/** * Copyright 2014-2017 Linagora, Université Joseph Fourier, Floralis * * The present code is developed in the scope of the joint LINAGORA - * Université Joseph Fourier - Floralis research program and is designated * as a "Result" pursuant to the terms and conditions of the LINAGORA * - Université Joseph Fourier - Floralis research program. Each copyright * holder of Results enumerated here above fully & independently holds complete * ownership of the complete Intellectual Property rights applicable to the whole * of said Results, and may freely exploit it in any manner which does not infringe * the moral rights of the other copyright holders. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.roboconf.agent.internal.misc; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.logging.Level; import org.junit.After; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Assume; import org.junit.Rule; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.rules.TemporaryFolder; import net.roboconf.core.Constants; import net.roboconf.core.internal.tests.TestApplicationTemplate; import net.roboconf.core.internal.tests.TestUtils; import net.roboconf.core.model.helpers.InstanceHelpers; import net.roboconf.core.utils.Utils; /** * @author Vincent Zurczak - Linagora * @author Amadou Diarra - UGA */ public class AgentUtilsTest { @Rule public TemporaryFolder folder = new TemporaryFolder(); @After public void clearAgentDirectories() throws Exception { File f = new File( Constants.WORK_DIRECTORY_AGENT ); Utils.deleteFilesRecursively( f ); } @Test public void testIsValidIP() { Assert.assertTrue( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "" )); Assert.assertTrue( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "" )); Assert.assertTrue( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "" )); Assert.assertTrue( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "" )); Assert.assertFalse( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "localhost" )); Assert.assertFalse( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "127.0.0." )); Assert.assertFalse( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "127.0.0" )); Assert.assertFalse( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "-192.168.1.-5" )); Assert.assertFalse( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "192.168.1.-5" )); Assert.assertFalse( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "192.168.lol.1" )); Assert.assertFalse( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "" )); Assert.assertFalse( AgentUtils.isValidIP( "" )); Assert.assertFalse( AgentUtils.isValidIP( null )); } @Test public void testInstanceResources() throws Exception { // Prepare our resources TestApplicationTemplate app = new TestApplicationTemplate(); Map<String,byte[]> fileNameToFileContent = new HashMap<> (); fileNameToFileContent.put( "f1.txt", "I am file 1".getBytes( "UTF-8" )); fileNameToFileContent.put( "f2.txt", "I am file 2".getBytes( "UTF-8" )); fileNameToFileContent.put( "dir1/dir2/f3.txt", "I am file 3".getBytes( "UTF-8" )); // Save our resources File dir = InstanceHelpers.findInstanceDirectoryOnAgent( app.getTomcat()); Utils.deleteFilesRecursively( dir ); Assert.assertFalse( dir.exists()); AgentUtils.copyInstanceResources( app.getTomcat(), fileNameToFileContent ); Assert.assertTrue( dir.exists()); Assert.assertTrue( new File( dir, "f1.txt" ).exists()); Assert.assertTrue( new File( dir, "f2.txt" ).exists()); Assert.assertTrue( new File( dir, "dir1/dir2/f3.txt" ).exists()); // Delete them AgentUtils.deleteInstanceResources( app.getTomcat()); Assert.assertFalse( dir.exists()); } @Test public void testInstanceResources_noResources() throws Exception { // Prepare our resources TestApplicationTemplate app = new TestApplicationTemplate(); // Save our resources File dir = InstanceHelpers.findInstanceDirectoryOnAgent( app.getTomcat()); Utils.deleteFilesRecursively( dir ); Assert.assertFalse( dir.exists()); AgentUtils.copyInstanceResources( app.getTomcat(), null ); Assert.assertTrue( dir.exists()); Assert.assertEquals( 0, dir.listFiles().length ); // Delete them AgentUtils.deleteInstanceResources( app.getTomcat()); Assert.assertFalse( dir.exists()); } @Test( expected = IOException.class ) public void testInstanceResources_exception_rootDir() throws