/* * Copyright 2004-2015 the Seasar Foundation and the Others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.seasar.extension.jdbc.gen.internal.dialect; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.Arrays; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.gen.internal.sqltype.BinaryType; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.gen.internal.sqltype.BlobType; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.gen.internal.sqltype.ClobType; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.gen.internal.sqltype.DecimalType; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.gen.internal.sqltype.DoubleType; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.gen.internal.sqltype.FloatType; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.gen.internal.sqltype.IntegerType; /** * MySQLの方言を扱うクラスです。 * * @author taedium */ public class MysqlGenDialect extends StandardGenDialect { /** テーブルが見つからないことを示すエラーコード */ protected static int TABLE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE = 1146; /** カラムが見つからないことを示すエラーコード */ protected static int COLUMN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE = 1054; /** * インスタンスを構築します。 */ public MysqlGenDialect() { sqlTypeMap.put(Types.BINARY, new BinaryType("binary($l)")); sqlTypeMap.put(Types.BLOB, new BlobType() { @Override public String getDataType(int length, int precision, int scale, boolean identity) { if (length <= 0xFF) { return "tinyblob"; } else if (length <= 0xFFFF) { return "blob"; } else if (length <= 0xFFFFFF) { return "mediumblob"; } return "longblob"; } }); sqlTypeMap.put(Types.CLOB, new ClobType() { @Override public String getDataType(int length, int precision, int scale, boolean identity) { if (length <= 0xFF) { return "tinytext"; } else if (length <= 0xFFFF) { return "text"; } else if (length <= 0xFFFFFF) { return "mediumtext"; } return "longtext"; } }); sqlTypeMap.put(Types.DECIMAL, new DecimalType("decimal($p,$s)")); sqlTypeMap.put(Types.DOUBLE, new DoubleType("double($p,$s)")); sqlTypeMap.put(Types.FLOAT, new FloatType("float($p,$s)")); sqlTypeMap.put(Types.INTEGER, new IntegerType("int")); columnTypeMap.put("bigint unsigned", MysqlColumnType.BIGINT_UNSIGNED); columnTypeMap.put("binary", MysqlColumnType.BINARY); columnTypeMap.put("bit", MysqlColumnType.BIT); columnTypeMap.put("blob", MysqlColumnType.BLOB); columnTypeMap.put("datetime", MysqlColumnType.DATETIME); columnTypeMap.put("decimal", MysqlColumnType.DECIMAL); columnTypeMap.put("double", MysqlColumnType.DOUBLE); columnTypeMap.put("int", MysqlColumnType.INT); columnTypeMap.put("int unsigned", MysqlColumnType.INT_UNSIGNED); columnTypeMap.put("longblob", MysqlColumnType.LONGBLOB); columnTypeMap.put("longtext", MysqlColumnType.LONGTEXT); columnTypeMap.put("mediumblob", MysqlColumnType.MEDIUMBLOB); columnTypeMap.put("mediumint", MysqlColumnType.MEDIUMINT); columnTypeMap.put("mediumint unsigned", MysqlColumnType.MEDIUMINT_UNSIGNED); columnTypeMap.put("mediumtext", MysqlColumnType.MEDIUMTEXT); columnTypeMap.put("smallint unsigned", MysqlColumnType.SMALLINT_UNSIGNED); columnTypeMap.put("tinyblob", MysqlColumnType.TINYBLOB); columnTypeMap.put("tinyint", MysqlColumnType.TINYINT); columnTypeMap.put("tinyint unsigned", MysqlColumnType.TINYINT_UNSIGNED); columnTypeMap.put("tinytext", MysqlColumnType.TINYTEXT); columnTypeMap.put("text", MysqlColumnType.TEXT); columnTypeMap.put("year", MysqlColumnType.YEAR); } @Override public String getName() { return "mysql"; } @Override public GenerationType getDefaultGenerationType() { return GenerationType.IDENTITY; } @Override public String getSqlBlockDelimiter() { return "/"; } @Override public String getIdentityColumnDefinition() { return "not null auto_increment"; } @Override public String getDropForeignKeySyntax() { return "drop foreign key"; } @Override public String getDropUniqueKeySyntax() { return "drop index"; } @Override public boolean isTableNotFound(Throwable throwable) { Integer errorCode = getErrorCode(throwable); return errorCode != null && errorCode.intValue() == TABLE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE; } @Override public boolean isColumnNotFound(Throwable throwable) { Integer errorCode = getErrorCode(throwable); return errorCode != null && errorCode.intValue() == COLUMN_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE; } @Override public SqlBlockContext createSqlBlockContext() { return new MysqlSqlBlockContext(); } @Override public boolean supportsIdentityInsert() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsIdentity() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsCommentInCreateTable() { return true; } @Override public boolean supportsCommentOn() { return false; } /** * MySQL用の{@link ColumnType}の実装です。 * * @author taedium */ public static class MysqlColumnType extends StandardColumnType { private static MysqlColumnType BIGINT_UNSIGNED = new MysqlColumnType( "bigint unsigned", BigInteger.class); private static MysqlColumnType BINARY = new MysqlColumnType( "binary($l)", byte[].class); private static MysqlColumnType BIT = new MysqlColumnType("bit($l)", byte[].class) { @Override public Class<?> getAttributeClass(int length, int precision, int scale) { return length == 0 ? Boolean.class : super.getAttributeClass( length, precision, scale); } @Override public String getColumnDefinition(int length, int precision, int scale, String defaultValue) { if (length == 0) { return getColumnDefinitionInternal("bool", defaultValue); } return super.getColumnDefinition(length, precision, scale, defaultValue); } }; private static MysqlColumnType BLOB = new MysqlColumnType("blob", byte[].class, true); private static MysqlColumnType DATETIME = new MysqlColumnType( "datetime", Timestamp.class); private static MysqlColumnType DECIMAL = new MysqlColumnType( "decimal($p,$s)", BigDecimal.class); private static MysqlColumnType DOUBLE = new MysqlColumnType( "double($p,$s)", Double.class); private static MysqlColumnType INT = new MysqlColumnType("int", Integer.class); private static MysqlColumnType INT_UNSIGNED = new MysqlColumnType( "int unsigned", Long.class); private static MysqlColumnType LONGBLOB = new MysqlColumnType( "longblob", byte[].class, true); private static MysqlColumnType LONGTEXT = new MysqlColumnType( "longtext", String.class, true); private static MysqlColumnType MEDIUMBLOB = new MysqlColumnType( "mediumblob", byte[].class, true); private static MysqlColumnType MEDIUMINT = new MysqlColumnType( "mediumint", Integer.class); private static MysqlColumnType MEDIUMINT_UNSIGNED = new MysqlColumnType( "mediumint unsigned", Integer.class); private static MysqlColumnType MEDIUMTEXT = new MysqlColumnType( "mediumtext", String.class, true); private static MysqlColumnType SMALLINT_UNSIGNED = new MysqlColumnType( "smallint unsigned", Integer.class); private static MysqlColumnType TINYBLOB = new MysqlColumnType( "tinyblob", byte[].class, true); private static MysqlColumnType TINYINT = new MysqlColumnType("tinyint", Byte.class); private static MysqlColumnType TINYINT_UNSIGNED = new MysqlColumnType( "tinyint unsigned", Short.class); private static MysqlColumnType TINYTEXT = new MysqlColumnType( "tinytext", String.class, true); private static MysqlColumnType TEXT = new MysqlColumnType("text", String.class, true); private static MysqlColumnType YEAR = new MysqlColumnType("year", java.sql.Date.class); /** * インスタンスを構築します。 * * @param dataType * データ型 * @param attributeClass * 属性のクラス */ public MysqlColumnType(String dataType, Class<?> attributeClass) { super(dataType, attributeClass); } /** * インスタンスを構築します。 * * @param dataType * データ型 * @param attributeClass * 属性のクラス * @param lob * LOBの場合{@code true} */ public MysqlColumnType(String dataType, Class<?> attributeClass, boolean lob) { super(dataType, attributeClass, lob); } } /** * MySQL用の{@link StandardColumnType}の実装クラスです。 * * @author taedium */ public static class MysqlSqlBlockContext extends StandardSqlBlockContext { /** * インスタンスを構築します。 */ protected MysqlSqlBlockContext() { sqlBlockStartKeywordsList.add(Arrays.asList("create", "procedure")); sqlBlockStartKeywordsList.add(Arrays.asList("create", "function")); sqlBlockStartKeywordsList.add(Arrays.asList("create", "trigger")); sqlBlockStartKeywordsList.add(Arrays.asList("alter", "procedure")); sqlBlockStartKeywordsList.add(Arrays.asList("alter", "function")); sqlBlockStartKeywordsList.add(Arrays.asList("alter", "trigger")); sqlBlockStartKeywordsList.add(Arrays.asList("declare")); sqlBlockStartKeywordsList.add(Arrays.asList("begin")); } } }