/* * JBoss, Home of Professional Open Source * Copyright 2013, Red Hat, Inc. and individual contributors * by the @authors tag. See the copyright.txt in the distribution for a * full listing of individual contributors. * * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this software; if not, write to the Free * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. */ package org.richfaces.fragment.popupPanel; import org.jboss.arquillian.drone.api.annotation.Drone; import org.jboss.arquillian.graphene.Graphene; import org.jboss.arquillian.graphene.GrapheneElement; import org.jboss.arquillian.graphene.wait.FluentWait; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions; import org.openqa.selenium.support.FindBy; import org.richfaces.fragment.common.AdvancedVisibleComponentIteractions; import org.richfaces.fragment.common.Locations; import org.richfaces.fragment.common.TypeResolver; import org.richfaces.fragment.common.Utils; import org.richfaces.fragment.common.VisibleComponentInteractions; import org.richfaces.fragment.common.WaitingWrapper; import org.richfaces.fragment.common.WaitingWrapperImpl; import org.richfaces.fragment.panel.AbstractPanel; /** * @author <a href="mailto:jstefek@redhat.com">Jiri Stefek</a> */ public abstract class RichFacesPopupPanel<HEADER, HEADERCONTROLS, BODY> extends AbstractPanel<HEADER, BODY> implements PopupPanel<HEADER, HEADERCONTROLS, BODY>, AdvancedVisibleComponentIteractions<RichFacesPopupPanel<HEADER, HEADERCONTROLS, BODY>.AdvancedPopupPanelInteractions> { @Drone private WebDriver driver; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-hndlr-t") private GrapheneElement resizerN; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-hndlr-r") private GrapheneElement resizerE; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-hndlr-b") private GrapheneElement resizerS; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-hndlr-l") private GrapheneElement resizerW; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-hndlr-tr") private GrapheneElement resizerNE; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-hndlr-tl") private GrapheneElement resizerNW; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-hndlr-br") private GrapheneElement resizerSE; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-hndlr-bl") private GrapheneElement resizerSW; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-hdr") private GrapheneElement headerElement; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-hdr-cnt") private GrapheneElement headerContentElement; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-hdr-cntrls") private GrapheneElement headerControlsElement; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-cnt-scrlr") private GrapheneElement contentScrollerElement; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-cnt") private GrapheneElement contentElement; @FindBy(css = "div.rf-pp-shdw") private GrapheneElement shadowElement; private final AdvancedPopupPanelInteractions interactions = new AdvancedPopupPanelInteractions(); private final Class<HEADERCONTROLS> headerControlsClass = (Class<HEADERCONTROLS>) TypeResolver.resolveRawArguments(RichFacesPopupPanel.class, getClass())[1]; @Override public AdvancedPopupPanelInteractions advanced() { return interactions; } @Override public HEADERCONTROLS getHeaderControlsContent() { return Graphene.createPageFragment(getHeaderControlsClass(), advanced().getHeaderControlsElement()); } /** * @return the headerClass */ protected Class<HEADERCONTROLS> getHeaderControlsClass() { return headerControlsClass; } public class AdvancedPopupPanelInteractions extends AdvancedPanelInteractions implements VisibleComponentInteractions { @Override protected WebElement getBodyElement() { return contentElement; } public WebElement getContentElement() { return getBodyElement(); } public WebElement getContentScrollerElement() { return contentScrollerElement; } public WebElement getHeaderContentElement() { return headerContentElement; } public WebElement getHeaderControlsElement() { return headerControlsElement; } @Override public GrapheneElement getHeaderElement() { return headerElement; } public Locations getLocations() { return Utils.getLocations(getRootElement()); } public WebElement getResizerElement(ResizerLocation resizerLocation) { switch (resizerLocation) { case N: return resizerN; case E: return resizerE; case S: return resizerS; case W: return resizerW; case NE: return resizerNE; case SE: return resizerSE; case SW: return resizerSW; case NW: return resizerNW; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown switch " + resizerLocation); } } public WebElement getShadowElement() { return shadowElement; } @Override public boolean isVisible() { return Utils.isVisible(getRootElement()); } public AdvancedPopupPanelInteractions moveByOffset(int xOffset, int yOffset) { new Actions(driver).dragAndDropBy(getHeaderElement(), xOffset, yOffset).perform(); return this; } public AdvancedPopupPanelInteractions resizeFromLocation(ResizerLocation location, int byXPixels, int byYPixels) { new Actions(driver).dragAndDropBy(getResizerElement(location), byXPixels, byYPixels).perform(); return this; } public WaitingWrapper waitUntilPopupIsNotVisible() { return new WaitingWrapperImpl() { @Override protected void performWait(FluentWait<WebDriver, Void> wait) { wait.until().element(getRootElement()).is().not().visible(); } }.withMessage("Waiting for popup to be not visible."); } public WaitingWrapper waitUntilPopupIsVisible() { return new WaitingWrapperImpl() { @Override protected void performWait(FluentWait<WebDriver, Void> wait) { wait.until().element(getRootElement()).is().visible(); } }.withMessage("Waiting for popup to be visible."); } } }