOBIInboundTransport.class); private SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); private class WorkerThread extends Thread { private volatile boolean running = true; private void dismiss() { running = false; } @Override public void run() { while (running) { try { getIncomingData(); } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.error("FS_RUN_ERROR", refreshInterval, t.getMessage());, t); } try { sleep(refreshInterval * 1000); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { ; } } // setRunningState(RunningState.STOPPED); } } public MLOBIInboundTransport(TransportDefinition definition, GeoEventHttpClientService service) throws ComponentException { super(definition); this.httpClientService = service; charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; } @Override public String getAcceptableMimeTypesServerMode() { return acceptableMimeTypes_server; } @Override public String getEOMString() { return eom; } @Override public boolean isServerMode() { String m = getProperty(HttpTransportService.MODE_PROPERTY).getValueAsString(); if (m.equals("SERVER")) return true; else return false; } @Override public boolean isClusterable() { return false; } @Override public void start() throws RunningException { switch (getRunningState()) { case STARTING: case STARTED: case ERROR: return; default: // fall-through break; } setRunningState(RunningState.STARTING); setup(); try { connectOBI(); runThread = new WorkerThread(); setRunningState(RunningState.STARTED); runThread.setName("InboundMLOBIFeatureServiceWorkerThread-"+ featureService + "-" + layerIndex); runThread.start(); setErrorMessage(null); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } @Override public synchronized void stop() { stop(true); } private void getIncomingData() { // String test = ""; String whereClause = ""; try { whereClause = queryDefinition; if (getNewFeaturesOnly) { Date cachedDate = new Date(lastTimestamp); String format ="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"; TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format); dateFormat.setTimeZone(tz); String dateStr = dateFormat.format(cachedDate); dateStr = dateStr.substring(0, dateStr.length()-3); dateStr += "999999"; //String dateStr = DateUtil.format(cachedDate, format); if (queryDefinition.length() > 0) { // whereClause = queryDefinition + " and " + newFeaturesTimeFieldName + " > " + agscon.getDateTimeQueryOperand(dateStr); whereClause = queryDefinition + " and " + "object-activity-date GT " + dateStr; } else { whereClause = "object-activity-date GT " + dateStr; } } String clientUrl = host + "/rest/services/" + featureService + "/FeatureServer/" + layerIndex + "/query"; URL url = new URL(clientUrl); Collection<KeyValue> params = new ArrayList<KeyValue>(); params.add(new KeyValue("f", "json")); if(!whereClause.isEmpty()) params.add(new KeyValue("where", whereClause)); String jsonString = executeGetAndGetReply(url, params); JsonNode jsonReply = mapper.readTree(jsonString); features = jsonReply.get("features"); if(features.size() > 0 && getNewFeaturesOnly) updateLastTimestamp(jsonReply); for(int i = 0; i < features.size(); ++i ) { JsonNode node = features.get(i); ByteBuffer buffer = charset.encode(node.toString()); byteListener.receive(buffer, Integer.toString(i)); } //features = mapper.readTree(jsonString); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("FS_FETCH_ERROR", featureService, e.getMessage());, e); } } private void stop(boolean unregisterAsListener) { if (getRunningState() == RunningState.STARTED) { setRunningState(RunningState.STOPPING); runThread.dismiss(); runThread.interrupt(); runThread = null; } setRunningState(RunningState.STOPPED); setErrorMessage(null); if (unregisterAsListener) { try { disconnectOBI(); token = null; } catch (Throwable t) { // Chances are, system is shutting down and agsManager instance has gone away."STOP_ERROR", t.getMessage()); } } } public synchronized void setup() { lastTimestamp = -1; host = getProperty("host").getValueAsString(); user = getProperty("user").getValueAsString(); pw = getProperty("pw").getValueAsString(); layerIndex = getProperty("layerIndex").getValueAsString(); getNewFeaturesOnly = Boolean.parseBoolean(getProperty("newFeaturesOnly").getValueAsString()); if (getNewFeaturesOnly) { newFeaturesTimeFieldName = getProperty("cleanupTimeField") .getValueAsString(); } refreshInterval = 10; String stringValue = ""; try { stringValue = getProperty("refreshInterval").getValueAsString(); refreshInterval = Integer.parseInt(stringValue); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { LOGGER.warn("REFRESH_INTERVAL_PARSE_ERROR", "refreshInterval", stringValue, refreshInterval); } featureService = getProperty("serviceName").getValueAsString(); queryDefinition = getProperty("queryDefinition").getValueAsString(); layerDescriptionForLogs = surroundBrackets("MarkLogic OBI")+ surroundBrackets(featureService) + surroundBrackets(layerIndex)+surroundBrackets("FeatureServer"); } private void connectOBI() throws Exception { GeoEventHttpClient http = httpClientService.createNewClient(); String clientUrl = host + "/user/login"; String requestBody = generateTokenPayLoad(); //HttpRequestBase request = HttpUtil.createHttpRequest(http, clientUrl, "POST", "", "application/json", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", requestBody, LOGGER); URL url = new URL(clientUrl); HttpPost request = null; try { request = new HttpPost(url.toURI()); } catch(URISyntaxException e) { } ContentType contentType = ContentType.create("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(requestBody, contentType); request.setEntity(entity); CloseableHttpResponse response = http.execute(request, GeoEventHttpClient.