/** * Copyright 2014-2017 Linagora, Université Joseph Fourier, Floralis * * The present code is developed in the scope of the joint LINAGORA - * Université Joseph Fourier - Floralis research program and is designated * as a "Result" pursuant to the terms and conditions of the LINAGORA * - Université Joseph Fourier - Floralis research program. Each copyright * holder of Results enumerated here above fully & independently holds complete * ownership of the complete Intellectual Property rights applicable to the whole * of said Results, and may freely exploit it in any manner which does not infringe * the moral rights of the other copyright holders. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.roboconf.agent.monitoring.internal; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import net.roboconf.agent.monitoring.api.IMonitoringHandler; import net.roboconf.agent.monitoring.internal.MonitoringRunnable.MonitoringHandlerRun; import net.roboconf.agent.monitoring.internal.file.FileHandler; import net.roboconf.agent.monitoring.internal.nagios.NagiosHandler; import net.roboconf.agent.monitoring.internal.rest.RestHandler; import net.roboconf.agent.monitoring.internal.tests.MyAgentInterface; import net.roboconf.core.Constants; import net.roboconf.core.internal.tests.TestUtils; import net.roboconf.core.model.beans.Component; import net.roboconf.core.model.beans.Instance; import net.roboconf.core.model.beans.Instance.InstanceStatus; import net.roboconf.core.model.helpers.InstanceHelpers; import net.roboconf.core.utils.Utils; import net.roboconf.messaging.api.business.IAgentClient; import net.roboconf.messaging.api.messages.Message; import net.roboconf.messaging.api.messages.from_agent_to_dm.MsgNotifAutonomic; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; import org.mockito.Mockito; /** * @author Vincent Zurczak - Linagora */ public class MonitoringRunnableTest { private static final List<IMonitoringHandler> HANDLERS = new ArrayList<> (); static { HANDLERS.add( new FileHandler()); HANDLERS.add( new NagiosHandler()); HANDLERS.add( new RestHandler()); } private IAgentClient messagingClient; private MyAgentInterface agentInterface; @Before public void initializeMessagingClient() throws Exception { this.messagingClient = Mockito.mock( IAgentClient.class ); this.agentInterface = new MyAgentInterface( this.messagingClient ); } @Test public void testExtractRuleSections_noSection() throws Exception { String fileContent = ""; MonitoringRunnable task = new MonitoringRunnable( this.agentInterface, HANDLERS ); this.agentInterface.setScopedInstance( new Instance( "root" )); List<MonitoringHandlerRun> handlers = task.extractRuleSections( new File( "whatever" ), fileContent, null ); Assert.assertEquals( 0, handlers.size()); } @Test public void testExtractRuleSections_file() throws Exception { File f = TestUtils.findTestFile( "/file-events.conf" ); String fileContent = Utils.readFileContent( f ); MonitoringRunnable task = new MonitoringRunnable( this.agentInterface, HANDLERS ); this.agentInterface.setScopedInstance( new Instance( "root" )); List<MonitoringHandlerRun> handlers = task.extractRuleSections( f, fileContent, null ); Assert.assertEquals( 3, handlers.size()); MonitoringHandlerRun bean = handlers.get( 0 ); Assert.assertEquals( "file", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertEquals( "myRuleName-1", bean.eventId ); Assert.assertTrue( bean.rawRulesText.contains( "%TMP%/rbcf-test/ta-daaaaa" )); bean = handlers.get( 1 ); Assert.assertEquals( "file", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertEquals( "myRuleName-2", bean.eventId ); Assert.assertTrue( bean.rawRulesText.contains( "%TMP%/rbcf-test/ta-daaaaa-2" )); bean = handlers.get( 2 ); Assert.assertEquals( "file", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertEquals( "myRuleName", bean.eventId ); Assert.assertTrue( bean.rawRulesText.contains( "%TMP%/rbcf-test/a-directory-to-not-delete" )); } @Test public void testExtractRuleSections_nagios() throws Exception { File f = TestUtils.findTestFile( "/nagios-events.conf" ); String fileContent = Utils.readFileContent( f ); MonitoringRunnable task = new MonitoringRunnable( this.agentInterface, HANDLERS ); this.agentInterface.setScopedInstance( new Instance( "root" )); List<MonitoringHandlerRun> handlers = task.extractRuleSections( f, fileContent, null ); Assert.assertEquals( 