package; import java.nio.BufferUnderflowException; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Date; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.esri.core.geometry.MapGeometry; import com.esri.core.geometry.Point; import com.esri.core.geometry.SpatialReference; import com.esri.ges.adapter.AdapterDefinition; import com.esri.ges.adapter.InboundAdapterBase; import com.esri.ges.core.component.ComponentException; import com.esri.ges.core.geoevent.FieldException; import com.esri.ges.core.geoevent.GeoEvent; import com.esri.ges.messaging.MessagingException; public class ESDInboundAdapter extends InboundAdapterBase { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ESDInboundAdapter.class); private String currentSentence = ""; private boolean started=false; public ESDInboundAdapter(AdapterDefinition definition) throws ComponentException { super(definition); } @Override public void receive(ByteBuffer buffer, String channelId) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub super.receive(buffer, channelId); } public GeoEvent adapt(ByteBuffer buffer, String channelId) { try { String sentence = ""; final int TOOLONG = 2048; boolean ended=false; while (!ended) { char character = (char)buffer.get(); // get the char but don't advance the mark if (!started) { if (currentSentence.contentEquals("T") && character == 'a') // start { started = true; currentSentence += 'a'; } else if (character == 'T') { currentSentence = "T"; } else { currentSentence = ""; } } else { if (currentSentence.endsWith("T") && character == 'a') // start of next sentence { ended = true; sentence = currentSentence.substring(0, currentSentence.length()-1); currentSentence = "Ta"; // start of next sentence leave started = true } else { currentSentence += character; } } // if the incoming data is malformed we need to eventually give up and clear the buffer if(currentSentence.length() > TOOLONG) { currentSentence = ""; started = false;"Received 2408 characters without two \"Ta\" fields, probably not ESD data."); return null; } } final String tagsRegex = "Ta|To|Te|Tw|Sr|Sp|Se|Fv|Sl|Sa|So|Sn|Ic|Cd|Ct|Mn|Md|Mt|Cl|Pc|Iv|Ir|Ip|Ih"; final String notTagsRegex = "[^"+tagsRegex+"]+"; String[] fields = sentence.split(tagsRegex); // get array of the fields divided by the tags String[] tags = sentence.split(notTagsRegex); // get array of the tags GeoEvent msg = createGeoEvent(fields, tags); return msg; } catch (Exception ex) { // not enough data for a complete sentence yet so try again later return null; } } //ESD format has the following tags //Ta - target latitude (deg) //To - target longitude (deg) //Tw - target_width //Sr - slant range //Sp - sensor pointing azimuth (deg) //Se - sensor depression angle (deg) //Fv - field of view (deg) //Sl - sensor altitude (ft) //Sa - sensor latitude (deg) //So - sensor longitude (deg) //Sn - sensor name (this is a number 1-5) //Ic - image coordinate system // currently ignored (Always assume geographic coordinated not geocentric //Cd - date of collection YYYYMMDD //Ct - time of collection HHMMSS //Mn - mission number //Md - mission start date //Mt - mission start time //Cl - classification //Pc - project id code (platform code) //Iv - ESD icd version //Ir - undocumented token //Ip - undocumented token //Ih - undocumented token private GeoEvent createGeoEvent(String[] fields, String[] tags) { if (fields.length < 15) { return null; } // Create an instance of the message using the guid that we generated when // we started up. GeoEvent msg; try { msg = geoEventCreator.create(((AdapterDefinition)definition).getGeoEventDefinition("ESDGeoEventDefinition").getGuid()); } catch (MessagingException e) { return null; } double targetLat=-999.0; double targetLon=-999.0; double targetElevation=0.0; double sensorLat=-999.0; double sensorLon=-999.0; double sensorAlt=-999.0; String collectionDate=""; String collectionTime=""; String missionDate = ""; String missionTime=""; for(int i = 1; i<fields.length ; i++) // the 0th element is any junk before the first tag { try { if (tags[i-1].equals("Ta")) //PDDMMSST { if(fields[i].length()==8) { int dd = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(1, 3)); int mm = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(3, 5)); int ss = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(5, 7)); int t = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(7, 8)); targetLat = dd + (mm+((ss+(t/10))/60.0))/60.0; if (fields[i].charAt(0) == '-') targetLat = targetLat*(-1); } else if(fields[i].length()==7) // some version leave off the "+" { int dd = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(0, 2)); int mm = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(2, 4)); int ss = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(4, 6)); int t = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(6, 7)); targetLat = dd + (mm+((ss+(t/10))/60.0))/60.0; } } else if (tags[i-1].equals("To")) //PDDDMMSST { if(fields[i].length()==9) { int ddd = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(1, 4)); int mm = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(4, 6)); int ss = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(6, 8)); int t = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(8, 9)); targetLon = ddd + (mm+((ss+(t/10))/60.0))/60.0; if (fields[i].charAt(0) == '-') targetLon = targetLon*(-1); } else if(fields[i].length()==8) // some version leave off the "+" { int dd = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(0, 3)); int mm = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(3, 5)); int ss = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(5, 7)); int t = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(7, 8)); targetLon = dd + (mm+((ss+(t/10))/60.0))/60.0; } } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Te")) // target_width { float targetFeet = Float.parseFloat(fields[i]); targetElevation = targetFeet / 3.28084; // store TargetElevation in meters to use in geometry field } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Tw")) // target_width { msg.setField(2, (long)Float.parseFloat(fields[i])); } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Sr")) //slant range { msg.setField(3, (long)Float.parseFloat(fields[i])); } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Sp")) //sensor pointing azimuth { msg.setField(4, Float.parseFloat(fields[i])); } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Se")) //sensor depression angle { msg.setField(5, Float.parseFloat(fields[i]));; } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Fv")) //sensor_field_of_view { msg.setField(6, Float.parseFloat(fields[i]));; } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Sl")) // Sensor_altitude { long sensorFeet = Long.parseLong(fields[i]); sensorAlt = sensorFeet / 3.28084; // store sensor Altitude in meters to use in geometry field msg.setField(7, sensorFeet ); } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Sa")) // these get converted to a geometry for sensor location in field 8 { if(fields[i].length()==8) { int dd = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(1, 3)); //eg +34 skip the sign int mm = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(3, 5)); int ss = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(5, 7)); int t = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(7, 8)); sensorLat = dd + (mm+((ss+(t/10))/60.0))/60.0; if (fields[i].charAt(0) == '-') sensorLat = sensorLat*(-1); } else if(fields[i].length()==7) // some version leave off the "+" { int dd = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(0, 2)); int mm = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(2, 4)); int ss = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(4, 6)); int t = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(6, 7)); sensorLat = dd + (mm+((ss+(t/10))/60.0))/60.0; } } else if (tags[i-1].equals("So")) //PDDDMMSST { if(fields[i].length()==9) { int ddd = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(1, 4)); //eg -117 skip sign int mm = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(4, 6)); int ss = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(6, 8)); int t = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(8, 9)); sensorLon = ddd + (mm+((ss+(t/10))/60.0))/60.0; if (fields[i].charAt(0) == '-') sensorLon = sensorLon*(-1); } else if(fields[i].length()==8) // some version leave off the "+" { int dd = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(0, 3)); //DDD int mm = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(3, 5)); //MM int ss = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(5, 7)); //SS int t = Integer.parseInt(fields[i].substring(7, 8)); //T sensorLon = dd + (mm+((ss+(t/10))/60.0))/60.0; } } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Sn")) // sensor name enum { msg.setField(9, Short.parseShort(fields[i])); } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Cd")) // Collection date yyyymmdd next two fieild get combined into 10 { collectionDate = fields[i]; } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Ct")) // collection time HHMMSS { collectionTime = fields[i]; } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Mn")) //Mission Number { msg.setField(11, Long.parseLong(fields[i])); } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Md")) // mission date yyyymmdd next two fields get combined into 12 { missionDate = fields[i]; } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Mt")) // mission time HHMMSS { missionTime = fields[i]; } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Cl")) // Security Classification { msg.setField(13,fields[i]); } else if (tags[i-1].equals("Pc")) // Project/platform code { msg.setField(14, Short.parseShort(fields[i])); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOG.debug("parse exception fields "+tags[i-1]+fields[i]); //return null; } catch (FieldException e) { LOG.debug("FieldException fields "+tags[i-1]+fields[i]); } } try { msg.setField(0, 1); // for now set the track ID to 1 ultimately we might want to utilize the channel ID or the mission number if (targetLat>=-90 && targetLat<= 90 && targetLon <= 180 && targetLon >= -180) { int wkid = 4326; SpatialReference sr = SpatialReference.create(wkid); Point p = new Point(targetLon, targetLat); MapGeometry mapGeo = new MapGeometry(p, sr); msg.setField(1, mapGeo); } if (sensorLat>=-90 && sensorLat<= 90 && sensorLon <= 180 && sensorLon >= -180) { int wkid = 4326; SpatialReference sr = SpatialReference.create(wkid); Point p = new Point(sensorLon, sensorLat, sensorAlt); MapGeometry mapGeo = new MapGeometry(p, sr); msg.setField(8, mapGeo); } if (collectionDate.length() == 8 && collectionTime.length() == 6 ) { DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); Date date; try { date = (Date)formatter.parse(collectionDate+collectionTime); } catch (ParseException e) { date=null; } if (date!=null) { msg.setField(10,date); } } if (missionDate.length() == 8 && missionTime.length() == 6 ) { DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); Date date; try { date = (Date)formatter.parse(missionDate+missionTime); } catch (ParseException e) { date=null; } if (date!=null) { msg.setField(12,date); } } return msg; } catch (FieldException e1) { LOG.debug("FieldException: "+e1.getMessage()); return null; } } }