package; import java.sql.SQLException; import; import; import; import; import; public class SqlFactoryTest extends GeneratorTestCase { SqlFactory parser = new SqlFactory(); public void test_isMatchListParam() { String sql = "length(#username#) and in \n (#pwd#) and not \n in \n (#user#) and blog = #blog[]# and sex = #sex[].value#"; assertFalse(new SqlParametersParser().isMatchListParam(sql, "username")); assertFalse(new SqlParametersParser().isMatchListParam(sql, "notexist")); assertFalse(new SqlParametersParser().isMatchListParam(sql, "in")); assertFalse(new SqlParametersParser().isMatchListParam(sql, "not in")); assertTrue(new SqlParametersParser().isMatchListParam(sql, "pwd")); assertTrue(new SqlParametersParser().isMatchListParam(sql, "user")); assertTrue(new SqlParametersParser().isMatchListParam(sql, "blog")); assertTrue(new SqlParametersParser().isMatchListParam(sql, "sex")); } public void test_union() throws SQLException, Exception { String query = "select * from user_info where user_id = ? and age = ? and password = ? and username like ? or (sex >= ?) "; String orderByQuery = "select * from user_info where user_id = ? and age = ? and password = ? and username like ? or (sex >= ?) order by :orderby "; Sql sql = parser.parseSql(query+" union " + query); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username","password","age","sex"); sql = parser.parseSql(orderByQuery+" union " + orderByQuery); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username","password","age","sex"); } public void test_order_by() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where user_id = ? and age = ? and password = ? and username like ? or (sex >= ?) order by :orderby :asc_desc"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username","password","age","sex"); } public void test_unscaped_xml() throws SQLException, Exception { try { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where user_id < :user_id"); fail(); }catch(RuntimeException e) { } } public void test_ListParam() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where user_id = #nameList[]# and password = #{pwdList[index]} and age = ${ageList[${index}]} "); verifyParameters(sql,"nameList","pwdList","ageList"); assertTrue(sql.getParam("nameList").isListParam()); assertTrue(sql.getParam("pwdList").isListParam()); assertTrue(sql.getParam("ageList").isListParam()); } public void test_select() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where user_id = ? and age = ? and password = ? and username like ? or (sex >= ?)"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username","password","age","sex"); verifyColumns(sql,"user_id","username","password","BIRTH_DATE","age","sex"); } public void test_聚合函数() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select DISTINCT(count(*)) DISTINCT_count,count(username) cnt_username,sum(age) sum_age,avg(sex) avg_sex from user_info where user_id = ? and age = ? and password = ? and username like ? or (sex >= ?)"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username","password","age","sex"); verifyColumns(sql,"DISTINCT_count","cnt_username","sum_age","avg_sex"); } public void test_聚合函数2() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select DISTINCT username from user_info where user_id = ? and age = ? and password = ? and username like ? or (sex >= ?)"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username","password","age","sex"); verifyColumns(sql,"username"); } public void test_group_by() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select DISTINCT username from user_info where user_id = ? and age = ? and password = ? and username like ? or (sex >= ?) group by username"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username","password","age","sex"); verifyColumns(sql,"username"); } public void test_join() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select DISTINCT t1.username from user_info t1 inner join user_info t2 on t1.user_id=t2.user_id where t1.user_id = ? and t1.age = ? and t1.password = ? and t1.username like ? or ( >= ?) group by t1.username"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username","password","age","sex"); verifyColumns(sql,"username"); } public void test_select_with_table_alias() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info t where t.user_id = ? and t.age = ? and t.password = ? and t.username like ? or ( >= ?)"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username","password","age","sex"); verifyColumns(sql,"userId","username","password","BIRTH_DATE","age","sex"); } public void test_group_by_having() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select sum(age) sum_age from user_info where user_id = ? and age = ? and password = ? and username like ? or (sex >= ?) group by username having sum(age) = :havingUsername"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username","password","age","sex","havingUsername"); verifyColumns(sql,"sum_age"); } public void test_select_for_mybatis_foreach() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where user_id = ? and username = #{usernamesByIndex[index]}"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","usernamesByIndex"); sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where user_id = ? and username = #{usernamesByIndex[${index}]}"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","usernamesByIndex"); sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where user_id = ? and username = #{item}"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","item"); } public void test_select_for_ibatis_foreach() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where user_id = ? and username = #usernamesByIndex[]#"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","usernamesByIndex"); } public void test_select_willcard() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where user_id = ? and username = :username"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username"); String expected = "select USER_ID,USERNAME,PASSWORD,BIRTH_DATE,SEX,AGE from user_info where user_id = #userId# and username = :username"; assertStringEquals(expected,sql.getIbatisSql()); } public void test_select_willcard_multi_table() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select t1.