Exception { // The directory where we should write is an existing file. // Prepare our resources TestApplicationTemplate app = new TestApplicationTemplate(); File dir = InstanceHelpers.findInstanceDirectoryOnAgent( app.getTomcat()); Utils.deleteFilesRecursively( dir ); Assert.assertFalse( dir.exists()); Assert.assertTrue( dir.createNewFile()); Assert.assertTrue( dir.exists()); // Save our resources try { AgentUtils.copyInstanceResources( app.getTomcat(), null ); } finally { Utils.deleteFilesRecursively( dir ); } } @Test( expected = IOException.class ) public void testInstanceResources_exception_subDir() throws Exception { // The directory where we should write contains a conflicting file. // Prepare our resources TestApplicationTemplate app = new TestApplicationTemplate(); Map<String,byte[]> fileNameToFileContent = new HashMap<> (); fileNameToFileContent.put( "dir1/dir2/f3.txt", "I am file 3".getBytes( "UTF-8" )); File dir = InstanceHelpers.findInstanceDirectoryOnAgent( app.getTomcat()); Utils.deleteFilesRecursively( dir ); Assert.assertFalse( dir.exists()); Assert.assertTrue( dir.mkdirs()); Assert.assertTrue( new File( dir, "dir1" ).createNewFile()); // Save our resources try { AgentUtils.copyInstanceResources( app.getTomcat(), fileNameToFileContent ); } finally { Utils.deleteFilesRecursively( dir ); } } @Test public void testChangeRoboconfLogLevel() throws Exception { // Null => no exception AgentUtils.changeRoboconfLogLevel( Level.FINE.toString(), null ); // Create an empty directory => no log file to update File karafEtc = this.folder.newFolder(); Assert.assertEquals( 0, karafEtc.listFiles().length ); AgentUtils.changeRoboconfLogLevel( Level.FINE.toString(), karafEtc.getAbsolutePath()); Assert.assertEquals( 0, karafEtc.listFiles().length ); // Create a new file to update File configFile = new File( karafEtc, "org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg" ); Assert.assertTrue( configFile.createNewFile()); Assert.assertEquals( 0, configFile.length()); AgentUtils.changeRoboconfLogLevel( Level.FINE.toString(), karafEtc.getAbsolutePath()); String content = Utils.readFileContent( configFile ); Assert.assertTrue( content.contains( Level.FINE.toString() + ", roboconf" )); // Try a new update AgentUtils.changeRoboconfLogLevel( Level.SEVERE.toString(), karafEtc.getAbsolutePath()); content = Utils.readFileContent( configFile ); Assert.assertTrue( content.contains( Level.SEVERE.toString() + ", roboconf" )); Assert.assertFalse( content.contains( Level.FINE.toString() + ", roboconf" )); } @Test public void testCollectLogs() throws Exception { // Null => no resource Map<String,byte[]> map = AgentUtils.collectLogs( null ); Assert.assertEquals( 0, map.size()); // Empty directory => no resource File karafData = this.folder.newFolder(); map = AgentUtils.collectLogs( karafData.getAbsolutePath()); Assert.assertEquals( 0, map.size()); // Find the logs directory File karafLog = new File( karafData, AgentConstants.KARAF_LOGS_DIRECTORY + "/karaf.log" ); Assert.assertTrue( karafLog.getParentFile().mkdir()); Assert.assertTrue( karafLog.createNewFile()); map = AgentUtils.collectLogs( karafData.getAbsolutePath()); Assert.assertEquals( 1, map.size()); Assert.assertTrue( map.containsKey( "karaf.log" )); // Add other files String[] names = { "roboconf", "roboconf2", "whatever" }; for( String s : names ) { karafLog = new File( karafData, AgentConstants.KARAF_LOGS_DIRECTORY + "/" + s + ".log" ); Assert.assertTrue( karafLog.createNewFile()); } map = AgentUtils.collectLogs( karafData.getAbsolutePath()); Assert.assertEquals( 2, map.size()); Assert.assertTrue( map.containsKey( "karaf.log" )); Assert.assertTrue( map.containsKey( "roboconf.log" )); } @Test public void testFindIpAddress_invalidNetworkInterface() throws Exception { String expectedIp = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); Assert.assertEquals( expectedIp, AgentUtils.findIpAddress( "invalid-network" )); } @Test public void testFindIpAddress_validNetworkInterface() throws Exception { NetworkInterface nif = NetworkInterface.getByName( "eth0" ); if( nif != null ) Assert.assertNotNull( AgentUtils.findIpAddress( "eth0" )); } @Test public void testFindIpAddress_nullNetworkInterface() throws Exception { String expectedIp = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); Assert.assertEquals( expectedIp, AgentUtils.findIpAddress( null )); } @Test public void testFindIpAddress_nforceDefaultNetworkInterface() throws Exception { String expectedIp = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); Assert.assertEquals( expectedIp, AgentUtils.findIpAddress( AgentConstants.DEFAULT_NETWORK_INTERFACE )); } @Test public void testExecuteScriptResources_ok() throws Exception { Assume.assumeTrue( TestUtils.isUnix()); File scriptsDir = this.folder.newFolder(); // Nothing to execute AgentUtils.executeScriptResources( scriptsDir ); Assert.assertEquals(0, scriptsDir.listFiles().length); // Something invalid to execute File script = new File( scriptsDir, "toto.sh" ); Utils.writeStringInto( "#!/bin/bash\necho totototototo > toto.txt", script); Assert.assertEquals( 1, scriptsDir.listFiles().length ); File toto = new File( scriptsDir,"toto.txt" ); Assert.assertFalse( toto.exists()); AgentUtils.executeScriptResources( scriptsDir ); Assert.assertFalse( toto.exists()); Assert.assertEquals( 1, scriptsDir.listFiles().length ); Assert.assertTrue( script.delete()); // Something to execute script = new File( scriptsDir, "toto." + Constants.SCOPED_SCRIPT_AT_AGENT_SUFFIX + "sh" ); Utils.writeStringInto( "#!/bin/bash\necho totototototo > toto.txt", script); AgentUtils.executeScriptResources( scriptsDir ); Assert.assertTrue( toto.exists()); Assert.assertEquals( 2, scriptsDir.listFiles().length ); String s = Utils.readFileContent( toto ); Assert.assertEquals( "totototototo", s.trim()); } @Test public void testExecuteScriptResources_noScriptDirectory() throws Exception { File scriptsDir = this.folder.newFile(); AgentUtils.executeScriptResources( scriptsDir ); // No exception } @Test public void testInjectConfigurations_invalidEtc() throws Exception { File karafEtc = this.folder.newFile(); AgentUtils.injectConfigurations( karafEtc.getAbsolutePath(), "app", "/vm", "default", "" ); // No exception } @Test public void testInjectConfigurations_emptyEtc() throws Exception { File karafEtc = this.folder.newFolder(); Assert.assertEquals( 0, karafEtc.listFiles().length ); AgentUtils.injectConfigurations( karafEtc.getAbsolutePath(), "app", "/vm", "default", "" ); Assert.assertEquals( 0, karafEtc.listFiles().length ); } @Test public void testInjectConfigurations_fullSample() throws Exception { File karafEtc = this.folder.newFolder(); File injectionDir = new File( karafEtc, AgentUtils.INJECTED_CONFIGS_DIR ); Assert.assertTrue( injectionDir.mkdirs()); // Valid template Utils.writeStringInto( "ip = <ip-address>\napp = <application-name>\n", new File( injectionDir, "valid1.cfg.tpl" )); Utils.writeStringInto( "I am <scoped-instance-path>", new File( injectionDir, "valid2.cfg.tpl" )); // Skipped (not templates or invalid target file) Utils.writeStringInto( "ip = <ip-address>\napp = <application-name>", new File( injectionDir, "not-a-template.cfg" )); Utils.writeStringInto( "I am <scoped-instance-path>", new File( injectionDir, UserDataUtils.CONF_FILE_AGENT + ".tpl" )); // Check Assert.assertEquals( 1, karafEtc.listFiles().length ); AgentUtils.injectConfigurations( karafEtc.getAbsolutePath(), "app", "/vm", "default", "" ); Assert.assertEquals( 3, karafEtc.listFiles().length ); File f = new File( karafEtc, "valid1.cfg" ); Assert.assertTrue( f.isFile()); Assert.assertEquals( "ip =\napp = app\n", Utils.readFileContent( f )); f = new File( karafEtc, "valid2.cfg" ); Assert.assertTrue( f.isFile()); Assert.assertEquals( "I am /vm", Utils.readFileContent( f )); } @Test public void testInjectConfigurations_exceptionOnConflict() throws Exception { File karafEtc = this.folder.newFolder(); File injectionDir = new File( karafEtc, AgentUtils.INJECTED_CONFIGS_DIR ); Assert.assertTrue( injectionDir.mkdirs()); File conflict = new File( karafEtc, "valid1.cfg" ); Assert.assertTrue( conflict.mkdir()); Utils.writeStringInto( "ip = <ip-address>\napp = <application-name>\n", new File( injectionDir, "valid1.cfg.tpl" )); // Check Assert.assertEquals( 2, karafEtc.listFiles().length ); AgentUtils.injectConfigurations( karafEtc.getAbsolutePath(), "app", "/vm", "default", "" ); Assert.assertEquals( 2, karafEtc.listFiles().length ); File f = new File( karafEtc, "valid1.cfg" ); Assert.assertTrue( f.isDirectory()); } }