/* * Copyright 2004-2015 the Seasar Foundation and the Others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.seasar.extension.jdbc.query; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException; import junit.framework.TestCase; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.JdbcContext; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.SqlLog; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.SqlLogRegistry; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.SqlLogRegistryLocator; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.dialect.StandardDialect; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.entity.Eee; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.exception.QueryTwiceExecutionRuntimeException; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.manager.JdbcManagerImpl; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.meta.ColumnMetaFactoryImpl; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.meta.EntityMetaFactoryImpl; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.meta.PropertyMetaFactoryImpl; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.meta.TableMetaFactoryImpl; import org.seasar.extension.jta.TransactionManagerImpl; import org.seasar.extension.jta.TransactionSynchronizationRegistryImpl; import org.seasar.framework.convention.impl.PersistenceConventionImpl; import org.seasar.framework.mock.sql.MockDataSource; import org.seasar.framework.mock.sql.MockPreparedStatement; /** * @author koichik */ public class AutoBatchDeleteTest extends TestCase { private JdbcManagerImpl manager; private int addBatchCalled; @Override protected void setUp() throws Exception { manager = new JdbcManagerImpl(); manager.setSyncRegistry(new TransactionSynchronizationRegistryImpl( new TransactionManagerImpl())); manager.setDataSource(new MockDataSource()); manager.setDialect(new StandardDialect()); PersistenceConventionImpl convention = new PersistenceConventionImpl(); EntityMetaFactoryImpl emFactory = new EntityMetaFactoryImpl(); emFactory.setPersistenceConvention(convention); TableMetaFactoryImpl tableMetaFactory = new TableMetaFactoryImpl(); tableMetaFactory.setPersistenceConvention(convention); emFactory.setTableMetaFactory(tableMetaFactory); PropertyMetaFactoryImpl pFactory = new PropertyMetaFactoryImpl(); pFactory.setPersistenceConvention(convention); ColumnMetaFactoryImpl cmFactory = new ColumnMetaFactoryImpl(); cmFactory.setPersistenceConvention(convention); pFactory.setColumnMetaFactory(cmFactory); emFactory.setPropertyMetaFactory(pFactory); emFactory.initialize(); manager.setEntityMetaFactory(emFactory); } @Override protected void tearDown() throws Exception { SqlLogRegistry regisry = SqlLogRegistryLocator.getInstance(); regisry.clear(); manager = null; } /** * */ public void testCallerClass() { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities); assertSame(query, query.callerClass(getClass())); assertEquals(getClass(), query.callerClass); } /** * */ public void testCallerMethodName() { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities); assertSame(query, query.callerMethodName("hoge")); assertEquals("hoge", query.callerMethodName); } /** * */ public void testQueryTimeout() { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities); assertSame(query, query.queryTimeout(100)); assertEquals(100, query.queryTimeout); } /** * */ public void testIgnoreVersion() { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities); assertFalse(query.ignoreVersion); assertSame(query, query.ignoreVersion()); assertTrue(query.ignoreVersion); } /** * */ public void testPrepareWhereClause() { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities); query.prepare("execute"); assertEquals(" where ID = ? and VERSION = ?", query.whereClause.toSql()); } /** * */ public void testPrepareWhereClause_ignoreVersion() { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities); query.ignoreVersion(); query.prepare("execute"); assertEquals(" where ID = ?", query.whereClause.toSql()); } /** * */ public void testPrepareSql() { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities); query.prepare("execute"); assertEquals("delete from EEE where ID = ? and VERSION = ?", query.executedSql); } /** * */ public void testPrepareSql_ignoreVersion() { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities); query.ignoreVersion(); query.prepare("execute"); assertEquals("delete from EEE where ID = ?", query.executedSql); } /** * */ public void testPrepareParams() { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities); query.prepare("execute"); query.prepareParams(entities.get(0)); assertEquals(2, query.getParamSize()); assertEquals(new Integer(1), query.getParam(0).value); assertEquals(new Long(0L), query.getParam(1).value); query.resetParams(); query.prepareParams(entities.get(1)); assertEquals(2, query.getParamSize()); assertEquals(new