package org.esa.beam.dataio.smos; import java.awt.geom.Area; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import; public class DggUtils { public static Area computeArea(PointList pointList) throws IOException { final Rectangle2D[] tileRectangles = new Rectangle2D[512]; for (int i = 0; i < 32; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { tileRectangles[i * 16 + j] = createTileRectangle(i, j); } } final Area envelope = new Area(); for (int i = 0; i < pointList.getElementCount(); i++) { double lon = pointList.getLon(i); double lat = pointList.getLat(i); // normalisation to [-180, 180] necessary for some L1c test products if (lon > 180.0) { lon = lon - 360.0; } final double hw = 0.02; final double hh = 0.02; final double x = lon - hw; final double y = lat - hh; final double w = 0.04; final double h = 0.04; if (!envelope.contains(x, y, w, h)) { for (final Rectangle2D tileRectangle : tileRectangles) { if (tileRectangle.intersects(x, y, w, h) && !envelope.contains(tileRectangle)) { envelope.add(new Area(tileRectangle)); if (envelope.contains(x, y, w, h)) { break; } } } } } return envelope; } // package access for testing only tb 2014-07-21 static Rectangle2D createTileRectangle(int i, int j) { final double w = 11.25; final double h = 11.25; final double x = w * i - 180.0; final double y = 90.0 - h * (j + 1); return new Rectangle2D.Double(x, y, w, w); } // Keep this method public - else we get weired class loading problems from within Visat tb 2014-08-04 public static Rectangle2D createGridPointRectangle(double lon, double lat) { // the average width of a grid point is about 0.04 lon -= 0.02; if (lon < -180.0) { lon = -180.0; } else if (lon + 0.04 > 180.0) { lon -= 0.04; } // the height of a grid point always is about 0.02 lat -= 0.01; if (lat < -90.0) { lat = -90.0; } else if (lat + 0.02 > 90.0) { lat -= 0.02; } return new Rectangle2D.Double(lon, lat, 0.04, 0.02); } }