package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import com.basho.riak.client.IRiakClient; import com.basho.riak.client.RiakException; import com.basho.riak.client.RiakFactory; import com.basho.riak.client.RiakLink; import com.basho.riak.client.RiakRetryFailedException; import com.basho.riak.client.bucket.Bucket; import com.basho.riak.client.query.MapReduceResult; import com.basho.riak.client.query.functions.JSSourceFunction; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.rayo.server.util.JIDUtils; import com.voxeo.logging.Loggerf; /** * <p>Riak based implementation of the {@link GatewayDatastore} interface.</p> * * <p>You can point this data store to any particular Ria installation by * just setting the hostname and port number properties to the Protocol Buffers * port number of any riak node. By default, this store points to localhost/8081.</p> * * IMPORTANT. BEFORE USING THIS CLASS FOR ANY PRODUCTION CODE THE FOLLOWING TODOS SHOULD BE FIXED: * * @TODO: Use links instead of the direct collections. I have added a few but just for testing. * @TODO: Find a better way to run queries on properties like the one on getNodeForIpAddress * * @author martin * */ public class RiakDatastore implements GatewayDatastore { private final static Loggerf log = Loggerf.getLogger(RiakDatastore.class); private String hostname = ""; private String port = "8081"; private IRiakClient myPbClient; private Bucket nodesBucket; private Bucket platformsBucket; private Bucket callsBucket; private Bucket mixersBucket; private Bucket verbsBucket; private Bucket filtersBucket; private Bucket applicationsBucket; private Bucket addressesBucket; private Bucket clientsBucket; public void init() throws Exception { log.debug("Initializing Riak Datastore using protocol buffers on [%s:%s]", hostname, port); myPbClient = RiakFactory.pbcClient(hostname, Integer.parseInt(port)); nodesBucket = myPbClient.createBucket("nodes").execute(); platformsBucket = myPbClient.createBucket("platforms").execute(); callsBucket = myPbClient.createBucket("calls").execute(); mixersBucket = myPbClient.createBucket("mixers").execute(); verbsBucket = myPbClient.createBucket("verbs").execute(); filtersBucket = myPbClient.createBucket("filters").execute(); applicationsBucket = myPbClient.createBucket("applications").execute(); addressesBucket = myPbClient.createBucket("addresses").execute(); clientsBucket = myPbClient.createBucket("clients").execute(); } public void shutdown() { myPbClient.shutdown(); } @Override public RayoNode storeNode(RayoNode node) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Storing node: [%s]", node); RayoNode stored = getNode(node.getHostname()); if (stored != null) { log.error("Node [%s] already exists", node); throw new RayoNodeAlreadyExistsException(); } return store(node); } public RayoNode updateNode(RayoNode node) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Updating node: [%s]", node); RayoNode stored = getNode(node.getHostname()); if (stored == null) { log.error("Node [%s] does not exist", node); throw new RayoNodeNotFoundException(); } return store(node); } private RayoNode store(RayoNode node) throws DatastoreException { try { RiakRayoNode(node)).execute(); for (String platform: node.getPlatforms()) { RiakPlatform rp = getPlatform(platform); if (rp == null) { rp = new RiakPlatform(platform); } rp.addNode(node.getHostname());; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatastoreException(e); } return node; } @Override public RayoNode removeNode(String rayoNode) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Removing node: [%s]", rayoNode); RayoNode node = getNode(rayoNode); if (node == null) { log.error("Node not found: [%s]", rayoNode); throw new RayoNodeNotFoundException(); } try { nodesBucket.delete(rayoNode).execute(); for (String platform: node.getPlatforms()) { RiakPlatform p = getPlatform(platform); p.removeNode(rayoNode);; } } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatastoreException(e); } return node; } @Override public RayoNode getNode(String rayoNode) { try { RiakRayoNode rrn = nodesBucket.fetch(rayoNode, RiakRayoNode.class).execute(); if (rrn != null) { return rrn.getRayoNode(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return null; } RiakPlatform getPlatform(String platformName) { RiakPlatform rp = null; try { rp = platformsBucket.fetch(platformName, RiakPlatform.class).execute(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return rp; } @Override public String getNodeForCall(String callId) { log.debug("Finding node for call: [%s]", callId); GatewayCall call = getCall(callId); if (call != null) { return call.getNodeJid(); } return null; } @Override public String getNodeForIpAddress(String ip) { log.debug("Finding node for IP address: [%s]", ip); try { JSSourceFunction f = new JSSourceFunction(String.format("function(value, keyData, arg) { ejsLog('/tmp/map_reduce.log', value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']); if (value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']) { return [];} var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0]; if(data.ipAddress == '%s') return [value.key]; else return [];}", ip)); final MapReduceResult mapReduceResult = myPbClient.mapReduce("nodes") .addMapPhase(f).execute(); Collection<String> node = mapReduceResult.getResult(String.class); if (node.size() == 0) { return null; } return node.iterator().next(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } @Override public List<RayoNode> getRayoNodesForPlatform(String platformId) { List<RayoNode> nodes = new ArrayList<RayoNode>(); RiakPlatform platform = getPlatform(platformId); if (platform != null) { for (RiakLink link: platform.getNodeLinks()) { nodes.add(getNode(link.getKey())); } } return nodes; } @Override public Collection<String> getPlatforms() { try { JSSourceFunction f = new JSSourceFunction("function(value, keyData, arg) { if (value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']) { return [];} var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0]; return [value.key];}"); final MapReduceResult mapReduceResult = myPbClient.mapReduce("platforms") .addMapPhase(f).execute(); Collection<String> platforms = mapReduceResult.getResult(String.class); return platforms; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } @Override public GatewayCall storeCall(GatewayCall call) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Storing call: [%s]", call); RayoNode node = getNode(call.getNodeJid()); if (node == null) { log.debug("Node [%s] not found for call [%s]", call.getNodeJid(), call); throw new RayoNodeNotFoundException(); } try { RiakCall(call)).execute(); } catch (RiakException re) { throw new DatastoreException(re.getMessage(),re); } return call; } @Override public GatewayCall removeCall(String id) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Removing call with id: [%s]", id); GatewayCall call = getCall(id); if (call != null) { try { callsBucket.delete(id).execute(); } catch (RiakException e) { throw new DatastoreException(e.getMessage(),e); } } return call; } @Override public Collection<String> getCallsForNode(String rayoNode) { try { JSSourceFunction f = new JSSourceFunction(String.format("function(value, keyData, arg) { ejsLog('/tmp/map_reduce.log', JSON.stringify(value)); if (value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']) { return [];} var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0]; if(data.rayoNode == '%s') return [value.key]; else return [];}", rayoNode)); final MapReduceResult mapReduceResult = myPbClient.mapReduce("calls") .addMapPhase(f).execute(); Collection<String> calls = mapReduceResult.getResult(String.class); return calls; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } @Override public Collection<String> getCallsForClient(String jid) { try { JSSourceFunction f = new JSSourceFunction(String.format("function(value, keyData, arg) { ejsLog('/tmp/map_reduce.log', JSON.stringify(value)); if (value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']) { return [];} var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0]; if(data.clientJid == '%s') return [value.key]; else return [];}", jid)); final MapReduceResult mapReduceResult = myPbClient.mapReduce("calls") .addMapPhase(f).execute(); Collection<String> calls = mapReduceResult.getResult(String.class); return calls; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } @Override public Collection<String> getCalls() { try { JSSourceFunction f = new JSSourceFunction("function(value, keyData, arg) { if (value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']) { return [];} var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0]; return [value.key];}"); final MapReduceResult mapReduceResult = myPbClient.mapReduce("calls") .addMapPhase(f).execute(); Collection<String> calls = mapReduceResult.getResult(String.class); return calls; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } @Override public GatewayCall getCall(String callId) { try { RiakCall rc = callsBucket.fetch(callId, RiakCall.class).execute(); if (rc != null) { return rc.getGatewayCall(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return null; } @Override public GatewayClient storeClient(GatewayClient client) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Storing client: [%s]", client); Application application = getApplication(client.getBareJid()); if (application == null) { log.debug("Application for client [%s] does not exist.", client); throw new ApplicationNotFoundException(); } try { RiakClient rc = getRiakClient(client.getBareJid()); if (rc == null) { rc = new RiakClient(client); } else { rc.addResource(client.getResource()); }; } catch (RiakException re) { throw new DatastoreException(re); } return client; } @Override public Application storeApplication(Application application) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Storing application: [%s]", application); if (getApplication(application.getBareJid()) != null) { log.error("Application [%s] already exists", application); throw new ApplicationAlreadyExistsException(); } return saveApplication(application); } private Application saveApplication(Application application) throws DatastoreException { RiakApplication ra = new RiakApplication(application); try {; } catch (RiakException re) { throw new DatastoreException(re); } return application; } private RiakApplication getRiakApplication(String jid) { try { return applicationsBucket.fetch(jid, RiakApplication.class).execute(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return null; } private RiakClient getRiakClient(String jid) { try { return clientsBucket.fetch(jid, RiakClient.class).execute(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return null; } private RiakAddress getRiakAddress(String address) { try { return addressesBucket.fetch(address, RiakAddress.class).execute(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return null; } @Override public Application updateApplication(Application application) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Updating application: [%s]", application); if (getApplication(application.getBareJid()) == null) { log.error("Application [%s] does not exist", application); throw new ApplicationNotFoundException(); } return saveApplication(application); } @Override public Application getApplication(String jid) { if (jid == null) return null; log.debug("Finding application with jid: [%s]", jid); RiakApplication ra = getRiakApplication(jid); if (ra != null) { return ra.getApplication(); } return null; } @Override public List<Application> getApplications() { List<Application> list = new ArrayList<Application>(); try { JSSourceFunction f = new JSSourceFunction(String.format("function(value, keyData, arg) { if (value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']) { return [];} var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0]; data.jid = value.key; return [data];}")); final MapReduceResult mapReduceResult = myPbClient.mapReduce("applications") .addMapPhase(f).execute(); Collection<RiakApplication> applications = mapReduceResult.getResult(RiakApplication.class); for (RiakApplication ra: applications) { list.add(ra.getApplication()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return list; } @Override public Application removeApplication(String jid) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Removing application with id: [%s]", jid); RiakApplication ra = getRiakApplication(jid); if (ra != null) { // This should be done via links I guess. Collection<String> addresses = getAddressesForApplication(jid); for (String address: addresses) { removeAddress(address); } try { applicationsBucket.delete(ra).execute(); } catch (RiakException re) { throw new DatastoreException(re); } } else { log.debug("No application found with jid: [%s]", jid); throw new ApplicationNotFoundException(); } return ra.getApplication(); } @Override public void storeAddress(String address, String jid) throws DatastoreException { ArrayList<String> addresses = new ArrayList<String>(); addresses.add(address); storeAddresses(addresses, jid); } @Override public void storeAddresses(Collection<String> addresses, String jid) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Storing addresses [%s] on application [%s]", addresses, jid); if (getApplication(jid) == null) { throw new ApplicationNotFoundException(); } try { for (String address: addresses) { RiakAddress ra = new RiakAddress(address); ra.setAppJid(jid);; } } catch (RiakException e) { throw new DatastoreException(e); } } @Override public Application getApplicationForAddress(String address) { RiakAddress ra = getRiakAddress(address); if (ra != null) { return getApplication(ra.getAppJid()); } return null; } @Override public List<String> getAddressesForApplication(String jid) { log.debug("Finding addresses for application jid: [%s]", jid); JSSourceFunction f = new JSSourceFunction(String.format("function(value, keyData, arg) { if (value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']) { return [];} var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0]; if(data.appJid == '%s') return [value.key]; else return [];}", jid)); try { final MapReduceResult mapReduceResult = myPbClient.mapReduce("addresses") .addMapPhase(f).execute(); Collection<String> addresses = mapReduceResult.getResult(String.class); return new ArrayList<String>(addresses); } catch (RiakException re) { log.error(re.getMessage(),re); return new ArrayList<String>(); } } @Override public void removeAddress(String address) throws DatastoreException { RiakAddress ra = getRiakAddress(address); if (ra != null) { try { addressesBucket.delete(address).execute(); } catch (RiakException re) { throw new DatastoreException(re); } } } @Override public GatewayClient removeClient(String clientJid) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Removing client with jid: [%s]", clientJid); String bareJid = JIDUtils.getBareJid(clientJid); String resource = JIDUtils.getResource(clientJid); RiakClient rc= getRiakClient(bareJid); if (rc != null) { try { rc.removeResource(resource); if (rc.getResources().size() == 0) { clientsBucket.delete(bareJid).execute(); } else {; } } catch (RiakException re) { throw new DatastoreException(re); } GatewayClient gc = rc.getGatewayClient(); gc.setJid(clientJid); log.debug("Client with jid: [%s] removed successfully", clientJid); return gc; } else { return null; } } @Override public GatewayClient getClient(String clientJid) { log.debug("Finding client with jid: [%s]", clientJid); String bareJid = JIDUtils.getBareJid(clientJid); String resource = JIDUtils.getResource(clientJid); RiakClient rc = getRiakClient(bareJid); if (rc != null && rc.getResources().contains(resource)) { GatewayClient client = rc.getGatewayClient(); client.setJid(clientJid); return client; } return null; } @Override public List<String> getClientResources(String clientJid) { log.debug("Finding resources for clients with jid: [%s]", clientJid); String bareJid = JIDUtils.getBareJid(clientJid); RiakClient rc = getRiakClient(bareJid); if (rc != null) { return new ArrayList<String>(rc.getResources()); } else { return new ArrayList<String>(); } } @Override public List<String> getClients() { try { JSSourceFunction f = new JSSourceFunction("function(value, keyData, arg) { if (value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']) { return [];} var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0]; return [value.key];}"); final MapReduceResult mapReduceResult = myPbClient.mapReduce("clients") .addMapPhase(f).execute(); Collection<String> clients = mapReduceResult.getResult(String.class); return new ArrayList<String>(clients); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } } @Override public GatewayMixer storeMixer(GatewayMixer mixer) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Storing mixer: [%s]", mixer); RayoNode node = getNode(mixer.getNodeJid()); if (node == null) { log.debug("Node [%s] not found for mixer [%s]", mixer.getNodeJid(), mixer); throw new RayoNodeNotFoundException(); } try { RiakMixer(mixer)).execute(); } catch (RiakException re) { throw new DatastoreException(re.getMessage(),re); } return mixer; } @Override public GatewayMixer removeMixer(String mixerName) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Removing mixer with name: [%s]", mixerName); GatewayMixer mixer = getMixer(mixerName); if (mixer != null) { try { mixersBucket.delete(mixerName).execute(); } catch (RiakException e) { throw new DatastoreException(e.getMessage(),e); } } return mixer; } @Override public GatewayMixer getMixer(String mixerName) { RiakMixer rm = getRiakMixer(mixerName); if (rm != null) { return rm.getGatewayMixer(); } return null; } private RiakMixer getRiakMixer(String mixerName) { try { return mixersBucket.fetch(mixerName, RiakMixer.class).execute(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return null; } @Override public Collection<GatewayMixer> getMixers() { List<GatewayMixer> list = new ArrayList<GatewayMixer>(); try { JSSourceFunction f = new JSSourceFunction(String.format("function(value, keyData, arg) { if (value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']) { return [];} var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0]; = value.key; return [data];}")); final MapReduceResult mapReduceResult = myPbClient.mapReduce("mixers") .addMapPhase(f).execute(); Collection<RiakMixer> mixers = mapReduceResult.getResult(RiakMixer.class); for (RiakMixer rv: mixers) { list.add(rv.getGatewayMixer()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return list; } @Override public void addCallToMixer(String callId, String mixerName) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Adding call [%s] to mixer [%s]", callId, mixerName); RiakMixer mixer = getRiakMixer(mixerName); mixer.addCall(callId); try {; } catch (RiakRetryFailedException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } } @Override public void removeCallFromMixer(String callId, String mixerName) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Removing call [%s] from