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); if(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()==200) { Header[] headers = response.getAllHeaders(); for (Header h : headers) { if (h.getName().equals("set-cookie")) { token = h.getValue(); } } } } private void disconnectOBI() throws MalformedURLException { GeoEventHttpClient http = httpClientService.createNewClient(); String logouturl = host + "/user/logout"; URL url = new URL(logouturl); HttpPost request = null; try { request = new HttpPost(url.toURI()); } catch(URISyntaxException e) { } request.setHeader("Cookie", token); CloseableHttpResponse response; try { response = http.execute(request, GeoEventHttpClient.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); if (response == null) { if (getRunningState() == RunningState.ERROR) {"RECONNECTION_MSG", logouturl); setErrorMessage(null); setRunningState(RunningState.STARTED); } } else { // log only if we were not in error state already if (getRunningState() != RunningState.ERROR) { ; } } } catch(Exception e) { } } private String generateTokenPayLoad() throws Exception { try { String userKey = surroundQuotes("username"); String userString = surroundQuotes(user); String pwKey = surroundQuotes("password"); String password; password = cryptoService.decrypt(pw); String passwordString = surroundQuotes(password); String content = userKey + ": " + userString + "," + pwKey + ": " + passwordString; String requestBody = surroundCurlyBrackets(content); return requestBody; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw (e); } } private void updateLastTimestamp(JsonNode root) throws ParseException { JsonNode features = root.get("features"); String format ="yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS"; if (features.isArray()) { for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); i++) { JsonNode feature = features.get(i); JsonNode attributes = feature.get("attributes"); JsonNode time = attributes.get("LastUpdatedDateTime"); if (feature.get("attributes").get("LastUpdatedDateTime") != null) { String timeString = time.toString(); timeString = timeString.substring(1, timeString.length()-4); TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format); dateFormat.setTimeZone(tz); Date d = dateFormat.parse(timeString); long ts = d.getTime(); if (ts > lastTimestamp) lastTimestamp = ts; } else { LOGGER.warn("NO_TIME_FIELD_FOUND", newFeaturesTimeFieldName, root.toString()); } } } } private String postAndGetReply(URL url, Collection<KeyValue> params) throws IOException { String responseString = null; try (GeoEventHttpClient http = httpClientService.createNewClient()) { //HttpPost postRequest = http.createPostRequest(url, params); List<NameValuePair> formParams = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(); if (params != null) { for (KeyValue parameter : params) { formParams.add(new BasicNameValuePair(parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue())); LOGGER.debug("HTTP_ADDING_PARAM", parameter.getKey(), parameter.getValue()); } } UrlEncodedFormEntity entity = new UrlEncodedFormEntity(formParams, "UTF-8"); HttpPost postRequest; try { postRequest = new HttpPost(url.toURI()); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } postRequest.setEntity(entity); postRequest.addHeader("Accept", "application/json,text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml"); postRequest.addHeader("Cookie", token); //postRequest.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/json"); postRequest.setHeader("charset","utf-8"); responseString = http.executeAndReturnBody(postRequest, GeoEventHttpClient.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage()); } return responseString; } private String executeGetAndGetReply(URL url, Collection<KeyValue> params) { String responseString = null; try (GeoEventHttpClient http = httpClientService.createNewClient()) { // HttpGet getRequest = http.createGetRequest(url, params); String paramString = "?"; Boolean isFirst = true; for (KeyValue k : params) { if (!isFirst) { paramString += "&"; } else { isFirst = false; } String key = k.getKey(); String value = k.getValue(); paramString += key + "=" + URLEncoder.encode(value, "UTF-8"); } //String encodedParams = URLEncoder.encode(paramString, "UTF-8"); String uri = url + paramString; //String uri = ",objectId&returnGeometry=false&where=12345"; //token="sid=s%3AeP9e9pkN47h7H31sxa3L8pBPVPP-xI9I.%2BfetBeKb%2F%2BuBBJjBNd2V65x7z6QFruZynsRK2%2Fb0peM"; HttpGet getRequest = new HttpGet(uri); String contentType = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml,application/json"; getRequest.addHeader("Cookie", token); getRequest.addHeader("Accept", contentType); HttpClient httpclient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build(); HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(getRequest); HttpEntity entity = response.getEntity(); InputStream instream = entity.getContent(); try { BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( (instream))); responseString = ""; String ln; while ((ln = br.readLine()) != null) { responseString += ln; } } catch (IOException ex) { // In case of an IOException the connection will be // released // back to the connection manager automatically LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage()); throw ex; } catch (RuntimeException ex) { // In case of an unexpected exception you may want to // abort // the HTTP request in order to shut down the underlying // connection immediately. LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage()); getRequest.abort(); throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage()); getRequest.abort(); throw ex; } finally { // Closing the input stream will trigger connection // release try { instream.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage()); } return responseString; } //helper methods private String surroundQuotes(String in) { String out = "\"" + in + "\""; return out; } private String surroundCurlyBrackets(String in) { return "{" + in + "}"; } private String surroundBrackets(String in) { return "[" + in + "]"; } }