package; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import javax.naming.Context; import javax.naming.InitialContext; import javax.naming.NamingException; import javax.sql.DataSource; import; import; import; import; /** * 用于提供生成器的数据源 * * @author badqiu * */ public class DataSourceProvider { private static Connection connection; private static DataSource dataSource; public synchronized static Connection getNewConnection() { try { return getDataSource().getConnection(); }catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public synchronized static Connection getConnection() { try { if(connection == null || connection.isClosed()) { connection = getDataSource().getConnection(); } return connection; }catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } public static void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { DataSourceProvider.dataSource = dataSource; } public synchronized static DataSource getDataSource() { if(dataSource == null) { dataSource = lookupJndiDataSource(GeneratorProperties.getProperty(GeneratorConstants.DATA_SOURCE_JNDI_NAME)); if(dataSource == null) { dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource(); } } return dataSource; } private static DataSource lookupJndiDataSource(String name) { if(StringHelper.isBlank(name)) return null; try { Context context = new InitialContext(); return (DataSource) context.lookup(name); }catch(NamingException e) { GLogger.warn("lookup generator dataSource fail by name:"+name+" cause:"+e.toString()+",retry by jdbc_url again"); return null; } } public static class DriverManagerDataSource implements DataSource { private static void loadJdbcDriver(String driverClass) { try { if(driverClass == null || "".equals(driverClass.trim())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("jdbc 'driverClass' must not be empty"); } Class.forName(driverClass.trim()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new RuntimeException("not found jdbc driver class:["+driverClass+"]",e); } } public DriverManagerDataSource() { } public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException { loadJdbcDriver(getDriverClass()); return DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(),getUsername(),getPassword()); } public Connection getConnection(String username, String password) throws SQLException { loadJdbcDriver(getDriverClass()); return DriverManager.getConnection(getUrl(),username,password); } public PrintWriter getLogWriter() throws SQLException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getLogWriter"); } public int getLoginTimeout() throws SQLException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getLoginTimeout"); } public void setLogWriter(PrintWriter out) throws SQLException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("setLogWriter"); } public void setLoginTimeout(int seconds) throws SQLException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("setLoginTimeout"); } public <T> T unwrap(Class<T> iface) throws SQLException { if(iface == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Interface argument must not be null"); if (!DataSource.class.equals(iface)) { throw new SQLException("DataSource of type [" + getClass().getName() + "] can only be unwrapped as [javax.sql.DataSource], not as [" + iface.getName()); } return (T) this; } public boolean isWrapperFor(Class<?> iface) throws SQLException { return DataSource.class.equals(iface); } private String getUrl() { return GeneratorProperties.getRequiredProperty(GeneratorConstants.JDBC_URL); } private String getUsername() { return GeneratorProperties.getRequiredProperty(GeneratorConstants.JDBC_USERNAME); } private String getPassword() { return GeneratorProperties.getProperty(GeneratorConstants.JDBC_PASSWORD); } private String getDriverClass() { return GeneratorProperties.getRequiredProperty(GeneratorConstants.JDBC_DRIVER); } public String toString() { return "DataSource: "+"url="+getUrl()+" username="+getUsername(); } } }