package com.linkedin.d2.balancer.util.healthcheck; import com.linkedin.d2.balancer.clients.TrackerClient; import com.linkedin.jersey.api.uri.UriBuilder; import com.linkedin.util.clock.Clock; import; import; import static; /** * {@link HealthCheckClientBuilder} creates TransportHeathCheck client for health checking */ public class HealthCheckClientBuilder { private HealthCheckOperations _healthOperations; private String _healthCheckPath; private String _servicePath; private Clock _clock; private long _latency; private TrackerClient _client; private String _method; public HealthCheckClientBuilder() { this(null, "", "", null, 0L, null, OPTIONS); } public HealthCheckClientBuilder(HealthCheckOperations ops, String path, String servicePath, Clock clk, long latency, TrackerClient client, String method) { _healthOperations = ops; _healthCheckPath = path; _servicePath = servicePath; _clock = clk; _latency = latency; _client = client; _method = method; } public HealthCheck build() throws URISyntaxException { URI curUri = _client.getUri(); String fullPath = _healthCheckPath; if (_healthCheckPath == null || _healthCheckPath.isEmpty()) { // If the path is not specified, always use the service's path fullPath = curUri.getPath(); if (_servicePath != null && !_servicePath.isEmpty()) { fullPath += _servicePath; } } UriBuilder uriBuilder = UriBuilder.fromUri(curUri); URI newUri = uriBuilder.replacePath(fullPath).build(); HealthCheckOperations operations = _healthOperations; if (operations == null) { operations = new HealthCheckOperations(); } return new TransportHealthCheck(_clock, _client.getWrappedClient(), operations.buildRestRequest(_method, newUri), operations.buildRequestContext(), operations.buildWireAttributes(), operations.buildResponseValidate(), _latency); } public HealthCheckClientBuilder setHealthCheckOperations(HealthCheckOperations ops) { _healthOperations = ops; return this; } public HealthCheckClientBuilder setHealthCheckPath(String path) { _healthCheckPath = path; return this; } public HealthCheckClientBuilder setServicePath(String path) { _servicePath = path; return this; } public HealthCheckClientBuilder setClock(Clock clk) { _clock = clk; return this; } public HealthCheckClientBuilder setLatency(long latency) { _latency = latency; return this; } public HealthCheckClientBuilder setClient(TrackerClient client) { _client = client; return this; } public HealthCheckClientBuilder setMethod(String method) { _method = method; return this; } }