3, handlers.size()); MonitoringHandlerRun bean = handlers.get( 0 ); Assert.assertEquals( "nagios", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertEquals( "myRuleName-80", bean.eventId ); Assert.assertTrue( bean.rawRulesText.contains( "host_name accept_passive_checks acknowledged" )); bean = handlers.get( 1 ); Assert.assertEquals( "nagios", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertEquals( "myRuleName-2", bean.eventId ); Assert.assertTrue( bean.rawRulesText.contains( "" )); bean = handlers.get( 2 ); Assert.assertEquals( "nagios", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertEquals( "myRuleName-3", bean.eventId ); Assert.assertTrue( bean.rawRulesText.contains( "" )); } @Test public void testExtractRuleSections_rest() throws Exception { File f = TestUtils.findTestFile( "/rest-events.conf" ); String fileContent = Utils.readFileContent( f ); MonitoringRunnable task = new MonitoringRunnable( this.agentInterface, HANDLERS ); this.agentInterface.setScopedInstance( new Instance( "root" )); List<MonitoringHandlerRun> handlers = task.extractRuleSections( f, fileContent, null ); Assert.assertEquals( 1, handlers.size()); MonitoringHandlerRun bean = handlers.get( 0 ); Assert.assertEquals( "rest", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertEquals( "myRuleName-1", bean.eventId ); Assert.assertTrue( bean.rawRulesText.contains( "http://google.fr" )); } @Test public void testExtractRuleSections_mixed() throws Exception { File f = TestUtils.findTestFile( "/mixed-events.conf" ); String fileContent = Utils.readFileContent( f ); MonitoringRunnable task = new MonitoringRunnable( this.agentInterface, HANDLERS ); this.agentInterface.setScopedInstance( new Instance( "root" )); List<MonitoringHandlerRun> handlers = task.extractRuleSections( f, fileContent, null ); Assert.assertEquals( 2, handlers.size()); MonitoringHandlerRun bean = handlers.get( 0 ); Assert.assertEquals( "nagios", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertEquals( "myRuleName-nagios", bean.eventId ); Assert.assertTrue( bean.rawRulesText.contains( "Columns: host_name accept_passive_checks acknowledged" )); bean = handlers.get( 1 ); Assert.assertEquals( "file", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertEquals( "myRuleName-for-file", bean.eventId ); Assert.assertTrue( bean.rawRulesText.contains( "/tmp/a-directory-to-not-delete" )); } @Test public void testExtractRuleSections_mixedTemplating() throws Exception { File f = TestUtils.findTestFile( "/mixed-events-templating.conf" ); String fileContent = Utils.readFileContent( f ); MonitoringRunnable task = new MonitoringRunnable( this.agentInterface, HANDLERS ); this.agentInterface.setScopedInstance( new Instance( "root" )); File propertiesFile = TestUtils.findTestFile( "/mixed-events-templating.properties" ); Assert.assertTrue( propertiesFile.exists()); Properties params = Utils.readPropertiesFile( propertiesFile ); List<MonitoringHandlerRun> handlers = task.extractRuleSections( f, fileContent, params ); Assert.assertEquals( 2, handlers.size()); // Test template expansion of "= {{ accept_passive_checks }}" // with "accept_passive_checks" property set to 1 MonitoringHandlerRun bean = handlers.get( 0 ); Assert.assertEquals( "nagios", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertTrue( bean.rawRulesText.endsWith( "= 1" )); // Test template expansion of "/tmp/{{ a-directory-to-not-delete }}" // with "a-directory-to-not-delete" property set to "roboconf" bean = handlers.get( 1 ); Assert.assertEquals( "file", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertTrue( bean.rawRulesText.contains( "/tmp/roboconf" )); } @Test public void testExtractRuleSections_incompleteRule() throws Exception { String fileContent = MonitoringRunnable.RULE_BEGINNING; MonitoringRunnable task = new MonitoringRunnable( this.agentInterface, HANDLERS ); this.agentInterface.setScopedInstance( new Instance( "root" )); List<MonitoringHandlerRun> handlers = task.extractRuleSections( new File( "test" ), fileContent, null ); Assert.assertEquals( 0, handlers.size()); } @Test public void testExtractRuleSections_invalidRule() throws Exception { String fileContent = MonitoringRunnable.RULE_BEGINNING + " file event id with spaces]"; MonitoringRunnable task = new MonitoringRunnable( this.agentInterface, HANDLERS ); this.agentInterface.setScopedInstance( new