/* Copyright (c) 2012 LinkedIn Corp. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.linkedin.restli.example.impl; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.linkedin.restli.common.HttpStatus; import com.linkedin.restli.example.Album; import com.linkedin.restli.server.CreateResponse; import com.linkedin.restli.server.ResourceLevel; import com.linkedin.restli.server.RestLiServiceException; import com.linkedin.restli.server.UpdateResponse; import com.linkedin.restli.server.annotations.Action; import com.linkedin.restli.server.annotations.RestLiCollection; import com.linkedin.restli.server.resources.CollectionResourceTemplate; // This code is very similar to PhotoResource. To keep this example simple, we simply duplicate it // instead of using a generic subclass. @RestLiCollection(name = "albums", namespace = "com.linkedin.restli.example.photos") public class AlbumResource extends CollectionResourceTemplate<Long, Album> { Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AlbumResource.class); public AlbumDatabase getDb() { return _db; } // basic overridable functions for resource template // corresponding builder class are generated to src/mainGeneratedRest/java/<namespace> @Override public CreateResponse create(Album entity) { final Long newId = _db.getCurrentId(); if (entity.hasId() || entity.hasUrn()) { throw new RestLiServiceException(HttpStatus.S_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Album ID is not acceptable in request"); } // overwrite ID and URN in entity entity.setId(newId); entity.setUrn(String.valueOf(newId)); _db.getData().put(newId, entity); return new CreateResponse(newId); } // return stored photo // if the key does not exist, return null, and rest.li will respond HTTP 404 to client @Override public Album get(Long key) { _log.info("Getting album # " + key); return _db.getData().get(key); } // update an existing photo with given entity @Override public UpdateResponse update(Long key, Album entity) { final Album currPhoto = _db.getData().get(key); if (currPhoto == null) { return new UpdateResponse(HttpStatus.S_404_NOT_FOUND); } // disallow changing entity ID and URN if (entity.hasId() || entity.hasUrn()) { throw new RestLiServiceException(HttpStatus.S_400_BAD_REQUEST, "Album ID is not acceptable in request"); } // make sure the ID in the entity is consistent with the key in the database entity.setId(key); entity.setUrn(String.valueOf(key)); _db.getData().put(key, entity); return new UpdateResponse(HttpStatus.S_204_NO_CONTENT); } // delete an existing album @Override public UpdateResponse delete(Long key) { final boolean isRemoved = (_db.getData().remove(key) != null); // Remove all entries in this album to maintain referential integrity AlbumEntryResource.purge(_entryDb, key, null); return new UpdateResponse(isRemoved ? HttpStatus.S_204_NO_CONTENT : HttpStatus.S_404_NOT_FOUND); } // custom action defined on collection level without any parameter // call with "http://<hostname>:<port>/photos?action=purge" // return JSON object of the action result // if called on wrong resource level, HTTP 400 is responded @Action(name = "purge", resourceLevel = ResourceLevel.COLLECTION) public int purge() { final int numPurged = _db.getData().size(); _db.getData().clear(); AlbumEntryResource.purge(_entryDb, null, null); return numPurged; } public final static String URN_ENTITY_TYPE = "album"; // use dependency injection instead of hard-coding database instance @Inject @Named("albumDb") private AlbumDatabase _db; // need this to cascade deletes @Inject @Named("albumEntryDb") private AlbumEntryDatabase _entryDb; }