/* Copyright (c) 2012 LinkedIn Corp. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package com.linkedin.data; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonEncoding; import com.linkedin.data.codec.BsonDataCodec; import com.linkedin.data.codec.DataCodec; import com.linkedin.data.codec.DataDecodingException; import com.linkedin.data.codec.JacksonDataCodec; import com.linkedin.data.codec.PsonDataCodec; import com.linkedin.data.codec.TextDataCodec; import com.linkedin.data.collections.CheckedMap; import org.testng.annotations.BeforeTest; import org.testng.annotations.Optional; import org.testng.annotations.Parameters; import org.testng.annotations.Test; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream; import java.io.FileDescriptor; import java.io.FileOutputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintStream; import java.io.StringReader; import java.io.StringWriter; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import static com.linkedin.data.TestUtil.asMap; import static com.linkedin.data.TestUtil.assertEquivalent; import static com.linkedin.data.TestUtil.dataMapFromString; import static com.linkedin.data.TestUtil.noCommonDataComplex; import static org.testng.Assert.*; public class TestData { static final PrintStream out = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(FileDescriptor.out)); final List<Object> referenceList1 = new ArrayList<Object>(); final int RL1_BOOLEAN_INDEX = 0; final int RL1_INTEGER_INDEX = 1; final int RL1_LONG_INDEX = 2; final int RL1_FLOAT_INDEX = 3; final int RL1_DOUBLE_INDEX = 4; final int RL1_STRING_INDEX = 5; final int RL1_BYTES_INDEX = 6; final Boolean RL1_BOOLEAN_VALUE = true; final Integer RL1_INTEGER_VALUE = 123; final Long RL1_LONG_VALUE = 345L; final Float RL1_FLOAT_VALUE = 567.5f; final Double RL1_DOUBLE_VALUE = 9.99; final String RL1_STRING_VALUE = "foobar"; final ByteString RL1_BYTES_VALUE = ByteString.copyAvroString("byte_string", false); final Map<String,Object> referenceMap1 = new HashMap<String,Object>(); final String RM1_BOOLEAN_KEY = "boolean_key"; final String RM1_INTEGER_KEY = "integer_key"; final String RM1_LONG_KEY = "long_key"; final String RM1_FLOAT_KEY = "float_key"; final String RM1_DOUBLE_KEY = "double_key"; final String RM1_STRING_KEY = "string_key"; final String RM1_BYTES_KEY = "bytes_key"; final Boolean RM1_BOOLEAN_VALUE = true; final Integer RM1_INTEGER_VALUE = 12; final Long RM1_LONG_VALUE = 34L; final Float RM1_FLOAT_VALUE = 56.5f; final Double RM1_DOUBLE_VALUE = 7.89; final String RM1_STRING_VALUE = "baz"; final ByteString RM1_BYTES_VALUE = ByteString.copyAvroString("bytes", false); List<Object> illegalObjects = new ArrayList<Object>(); Map<String,Object> illegalMap = new HashMap<String,Object>(); final DataMap referenceDataMap1 = new DataMap(); final String referenceDump1 = " map : {\n" + " boolean_key : true\n" + " bytes_key : bytes\n" + " double_key : 7.89\n" + " float_key : 56.5\n" + " integer_key : 12\n" + " list1_1 : [\n" + " true\n" + " 123\n" + " 345\n" + " 567.5\n" + " 9.99\n" + " foobar\n" + " byte_string\n" + " ]\n" + " list1_2 : []\n" + " long_key : 34\n" + " map1_1 : {\n" + " boolean_key : true\n" + " bytes_key : bytes\n" + " double_key : 7.89\n" + " float_key : 56.5\n" + " integer_key : 12\n" + " long_key : 34\n" + " string_key : baz\n" + " }\n" + " map1_2 : {}\n" + " string_key : baz\n" + " }\n"; final DataList referenceDataList1 = new DataList(); final Map<String, DataComplex> inputs = new TreeMap<String, DataComplex>(); @BeforeTest public void setup() { referenceList1.add(RL1_BOOLEAN_INDEX, RL1_BOOLEAN_VALUE); referenceList1.add(RL1_INTEGER_INDEX, RL1_INTEGER_VALUE); referenceList1.add(RL1_LONG_INDEX, RL1_LONG_VALUE); referenceList1.add(RL1_FLOAT_INDEX, RL1_FLOAT_VALUE); referenceList1.add(RL1_DOUBLE_INDEX, RL1_DOUBLE_VALUE); referenceList1.add(RL1_STRING_INDEX, RL1_STRING_VALUE); referenceList1.add(RL1_BYTES_INDEX, RL1_BYTES_VALUE); referenceMap1.put(RM1_BOOLEAN_KEY, RM1_BOOLEAN_VALUE); referenceMap1.put(RM1_INTEGER_KEY, RM1_INTEGER_VALUE); referenceMap1.put(RM1_LONG_KEY, RM1_LONG_VALUE); referenceMap1.put(RM1_FLOAT_KEY, RM1_FLOAT_VALUE); referenceMap1.put(RM1_DOUBLE_KEY, RM1_DOUBLE_VALUE); referenceMap1.put(RM1_STRING_KEY, RM1_STRING_VALUE); referenceMap1.put(RM1_BYTES_KEY, RM1_BYTES_VALUE); illegalObjects.add(new AtomicInteger(-13)); illegalObjects.add(new AtomicLong(-13)); illegalObjects.add(new BigDecimal(13)); illegalObjects.add(new BigInteger("13")); illegalObjects.add(new Byte("13")); illegalObjects.add(new Short("13")); illegalObjects.add(new ArrayList<Object>()); illegalObjects.add(new HashMap<String,String>()); illegalObjects.add(new HashSet<String>()); for (Object o : illegalObjects) { illegalMap.put("Illegal-" + o.getClass().getName(), o); } referenceDataMap1.putAll(referenceMap1); DataMap map1_1 = new DataMap(referenceMap1); DataList list1_1 = new DataList(referenceList1); referenceDataMap1.put("map1_1", map1_1); referenceDataMap1.put("list1_1", list1_1); referenceDataMap1.put("map1_2", new DataMap()); referenceDataMap1.put("list1_2", new DataList()); referenceDataMap1.makeReadOnly(); referenceDataList1.addAll(referenceList1); referenceDataList1.add(0, new DataList(referenceList1)); referenceDataList1.add(1, new DataMap(referenceMap1)); referenceDataList1.makeReadOnly(); inputs.put("Reference DataMap1", referenceDataMap1); { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { String key = "key_" + i; map1.put(key, new Boolean(i % 2 == 1)); } inputs.put("Map of 100 booleans", map1); } { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); DataList list1 = new DataList(); map1.put("list", list1); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { list1.add(new Integer(i)); } inputs.put("List of 100 32-bit integers", map1); } { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); DataList list1 = new DataList(); map1.put("list", list1); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { list1.add(new Double(i + 0.5)); } inputs.put("List of 100 doubles", map1); } { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { String key = "key_" + i; map1.put(key, "12345678901234567890"); } inputs.put("Map of 100 20-character strings", map1); } { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { String key = "key_" + i; map1.put(key, new Integer(i)); } inputs.put("Map of 100 32-bit integers", map1); } { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { String key = "key_" + i; map1.put(key, new Double(i + 0.5)); } inputs.put("Map of 100 doubles", map1); } { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); DataList list1 = new DataList(); map1.put("list", list1); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { list1.add("12345678901234567890"); } inputs.put("List of 100 20-character strings", list1); inputs.put("Map containing list of 100 20-character strings", map1); } { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); DataList list1 = new DataList(); map1.put("list", list1); for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { list1.add(ByteString.copyAvroString("12345678901234567890", false)); } inputs.put("List of 100 20-byte bytes", list1); inputs.put("Map containing list of 100 20-byte bytes", map1); } { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); DataMap map11 = new DataMap(); DataList list11 = new DataList(); map1.put("map11", map11); map1.put("list11", list11); inputs.put("Map with empty map and list", map1); } { DataMap dataMap = new DataMap(); dataMap.put("test", "Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent " + "a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created " + "equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation or any nation so " + "conceived and so dedicated can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. " + "We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting-place for those who here " + "gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we " + "should do this. But in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot " + "hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead who struggled here have