package com.rayo.server; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import javax.jms.IllegalStateException; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ToStringStyle; import com.rayo.core.AnsweredEvent; import com.rayo.core.DtmfCommand; import com.rayo.core.EndCommand; import com.rayo.core.EndEvent; import com.rayo.core.EndEvent.Reason; import com.rayo.core.HangupCommand; import com.rayo.core.JoinCommand; import com.rayo.core.JoinCommand.JoinGroup; import com.rayo.core.JoinDestinationType; import com.rayo.core.JoinedEvent; import com.rayo.core.RingingEvent; import com.rayo.core.UnjoinCommand; import com.rayo.core.UnjoinedEvent; import com.rayo.core.exception.NotAnsweredException; import com.rayo.core.verb.HoldCommand; import com.rayo.core.verb.MuteCommand; import com.rayo.core.verb.Ssml; import com.rayo.core.verb.UnholdCommand; import com.rayo.core.verb.UnmuteCommand; import com.rayo.server.exception.RayoProtocolException; import com.rayo.server.exception.RayoProtocolException.Condition; import com.voxeo.exceptions.NotFoundException; import com.voxeo.logging.Loggerf; import com.voxeo.moho.Call; import com.voxeo.moho.Call.State; import com.voxeo.moho.Joint; import com.voxeo.moho.Mixer; import com.voxeo.moho.MixerEndpoint; import com.voxeo.moho.Participant; import com.voxeo.moho.Participant.JoinType; import com.voxeo.moho.common.event.AutowiredEventListener; import com.voxeo.moho.event.CallCompleteEvent; import com.voxeo.moho.event.HangupEvent; import com.voxeo.moho.event.JoinCompleteEvent.Cause; import com.voxeo.moho.event.UnjoinCompleteEvent; import; import; import com.voxeo.moho.remotejoin.RemoteParticipant; import com.voxeo.moho.util.ParticipantIDParser; public class CallActor <T extends Call> extends AbstractActor<T> { private static final Loggerf log = Loggerf.getLogger(CallActor.class); private int JOIN_TIMEOUT = 30000; private Set<Participant> joinees = new HashSet<Participant>(); private CallStatistics callStatistics; private CdrManager cdrManager; private CallRegistry callRegistry; private MixerManager mixerManager; private CallManager callManager; // This is used to synchronize Answered event with media join as Moho may send you // an answered event before the media is joined // Also note that no further synchronization is needed as we are within an Actor private boolean initialJoinReceived = false; private Map<String, AnsweredEvent> pendingAnswer = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, AnsweredEvent>(); //TODO: MOHO-61 private JoinGroup joinGroup; public CallActor(T call) { super(call); } // Outgoing Calls // ================================================================================ @Message public void onCall(Call call) throws Exception { try {"Received call event [%s]", call.getId()); // Now we setup the moho handlers mohoListeners.add(new AutowiredEventListener(this)); participant.addObserver(new ActorEventListener(this)); String dest = (String)participant.getAttribute(JoinCommand.TO); if (dest != null) { JoinDestinationType type = (JoinDestinationType)participant.getAttribute(JoinCommand.TYPE); direction = participant.getAttribute(JoinCommand.DIRECTION); JoinType mediaType = participant.getAttribute(JoinCommand.MEDIA_TYPE); Participant destination = getDestinationParticipant(participant, dest, type); Boolean force = participant.getAttribute(JoinCommand.FORCE); joinees.add(destination);"Executing join operation. Call: [%s]. Join type: [%s]. Direction: [%s]. Participant: [%s].", participant.getId(), mediaType, direction, destination); participant.join(destination, mediaType, force, direction); } else {"Joining call [%s] to media mixer.", participant.getId()); participant.join(); } callStatistics.outgoingCall(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); end(Reason.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } } @Message public void onMultipleCalls(Call[] calls) throws Exception { try {"Received call event [%s]", calls.toString()); // Now we setup the moho handlers mohoListeners.add(new AutowiredEventListener(this)); participant.addObserver(new ActorEventListener(this));"Joining call to multiple participants in Direct mode.", participant.getId()); participant.join(JoinType.DIRECT, true, Direction.DUPLEX, true, calls); for(int i=0;i<calls.length;i++) { callStatistics.outgoingCall(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); end(Reason.