/* * Copyright 2004-2015 the Seasar Foundation and the Others. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, * either express or implied. See the License for the specific language * governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package org.seasar.extension.jdbc.query; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.GenerationType; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.AutoBatchInsert; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.AutoBatchUpdate; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.IdGenerator; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.IntoClause; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.JdbcContext; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.PropertyMeta; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.ValuesClause; import org.seasar.extension.jdbc.manager.JdbcManagerImplementor; import org.seasar.framework.util.ClassUtil; import org.seasar.framework.util.FieldUtil; import org.seasar.framework.util.NumberConversionUtil; import org.seasar.framework.util.PreparedStatementUtil; import org.seasar.framework.util.tiger.CollectionsUtil; /** * {@link AutoBatchUpdate}の実装クラスです。 * * @author koichik * @param <T> * エンティティの型です。 */ public class AutoBatchInsertImpl<T> extends AbstractAutoBatchUpdate<T, AutoBatchInsert<T>> implements AutoBatchInsert<T> { /** INSERT文 */ protected static final String INSERT_STATEMENT = "insert into "; /** バージョンプロパティの初期値 */ protected static final Long INITIAL_VERSION = Long.valueOf(1L); /** 挿入対象とするプロパティ */ protected final Set<String> includesProperties = CollectionsUtil .newHashSet(); /** 挿入から除外するプロパティ */ protected final Set<String> excludesProperties = CollectionsUtil .newHashSet(); /** 更新対象となるプロパティメタデータの{@link List} */ protected final List<PropertyMeta> targetProperties = CollectionsUtil .newArrayList(); /** into句 */ protected final IntoClause intoClause = new IntoClause(); /** values句 */ protected final ValuesClause valuesClause = new ValuesClause(); /** バッチ更新が可能な場合は<code>true</code> */ protected boolean supportBatch = true; /** {@link Statement#getGeneratedKeys()}を使用する場合は<code>true</code> */ protected boolean useGetGeneratedKeys; /** * @param jdbcManager * 内部的なJDBCマネージャ * @param entities * エンティティのリスト */ public AutoBatchInsertImpl(final JdbcManagerImplementor jdbcManager, final List<T> entities) { super(jdbcManager, entities); } public AutoBatchInsert<T> includes(final CharSequence... propertyNames) { includesProperties.addAll(Arrays.asList(toStringArray(propertyNames))); return this; } public AutoBatchInsert<T> excludes(final CharSequence... propertyNames) { excludesProperties.addAll(Arrays.asList(toStringArray(propertyNames))); return this; } @Override protected void prepare(final String methodName) { prepareCallerClassAndMethodName(methodName); prepareTargetProperties(); prepareIntoClause(); prepareValuesClause(); prepareSql(); } /** * into句に設定されるプロパティの準備をします。 */ protected void prepareTargetProperties() { for (final PropertyMeta propertyMeta : entityMeta .getAllColumnPropertyMeta()) { final String propertyName = propertyMeta.getName(); if (!propertyMeta.getColumnMeta().isInsertable()) { continue; } if (propertyMeta.isId()) { if (propertyMeta.hasIdGenerator()) { final IdGenerator idGenerator = propertyMeta .getIdGenerator(entityMeta, jdbcManager .getDialect()); supportBatch &= idGenerator.supportBatch(jdbcManager); useGetGeneratedKeys |= idGenerator .useGetGeneratedKeys(jdbcManager); if (idGenerator.isInsertInto(jdbcManager)) { targetProperties.add(propertyMeta); } continue; } targetProperties.add(propertyMeta); continue; } if (!includesProperties.isEmpty() && !includesProperties.contains(propertyName)) { continue; } if (excludesProperties.contains(propertyName)) { continue; } targetProperties.add(propertyMeta); } } /** * into句の準備をします。 */ protected void prepareIntoClause() { for (final PropertyMeta propertyMeta : targetProperties) { intoClause.addSql(propertyMeta.getColumnMeta().getName()); } } /** * where句の準備をします。 */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void prepareValuesClause() { for (final PropertyMeta propertyMeta : targetProperties) { valuesClause.addSql(); } } /** * SQLに変換します。 * * @return SQL */ @Override protected String toSql() { final String tableName = entityMeta.getTableMeta().getFullName(); final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(INSERT_STATEMENT.length() + tableName.length() + intoClause.getLength() + valuesClause.getLength()); return new String(buf.append(INSERT_STATEMENT).append(tableName) .append(intoClause.toSql()).append(valuesClause.toSql())); } @Override protected PreparedStatement createPreparedStatement( final JdbcContext jdbcContext) { if (useGetGeneratedKeys) { return jdbcContext.getPreparedStatement(executedSql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); } return super.createPreparedStatement(jdbcContext); } @Override protected int[] executeBatch(PreparedStatement ps) { if (supportBatch) { return super.executeBatch(ps); } final int[] updateRows = new int[entities.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < updateRows.length; ++i) { final T entity = entities.get(i); prepareParams(entity); logSql(); prepareInParams(ps); updateRows[i] = PreparedStatementUtil.executeUpdate(ps); postExecute(ps, entity); resetParams(); } return updateRows; } @Override protected void prepareParams(final T entity) { for (final PropertyMeta propertyMeta : targetProperties) { Object value; if (propertyMeta.isId() && propertyMeta.hasIdGenerator()) { value = getIdValue(propertyMeta, entity); } else { value = FieldUtil.get(propertyMeta.getField(), entity); if (propertyMeta.isVersion()) { if (value == null || Number.class.cast(value).longValue() <= 0L) { value = INITIAL_VERSION; final Class<?> fieldClass = ClassUtil .getWrapperClassIfPrimitive(propertyMeta .getPropertyClass()); FieldUtil.set(propertyMeta.getField(), entity, NumberConversionUtil.convertNumber(fieldClass, value)); } } } addParam(value, propertyMeta); } } /** * バインドする識別子の値を返します。 * * @param propertyMeta * プロパティメタデータ * @param entity * エンティティ * @return 識別子の値 */ protected Object getIdValue(final PropertyMeta propertyMeta, final T entity) { final IdGenerator idGenerator = propertyMeta.getIdGenerator(entityMeta, jdbcManager.getDialect()); return idGenerator.preInsert(jdbcManager, entity, this); } /** * INSERT文を実行後処理を行います。 * <p> * {@link GenerationType#IDENTITY}方式で識別子の値を自動生成するIDジェネレータが使われた場合は、 * 生成された値をエンティティに反映します * </p> * * @param ps * INSERT文を実行した{@link Statement} * @param entity * エンティティ */ protected void postExecute(final PreparedStatement ps, final T entity) { for (final PropertyMeta propertyMeta : entityMeta .getIdPropertyMetaList()) { if (propertyMeta.hasIdGenerator()) { final IdGenerator idGenerator = propertyMeta.getIdGenerator( entityMeta, jdbcManager.getDialect()); idGenerator.postInsert(jdbcManager, entity, ps, this); } } } @Override protected boolean isOptimisticLock() { return false; } }