consecrated it " + "far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note nor long remember " + "what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living rather " + "to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so " + "nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before " + "us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they " + "gave the last full measure of devotion--that we here highly resolve that these dead shall " + "not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom, and " + "that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth." ); inputs.put("Map of long string", dataMap); } { DataMap mapOfStrings = new DataMap(); ArrayList<Integer> lengths = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int stringLength = 0; stringLength < 1024; stringLength += 113) { lengths.add(stringLength); } for (int stringLength = 1024; stringLength < (Short.MAX_VALUE * 4); stringLength *= 2) { lengths.add(stringLength); } for (int stringLength : lengths) { DataMap dataMap = new DataMap(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(stringLength); char character = 32; for (int pos = 0; pos < stringLength; pos++) { if (character > 16384) character = 32; stringBuilder.append(character); character += 3; } // out.println("" + stringLength + " : " + (int) character); String key = "test" + stringLength; String value = stringBuilder.toString(); dataMap.put(key, value); mapOfStrings.put(key, value); inputs.put("Map of " + stringLength + " character string", dataMap); } inputs.put("Map of variable length strings", mapOfStrings); } } public void testDataMapChecker(Map<String,Object> map) { Exception exc = null; for (Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : illegalMap.entrySet()) { String k = entry.getKey(); Object v = entry.getValue(); try { exc = null; map.put(k, v); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); try { exc = null; map.entrySet().add(entry); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); try { exc = null; map.keySet().add(k); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); try { exc = null; map.values().add(v); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } try { exc = null; map.putAll(illegalMap); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); try { exc = null; map.entrySet().addAll(illegalMap.entrySet()); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); try { exc = null; map.values().addAll(illegalObjects); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } public void testDataListChecker(List<Object> list) { boolean empty = false; if (list.isEmpty()) { // avoid empty list list.add(-1); list.add(-2); empty = true; } Exception exc = null; for (Object o : illegalObjects) { try { exc = null; list.add(o); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); try { exc = null; list.add(list.size() / 2, o); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); try { exc = null; list.set(list.size() / 2, o); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } try { exc = null; list.addAll(illegalObjects); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); try { exc = null; list.addAll(list.size() / 2, illegalObjects); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); /* Iterator */ for (Object o : illegalObjects) { try { exc = null; ListIterator<Object> it = list.listIterator(); it.next(); it.add(o); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); try { exc = null; ListIterator<Object> it = list.listIterator(); it.next(); it.set(o); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } if (empty) { list.clear(); } /* SubList */ if (list instanceof DataList) { testDataListChecker(list.subList(list.size() / 2, list.size())); } } @Test public void testDataListConstructor() { DataList list1 = new DataList(); assertTrue(list1.isEmpty()); testDataListChecker(list1); list1.addAll(referenceList1); assertTrue(list1.equals(referenceList1)); DataList list2 = new DataList(1000); assertTrue(list2.isEmpty()); testDataListChecker(list2); list2.addAll(referenceList1); assertTrue(list2.equals(referenceList1)); DataList list4 = new DataList(referenceList1); assertTrue(list4.containsAll(referenceList1)); assertTrue(list4.equals(referenceList1)); testDataListChecker(list4); } @Test public void testDataMapConstructor() { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); assertTrue(map1.isEmpty()); testDataMapChecker(map1); map1.putAll(referenceMap1); assertTrue(map1.equals(referenceMap1)); DataMap map2 = new DataMap(1000); assertTrue(map2.isEmpty()); testDataMapChecker(map2); map2.putAll(referenceMap1); assertTrue(map2.equals(referenceMap1)); DataMap map3 = new DataMap(3, 0.3f); assertTrue(map3.isEmpty()); testDataMapChecker(map3); map3.putAll(referenceMap1); assertTrue(map3.equals(referenceMap1)); DataMap map4 = new DataMap(referenceMap1); assertTrue(map4.entrySet().containsAll(referenceMap1.entrySet())); assertTrue(map4.equals(referenceMap1)); testDataMapChecker(map4); } public void testDataMapAccessor(String key, Object value) { DataMap map = new DataMap(); map.put(key, value); Class<?> clas = value.getClass(); if (clas == Boolean.class) { assertTrue(map.getBoolean(key) == value); } else if (clas == Integer.class) { assertTrue(map.getInteger(key) == value); } else if (clas == Long.class) { assertTrue(map.getLong(key) == value); } else if (clas == Float.class) { assertTrue(map.getFloat(key) == value); } else if (clas == Double.class) { assertTrue(map.getDouble(key) == value); } else if (clas == String.class) { assertTrue(map.getString(key) == value); } else if (clas == ByteString.class) { assertTrue(map.getByteString(key) == value); } if (clas != Boolean.class) { Exception exc = null; try { map.getBoolean(key); } catch (ClassCastException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } if (clas != Integer.class) { Exception exc = null; try { map.getInteger(key); } catch (ClassCastException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } if (clas != Long.class) { Exception exc = null; try { map.getLong(key); } catch (ClassCastException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } if (clas != Float.class) { Exception exc = null; try { map.getFloat(key); } catch (ClassCastException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } if (clas != Double.class) { Exception exc = null; try { map.getDouble(key); } catch (ClassCastException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } if (clas != String.class) { Exception exc = null; try { map.getString(key); } catch (ClassCastException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } if (clas != ByteString.class) { Exception exc = null; try { map.getByteString(key); } catch (ClassCastException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue((clas == String.class && Data.validStringAsBytes((String) value)) || exc != null); } } @Test public void testDataMapAccessors() { Object[] objects = { new Boolean(true), new Integer(1), new Long(2), new Float(1.5), new Double(2.0), new String("foo"), ByteString.copyAvroString("bar", false) }; for (Object o : objects) { testDataMapAccessor("key", o); } } @Test public void testCopy() throws CloneNotSupportedException { boolean copyOnWrite = ! CheckedMap.class.isAssignableFrom(DataMap.class); /* DataMap with only immutable types */ DataMap map1 = new DataMap(referenceMap1); DataMap map2 = map1.copy(); DataMap map3 = map2.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map1.getUnderlying() == map2.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map1.getUnderlying() == map3.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(map1, map2); assertEquals(map1, map3); map2.put("2", "2"); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map1.getUnderlying() != map2.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map1.getUnderlying() == map3.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(map1.equals(map2)); assertEquals(map1, map3); /* DataMap containing DataMap */ DataMap map2_1 = new DataMap(referenceMap1); map2_1.put("2_1", "2_1"); map2.put("map2_1", map2_1); assertTrue(map2.