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } } @Override protected void verbCreated() { callStatistics.verbCreated(); } // Call Commands // ================================================================================ @Message public void hold(HoldCommand message) { if (isAnswered(participant)) { participant.hold(); } else{ throw new NotAnsweredException("Call has not been answered yet"); } } @Message public void unhold(UnholdCommand message) { if (isAnswered(participant)) { participant.unhold(); } else{ throw new NotAnsweredException("Call has not been answered yet"); } } @Message public void mute(MuteCommand message) { if (isAnswered(participant)) { participant.mute(); } else{ throw new NotAnsweredException("Call has not been answered yet"); } } @Message public void unmute(UnmuteCommand message) { if (isAnswered(participant)) { participant.unmute(); } else{ throw new NotAnsweredException("Call has not been answered yet"); } } @Message public void dtmf(DtmfCommand message) { if(!isAnswered(participant)) { throw new NotAnsweredException("Call has not been answered yet"); } Ssml ssml = new Ssml(String.format( "<audio src=\"dtmf:%s\"/>",message.getTones())); AudibleResource resource = resolveAudio(ssml); OutputCommand command = new OutputCommand(resource); participant.output(command); /* if (message.getTones().length() == 1) { fire(new DtmfEvent(participant.getId(), message.getTones())); } else { for (int i = 0; i < message.getTones().length(); i++) { fire(new DtmfEvent(participant.getId(), String.valueOf(message.getTones().charAt(i)))); } } */ } @Message public void join(JoinCommand message) throws Exception { Participant destination = null; try { destination = getDestinationParticipant(participant, message.getTo(), message.getType()); } catch (Exception e) { if (message.getType() == JoinDestinationType.MIXER) { log.warn("Trying to join a mixer by raw name [%s] : %s",message.getTo(),e.getMessage()); } } if (destination == null) { if (message.getType() == JoinDestinationType.MIXER) { // mixer creation destination = mixerManager.create(getCall().getApplicationContext(), message.getTo()); } else { throw new NotFoundException("Participant " + message.getTo() + " not found"); } } Boolean force = message.getForce() == null ? Boolean.FALSE : message.getForce(); if (message.getType() == JoinDestinationType.MIXER) { // This synchronized block is required due to the way mixers work in moho. Mixers are // created and disposed automatically. So before joining and unjoining mixers we need to // synchronize code to avoid race conditions like would be to disconnect a mixer and at // the same time having another call trying to join it synchronized(destination) { doJoin(destination, message, force); } } else { //#1579867. This may change in the future. if (destination instanceof Call) { if (!isAnswered(destination) && !isAnswered(participant)) { throw new IllegalStateException("None of the calls you are trying to join have been answered."); } } doJoin(destination, message, force); } } private void doJoin(Participant destination, JoinCommand message, boolean force) throws Exception { Joint joint = participant.join(destination, message.getMedia(), force, message.getDirection()); waitForJoin(joint); joinees.add(destination); } private void waitForJoin(Joint join) throws Exception { try { join.get(JOIN_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException te) { throw new TimeoutException("Timed out while trying to join."); } } @Message public void unjoin(UnjoinCommand message) throws Exception { Participant destination = getDestinationParticipant(participant, message.getFrom(), message.getType()); try { if (destination == null && message.getType() == JoinDestinationType.MIXER) { MixerEndpoint endpoint = (MixerEndpoint)participant.getApplicationContext() .createEndpoint(MixerEndpoint.DEFAULT_MIXER_ENDPOINT); Map<Object, Object> parameters = new HashMap<Object, Object>(); parameters.put(MediaMixer.ENABLED_EVENTS, new EventType[]{MixerEvent.ACTIVE_INPUTS_CHANGED}); destination = endpoint.create(message.getFrom(), parameters); } if (destination == null) { throw new NotFoundException("Participant " + message.getFrom() + " not found"); } participant.unjoin(destination).get(JOIN_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException e) { throw new TimeoutException("Timed out while trying to unjoin."); } } private Participant getDestinationParticipant( Participant source, String destination, JoinDestinationType type) throws RayoProtocolException { Participant participant = null; if (type == JoinDestinationType.CALL) { CallActor<?