package org.esa.beam.smos.ee2netcdf; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import org.esa.beam.dataio.smos.DggFile; import org.esa.beam.dataio.smos.DggUtils; import org.esa.beam.dataio.smos.ProductFile; import org.esa.beam.dataio.smos.SmosProductReader; import org.esa.beam.framework.dataio.ProductIO; import org.esa.beam.framework.datamodel.Product; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.GPF; import org.esa.beam.smos.AcceptanceTestRunner; import; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import ucar.nc2.util.DiskCache; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.geom.Area; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import static org.junit.Assert.*; @RunWith(AcceptanceTestRunner.class) public class EEToNetCDFExporterOpIntegrationTest { private final EEToNetCDFExporterOp.Spi spi; private final File targetDirectory; public EEToNetCDFExporterOpIntegrationTest() { spi = new EEToNetCDFExporterOp.Spi(); targetDirectory = new File("test_out"); } @Before public void setUp() { // need to move NetCDF cache dir to a directory that gets deleted tb 2013-09-04 DiskCache.setRootDirectory(targetDirectory.getAbsolutePath()); DiskCache.setCachePolicy(true); GPF.getDefaultInstance().getOperatorSpiRegistry().addOperatorSpi(spi); } @After public void tearDown() { GPF.getDefaultInstance().getOperatorSpiRegistry().removeOperatorSpi(spi); if (targetDirectory.isDirectory()) { if (!FileUtils.deleteTree(targetDirectory)) { fail("Unable to delete test directory"); } } } @Test public void testConvert_BWSD1C() throws IOException { final File file = TestHelper.getResourceFile(""); Product product = null; try { product = ProductIO.readProduct(file); GPF.createProduct(EEToNetCDFExporterOp.ALIAS, createDefaultParameterMap(), new Product[]{product}); assertTrue(targetDirectory.isDirectory()); final File expectedOutputFile = new File(targetDirectory, ""); assertTrue(expectedOutputFile.isFile()); assertEquals(24079086, expectedOutputFile.length()); // @todo 2 tb/tb more assertions 2013-03-25 } finally { if (product != null) { product.dispose(); } } } @Test public void testConvert_BWSD1C_withRegion_andSourceProductPaths() throws IOException { final File file = TestHelper.getResourceFile(""); Product product = null; try { product = ProductIO.readProduct(file); final HashMap<String, Object> defaultParameterMap = createDefaultParameterMap(); defaultParameterMap.put("sourceProductPaths", file.getParent() + File.separator + "*BWLF1C*"); defaultParameterMap.put("region", "POLYGON((3 -70,5 -70,5 -71,3 -71,3 -70))"); GPF.createProduct(EEToNetCDFExporterOp.ALIAS, defaultParameterMap); assertTrue(targetDirectory.isDirectory()); final File expectedOutputFile = new File(targetDirectory, ""); assertTrue(expectedOutputFile.isFile()); assertEquals(255070, expectedOutputFile.length()); // @todo 2 tb/tb more assertions 2013-03-25 } finally { if (product != null) { product.dispose(); } } } @Test public void testConvert_OSUDP2_withRegion() throws IOException { final File file = TestHelper.getResourceFile(""); Product product = null; Product targetProduct = null; try { product = ProductIO.readProduct(file); final HashMap<String, Object> defaultParameterMap = createDefaultParameterMap(); defaultParameterMap.put("region", "POLYGON((70 -9,85 -9,85 -12,70 -12,70 -9))"); GPF.createProduct(EEToNetCDFExporterOp.ALIAS, defaultParameterMap, new Product[]{product}); assertTrue(targetDirectory.isDirectory()); final File expectedOutputFile = new File(targetDirectory, ""); assertTrue(expectedOutputFile.isFile()); assertEquals(1569057, expectedOutputFile.length()); // @todo 2 tb/tb more assertions 2013-03-25 targetProduct = ProductIO.readProduct(expectedOutputFile); assertNotNull(targetProduct); assertEquals(684, targetProduct.getSceneRasterWidth()); assertEquals(138, targetProduct.getSceneRasterHeight()); } finally { if (product != null) { product.dispose(); } if (targetProduct != null) { targetProduct.dispose(); } } } @Test public void testConvert_OSUDP2_withRegion_noIntersection() throws IOException { final File file = TestHelper.getResourceFile(""); Product product = null; try { product = ProductIO.readProduct(file); final HashMap<String, Object> defaultParameterMap = createDefaultParameterMap(); defaultParameterMap.put("region", "POLYGON((100 30,105 30,105 32,100 32,100 30))"); GPF.createProduct(EEToNetCDFExporterOp.ALIAS, defaultParameterMap, new Product[]{product}); final File expectedOutputFile = new File(targetDirectory, ""); assertFalse(expectedOutputFile.isFile()); } finally { if (product != null) { product.dispose(); } } } @Test public void testGetDataBoundingRect() throws IOException { final File file = TestHelper.getResourceFile(""); Product product = null; try { product = ProductIO.readProduct(file); final SmosProductReader productReader = (SmosProductReader) product.getProductReader(); final ProductFile productFile = productReader.getProductFile(); assertTrue(productFile instanceof DggFile); final Area dataArea = DggUtils.computeArea(((DggFile) productFile).getGridPointList()); final Geometry polygon = EEToNetCDFExporterOp.convertToPolygon(dataArea); final Rectangle dataBoundingRect = EEToNetCDFExporterOp.getDataBoundingRect(product, polygon); assertNotNull(dataBoundingRect); assertEquals(4608, dataBoundingRect.x); assertEquals(0, dataBoundingRect.y); assertEquals(10240, dataBoundingRect.width); assertEquals(8192, dataBoundingRect.height); } finally { if (product != null) { product.dispose(); } } } @Test public void testConvertToPolygon() throws IOException { final File file = TestHelper.getResourceFile(""); Product product = null; try { product = ProductIO.readProduct(file); final SmosProductReader productReader = (SmosProductReader) product.getProductReader(); final ProductFile productFile = productReader.getProductFile(); assertTrue(productFile instanceof DggFile); final Area dataArea = DggUtils.computeArea(((DggFile) productFile).getGridPointList()); final Geometry polygon = EEToNetCDFExporterOp.convertToPolygon(dataArea); assertEquals("MULTIPOLYGON (((-78.75 -90, -78.75 -78.75, -67.5 -78.75, -67.5 -67.5, 22.5 -67.5, 22.5 -56.25, 33.75 -56.25, 33.75 -45, 33.75 -33.75, 22.5 -33.75, 22.5 -22.5, 33.75 -22.5, 33.75 -11.25, 33.75 0, 33.75 11.25, 33.75 22.5, 33.75 33.75, 45 33.75, 45 45, 45 56.25, 45 67.5, 56.25 67.5, 56.25 78.75, 56.25 90, 123.75 90, 123.75 78.75, 146.25 78.75, 146.25 67.5, 90 67.5, 90 56.25, 78.75 56.25, 78.75 45, 67.5 45, 67.5 33.75, 67.5 22.5, 56.25 22.5, 56.25 11.25, 56.25 0, 56.25 -11.25, 56.25 -22.5, 56.25 -33.75, 45 -33.75, 45 -45, 45 -56.25, 45 -67.5, 45 -78.75, 33.75 -78.75, 33.75 -90, -78.75 -90)))", polygon.toString()); } finally { if (product != null) { product.dispose(); } } } private HashMap<String, Object> createDefaultParameterMap() { final HashMap<String, Object> parameterMap = new HashMap<>(); parameterMap.put("targetDirectory", targetDirectory); return parameterMap; } }