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); DataMap map4 = map2.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map4.getUnderlying() != map2.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map4.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map2.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(map4, map2); DataMap map5 = map4.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map5.getUnderlying() != map2.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map5.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map2.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(map5, map4); assertEquals(map5, map2); map5.getDataMap("map2_1").put("x", "x"); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map5.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() != map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map4.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(map5.getDataMap("map2_1").equals(map2_1)); assertEquals(map4.getDataMap("map2_1"), map2_1); /* DataList with only primitive types */ DataList list1 = new DataList(referenceList1); DataList list2 = list1.copy(); DataList list3 = list2.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list1.getUnderlying() == list2.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list1.getUnderlying() == list3.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(list1, list2); assertEquals(list1, list3); list2.add("2"); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list1.getUnderlying() != list2.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list1.getUnderlying() == list3.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(list1.equals(list2)); assertEquals(list1, list3); /* DataList containing DataList */ DataList list2_1 = new DataList(referenceList1); list2_1.add("2_1"); list2.add(0, list2_1); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list2.getDataList(0).getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(list2.equals(list1)); assertFalse(list2.equals(list3)); assertEquals(list1, list3); DataList list4 = list2.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list4.getUnderlying() != list2.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list4.getDataList(0).getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list2.getDataList(0).getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(list4, list2); assertEquals(list4.getDataList(0), list2_1); assertEquals(list2.getDataList(0), list2_1); DataList list5 = list4.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list5.getUnderlying() != list2.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list5.getDataList(0).getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list2.getDataList(0).getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(list5, list4); assertEquals(list5.getDataList(0), list2_1); assertEquals(list2.getDataList(0), list2_1); /* DataMap containing DataList */ DataMap map6 = map1.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map6.getUnderlying() == map1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(map6, map1); map6.put("list2_1", list2_1); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map6.getUnderlying() != map1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(map6.equals(map1)); DataMap map7 = map6.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map7.getUnderlying() != map6.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map7.getDataList("list2_1").getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(map7, map6); assertEquals(map7.getDataList("list2_1"), list2_1); DataMap map8 = map6.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map8.getUnderlying() != map6.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map8.getDataList("list2_1").getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(map8, map6); assertEquals(map8.getDataList("list2_1"), list2_1); map7.getDataList("list2_1").remove(0); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map7.getDataList("list2_1").getUnderlying() != list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map8.getDataList("list2_1").getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(map7.getDataList("list2_1").equals(list2_1)); assertEquals(map8.getDataList("list2_1"), list2_1); /* DataList containing DataMap */ DataList list6 = list1.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list6.getUnderlying() == list1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(list6, list1); list6.add(0, map2_1); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list6.getUnderlying() != list1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(list6.equals(list1)); DataList list7 = list6.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list7.getUnderlying() != list6.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list7.getDataMap(0).getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(list7, list6); assertEquals(list7.getDataMap(0), map2_1); DataList list8 = list6.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list8.getUnderlying() != list6.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list8.getDataMap(0).getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(list8, list6); assertEquals(list8.getDataMap(0), map2_1); list7.getDataMap(0).remove(RM1_BOOLEAN_KEY); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list7.getDataMap(0).getUnderlying() != map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list8.getDataMap(0).getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(list7.getDataMap(0).equals(map2_1)); assertEquals(list8.getDataMap(0), map2_1); /* DataMap containing both DataList and DataMap */ DataMap map10 = map1.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map10.getUnderlying() == map1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(map10, map1); map10.put("map2_1", map2_1); map10.put("list2_1", list2_1); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map10.getUnderlying() != map1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(map10.equals(map1)); DataMap map11 = map10.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map11.getUnderlying() != map10.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map11.getDataList("list2_1").getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map11.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(map11, map10); assertEquals(map11.getDataList("list2_1"), list2_1); assertEquals(map11.getDataMap("map2_1"), map2_1); DataMap map12 = map11.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map12.getUnderlying() != map11.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map12.getDataList("list2_1").getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map12.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(map12, map10); assertEquals(map12.getDataList("list2_1"), list2_1); assertEquals(map12.getDataMap("map2_1"), map2_1); map12.getDataList("list2_1").remove(1); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map12.getDataList("list2_1").getUnderlying() != list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map11.getDataList("list2_1").getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(map12.getDataList("list2_1").equals(list2_1)); assertEquals(map11.getDataList("list2_1"), list2_1); DataMap map13 = map10.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map13.getUnderlying() != map10.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map13.getDataList("list2_1").getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map13.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(map13, map10); assertEquals(map13.getDataList("list2_1"), list2_1); assertEquals(map13.getDataMap("map2_1"), map2_1); map13.getDataMap("map2_1").clear(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map13.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() != map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || map10.getDataMap("map2_1").getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(map13.getDataMap("map2_1").equals(map2_1)); assertEquals(map10.getDataMap("map2_1"), map2_1); /* DataList containing both DataList and DataMap */ DataList list10 = list1.