> actor = callRegistry.get(destination); if (actor != null) { participant = actor.getCall(); } } else if (type == JoinDestinationType.MIXER) { participant = mixerManager.getMixer(destination); } else { throw new RayoProtocolException(Condition.BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown destination type"); } if (participant == null && type == JoinDestinationType.CALL) { // Remote join log.debug("Detected Remote Destination. Local Source: [%s]. Remote destination: [%s].", source.getId(), destination); participant = source.getApplicationContext().getParticipant(destination); log.debug("Remote praticipant: [%s]", participant); } return participant; } @Message public void hangup(HangupCommand message) { // Unjoin app participants before hanging up to get around Moho B2BUA thing unjoinAll(); participant.hangup(message.getHeaders()); } @Message public void end(EndCommand command) { end(new EndEvent(getParticipantId(), command.getReason(), null)); } // Moho Events // ================================================================================ @com.voxeo.moho.State public void onAnswered(com.voxeo.moho.event.AnsweredEvent<Participant> event) throws Exception { if(event.getSource().equals(participant)) { validateMediaOnAnswer(event); } } private void validateMediaOnAnswer(com.voxeo.moho.event.AnsweredEvent<Participant> event) { AnsweredEvent answeredEvent = new AnsweredEvent(getParticipantId(), event.getHeaders()); if (initialJoinReceived) { fire(answeredEvent); } else { pendingAnswer.put(getParticipantId(), answeredEvent); } } @com.voxeo.moho.State public void onJoinComplete(com.voxeo.moho.event.JoinCompleteEvent event) { log.debug("Received Join Complete Event. Is initiator: [%s]", event.isInitiator()); if(event.getSource().equals(participant)) { Participant peer = event.getParticipant(); log.debug("Join Complete Event source: [%s]. Peer: [%s]", participant, peer); if (event.getCause() == Cause.JOINED) { log.debug("Validating media on join"); validateMediaOnJoin(peer); } // If the join was successful and either: // a) initiated via a JoinComand or // b) initiated by a remote call if (event.getCause() == Cause.JOINED && (joinees.contains(peer) || !event.isInitiator())) { if (peer != null) { String destination = peer.getId(); JoinDestinationType type = null; if (peer instanceof Mixer) { type = JoinDestinationType.MIXER; destination = ((Mixer)peer).getName(); } else if (peer instanceof Call) { type = JoinDestinationType.CALL; } else if (peer instanceof RemoteParticipant) { log.debug("Participant is remote. Trying to guess the type."); if (ParticipantIDParser.isCall((RemoteParticipant)peer)) { type = JoinDestinationType.CALL; } else { type = JoinDestinationType.MIXER; destination = ((Mixer)peer).getName(); } } joinees.add(peer); log.debug("Firing Joined event. Participant id: [%s]. Peer id: [%s]. Join type: [%s]", participant.getId(), peer.getId(), type); fire(new JoinedEvent(participant.getId(), destination, type)); if (type == JoinDestinationType.MIXER) { // If mixer, we send a participant notification as per Rayo Mixer's spec fire(new JoinedEvent(destination, participant.getId(), JoinDestinationType.CALL)); } } } else { log.debug("Joined Event not fired. Join cause [%s]. Joinees: [%s]", event.getCause(), joinees); } } } private void validateMediaOnJoin(Participant peer) { if (!initialJoinReceived) { initialJoinReceived = true; } if (pendingAnswer.size() > 0) { validateAnswer(participant); validateAnswer(peer); } } private void validateAnswer(Participant participant) { if (participant != null) { AnsweredEvent answeredEvent = pendingAnswer.get(participant.getId()); if (answeredEvent != null) { pendingAnswer.remove(participant.getId()); fire(answeredEvent); } } } @com.voxeo.moho.State public void onUnjoinEvent(com.voxeo.moho.event.UnjoinCompleteEvent event) { if(event.getSource().equals(participant)) { log.debug("Unjoin event received. Participant: [%s], Peer: [%s], Cause: [%s]", participant, event.getParticipant(), event.getCause()); Participant peer = event.getParticipant(); if (peer instanceof Mixer) { mixerManager.handleCallDisconnect((Mixer)peer, participant); } switch(event.getCause()) { case SUCCESS_UNJOIN: case DISCONNECT: if(joinees.contains(peer)) { fireUnjoinedEvent(event); joinees.remove(peer); } break; case ERROR: case FAIL_UNJOIN: case NOT_JOINED: log.error(String.format("Call with id %s could not be unjoined from %s [reason=%s]", participant.getId(), peer, event.getCause())); } } } private void fireUnjoinedEvent(UnjoinCompleteEvent event) { if (event.getParticipant() != null) { JoinDestinationType type = null; String destination = event.getParticipant().getId(); if (event.getParticipant() instanceof Mixer) { type = JoinDestinationType.MIXER; destination = ((Mixer)event.getParticipant()).getName(); } else if (event.getParticipant() instanceof Call) { type = JoinDestinationType.CALL; } else if (event.getParticipant() instanceof RemoteParticipant) { log.debug("Event participant is remote. Trying to guess the