package org.esa.beam.smos.ee2netcdf; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.annotations.Parameter; import org.esa.beam.smos.gui.BindingConstants; import org.esa.beam.util.converters.JtsGeometryConverter; import; public class ExportParameter { /** * Valid source product types are * <p/> * MIR_SM_SMUDP2 * MIR_SM_OSUDP2 * MIR_SM_SCxF1C * MIR_SM_SCxD1C * MIR_SM_BWxF1C * MIR_SM_BWxD1C */ public static final String PRODUCT_TYPE_REGEX = "MIR_BW[LS][DF]1C|MIR_SC[LS][DF]1C|MIR_OSUDP2|MIR_SMUDP2"; @Parameter(alias = BindingConstants.SELECTED_PRODUCT, defaultValue = "false", description = "Convert the selected product to netCDF. Used in GUI mode only.") private boolean useSelectedProduct; @Parameter(alias = BindingConstants.SOURCE_DIRECTORY, description = "The source directory. If specified, all files in the source directory are converted to netCDF.", label = "Source directory") private File sourceDirectory; @Parameter(alias = BindingConstants.OPEN_FILE_DIALOG, defaultValue = "false", description = "Open a file dialog to select a product to be converted to netCDF.") private boolean openFileDialog; @Parameter(alias = BindingConstants.REGION, converter = JtsGeometryConverter.class, description = "A region-of-interest specified in geographic coordinates using well-known-text (WKT) format. For example: 'POLYGON((<lon1> <lat1>, <lon2> <lat2>, ..., <lon1> <lat1>))'.", label = "region") private Geometry region; @Parameter(alias = BindingConstants.ROI_TYPE, defaultValue = "2", valueSet = {"0", "1", "2"}) private int roiType; @Parameter(alias = BindingConstants.TARGET_DIRECTORY, defaultValue = ".", description = "The directory where the target netCDF file is put out.", label = "Target directory") private File targetDirectory; @Parameter(interval = "[-90.0, 90.0]", defaultValue = "90.0", description = "The northern bound of the region-of-interest. Used only if the ROI type selected is a latitude-longitude box.") private double northBound; @Parameter(interval = "[-180.0, 180.0]", defaultValue = "180.0", description = "The eastern bound of the region-of-interest. Used only if the ROI type selected is a latitude-longitude box.") private double eastBound; @Parameter(interval = "[-90.0, 90.0]", defaultValue = "-90.0", description = "The southern bound of the region-of-interest. Used only if the ROI type selected is a latitude-longitude box.") private double southBound; @Parameter(interval = "[-180.0, 180.0]", defaultValue = "-180.0", description = "The western bound of the region-of-interest. Used only if the ROI type selected is a latitude-longitude box.") private double westBound; @Parameter(alias = BindingConstants.OVERWRITE_TARGET, defaultValue = "false", description = "Overwrite the target product.", label = "Overwrite target") private boolean overwriteTarget; @Parameter(alias = BindingConstants.CONTACT, description = "The contact address to be included in the global attributes of the target netCDF file.", label = "Contact") private String contact; @Parameter(alias = BindingConstants.INSTITUTION, description = "The institution to be included in the global attributes of the target netCDF file.", label = "Institution") private String institution; @Parameter(alias = BindingConstants.VARIABLES, description = "A comma-separated list of variables to be included in the target netCDF file. Variables have to be denoted by names as defined in the ESA SMOS product specification documents. By default all variables in the source file are included in the target file.", label = "Variables") private String[] variableNames; @Parameter(alias = BindingConstants.COMPRESSION_LEVEL, defaultValue = "6", valueSet = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"}, description = "Target file compression level. 0 - no compression, 9 - highest compression.") private int compressionLevel; public ExportParameter() { variableNames = new String[0]; compressionLevel = 6; } public void setUseSelectedProduct(boolean useSelectedProduct) { this.useSelectedProduct = useSelectedProduct; } public boolean isUseSelectedProduct() { return useSelectedProduct; } public void setSourceDirectory(File sourceDirectory) { this.sourceDirectory = sourceDirectory; } public File getSourceDirectory() { return sourceDirectory; } public void setOpenFileDialog(boolean openFileDialog) { this.openFileDialog = openFileDialog; } public boolean isOpenFileDialog() { return openFileDialog; } public void setRegion(Geometry region) { this.region = region; } public Geometry getRegion() { return region; } public void setRoiType(int roiType) { this.roiType = roiType; } public int getRoiType() { return roiType; } public void setTargetDirectory(File targetDirectory) { this.targetDirectory = targetDirectory; } public File getTargetDirectory() { return targetDirectory; } public String toAreaWKT() { final StringBuilder wktBuilder = new StringBuilder(128); wktBuilder.append("POLYGON(("); appendCoordinate(wktBuilder, westBound, northBound, true); appendCoordinate(wktBuilder, eastBound, northBound, true); appendCoordinate(wktBuilder, eastBound, southBound, true); appendCoordinate(wktBuilder, westBound, southBound, true); appendCoordinate(wktBuilder, westBound, northBound, false); wktBuilder.append("))"); return wktBuilder.toString(); } public void setNorthBound(double northBound) { this.northBound = northBound; } public double getNorthBound() { return northBound; } public void setEastBound(double eastBound) { this.eastBound = eastBound; } public double getEastBound() { return eastBound; } public void setSouthBound(double southBound) { this.southBound = southBound; } public double getSouthBound() { return southBound; } public void setWestBound(double westBound) { this.westBound = westBound; } public double getWestBound() { return westBound; } public void setOverwriteTarget(boolean overwriteTarget) { this.overwriteTarget = overwriteTarget; } public boolean isOverwriteTarget() { return overwriteTarget; } private void appendCoordinate(StringBuilder wktBuilder, double x, double y, boolean appendComma) { wktBuilder.append(x); wktBuilder.append(" "); wktBuilder.append(y); if (appendComma) { wktBuilder.append(","); } } public void setContact(String contact) { = contact; } public String getContact() { return contact; } public void setInstitution(String institution) { this.institution = institution; } public String getInstitution() { return institution; } public void setVariableNames(String[] variableNames) { this.variableNames = variableNames; } public String[] getVariableNames() { return variableNames; } public void setCompressionLevel(int compressionLevel) { this.compressionLevel = compressionLevel; } public int getCompressionLevel() { return compressionLevel; } }