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list10.getUnderlying() == list1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(list10, list1); list10.add(0, list2_1); list10.add(1, map2_1); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list10.getUnderlying() != list1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(list10.equals(list1)); DataList list11 = list10.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list11.getUnderlying() != list10.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list11.getDataList(0).getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list11.getDataMap(1).getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(list11, list10); assertEquals(list11.getDataList(0), list2_1); assertEquals(list11.getDataMap(1), map2_1); DataList list12 = list11.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list12.getUnderlying() != list11.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list12.getDataList(0).getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list12.getDataMap(1).getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(list12, list11); assertEquals(list12.getDataList(0), list2_1); assertEquals(list12.getDataMap(1), map2_1); list12.getDataList(0).set(2, "xxx"); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list12.getDataList(0).getUnderlying() != list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list11.getDataList(0).getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(list12.getDataList(0).equals(list2_1)); assertEquals(list11.getDataList(0), list2_1); DataList list13 = list10.copy(); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list13.getUnderlying() != list10.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list13.getDataList(0).getUnderlying() == list2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list13.getDataMap(1).getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertEquals(list13, list10); assertEquals(list13.getDataList(0), list2_1); assertEquals(list13.getDataMap(1), map2_1); list13.getDataMap(1).put("x", "XX"); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list13.getDataMap(1).getUnderlying() != map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertTrue(! copyOnWrite || list10.getDataMap(1).getUnderlying() == map2_1.getUnderlying()); assertFalse(list13.getDataMap(1).equals(map2_1)); assertEquals(list10.getDataMap(1), map2_1); /* Diamond shaped object graph */ { DataMap a = new DataMap(); DataList b = new DataList(); DataList c = new DataList(); DataMap d = new DataMap(); a.put("b", b); a.put("c", c); b.add(d); c.add(d); DataMap aCopy = a.copy(); DataList bCopy = (DataList) aCopy.get("b"); DataList cCopy = (DataList) aCopy.get("c"); assertSame(bCopy.get(0), cCopy.get(0)); } { DataList a = new DataList(); DataMap b = new DataMap(); DataMap c = new DataMap(); DataList d = new DataList(); a.add(b); a.add(c); b.put("d", d); c.put("d", d); DataList aCopy = a.copy(); DataMap bCopy = (DataMap) aCopy.get(0); DataMap cCopy = (DataMap) aCopy.get(1); assertSame(bCopy.get("d"), cCopy.get("d")); } /* Circular object graph */ { // DataList only DataList a = new DataList(); a.disableChecker(); a.add(a); DataList aCopy = a.copy(); assertSame(aCopy.get(0), aCopy); DataList b = new DataList(); b.disableChecker(); a.add(b); b.add(a); aCopy = a.copy(); DataList bCopy = (DataList) aCopy.get(1); assertSame(aCopy.get(0), aCopy); assertSame(bCopy.get(0), aCopy); } /* Circular object graph */ { // DataMap only DataMap a = new DataMap(); a.disableChecker(); a.put("a", a); DataMap aCopy = a.copy(); assertSame(aCopy.get("a"), aCopy); DataMap b = new DataMap(); b.disableChecker(); a.put("b", b); b.put("a", a); aCopy = a.copy(); DataMap bCopy = (DataMap) aCopy.get("b"); assertSame(aCopy.get("a"), aCopy); assertSame(bCopy.get("a"), aCopy); } } @Test public void mapClonesHaveDifferentHashValues() throws CloneNotSupportedException { DataMap originalMap = new DataMap(); originalMap.put("key", "value"); DataMap copyMap = originalMap.copy(); // The objects should be "equal," but not identical. assertTrue(copyMap.equals(originalMap)); assertFalse(copyMap.dataComplexHashCode() == originalMap.dataComplexHashCode()); } @Test public void testListClonesHaveDifferentHashValues() throws CloneNotSupportedException { DataList originalList = new DataList(); originalList.add("value"); DataList copyList = originalList.copy(); // The objects should be "equal," but not identical. assertTrue(copyList.equals(originalList)); assertFalse(copyList.dataComplexHashCode() == originalList.dataComplexHashCode()); } @Test public void testDeepCopy() throws CloneNotSupportedException { DataMap root = new DataMap(); DataMap a = new DataMap(); a.put("key", "a"); DataMap b = a.copy(); b.put("key", "b"); root.put("a", a); root.put("b", b); DataMap copy = root.copy(); assertEquals(root, copy); ((DataMap)copy.get("a")).put("key", "A"); ((DataMap)copy.get("b")).put("key", "B"); DataMap rootA = (DataMap)root.get("a"); DataMap rootB = (DataMap)root.get("b"); DataMap copyA = (DataMap)copy.get("a"); DataMap copyB = (DataMap)copy.get("b"); assertEquals(rootA.get("key"), ("a")); assertEquals(rootB.get("key"), ("b")); assertEquals(copyA.get("key"), ("A")); assertEquals(copyB.get("key"), ("B")); } @Test public void testNullValue() { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); { Exception exc = null; try { map1.put("a", null); } catch (NullPointerException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } DataList list1 = new DataList(); { Exception exc = null; try { list1.add(null); } catch (NullPointerException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } } @Test public void testMakeReadOnly() throws CloneNotSupportedException { DataMap map1 = referenceDataMap1; assertTrue(map1.isReadOnly()); assertTrue(map1.getDataMap("map1_1").isReadOnly()); assertTrue(map1.getDataList("list1_1").isReadOnly()); DataMap map2 = map1.copy(); assertFalse(map2.isReadOnly()); assertFalse(map2.getDataMap("map1_1").isReadOnly()); assertFalse(map2.getDataList("list1_1").isReadOnly()); assertFalse(map2.isMadeReadOnly()); assertFalse(map2.getDataMap("map1_1").isMadeReadOnly()); assertFalse(map2.getDataList("list1_1").isMadeReadOnly()); map2.makeReadOnly(); assertTrue(map2.isReadOnly()); assertTrue(map2.getDataMap("map1_1").isReadOnly()); assertTrue(map2.getDataList("list1_1").isReadOnly()); assertTrue(map1.isReadOnly()); assertTrue(map1.getDataMap("map1_1").isReadOnly()); assertTrue(map1.getDataList("list1_1").isReadOnly()); assertTrue(map2.isMadeReadOnly()); assertTrue(map2.getDataMap("map1_1").isMadeReadOnly()); assertTrue(map2.getDataList("list1_1").isMadeReadOnly()); DataList list1 = referenceDataList1; assertTrue(list1.isReadOnly()); assertTrue(list1.getDataList(0).isReadOnly()); assertTrue(list1.getDataMap(1).isReadOnly()); DataList list2 = list1.copy(); assertFalse(list2.isReadOnly()); assertFalse(list2.getDataList(0).isReadOnly()); assertFalse(list2.getDataMap(1).isReadOnly()); assertFalse(list2.isMadeReadOnly()); assertFalse(list2.getDataList(0).isMadeReadOnly()); assertFalse(list2.getDataMap(1).isMadeReadOnly()); list2.makeReadOnly(); assertTrue(list2.isReadOnly()); assertTrue(list2.getDataList(0).isReadOnly()); assertTrue(list2.getDataMap(1).isReadOnly()); assertTrue(list1.isReadOnly()); assertTrue(list1.getDataList(0).isReadOnly()); assertTrue(list1.getDataMap(1).isReadOnly()); assertTrue(list2.isMadeReadOnly()); assertTrue(list2.getDataList(0).isMadeReadOnly()); assertTrue(list2.getDataMap(1).isMadeReadOnly()); } @Test public void testDump() { StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("map", referenceDataMap1, " ", sb1); assertEquals(sb1.toString(), referenceDump1); assertEquals(Data.dump("map", referenceDataMap1, " ").toString(), referenceDump1); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("", new DataMap(), "", sb2); assertEquals(sb2.toString(), "{}\n"); String s3 = Data.dump(null, new DataList(), ""); assertEquals(s3, "[]\n"); } public void testDataCodec(DataCodec codec, DataMap map) throws IOException { boolean debug = false; StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("map", map, "", sb1); if (debug) out.print(sb1); // test mapToBytes byte[] bytes = codec.mapToBytes(map); if (debug) TestUtil.dumpBytes(out, bytes); // test bytesToMap DataMap map2 = codec.bytesToMap(bytes); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("map", map2, "", sb2); if (debug) out.print(sb2); assertEquivalent(map2, map); // test writeMap ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(bytes.length * 2); codec.writeMap(map, outputStream); byte[] outputStreamBytes = outputStream.toByteArray(); assertEquals(outputStreamBytes, bytes); // test readMap ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStreamBytes); DataMap map3 = codec.readMap(inputStream); StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("map", map3, "", sb3); if (debug) out.print(sb3); assertEquivalent(map3, map); assertEquivalent(map3, map2); if (codec instanceof TextDataCodec) { TextDataCodec textCodec = (TextDataCodec) codec; // test mapToString String string = textCodec.mapToString(map); if (debug) out.println(string); // test stringToMap DataMap map4 = textCodec.stringToMap(string); StringBuilder sb4 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("map", map4, "", sb4); assertEquals(sb4.toString(), sb1.toString()); // test writeMap StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); textCodec.writeMap(map, writer); assertEquals(writer.toString(), string); // test readMap StringReader reader = new StringReader(string); DataMap map5 = textCodec.readMap(reader); StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("map", map5, "", sb5); } } public void testDataCodec(DataCodec codec, DataList list) throws IOException { boolean debug = false; StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("list", list, "", sb1); if (debug) out.print(sb1); // test listToBytes byte[] bytes = codec.listToBytes(list); if (debug) TestUtil.dumpBytes(out, bytes); // test bytesToList DataList list2 = codec.bytesToList(bytes); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("list", list2, "", sb2); assertEquals(sb2.toString(), sb1.toString()); // test writeList ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(bytes.length * 2); codec.writeList(list, outputStream); byte[] outputStreamBytes = outputStream.toByteArray(); assertEquals(outputStreamBytes, bytes); // test readList ByteArrayInputStream inputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(outputStreamBytes); DataList list3 = codec.readList(inputStream); StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("list", list3, "", sb3); assertEquals(sb3.toString(), sb1.toString()); if (codec instanceof TextDataCodec) { TextDataCodec textCodec = (TextDataCodec) codec; // test listToString String string = textCodec.listToString(list); if (debug) out.println(string); // test stringToList DataList list4 = textCodec.stringToList(string); StringBuilder sb4 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("list", list4, "", sb4); assertEquals(sb4.toString(), sb1.toString()); // test writeList StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(); textCodec.writeList(list, writer); assertEquals(writer.toString(), string); // test readList StringReader reader = new StringReader(string); DataList list5 = textCodec.readList(reader); StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder(); Data.dump("list", list5, "", sb5); } } public void testDataCodec(DataCodec codec) throws IOException { // out.println(codec.getClass().getName()); for (Map.Entry<String, DataComplex> e : inputs.entrySet()) { // out.println(e.getKey()); DataComplex value = e.getValue(); if (value.getClass() == DataMap.class) { testDataCodec(codec, (DataMap) value); } else { testDataCodec(codec, (DataList) value); } } } private DataMap getMapFromJson(JacksonDataCodec codec, String input) throws IOException { return codec.stringToMap(input); } @Test public void testJacksonDataCodec() throws IOException { JacksonDataCodec codec = new JacksonDataCodec(); testDataCodec(codec, referenceDataMap1); DataList list1 = codec.bytesToList("[7,27,279]".getBytes()); assertEquals(list1, new DataList(Arrays.asList(7, 27, 279))); DataList list2 = new DataList(Arrays.asList(321, 21, 1)); assertEquals(codec.listToBytes(list2), "[321,21,1]".getBytes()); DataMap map3 = getMapFromJson(codec, "{ \"a\" : null }"); // out.println(map3.getError()); assertSame(map3.get("a"), Data.NULL); DataMap map4 = getMapFromJson(codec, "{ \"b\" : 123456789012345678901234567890 }"); // out.println(map4.getError()); assertTrue(map4.getError().indexOf(" value: 123456789012345678901234567890, token: VALUE_NUMBER_INT, number type: BIG_INTEGER not parsed.") != -1); DataMap map5 = getMapFromJson(codec, "{ \"a\" : null, \"b\" : 123456789012345678901234567890 }"); // out.println(map5.getError()); assertTrue(map5.getError().indexOf(" value: 123456789012345678901234567890, token: VALUE_NUMBER_INT, number type: BIG_INTEGER not parsed.") != -1); // Test comments codec.setAllowComments(true); DataMap map6 = getMapFromJson(codec, "/* abc */ { \"a\" : \"b\" }"); assertEquals(map6.get("a"), "b"); // Test getStringEncoding String encoding = codec.getStringEncoding(); assertEquals(encoding, "UTF-8"); assertEquals(encoding, JsonEncoding.UTF8.getJavaName()); } @Test public void testJacksonCodecNumbers() throws IOException { JacksonDataCodec codec = new JacksonDataCodec(); testCodecNumbers(codec); } public void testCodecNumbers(DataCodec codec) throws IOException { Object input[][] = { { "{ \"intMax\" : " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + "}", asMap("intMax", Integer.MAX_VALUE) }, { "{ \"intMin\" : " + Integer.MIN_VALUE + "}", asMap("intMin", Integer.MIN_VALUE) }, { "{ \"longMax\" : " + Long.MAX_VALUE + "}", asMap("longMax", Long.MAX_VALUE) }, { "{ \"longMin\" : " + Long.MIN_VALUE + "}", asMap("longMin", Long.MIN_VALUE) }, { "{ \"long\" : 5573478247682805760 }", asMap("long", 5573478247682805760l) }, }; for (Object[] row : input) { String json = (String) row[0]; DataMap dataMap = dataMapFromString(json); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Map<String, Object> map = (Map<String, Object>) row[1]; for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : map.entrySet()) { Object value = dataMap.get(entry.getKey()); assertEquals(value, entry.getValue()); assertEquals(value.getClass(), entry.getValue().getClass()); } } // more JACKSON-targeted int value tests int inc = (Integer.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MAX_VALUE/100) / 10000; for (int i = Integer.MAX_VALUE/100 ; i <= Integer.MAX_VALUE && i > 0; i += inc) { String json = "{ \"int\" : " + i + " }"; DataMap dataMap = dataMapFromString(json); assertEquals(dataMap.getInteger("int"), Integer.valueOf(i)); } for (int i = Integer.MIN_VALUE ; i <= Integer.MIN_VALUE/100 && i < 0; i += inc) { String json = "{ \"int\" : " + i + " }"; DataMap dataMap = dataMapFromString(json); assertEquals(dataMap.getInteger("int"), Integer.valueOf(i)); } // more JACKSON long value tests long longInc = (Long.MAX_VALUE - Long.MAX_VALUE/100l) / 10000l; for (long i = Long.MAX_VALUE/100l ; i <= Long.MAX_VALUE && i > 0; i += longInc) { String json = "{ \"long\" : " + i + " }"; DataMap dataMap = dataMapFromString(json); assertEquals(dataMap.getLong("long"), Long.valueOf(i)); } for (long i = Long.MIN_VALUE ; i <= Long.MIN_VALUE/100l && i < 0; i += longInc) { String json = "{ \"long\" : " + i + " }"; DataMap dataMap = dataMapFromString(json); assertEquals(dataMap.getLong("long"), Long.valueOf(i)); } } @Test(expectedExceptions = IOException.class) public void testJacksonDataCodecErrorEmptyInput() throws IOException { final JacksonDataCodec codec = new JacksonDataCodec(); final ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]); codec.readMap(in); } @Test(expectedExceptions = DataDecodingException.class) public void testJacksonDataCodecErrorToList() throws IOException { final JacksonDataCodec codec = new JacksonDataCodec(); codec.bytesToList("{\"A\": 1}".getBytes()); } @Test(expectedExceptions = DataDecodingException.class) public void testJacksonDataCodecErrorToMap() throws IOException { final