type."); if (ParticipantIDParser.isCall((RemoteParticipant)event.getParticipant())) { type = JoinDestinationType.CALL; } else { type = JoinDestinationType.MIXER; destination = ((Mixer)event.getParticipant()).getName(); } } fire(new UnjoinedEvent(participant.getId(), destination, type)); if (type == JoinDestinationType.MIXER) { // If mixer, we send a participant notification as per Rayo Mixer's spec fire(new UnjoinedEvent(destination, participant.getId(), JoinDestinationType.CALL)); } } } @com.voxeo.moho.State public void onRing(com.voxeo.moho.event.RingEvent event) throws Exception { if(event.getSource().equals(participant)) { fire(new RingingEvent(getParticipantId(), event.getHeaders())); } } @com.voxeo.moho.State public void onCallComplete(CallCompleteEvent event) throws Exception { if (event.getSource().equals(participant)) { cdrManager.end(participant); Reason reason = null; switch (event.getCause()) { case BUSY: callStatistics.callBusy(); reason = Reason.BUSY; break; case CANCEL: case DISCONNECT: case NEAR_END_DISCONNECT: callStatistics.callHangedUp(); reason = Reason.HANGUP; break; case DECLINE: case FORBIDDEN: callStatistics.callRejected(); reason = Reason.REJECT; break; case ERROR: callStatistics.callFailed(); reason = Reason.ERROR; break; case TIMEOUT: callStatistics.callTimedout(); reason = Reason.TIMEOUT; break; case REDIRECT: callStatistics.callRedirected(); reason = Reason.REDIRECT; break; default: callStatistics.callEndedUnknownReason(); throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Reason not handled: " + event.getCause()); } if (reason == Reason.ERROR) { end(reason, event.getException(), event.getHeaders()); } else { end(reason, event.getHeaders()); } } } /* @com.voxeo.moho.State public void onDtmf(InputDetectedEvent<Call> event) throws Exception { if(event.getSource().equals(participant) && event.getInput() != null) { if (signals != null && signals.contains("dtmf")) { fire(new SignalEvent(getParticipantId(), "dtmf", event.getInput())); } } } */ @com.voxeo.moho.State public void onHangup(HangupEvent event) throws Exception { if(event.getSource().equals(participant)) { unjoinAll(); } } boolean isAnswered(Participant participant) { if (participant instanceof Call) { Call call = (Call)participant; if (call.getCallState() == State.CONNECTED) { return true; } } return false; } // Properties // ================================================================================ public Call getCall() { return participant; } public boolean isOnDirectMedia() { for (Participant participant: getCall().getParticipants()) { if (getCall().getJoinType(participant) != JoinType.DIRECT) { return false; } } return true; } public void bridgeMediaIfNecessary() { if (joinGroup == null) { if (isOnDirectMedia()) { log.debug("About to regular media bridging."); doMediaBridging(); } } else { synchronized(joinGroup) { if (isOnDirectMedia()) { log.debug("About to do synchronized media bridging."); doMediaBridging(); } } } } private void doMediaBridging() { for (Participant participant: getCall().getParticipants()) { log.debug("Checking media on participant [%s]", participant.getId()); if (getCall().getJoinType(participant) == JoinType.DIRECT) { //TODO: MOHO-61 try {"Unjoining participant [%s] from call", participant.getId()); getCall().unjoin(participant).get();"Joining participant [%s] to call in BRIDGE_EXCLUSIVE mode.", participant.getId()); getCall().join(participant, JoinType.BRIDGE_EXCLUSIVE, true, Direction.DUPLEX).get(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); } } } log.debug("Done media bridging"); } @Override public String toString() { return new ToStringBuilder(this, ToStringStyle.SHORT_PREFIX_STYLE).append("callId", participant.getId()).toString(); } public CallStatistics getCallStatistics() { return callStatistics; } public void setCallStatistics(CallStatistics callStatistics) { this.callStatistics = callStatistics; } public void setCdrManager(CdrManager cdrManager) { this.cdrManager = cdrManager; } public void setCallRegistry(CallRegistry callRegistry) { this.callRegistry = callRegistry; } public void setMixerManager(MixerManager mixerManager) { this.mixerManager = mixerManager; } public MixerManager getMixerManager() { return mixerManager; } public Set<Participant> getJoinees() { return new HashSet<Participant>(joinees); } public CallManager getCallManager() { return callManager; } public void setCallManager(CallManager callManager) { this.callManager = callManager; } public CallActor<?> getCallActor(String id) { return callRegistry.get(id); } public JoinGroup getJoinGroup() { return joinGroup; } public void setJoinGroup(JoinGroup joinGroup) { this.joinGroup = joinGroup; } }