mixer [%s]", callId, mixerName); RiakMixer mixer = getRiakMixer(mixerName); mixer.removeCall(callId); try {; } catch (RiakRetryFailedException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } } @Override public void addVerbToMixer(GatewayVerb verb, String mixerName) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Adding verb [%s] to mixer [%s]", verb, mixerName); try { RiakVerb(verb)).execute(); } catch (RiakRetryFailedException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } } @Override public void removeVerbFromMixer(String verbId, String mixerName) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Removing verb [%s] from mixer [%s]", verbId, mixerName); RiakVerb rv = getRiakVerb(verbId); if (rv != null) { try { verbsBucket.delete(rv).execute(); } catch (RiakException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } } } private RiakVerb getRiakVerb(String verbId) { try { return verbsBucket.fetch(verbId, RiakVerb.class).execute(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return null; } @Override public List<GatewayVerb> getVerbs(String mixerName) { List<GatewayVerb> list = new ArrayList<GatewayVerb>(); try { JSSourceFunction f = new JSSourceFunction(String.format("function(value, keyData, arg) { if (value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']) { return [];} var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0]; if(data.mixerName == '%s') {data.verbId = value.key; return [data];} else return [];}", mixerName)); final MapReduceResult mapReduceResult = myPbClient.mapReduce("verbs") .addMapPhase(f).execute(); Collection<RiakVerb> verbs = mapReduceResult.getResult(RiakVerb.class); for (RiakVerb rv: verbs) { list.add(rv.getGatewayVerb()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return list; } @Override public List<GatewayVerb> getVerbs() { List<GatewayVerb> list = new ArrayList<GatewayVerb>(); try { JSSourceFunction f = new JSSourceFunction(String.format("function(value, keyData, arg) { if (value['values'][0]['metadata']['X-Riak-Deleted']) { return [];} var data = Riak.mapValuesJson(value)[0]; data.verbId = value.key; return [data];}")); final MapReduceResult mapReduceResult = myPbClient.mapReduce("verbs") .addMapPhase(f).execute(); Collection<RiakVerb> verbs = mapReduceResult.getResult(RiakVerb.class); for (RiakVerb rv: verbs) { list.add(rv.getGatewayVerb()); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } return list; } @Override public GatewayVerb getVerb(String mixerName, String verbId) { RiakVerb rv = getRiakVerb(verbId); if (rv != null) { return rv.getGatewayVerb(); } return null; } private RiakFilter getRiakFilter(String id) { try { return filtersBucket.fetch(id, RiakFilter.class).execute(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(),e); } return null; } @Override public void createFilter(String jid, String id) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Filtering id [%s] for app [%s]", id, jid); RiakFilter rf = getRiakFilter(id); if (rf == null) { rf = new RiakFilter(id); } rf.addFilter(jid); try {; } catch (RiakException e) { throw new DatastoreException(e); } } @Override public void removeFilter(String jid, String id) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Unfiltering id [%s] for app [%s]", id, jid); RiakFilter rf = getRiakFilter(id); if (rf != null) { rf.removeFilter(jid); try {; } catch (RiakException e) { throw new DatastoreException(e); } } } @Override public void removeFilters(String id) throws DatastoreException { log.debug("Removing all filters for id [%s]", id); RiakFilter rf = getRiakFilter(id); if (rf != null) { rf.removeAllFilters(); try {; } catch (RiakException e) { throw new DatastoreException(e); } } } @Override public List<String> getFilteredApplications(String id) throws DatastoreException { List<String> filters = new ArrayList<String>(); RiakFilter rf = getRiakFilter(id); if (rf != null && rf.getApplicationLinks() != null) { for(RiakLink link: rf.getApplicationLinks()) { filters.add(link.getKey()); } } return filters; } protected void removeAllData() throws Exception { for (String k : nodesBucket.keys()) { nodesBucket.delete(k).execute(); } for (String k : platformsBucket.keys()) { platformsBucket.delete(k).execute(); } for (String k : callsBucket.keys()) { callsBucket.delete(k).execute(); } for (String k : mixersBucket.keys()) { mixersBucket.delete(k).execute(); } for (String k : verbsBucket.keys()) { verbsBucket.delete(k).execute(); } for (String k : filtersBucket.keys()) { filtersBucket.delete(k).execute(); } for (String k : applicationsBucket.keys()) { applicationsBucket.delete(k).execute(); } for (String k : addressesBucket.keys()) { addressesBucket.delete(k).execute(); } for (String k : clientsBucket.keys()) { clientsBucket.delete(k).execute(); } } }