/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2010, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.richfaces.component; import java.io.IOException; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.el.ELException; import javax.el.ExpressionFactory; import javax.el.MethodExpression; import javax.el.MethodNotFoundException; import javax.faces.component.UIComponent; import javax.faces.component.UIInput; import javax.faces.component.visit.VisitCallback; import javax.faces.component.visit.VisitContext; import javax.faces.component.visit.VisitResult; import javax.faces.context.FacesContext; import javax.faces.model.ArrayDataModel; import javax.faces.model.DataModel; import javax.faces.model.ListDataModel; import javax.faces.model.ResultDataModel; import javax.faces.model.ResultSetDataModel; import javax.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql.Result; import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.Attribute; import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.EventName; import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.JsfComponent; import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.JsfRenderer; import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.Tag; import org.richfaces.cdk.annotations.TagType; import org.richfaces.component.attribute.AutocompleteProps; import org.richfaces.component.attribute.CoreProps; import org.richfaces.component.attribute.DisabledProps; import org.richfaces.component.attribute.ErrorProps; import org.richfaces.component.attribute.EventsKeyProps; import org.richfaces.component.attribute.EventsMouseProps; import org.richfaces.component.attribute.FocusProps; import org.richfaces.component.attribute.StyleClassProps; import org.richfaces.component.attribute.StyleProps; import org.richfaces.context.ExtendedVisitContext; import org.richfaces.context.ExtendedVisitContextMode; import org.richfaces.log.Logger; import org.richfaces.log.RichfacesLogger; import org.richfaces.renderkit.MetaComponentRenderer; import org.richfaces.view.facelets.AutocompleteHandler; /** * <p>The <rich:autocomplete> component is an auto-completing input-box with built-in Ajax capabilities. It * supports client-side suggestions, browser-like selection, and customization of the look and feel.</p> * * @author Nick Belaevski * @author <a href="http://community.jboss.org/people/bleathem">Brian Leathem</a> */ @JsfComponent(tag = @Tag(type = TagType.Facelets, handlerClass = AutocompleteHandler.class), renderer = @JsfRenderer(type = "org.richfaces.AutocompleteRenderer")) public abstract class AbstractAutocomplete extends UIInput implements MetaComponentResolver, MetaComponentEncoder, DisabledProps, FocusProps, EventsKeyProps, EventsMouseProps, StyleClassProps, StyleProps, AutocompleteProps, CoreProps { public static final String ITEMS_META_COMPONENT_ID = "items"; public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = "org.richfaces.Autocomplete"; public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY = UIInput.COMPONENT_FAMILY; private static final Logger LOGGER = RichfacesLogger.COMPONENTS.getLogger(); /** * A value to set in the target input element on a choice suggestion that isn't shown in the suggestion table. * It can be used for descriptive output comments or suggestions. If not set, all text in the suggestion row is set as a value */ @Attribute(literal = false) public abstract Object getFetchValue(); /** * Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the selected suggestion entry */ @Attribute(defaultValue = "rf-au-itm-sel") public abstract String getSelectedItemClass(); /** * Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the content of the popup suggestion element */ @Attribute() public abstract String getPopupClass(); /** * Assigns one or more space-separated CSS class names to the input element */ @Attribute() public abstract String getInputClass(); /** * <p> * Type of the layout encoded using nested components should be defined using layout attribute. * Possible values are: * </p> * <dl> * <dt>list</dt> * <dd>suggestions wrapped to HTML unordered list</dd> * <dt>div</dt> * <dd>suggestions wrapped with just div element</dd> * <dt>table</dt> * <dd>suggestions are encoded as table rows, column definitions are required in this case</dd> * </dl> * <p>Default: div</p> */ @Attribute public abstract String getLayout(); /** * <p>Allow a user to enter multiple values separated by specific characters. As the user types, a suggestion will * present as normal. When they enter the specified token character, this begins a new suggestion process, * and the component will then only use text entered after the token character for suggestions.</p> * * <p>Make sure that no character defined in tokens is part of any suggestion value. E.g. do not use space as a token * if you expect to allow spaces in suggestion values.</p> * * <p>When tokens defined, they can be naturally separated by space character - input separated by tokens ', ' or ' ,' * will be considered as it would be ',' token without any space.