package; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.voxeo.logging.Loggerf; import com.voxeo.moho.util.ParticipantIDParser; import com.voxeo.servlet.xmpp.JID; /** * <p>Default {@link GatewayStorageService} implementation. This implementation uses * a {@link GatewayDatastore} to delegate all the persistence operations while adds * the required business logic to guarantee the semantics needed by the Gateway. * There is three different types of entities this storage service deals with:</p> * <ul> * <li>Rayo Nodes: Rayo nodes are the Rayo servers that register their interest * in this particular Gateway.</li> * <li>Client Applications: Client applications are developer applications which * are linked with a JID and that will connect to a gateway to start cals, send * call commands and receive call events.<li> * <li>Calls: Finally, a Gateway Storage will also track all the different calls * that are executed within a gateway.<li> * </ul> * * <p>This Gateway Datastore implementation manages all these types of entities. * All these classes are abstractions totally independent from the actual storage * mechanism. By default we are providing two different implementations of the * {@link GatewayDatastore} that can be switched from the spring configuration: A * Cassandra based data store which can be used on distributed environments and a * simple HashMap based data store which is only recommended for single gateway * deployments.</p> * * @see GatewayDatastore * * @author martin * */ public class DefaultGatewayStorageService implements GatewayStorageService { protected static final Loggerf log = Loggerf.getLogger(DefaultGatewayStorageService.class); private GatewayDatastore store; private ReentrantLock nodeLock = new ReentrantLock(); @Override public String getPlatformForClient(JID clientJid) { GatewayClient client = store.getClient(clientJid.toString()); String platformId = null; if (client != null) { return client.getPlatform(); } log.debug("Platform lookup for %s found %s", clientJid, platformId); return platformId; } @Override public GatewayClient registerClient(JID clientJid) throws GatewayException { Application application = store.getApplication(clientJid.getBareJID().toString()); if (application == null) { throw new ApplicationNotFoundException(); } GatewayClient client = new GatewayClient(clientJid.toString(), application.getPlatform()); return store.storeClient(client); } @Override public GatewayClient unregisterClient(JID clientJid) throws GatewayException { return store.removeClient(clientJid.toString()); } @Override public GatewayClient getClient(JID bareJid) { return store.getClient(bareJid.getBareJID().toString()); } @Override public List<RayoNode> getRayoNodes(String platformId) { return store.getRayoNodesForPlatform(platformId); } @Override public RayoNode registerRayoNode(String rayoNode, Collection<String> platformIds) throws GatewayException { return registerRayoNode(new RayoNode(rayoNode, null, new HashSet<String>(platformIds))); } @Override public RayoNode registerRayoNode(RayoNode rayoNode) throws GatewayException { RayoNode node = store.getNode(rayoNode.getHostname()); try { if (node != null) { nodeLock.lock(); try { // trick, consecutive errors and blacklisted are managed are gateway-only variables // do not consider them when comparing //rayoNode.setConsecutiveErrors(node.getConsecutiveErrors()); //rayoNode.setBlackListed(node.isBlackListed()); if (rayoNode.getIpAddress() == null) { node.setIpAddress(null); } if (node.toString().equals(rayoNode.toString())) { log.debug("Rayo Node [%s] already exists. Ignoring status update.", rayoNode); return node; } else { log.debug("Rayo Node [%s] has been updated. Updating storage service.", rayoNode); if (rayoNode.getIpAddress() == null) { rayoNode.setIpAddress(InetAddress.getByName(rayoNode.getHostname()).getHostAddress()); } return store.updateNode(rayoNode); } } finally { nodeLock.unlock(); } } if (rayoNode.getIpAddress() == null) { rayoNode.setIpAddress(InetAddress.getByName(rayoNode.getHostname()).getHostAddress()); } return store.storeNode(rayoNode); } catch (UnknownHostException uhe) { throw new GatewayException("Unknown host", uhe); } } @Override public RayoNode updateRayoNode(RayoNode rayoNode) throws GatewayException { nodeLock.lock(); try { return store.updateNode(rayoNode); } finally { nodeLock.unlock(); } } @Override public Collection<String> getRegisteredPlatforms() { return store.getPlatforms(); } @Override public void unregisterRayoNode(String rayoNode) throws GatewayException { nodeLock.lock(); try { store.removeNode(rayoNode); } finally { nodeLock.unlock(); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Collection<String> getCallsForClient(String clientJid) { Collection<String> calls = store.getCallsForClient(clientJid); if (calls == null) { calls = Collections.EMPTY_SET; } return