/** * Copyright 2014-2017 Linagora, Université Joseph Fourier, Floralis * * The present code is developed in the scope of the joint LINAGORA - * Université Joseph Fourier - Floralis research program and is designated * as a "Result" pursuant to the terms and conditions of the LINAGORA * - Université Joseph Fourier - Floralis research program. Each copyright * holder of Results enumerated here above fully & independently holds complete * ownership of the complete Intellectual Property rights applicable to the whole * of said Results, and may freely exploit it in any manner which does not infringe * the moral rights of the other copyright holders. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.roboconf.agent.internal.misc; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.net.Inet4Address; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.NetworkInterface; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.logging.Logger; import net.roboconf.core.Constants; import net.roboconf.core.model.beans.Instance; import net.roboconf.core.model.helpers.InstanceHelpers; import net.roboconf.core.utils.ProgramUtils; import net.roboconf.core.utils.Utils; /** * @author Noël - LIG * @author Pierre-Yves Gibello - Linagora * @author Amadou Diarra - UGA */ public final class AgentUtils { public static final String INJECTED_CONFIGS_DIR = "roboconf/cfg-injection"; /** * Private empty constructor. */ private AgentUtils() { // nothing } /** * Checks the syntax of an IP address (basic check, not exhaustive). * @param ip The IP to check * @return true if IP looks like an IP address, false otherwise */ public static boolean isValidIP( String ip ) { boolean result = false; try { String[] parts; if( ! Utils.isEmptyOrWhitespaces( ip ) && (parts = ip.split("\\.")).length == 4 ) { result = true; for( String s : parts ) { int part = Integer.parseInt( s ); if( part < 0 || part > 255 ) { result = false; break; } } } } catch( NumberFormatException e ) { result = false; } return result; } /** * Copies the resources of an instance on the disk. * @param instance an instance * @param fileNameToFileContent the files to write down (key = relative file location, value = file's content) * @throws IOException if the copy encountered a problem */ public static void copyInstanceResources( Instance instance, Map<String,byte[]> fileNameToFileContent ) throws IOException { File dir = InstanceHelpers.findInstanceDirectoryOnAgent( instance ); Utils.createDirectory( dir ); if( fileNameToFileContent != null ) { for( Map.Entry<String,byte[]> entry : fileNameToFileContent.entrySet()) { File f = new File( dir, entry.getKey()); Utils.createDirectory( f.getParentFile()); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream( entry.getValue()); Utils.copyStream( in, f ); } } } /** * Executes a script resource on a given instance. * @param scriptsDir the scripts directory * @throws IOException */ public static void executeScriptResources( File scriptsDir ) throws IOException { if( scriptsDir.isDirectory()) { List<File> scriptFiles = Utils.listAllFiles( scriptsDir ); Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( AgentUtils.class.getName()); for( File script : scriptFiles) { if( script.getName().contains( Constants.SCOPED_SCRIPT_AT_AGENT_SUFFIX )) { script.setExecutable( true ); String[] command = { script.getAbsolutePath()}; try { ProgramUtils.executeCommand( logger, command, script.getParentFile(), null, null, null ); } catch( InterruptedException e ) { Utils.logException( logger, e ); } } } } } /** * Deletes the resources for a given instance. * @param instance an instance * @throws IOException if resources could not be deleted */ public static void deleteInstanceResources( Instance instance ) throws IOException { File dir = InstanceHelpers.findInstanceDirectoryOnAgent( instance ); Utils.deleteFilesRecursively( dir ); } /** * Changes the level of the Roboconf logger. * <p> * This method assumes the default log configuration for a Roboconf * distribution has a certain shape. If a user manually changed the log * configuration (not the level, but the logger name, as an example), then * this will not work. * </p> */ public static void changeRoboconfLogLevel( String logLevel, String etcDir ) throws IOException { if( ! Utils.isEmptyOrWhitespaces( etcDir )) { File f = new File( etcDir, AgentConstants.KARAF_LOG_CONF_FILE ); if( f.exists()) { Properties props = Utils.readPropertiesFile( f ); props.put( "log4j.logger.net.roboconf", logLevel + ", roboconf" ); Utils.writePropertiesFile( props, f ); } } } /** * Collect the main log files into a map. * @param karafData the Karaf's data directory * @return a non-null map */ public static Map<String,byte[]> collectLogs( String karafData ) throws IOException { Map<String,byte[]> logFiles = new HashMap<>( 2 ); if( ! Utils.isEmptyOrWhitespaces( karafData )) { String[] names = { "karaf.log", "roboconf.log" }; for( String name : names ) { File log = new File( karafData, AgentConstants.KARAF_LOGS_DIRECTORY + "/" + name ); if( ! log.exists()) continue; String content = Utils.readFileContent( log ); logFiles.put( name, content.getBytes( "UTF-8" )); } } return logFiles; } /** * Finds the IP address of the current machine. * @param networkInterface the network interface to use * <p> * If this network interface does not exist, the default one is picked up, * as returned by <code>InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress()</code>. * </p> * * @return a non-null IP address ( in case of error) */ public static String findIpAddress( String networkInterface ) { String ipAddress = null; Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( AgentUtils.class.getName()); try { // Try the network interface NetworkInterface nif; if( networkInterface != null && ! AgentConstants.DEFAULT_NETWORK_INTERFACE.equalsIgnoreCase( networkInterface ) && (nif = NetworkInterface.getByName( networkInterface )) != null ) { Enumeration<InetAddress> addrs = nif.getInetAddresses(); while( addrs.hasMoreElements() && (ipAddress == null || ipAddress.startsWith( "127.0" ))) { Object obj = addrs.nextElement(); if( !( obj instanceof Inet4Address )) continue; ipAddress = obj.toString(); if( ipAddress.startsWith( "/" )) ipAddress = ipAddress.substring( 1 ); } } else if( ! AgentConstants.DEFAULT_NETWORK_INTERFACE.equalsIgnoreCase( networkInterface )) { logger.severe( "Network interface " + networkInterface + " does not exists. The host's default IP will be picked up." ); } // Otherwise, use the default address if( ipAddress == null ) { logger.fine( "Picking up the host's default IP address." ); ipAddress = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress(); } } catch( Exception e ) { ipAddress = ""; logger.warning( "The IP address could not be found. " + e.getMessage()); Utils.logException( logger, e ); } logger.info( "The agent's address was resolved to " + ipAddress ); return ipAddress; } /** * Generates configuration files from templates. * @param karafEtc Karaf's etc directory * @param applicationName the application name * @param scopedInstancePath the scoped instance path * @param domain the domain * @param ipAddress the IP address */ public static void injectConfigurations( String karafEtc, String applicationName, String scopedInstancePath, String domain, String ipAddress ) { File injectionDir = new File( karafEtc, INJECTED_CONFIGS_DIR ); if( injectionDir.isDirectory()) { for( File source : Utils.listAllFiles( injectionDir, ".cfg.tpl" )) { try { File target = new File( karafEtc, source.getName().replaceFirst( "\\.tpl$", "" )); // Do not overwrite the agent's configuration file (infinite configuration loop) if( UserDataUtils.CONF_FILE_AGENT.equalsIgnoreCase( target.getName())) continue; String content = Utils.readFileContent( source ); content = content.replace( "<domain>", domain ); content = content.replace( "<application-name>", applicationName ); content = content.replace( "<scoped-instance-path>", scopedInstancePath ); content = content.replace( "<ip-address>", ipAddress ); Utils.writeStringInto( content, target ); } catch( IOException e ) { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger( AgentUtils.class.getName()); logger.severe( "A configuration file could not be injected from " + source.getName()); Utils.logException( logger, e ); } } } } }