</p> */ @Attribute public abstract String getTokens(); /** * Causes the combo-box to fill the text field box with a matching suggestion as the user types */ @Attribute(defaultValue = "true") public abstract boolean isAutofill(); /** * <p>Boolean value indicating whether to display a button to expand the popup suggestion element</p> * <p>Default: false</p> */ @Attribute public abstract boolean isShowButton(); /** * Boolean value indicating whether the first suggestion item is selected as the user types * <p>Default: true</p> */ @Attribute(defaultValue = "true") public abstract boolean isSelectFirst(); /** * <p> * A javascript function used to filter the result list returned from the ajax call to the server. * This function should have two parameters; subString(current input value considering tokens) * and value (currently iterated item value) and return boolean flag which means if the value satisfies the substring passed. * The function will be called for every available suggestion in order to construct a new list of suggestions. * </p> * <p>Default: A javascript method called <i>startsWith</i></p> */ @Attribute public abstract String getClientFilterFunction(); // ----------- Event Attributes /** * Javascript code executed when an item is selected */ @Attribute(events = @EventName("selectitem")) public abstract String getOnselectitem(); /** * Javascript code executed when this element loses focus and its value has been modified since gaining focus. */ @Attribute(events = @EventName(value = "change", defaultEvent = true)) public abstract String getOnchange(); // ----------- List events /** * Javascript code executed when a pointer button is clicked over the popup list element. */ @Attribute(events = @EventName("listclick")) public abstract String getOnlistclick(); /** * Javascript code executed when a pointer button is double clicked over this element. */ @Attribute(events = @EventName("listdblclick")) public abstract String getOnlistdblclick(); /** * Javascript code executed when a pointer button is pressed down over this element. */ @Attribute(events = @EventName("listmousedown")) public abstract String getOnlistmousedown(); /** * Javascript code executed when a pointer button is released over this element. */ @Attribute(events = @EventName("listmouseup")) public abstract String getOnlistmouseup(); /** * Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved onto this element. */ @Attribute(events = @EventName("listmouseover")) public abstract String getOnlistmouseover(); /** * Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved within this element. */ @Attribute(events = @EventName("listmousemove")) public abstract String getOnlistmousemove(); /** * Javascript code executed when a pointer button is moved away from this element. */ @Attribute(events = @EventName("listmouseout")) public abstract String getOnlistmouseout(); /** * Javascript code executed when a key is pressed and released over this element. */ @Attribute(events = @EventName("listkeypress")) public abstract String getOnlistkeypress(); /** * Javascript code executed when a key is pressed down over this element. */ @Attribute(events = @EventName("listkeydown")) public abstract String getOnlistkeydown(); /** * Javascript code executed when a key is released over this element. */ @Attribute(events = @EventName("listkeyup")) public abstract String getOnlistkeyup(); public DataModel<Object> getItems(FacesContext facesContext, String value) { return getItems(facesContext, this, value); } public static DataModel<Object> getItems(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent component, String value) { if (!(component instanceof AutocompleteProps)) { return null; } AutocompleteProps autocomplete = (AutocompleteProps) component; Object itemsObject = null; MethodExpression autocompleteMethod = autocomplete.getAutocompleteMethod(); if (autocompleteMethod != null) { try { try { itemsObject = autocompleteMethod.invoke(facesContext.getELContext(), new Object[] { facesContext, component, value }); } catch (MethodNotFoundException e1) { try { // fall back to evaluating an expression assuming there is just one parameter (RF-11469) itemsObject = autocomplete.getAutocompleteMethodWithOneParameter().invoke(facesContext.getELContext(), new Object[] { value }); } catch (MethodNotFoundException e2) { ExpressionFactory expressionFactory = facesContext.getApplication().getExpressionFactory(); autocompleteMethod = expressionFactory.createMethodExpression(facesContext.getELContext(), autocompleteMethod.getExpressionString(), Object.class, new Class[] { String.class }); itemsObject = autocompleteMethod.invoke(facesContext.getELContext(), new Object[] { value }); } } } catch (ELException ee) { LOGGER.error(ee.getMessage(), ee); } } else { itemsObject = autocomplete.getAutocompleteList(); } DataModel result; if (itemsObject instanceof Object[]) { result = new ArrayDataModel((Object[]) itemsObject); } else if (itemsObject instanceof List) { result = new ListDataModel((List<Object>) itemsObject); } else if (itemsObject instanceof Result) { result = new ResultDataModel((Result) itemsObject); } else if (itemsObject instanceof ResultSet) { result = new ResultSetDataModel((ResultSet) itemsObject); } else if (itemsObject != null) { List<Object> temp = new ArrayList<Object>(); Iterator<Object> iterator = ((Iterable<Object>) itemsObject).iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { temp.add(iterator.next()); } result = new ListDataModel(temp); } else { result = new ListDataModel(); } return result; } public String resolveClientId(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent contextComponent, String metaComponentId) { if (ITEMS_META_COMPONENT_ID.equals(metaComponentId)) { return getClientId(facesContext) + MetaComponentResolver.META_COMPONENT_SEPARATOR_CHAR + metaComponentId; } return null; } public String substituteUnresolvedClientId(FacesContext facesContext, UIComponent contextComponent, String metaComponentId) { return null; } @Override public boolean visitTree(VisitContext context, VisitCallback callback) { if (context instanceof ExtendedVisitContext) { ExtendedVisitContext extendedVisitContext = (ExtendedVisitContext) context; if (extendedVisitContext.getVisitMode() == ExtendedVisitContextMode.RENDER) { VisitResult result = extendedVisitContext.invokeMetaComponentVisitCallback(this, callback, ITEMS_META_COMPONENT_ID); if (result == VisitResult.COMPLETE) { return true; } else if (result == VisitResult.REJECT) { return false; } } } return super.visitTree(context, callback); } public void encodeMetaComponent(FacesContext context, String metaComponentId) throws IOException { ((MetaComponentRenderer) getRenderer(context)).encodeMetaComponent(context, this, metaComponentId); } }