Integer(2), query.getParam(0).value); assertEquals(new Long(0L), query.getParam(1).value); query.resetParams(); query.prepareParams(entities.get(2)); assertEquals(2, query.getParamSize()); assertEquals(new Integer(3), query.getParam(0).value); assertEquals(new Long(0L), query.getParam(1).value); } /** * */ public void testPrepareParams_ignoreVersion() { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities); query.ignoreVersion(); query.prepare("execute"); query.prepareParams(entities.get(0)); assertEquals(1, query.getParamSize()); assertEquals(new Integer(1), query.getParam(0).value); query.resetParams(); query.prepareParams(entities.get(1)); assertEquals(1, query.getParamSize()); assertEquals(new Integer(2), query.getParam(0).value); query.resetParams(); query.prepareParams(entities.get(2)); assertEquals(1, query.getParamSize()); assertEquals(new Integer(3), query.getParam(0).value); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testExecute() throws Exception { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities) { @Override protected PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement( JdbcContext jdbcContext) { MockPreparedStatement ps = new MockPreparedStatement(null, null) { @Override public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException { return new int[] { 1, 1, 1 }; } @Override public void addBatch() throws SQLException { ++addBatchCalled; } }; return ps; } }; int[] result = query.execute(); assertEquals(3, addBatchCalled); assertEquals(3, result.length); SqlLog sqlLog = SqlLogRegistryLocator.getInstance().getLast(); assertEquals("delete from EEE where ID = 3 and VERSION = 0", sqlLog .getCompleteSql()); try { query.execute(); fail(); } catch (QueryTwiceExecutionRuntimeException expected) { } } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testExecute_includesVersion() throws Exception { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities) { @Override protected PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement( JdbcContext jdbcContext) { MockPreparedStatement ps = new MockPreparedStatement(null, null) { @Override public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException { return new int[] { 1, 1, 1 }; } @Override public void addBatch() throws SQLException { ++addBatchCalled; } }; return ps; } }; query.ignoreVersion(); int[] result = query.execute(); assertEquals(3, addBatchCalled); assertEquals(3, result.length); SqlLog sqlLog = SqlLogRegistryLocator.getInstance().getLast(); assertEquals("delete from EEE where ID = 3", sqlLog.getCompleteSql()); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testOptimisticLock() throws Exception { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities) { @Override protected PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement( JdbcContext jdbcContext) { MockPreparedStatement ps = new MockPreparedStatement(null, null) { @Override public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException { return new int[] { 1, 0, 1 }; } @Override public void addBatch() throws SQLException { ++addBatchCalled; } }; return ps; } }; try { query.execute(); fail(); } catch (OptimisticLockException expected) { expected.printStackTrace(); assertSame(entities.get(1), expected.getEntity()); } } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testOptimisticLock_includesVersion() throws Exception { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities) { @Override protected PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement( JdbcContext jdbcContext) { MockPreparedStatement ps = new MockPreparedStatement(null, null) { @Override public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException { return new int[] { 1, 0, 1 }; } @Override public void addBatch() throws SQLException { ++addBatchCalled; } }; return ps; } }; query.ignoreVersion(); int[] result = query.execute(); assertEquals(3, addBatchCalled); assertEquals(3, result.length); assertEquals(1, result[0]); assertEquals(0, result[1]); assertEquals(1, result[2]); } /** * @throws Exception */ public void testOptimisticLock_suppressOptimisticLockException() throws Exception { List<Eee> entities = Arrays.asList(new Eee(1, "foo"), new Eee(2, "bar"), new Eee(3, "baz")); AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee> query = new AutoBatchDeleteImpl<Eee>(manager, entities) { @Override protected PreparedStatement getPreparedStatement( JdbcContext jdbcContext) { MockPreparedStatement ps = new MockPreparedStatement(null, null) { @Override public int[] executeBatch() throws SQLException { return new int[] { 1, 0, 1 }; } @Override public void addBatch() throws SQLException { ++addBatchCalled; } }; return ps; } }; int[] result = query.suppresOptimisticLockException().execute(); assertEquals(3, result.length); assertEquals(1, result[0]); assertEquals(0, result[1]); assertEquals(1, result[2]); } }