calls; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Collection<String> getCallsForNode(String nodeJid) { Collection<String> calls = store.getCallsForNode(nodeJid); if (calls == null) { calls = Collections.EMPTY_SET; } return calls; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public Collection<String> getCalls() { Collection<String> calls = store.getCalls(); if (calls == null) { calls = Collections.EMPTY_SET; } return calls; } @Override public void registerCall(String callId, String clientJid) throws GatewayException { String ipAddress = ParticipantIDParser.getIpAddress(callId); String nodeJid = store.getNodeForIpAddress(ipAddress); if (nodeJid == null) { throw new RayoNodeNotFoundException(String.format("Node not found for callId %s", callId)); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Call %s mapped to client %s", callId, clientJid); log.debug("Call %s mapped to Rayo node %s", callId, nodeJid); } store.storeCall(new GatewayCall(callId, nodeJid, clientJid)); } @Override public void unregistercall(String callId) throws GatewayException { store.removeCall(callId); } @Override public String getclientJID(String callId) { GatewayCall call = store.getCall(callId); if (call != null) { return call.getClientJid(); } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public List<String> getResourcesForClient(String jid) { List<String> resources = store.getClientResources(jid); if (resources == null) { resources = Collections.EMPTY_LIST; } return resources; } @Override public List<String> getClients() { return store.getClients(); } @Override public String getRayoNode(String callId) { GatewayCall call = store.getCall(callId); if (call != null) { return call.getNodeJid(); } return null; } @Override public Application registerApplication(Application application) throws DatastoreException { return store.storeApplication(application); } @Override public Application updateApplication(Application application) throws DatastoreException { return store.updateApplication(application); } @Override public Application unregisterApplication(String jid) throws DatastoreException { return store.removeApplication(jid); } @Override public Application getApplication(String jid) { return store.getApplication(jid); } @Override public List<Application> getApplications() { return store.getApplications(); } @Override public Application getApplicationForAddress(String address) { return store.getApplicationForAddress(address); } @Override public List<String> getAddressesForApplication(String jid) { return store.getAddressesForApplication(jid); } @Override public void removeAddress(String address) throws DatastoreException { store.removeAddress(address); } @Override public void storeAddress(String address, String jid) throws DatastoreException { store.storeAddress(address, jid); } @Override public void storeAddresses(Collection<String> addresses, String jid) throws DatastoreException { store.storeAddresses(addresses, jid); } @Override public GatewayMixer getMixer(String id) { return store.getMixer(id); } @Override public void registerMixer(String mixerName, String hostname) throws DatastoreException { GatewayMixer mixer = new GatewayMixer(mixerName, hostname); store.storeMixer(mixer); } @Override public void unregisterMixer(String mixerName) throws DatastoreException { store.removeMixer(mixerName); } @Override public void addCallToMixer(String callId, String mixerName) throws DatastoreException { store.addCallToMixer(callId, mixerName); } @Override public void removeCallFromMixer(String callId, String mixerName) throws DatastoreException { store.removeCallFromMixer(callId, mixerName); } @Override public void addVerbToMixer(String verbId, String appJid, String mixerName) throws DatastoreException { GatewayVerb verb = new GatewayVerb(mixerName, verbId, appJid); store.addVerbToMixer(verb, mixerName); } @Override public void removeVerbFromMixer(String verbId, String mixerName) throws DatastoreException { store.removeVerbFromMixer(verbId, mixerName); } @Override public List<GatewayVerb> getVerbs(String mixerName) { return store.getVerbs(mixerName); } @Override public List<GatewayVerb> getVerbs() { return store.getVerbs(); } @Override public GatewayVerb getVerb(String mixerName, String verbId) { return store.getVerb(mixerName, verbId); } @Override public List<GatewayMixer> getMixers() { return new ArrayList<GatewayMixer>(store.getMixers()); } @Override public void createFilter(String jid, String id) throws DatastoreException { store.createFilter(jid, id); } @Override public List<String> getFilteredApplications(String id) throws DatastoreException { return store.getFilteredApplications(id); } @Override public void removeFilter(String jid, String id) throws DatastoreException { store.removeFilter(jid, id); } @Override public void removeFilters(String id) throws DatastoreException { store.removeFilters(id); } public void setStore(GatewayDatastore store) { = store; } }