*,t2.* from user_info t1 inner join role t2 on t1.username=t2.role_name where t1.user_id = ? and t2.role_name = :role_name"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","role_name"); String expected = "select t1.USER_ID,t1.USERNAME,t1.PASSWORD,t1.BIRTH_DATE,t1.SEX,t1.AGE,t2.USER_ID,t2.USERNAME,t2.PASSWORD,t2.BIRTH_DATE,t2.SEX,t2.AGE from user_info where user_id = #userId# and username = :username"; // assertStringEquals(expected,sql.getSql()); //FIXME select t1.* t2.* 应该返回不同的表前缀 } public void test_escaped() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where user_id > ? and username < :username"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username"); assertStringEquals("select USER_ID,USERNAME,PASSWORD,BIRTH_DATE,SEX,AGE from user_info where user_id > #userId# and username < :username",sql.getIbatisSql()); assertStringEquals("select USER_ID,USERNAME,PASSWORD,BIRTH_DATE,SEX,AGE from user_info where user_id > #{userId} and username < :username",sql.getMybatisSql()); } public void test_sql_function() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where username = lower(#userId#) and username != :username"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username"); sql = parser.parseSql("select * from user_info where username = lower(?) and username != :username"); verifyNoParameters(sql,"userId"); verifyParameters(sql,"username"); } public void test_insert() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("insert into user_info(user_id,username,password) values (?,?,?)"); verifyParameters(sql,"userId","username","password"); } public void test_insert_with_userId_not_null() throws SQLException, Exception { try { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("insert into user_info(username,password) values (?,?)"); fail("user_id must be not null"); }catch(Exception e) { assertTrue(true); } } public void test_delete() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("delete from user_info where username = ? and password = ? and age = ? or (sex >= ?)"); verifyParameters(sql,"username","password","age","sex"); assertEquals("delete from user_info where username = #username# and password = #password# and age = #age# or (sex >= #sex#)",sql.getIbatisSql()); assertEquals("delete from user_info where username = #{username} and password = #{password} and age = #{age} or (sex >= #{sex})",sql.getMybatisSql()); assertEquals("delete from user_info where username = :username and password = :password and age = :age or (sex >= :sex)",sql.getSpringJdbcSql()); assertEquals("delete from user_info where username = :username and password = :password and age = :age or (sex >= :sex)",sql.getHql()); } public void test_update() throws SQLException, Exception { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("update user_info set username = ? , password = ? , age = ? , sex = ?"); verifyParameters(sql,"username","password","age","sex"); assertEquals("update user_info set username = #username# , password = #password# , age = #age# , sex = #sex#",sql.getIbatisSql()); } public void test_select_as_alias_h2() { Sql sql = parser.parseSql("SELECT username user,password pwd from user_info"); System.out.println("columns:"+sql.getColumns()); verifyColumns(sql, "user","pwd"); } public void test_select_as_alias() { GeneratorProperties.setProperty(GeneratorConstants.JDBC_DRIVER, "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); GeneratorProperties.setProperty(GeneratorConstants.JDBC_USERNAME, "srvctl"); GeneratorProperties.setProperty(GeneratorConstants.JDBC_PASSWORD, "ali88"); GeneratorProperties.setProperty(GeneratorConstants.JDBC_URL, "jdbc:mysql://"); GeneratorProperties.setProperty(GeneratorConstants.JDBC_SCHEMA, "srvctldb"); Sql sql = parser.parseSql("SELECT t1.TABLE_ID,t1.TABLE_SIGN,t2.HOST_NAME,t1.TB_VERSION,t2.VERSION,t1.GMT_MODIFIED as SERVER_DATE,t2.GMT_MODIFIED as CLIENT_DATE,t3.CHECK_TIME,t4.CONFIG_TITLE FROM bc_config_table t1,bc_config_client t2,bc_config_monitor t3,bc_config_schema_view t4 WHERE t1.TABLE_ID=t2.TABLE_ID AND t1.TABLE_ID=t3.TABLE_ID AND t1.TABLE_ID=t4.TABLE_ID AND t1.STATUS='1' AND t1.APP_NAME=?"); System.out.println("columns:"+sql.getColumns()); verifyColumns(sql, "TABLE_ID","TABLE_SIGN","HOST_NAME","TB_VERSION","VERSION","SERVER_DATE","CLIENT_DATE","CHECK_TIME","CONFIG_TITLE"); } private void assertStringEquals(String expected, String str) { if(expected.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", "").equals(str.toLowerCase().replaceAll("\\s", ""))) { }else { assertEquals(expected,str); } } private void verifyParameters(Sql sql, String... expectedParameters) { for(String param : expectedParameters) { assertNotNull("not found param:"+param+" on sql:"+sql.getSourceSql()+" actual params:"+sql.getParams(),sql.getParam(param)); } } private void verifyNoParameters(Sql sql, String... expectedParameters) { for(String param : expectedParameters) { assertNull("not found param:"+param+" on sql:"+sql.getSourceSql()+"\n real params:"+sql.getParams(),sql.getParam(param)); } } private void verifyColumns(Sql sql, String... expectedColumns) { for(String name : expectedColumns) { assertNotNull("not found column:"+name+" on sql:"+sql.getSourceSql()+"\n real columns:"+sql.getColumns(),sql.getColumnByName(name)); } } }