JacksonDataCodec codec = new JacksonDataCodec(); codec.bytesToMap("[1, 2, 3]".getBytes()); } /* @Test public void testBson4JacksonDataCodec() throws IOException { Bson4JacksonDataCodec codec = new Bson4JacksonDataCodec(); testDataCodec(codec); } */ @Test public void testBsonDataCodec() throws IOException { BsonDataCodec codec = new BsonDataCodec(); testDataCodec(codec); } @Test public void testBsonStressBufferSizeDataCodec() throws IOException { for (int i = 16; i < 32; ++i) { BsonDataCodec codec = new BsonDataCodec(i, true); testDataCodec(codec); } } @Test public void testPsonDataCodec() throws IOException { int[] bufferSizesToTest = { 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 0 }; Boolean[] booleanValues = new Boolean[] { Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE }; PsonDataCodec codec = new PsonDataCodec(true); PsonDataCodec.Options lastOption = null; for (int bufferSize : bufferSizesToTest) { for (boolean encodeCollectionCount : booleanValues) { for (boolean encodeStringLength : booleanValues) { PsonDataCodec.Options option = new PsonDataCodec.Options(); option.setEncodeCollectionCount(encodeCollectionCount).setEncodeStringLength(encodeStringLength); if (bufferSize != 0) { option.setBufferSize(bufferSize); } codec.setOptions(option); testDataCodec(codec); if (lastOption != null) { assertFalse(option.equals(lastOption)); assertNotSame(option.hashCode(), lastOption.hashCode()); assertFalse(option.toString().equals(lastOption.toString())); } lastOption = option; } } } } @Test public void testPsonCodecNumbers() throws IOException { PsonDataCodec codec = new PsonDataCodec(); testCodecNumbers(codec); } @Test public void testObjectIsAcyclic() { assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(true)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(1)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(1L)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(1.0f)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(1.0)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic("string")); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(new DataMap())); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(new DataList())); DataMap a = new DataMap(); DataList b = new DataList(); DataMap c = new DataMap(); a.put("b", b); a.put("c", c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); DataMap dm = new DataMap(); b.add(dm); c.put("d", dm); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); DataList e = new DataList(); DataMap f = new DataMap(); dm.put("e", e); dm.put("f", f); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(e)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(f)); a.disableChecker(); b.disableChecker(); c.disableChecker(); dm.disableChecker(); e.disableChecker(); f.disableChecker(); // loop from e to e assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); e.add(e); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(e)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(f)); e.remove(0); // loop from e to dm assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); e.add(dm); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(e)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(f)); e.remove(0); // loop from e to c assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); e.add(c); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(e)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(f)); e.remove(0); // loop from e to b assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); e.add(b); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(e)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(f)); e.remove(0); // loop from e to a assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); e.add(a); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(e)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(f)); e.remove(0); // loop from f to f assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); f.put("f", f); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(e)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(f)); f.remove("f"); // loop from f to dm assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); f.put("d", dm); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(e)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(f)); f.remove("d"); // loop from f to c assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); f.put("c", c); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(e)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(f)); f.remove("c"); // loop from f to b assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); f.put("b", b); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(e)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(f)); f.remove("b"); // loop from f to a assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); f.put("a", a); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(e)); assertFalse(Data.objectIsAcyclic(f)); f.remove("a"); } private void putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(DataMap map, String key, Object value) { Exception exc = null; try { map.put(key, value); assertTrue(map.get(key) == null); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } @Test public void testDataMapNoCyclesOnPut() { // test with DataMap DataMap a = new DataMap(); DataMap b = new DataMap(); DataMap c = new DataMap(); a.put("b", b); a.put("c", c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); DataMap d = new DataMap(); b.put("d", d); c.put("d", d); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); DataMap e = new DataMap(); d.put("e", e); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // cyclic due to edge from e to d. putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, "e", e); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // cyclic due to edge from e to d. putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, "d", d); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // cyclic due to edge from e to c putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, "c", c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // cyclic due to edge from e to b putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, "b", b); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // cyclic due to edge from e to a putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, "a", a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); } private void addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(DataList list, Object value) { Exception exc = null; try { int size = list.size(); list.add(value); assertTrue(list.get(size) == null); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { exc = e; } assertTrue(exc != null); } @Test public void testDataListNoCyclesOnAdd() { // test with DataList DataList a = new DataList(); DataList b = new DataList(); DataList c = new DataList(); a.add(b); a.add(c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); DataList d = new DataList(); b.add(d); c.add(d); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); DataList e = new DataList(); d.add(e); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // cyclic due to edge from e to e. addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, e); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // cyclic due to edge from e to d. addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, d); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // cyclic due to edge from e to c addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // cyclic due to edge from e to b addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, b); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // cyclic due to edge from e to a addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); } @Test public void testNoCyclesOnAddAndPut() { assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(true)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(1)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(1L)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(1.0f)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(1.0)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic("string")); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(new