Instance( "root" )); List<MonitoringHandlerRun> handlers = task.extractRuleSections( new File( "test" ), fileContent, null ); Assert.assertEquals( 0, handlers.size()); } @Test public void testExtractRuleSections_unknownParser() throws Exception { String fileContent = MonitoringRunnable.RULE_BEGINNING + " unknown event-id]\nok"; MonitoringRunnable task = new MonitoringRunnable( this.agentInterface, HANDLERS ); this.agentInterface.setScopedInstance( new Instance( "root" )); List<MonitoringHandlerRun> handlers = task.extractRuleSections( new File( "test" ), fileContent, null ); Assert.assertEquals( 1, handlers.size()); MonitoringHandlerRun bean = handlers.get( 0 ); Assert.assertEquals( "unknown", bean.handlerName ); Assert.assertEquals( "event-id", bean.eventId ); Assert.assertEquals( "ok", bean.rawRulesText ); } @Test public void testWholeChain_instancesStarted() throws Exception { testTheCommonChain( InstanceStatus.DEPLOYED_STARTED, "/file-events.conf" ); ArgumentCaptor<Message> msgCapture = ArgumentCaptor.forClass( Message.class ); Mockito.verify( this.messagingClient, Mockito.times( 1 )).sendMessageToTheDm( msgCapture.capture()); Assert.assertEquals( MsgNotifAutonomic.class, msgCapture.getValue().getClass()); MsgNotifAutonomic msg = (MsgNotifAutonomic) msgCapture.getValue(); Assert.assertEquals( this.agentInterface.getApplicationName(), msg.getApplicationName()); Assert.assertEquals( "myRuleName", msg.getEventName()); Assert.assertEquals( "/" + this.agentInterface.getScopedInstance().getName(), msg.getScopedInstancePath()); Assert.assertTrue( msg.getEventInfo().toLowerCase().contains( "does not exist" )); } @Test public void testWholeChain_instancesNotStarted() throws Exception { testTheCommonChain( InstanceStatus.DEPLOYED_STOPPED, "/file-events.conf" ); Mockito.verify( this.messagingClient, Mockito.times( 0 )).sendMessageToTheDm( Mockito.any( Message.class )); } @Test public void testWholeChain_noHandler() throws Exception { testTheCommonChain( InstanceStatus.DEPLOYED_STARTED, "/unknown-events.conf" ); Mockito.verify( this.messagingClient, Mockito.times( 0 )).sendMessageToTheDm( Mockito.any( Message.class )); } @Test public void testWholeChain_messagingError() throws Exception { Mockito.doThrow( new IOException( "For test" )).when( this.messagingClient ).sendMessageToTheDm( Mockito.any( Message.class )); testTheCommonChain( InstanceStatus.DEPLOYED_STARTED, "/file-events.conf" ); // No exception is thrown } @Test public void testWholeChain_noModelYet() throws Exception { Mockito.verify( this.messagingClient, Mockito.times( 0 )).sendMessageToTheDm( Mockito.any( Message.class )); MonitoringRunnable task = new MonitoringRunnable( this.agentInterface, HANDLERS ); task.run(); Mockito.verify( this.messagingClient, Mockito.times( 0 )).sendMessageToTheDm( Mockito.any( Message.class )); } private void testTheCommonChain( InstanceStatus status, String file ) throws Exception { // Create a model Instance rootInstance = new Instance( "root" ).component( new Component( "Root" ).installerName( Constants.TARGET_INSTALLER )); Instance childInstance = new Instance( "child" ).component( new Component( "Child" ).installerName( "whatever" )); InstanceHelpers.insertChild( rootInstance, childInstance ); this.agentInterface.setScopedInstance( rootInstance ); rootInstance.setStatus( status ); childInstance.setStatus( status ); // Create the resources File dir = InstanceHelpers.findInstanceDirectoryOnAgent( childInstance ); Utils.deleteFilesRecursively( dir ); Assert.assertTrue( dir.mkdirs()); File f = TestUtils.findTestFile( file ); String tmpDirLocation = System.getProperty( "java.io.tmpdir" ).replace( "\\", "/" ).replaceAll( "/?$", "" ); String updatedContent = Utils.readFileContent( f ).replace( "%TMP%", tmpDirLocation ); File measureFile = new File( dir, childInstance.getComponent().getName() + ".measures" ); Utils.writeStringInto( updatedContent, measureFile ); Assert.assertTrue( measureFile.exists()); // Run the task Mockito.verify( this.messagingClient, Mockito.times( 0 )).sendMessageToTheDm( Mockito.any( Message.class )); MonitoringRunnable task = new MonitoringRunnable( this.agentInterface, HANDLERS ); task.run(); Utils.deleteFilesRecursively( dir ); Assert.assertFalse( dir.exists()); File temporaryDirectory = new File( tmpDirLocation, "rbcf-test" ); Utils.deleteFilesRecursively( temporaryDirectory ); } }