package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import com.esri.ges.processor.GeoEventProcessorDefinitionBase; import; public class EVCProcessorDefinition extends GeoEventProcessorDefinitionBase { private String allowedValInterval = "${}"; private String allowedValMaxPerInterval = "${}"; private String lblFilterType = "${}"; private String descFilterType = "${}"; private String lblMaxPerInterval = "${}"; private String descMaxPerInterval = "${}"; public EVCProcessorDefinition() { try { PropertyDefinition pdInterval = new PropertyDefinition("interval", PropertyType.Long, 10000, "Interval (miliseconds)", "Amount of time between which new messages with the same track id will be dropped", true, false); propertyDefinitions.put(pdInterval.getPropertyName(), pdInterval); List<LabeledValue> allowedVals = new ArrayList<LabeledValue>(); allowedVals.add(new LabeledValue(allowedValInterval,"byInterval" )); allowedVals.add(new LabeledValue(allowedValMaxPerInterval, "maxPerInterval")); PropertyDefinition pdFilterType = new PropertyDefinition("filterType", PropertyType.String, allowedValInterval, lblFilterType, descFilterType, true, false, allowedVals); propertyDefinitions.put(pdFilterType.getPropertyName(), pdFilterType); PropertyDefinition pdEPI = new PropertyDefinition("epi", PropertyType.Long, 100, lblMaxPerInterval, descMaxPerInterval, true, false); pdEPI.setDependsOn("filterType=maxPerInterval"); propertyDefinitions.put(pdEPI.getPropertyName(), pdEPI); } catch (PropertyException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public String getName() { return "EVCProcessor"; } @Override public String getDomain() { return ""; } @Override public String getVersion() { return "10.5.0"; } @Override public String getLabel() { return "${}"; } @Override public String getDescription() { return "${}"; } @Override public String getContactInfo() { return ""; } }