DataMap())); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(new DataList())); DataMap a = new DataMap(); DataList b = new DataList(); DataMap c = new DataMap(); a.put("b", b); a.put("c", c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); DataMap dm = new DataMap(); b.add(dm); c.put("d", dm); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dm)); DataList e = new DataList(); DataMap f = new DataMap(); dm.put("e", e); dm.put("f", f); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to e addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, e); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to dm addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, dm); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to c addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to b addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, b); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to a addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from f to f putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(f, "f", f); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from f to dm putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(f, "d", dm); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to c putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(f, "c", c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to b putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(f, "b", b); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to a putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(f, "a", a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from dm to dm putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(dm, "d", dm); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from dm to c putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(dm, "c", c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from dm to b putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(dm, "b", b); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from dm to a putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(dm, "a", a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from c to b putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(c, "c", c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from c to a putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(c, "a", a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from b to b addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(b, b); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from b to a addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(b, a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); DataList dl = new DataList(); b.clear(); b.add(dl); c.put("d", dl); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(b)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(c)); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(dl)); dl.add(e); dl.add(f); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to e addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, e); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to dl addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, dl); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to c addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to b addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, b); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to a addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(e, a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from f to f putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(f, "f", f); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from f to dl putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(f, "d", dl); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to c putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(f, "c", c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to b putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(f, "b", b); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from e to a putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(f, "a", a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from dl to dl addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(dl, dl); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from dl to c addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(dl, c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from dl to b addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(dl, b); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from dl to a addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(dl, a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from c to b putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(c, "c", c); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from c to a putAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(c, "a", a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from b to b addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(b, b); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); // loop from b to a addAndExpectIllegalArgumentException(b, a); assertTrue(Data.objectIsAcyclic(a)); } Collection<Object> asCollection(Object... objects) { ArrayList<Object> c = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (Object o : objects) { c.add(o); } return c; } @Test public void testAppendNames() { Object inputs[][] = { { asCollection("a", 1, "b"), "a[1].b" }, { asCollection(2, "b"), "[2].b" }, { asCollection(3, 4, "b"), "[3][4].b" }, { asCollection("a", "b", "c"), "a.b.c" }, { asCollection("a", "b", 5, 6, "c", "d", 7, 8), "a.b[5][6].c.d[7][8]" }, }; for (Object[] input : inputs) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Collection<Object> names = (Collection<Object>) input[0]; Data.appendNames(builder, names); String output = builder.toString(); assertEquals(output, input[1]); } } @Test public void testDataMapInstrumentation() { DataMap map = new DataMap(); map.put("a", "foo"); map.put("b", "bamboo"); map.startInstrumentingAccess(); map.get("a"); StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder("prefix"); Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instrumentedData = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); map.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, false); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 1); assertTrue(instrumentedData.containsKey("prefix.a")); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.a").get("value"), "foo"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.a").get("timesAccessed"), 1); map.put("a", "bar"); map.get("a"); instrumentedData.clear(); map.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, false); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.a").get("value"), "bar"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.a").get("timesAccessed"), 2); instrumentedData.clear(); map.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, true); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 2); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.b").get("value"), "bamboo"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.b").get("timesAccessed"), 0); map.stopInstrumentingAccess(); map.get("a"); instrumentedData.clear(); map.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, true); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.a").get("timesAccessed"), 2); map.clearInstrumentedData(); instrumentedData.clear(); map.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, false); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 0); instrumentedData.clear(); map.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, true); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 2); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.a").get("timesAccessed"), 0); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.b").get("timesAccessed"), 0); } @Test public void testDataListInstrumentation() { DataList list = new DataList(); list.add("a"); list.add("b"); list.add("c"); list.startInstrumentingAccess(); list.get(1); StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder("prefix"); Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instrumentedData = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); list.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, false); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 1); assertTrue(instrumentedData.containsKey("prefix[1]")); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[1]").get("value"), "b"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[1]").get("timesAccessed"), 1); list.set(1, "bar"); list.get(1); instrumentedData.clear(); list.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, false); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[1]").get("value"), "bar"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[1]").get("timesAccessed"), 2); instrumentedData.clear(); list.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, true); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 3); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[0]").get("value"), "a"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[0]").get("timesAccessed"), 0); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[2]").get("value"), "c"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[2]").get("timesAccessed"), 0); list.stopInstrumentingAccess(); list.get(1); instrumentedData.clear(); list.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, true); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[1]").get("timesAccessed"), 2); list.clearInstrumentedData(); instrumentedData.clear(); list.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, false); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 0); instrumentedData.clear(); list.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, true); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 3); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[0]").get("timesAccessed"), 0); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[1]").get("timesAccessed"), 0); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix[2]").get("timesAccessed"), 0); } @Test public void testNestedInstrumentation() { DataMap map = new DataMap(); map.put("int", 123); DataMap containedMap = new DataMap(); containedMap.put("a", "v_a"); containedMap.put("b", 99); map.put("map", containedMap); DataList containedList = new DataList(); containedList.add("foo"); containedList.add(88); containedList.add(99.0); map.put("list", containedList); DataMap containedMap2 = new DataMap(); containedList.add(containedMap2); containedMap2.put("bar", "bar2"); map.startInstrumentingAccess(); containedMap.get("b"); StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder("prefix"); Map<String, Map<String, Object>> instrumentedData = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Object>>(); map.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, false); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 1); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.map.b").get("value"), "99"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.map.b").get("timesAccessed"), 1); containedList.get(1); instrumentedData.clear(); map.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, false); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 2); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.list[1]").get("value"), "88"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.list[1]").get("timesAccessed"), 1); map.get("int"); instrumentedData.clear(); map.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, false); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 3); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.int").get("value"), "123"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.int").get("timesAccessed"), 1); containedMap2.get("bar"); instrumentedData.clear(); map.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, false); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 4); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.list[3].bar").get("value"), "bar2"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.list[3].bar").get("timesAccessed"), 1); instrumentedData.clear(); map.collectInstrumentedData(prefix, instrumentedData, true); assertEquals(instrumentedData.size(), 7); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.list[0]").get("value"), "foo"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.list[1]").get("value"), "88"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.list[2]").get("value"), "99.0"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.list[3].bar").get("value"), "bar2"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.map.a").get("value"), "v_a"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.map.b").get("value"), "99"); assertEquals(instrumentedData.get("prefix.int").get("value"), "123"); } private void timePerfTest(int count, Callable<?> func) { System.gc(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); int errors = 0; for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { try { func.call(); } catch (Exception e) { errors++; } } long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); long duration = end - start; double avgLatencyMsec = (double) duration / count; out.println(func + ", " + count + " calls in " + duration + " ms, latency per call " + avgLatencyMsec + " ms"); } private void dataMapToBytesPerfTest(int count, final DataCodec codec, final DataMap map) { timePerfTest(count, new Callable<byte[]>() { public byte[] call() throws IOException { return codec.mapToBytes(map); } public String toString() { return "DataMap-to-bytes, " + codec.getClass().getName(); } }); } private void bytesToDataMapPerfTest(int count, final DataCodec codec, final byte[] bytes) { timePerfTest(count, new Callable<DataMap>() { public DataMap call() throws IOException { return codec.bytesToMap(bytes); } public String toString() { return"Bytes-to-DataMap, " + codec.getClass().getName(); } }); } private void perfTest(int count, DataMap map) throws IOException { List<DataCodec> codecs = new ArrayList<DataCodec>(); codecs.add(new JacksonDataCodec()); //codecs.add(new Bson4JacksonDataCodec()); codecs.add(new BsonDataCodec()); for (DataCodec codec : codecs) { byte[] bytes = codec.mapToBytes(map); out.println(codec.getClass().getName() + " serialized size " + bytes.length); } for (DataCodec codec : codecs) { dataMapToBytesPerfTest(count, codec, map); } for (DataCodec codec : codecs) { byte[] bytes = codec.mapToBytes(map); bytesToDataMapPerfTest(count, codec, bytes); } } //@Test @Parameters("count") public void perfTest(@Optional("1000") int count) throws IOException { for (Map.Entry<String, DataComplex> e : inputs.entrySet()) { Object value = e.getValue(); if (value.getClass() == DataMap.class) { out.println("------------- " + e.getKey() + " -------------"); perfTest(count, (DataMap) value); } } } @Test public void testNoCommonDataComplex() { DataMap map1 = new DataMap(); map1.put("map1", "1"); DataMap map2 = new DataMap(); map2.put("map2", "2"); DataList list1 = new DataList(); list1.add("1"); DataList list2 = new DataList(); list2.add("2"); Object inputs[][] = { { map1, map2, true }, { map1, list1, true }, { map2, list2, true }, { map1, list2, true }, { list1, list2, true, }, { new DataMap(), map1, true }, { new DataList(), list1, true }, { map1, map1, false }, { map2, map2, false }, { list1, list1, false }, { list2, list2, false }, { new DataMap(asMap("m1", map1)), new DataMap(asMap("m1", map1)), false }, { new DataMap(asMap("m0", 1, "m1", map1)), new DataMap(asMap("m1", map1, "m2", "2")), false }, { new DataList(Arrays.asList(map1)), new DataList(Arrays.asList(map1)), false }, { new DataList(Arrays.asList(0, map1)), new DataList(Arrays.asList(map1, "2")), false }, }; for (Object[] row : inputs) { Object o1 = row[0]; Object o2 = row[1]; boolean expected = (Boolean) row[2]; assertEquals(noCommonDataComplex(o1, o2), expected); assertEquals(noCommonDataComplex(o2, o1), expected); } } }