package; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.ResultSetMetaData; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * 根据数据库表的元数据(metadata)创建Table对象 * * <pre> * getTable(sqlName) : 根据数据库表名,得到table对象 * getAllTable() : 搜索数据库的所有表,并得到table对象列表 * </pre> * @author badqiu * @email badqiu(a) */ public class TableFactory { private static TableFactory instance = null; private String schema; private String catalog; private List<TableFactoryListener> tableFactoryListeners = new ArrayList<TableFactoryListener>(); private TableFactory(String schema,String catalog) { this.schema = schema; this.catalog = catalog; } public synchronized static TableFactory getInstance() { if(instance == null) instance = new TableFactory(GeneratorProperties.getNullIfBlank(GeneratorConstants.JDBC_SCHEMA),GeneratorProperties.getNullIfBlank(GeneratorConstants.JDBC_CATALOG)); return instance; } public List<TableFactoryListener> getTableFactoryListeners() { return tableFactoryListeners; } public void setTableFactoryListeners( List<TableFactoryListener> tableFactoryListeners) { this.tableFactoryListeners = tableFactoryListeners; } public boolean addTableFactoryListener(TableFactoryListener o) { return tableFactoryListeners.add(o); } public void clearTableFactoryListener() { tableFactoryListeners.clear(); } public boolean removeTableFactoryListener(TableFactoryListener o) { return tableFactoryListeners.remove(o); } public String getCatalog() { return catalog; } public String getSchema() { return schema; } public List getAllTables() { Connection conn = DataSourceProvider.getConnection(); try { List<Table> tables = new TableCreateProcessor(conn,getSchema(),getCatalog()).getAllTables(); for(Table t : tables) { dispatchOnTableCreatedEvent(t); } return tables; }catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }finally { DBHelper.close(conn); } } private void dispatchOnTableCreatedEvent(Table t) { for(TableFactoryListener listener : tableFactoryListeners) { listener.onTableCreated(t); } } public Table getTable(String tableName) { return getTable(getSchema(),tableName); } private Table getTable(String schema,String tableName) { return getTable(getCatalog(),schema,tableName); } private Table getTable(String catalog,String schema,String tableName) { Table t = null; try { t = _getTable(catalog,schema,tableName); if(t == null && !tableName.equals(tableName.toUpperCase())) { t = _getTable(catalog,schema,tableName.toUpperCase()); } if(t == null && !tableName.equals(tableName.toLowerCase())) { t = _getTable(catalog,schema,tableName.toLowerCase()); } }catch(Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if(t == null) { Connection conn = DataSourceProvider.getConnection(); try { throw new NotFoundTableException("not found table with give name:"+tableName+ (DatabaseMetaDataUtils.isOracleDataBase(DatabaseMetaDataUtils.getMetaData(conn)) ? " \n databaseStructureInfo:"+DatabaseMetaDataUtils.getDatabaseStructureInfo(DatabaseMetaDataUtils.getMetaData(conn),schema,catalog) : "")+"\n current "+DataSourceProvider.getDataSource()+" current schema:"+getSchema()+" current catalog:"+getCatalog()); }finally { DBHelper.close(conn); } } dispatchOnTableCreatedEvent(t); return t; } public static class NotFoundTableException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5976869128012158628L; public NotFoundTableException(String message) { super(message); } } private Table _getTable(String catalog,String schema,String tableName) throws SQLException { if(tableName== null || tableName.trim().length() == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("tableName must be not empty"); catalog = StringHelper.defaultIfEmpty(catalog, null); schema = StringHelper.defaultIfEmpty(schema, null); Connection conn = DataSourceProvider.getConnection(); DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = conn.getMetaData(); ResultSet rs = dbMetaData.getTables(catalog, schema, tableName, null); try { while( { Table table = new TableCreateProcessor(conn,getSchema(),getCatalog()).createTable(rs); return table; } }finally { DBHelper.close(conn,rs); } return null; } public static class TableCreateProcessor { private Connection connection; private String catalog; private String schema; public String getCatalog() { return catalog; } public String getSchema() { return schema; } public TableCreateProcessor(Connection connection,String schema,String catalog) { super(); this.connection = connection; this.schema = schema; this.catalog = catalog; } public Table createTable(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String tableName = null; try { ResultSetMetaData rsMetaData = rs.getMetaData(); String schemaName = rs.getString("TABLE_SCHEM") == null ? "" : rs.getString("TABLE_SCHEM"); tableName = rs.getString("TABLE_NAME"); String tableType = rs.getString("TABLE_TYPE"); String remarks = rs.getString("REMARKS"); if(remarks == null && DatabaseMetaDataUtils.isOracleDataBase(connection.getMetaData())) { remarks = getOracleTableComments(tableName); } Table table = new Table(); table.setSchema(schema); table.setCatalog(catalog); table.setSqlName(tableName); table.setRemarks(remarks); if ("SYNONYM".equals(tableType) && DatabaseMetaDataUtils.isOracleDataBase(connection.getMetaData())) { String[] ownerAndTableName = getSynonymOwnerAndTableName(tableName); table.setOwnerSynonymName(ownerAndTableName[0]); table.setTableSynonymName(ownerAndTableName[1]); } retriveTableColumns(table); table.initExportedKeys(connection.getMetaData()); table.initImportedKeys(connection.getMetaData()); BeanHelper.copyProperties(table, TableOverrideValuesProvider.getTableConfigValues(table.getSqlName())); return table; }catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("create table object error,tableName:"+tableName,e); }finally { GLogger.perf("createTable() cost:"+(System.currentTimeMillis()- start)+" tableName:"+tableName); } } private List<Table> getAllTables() throws SQLException { DatabaseMetaData dbMetaData = connection.getMetaData(); ResultSet rs = dbMetaData.getTables(getCatalog(), getSchema(), null, null); try { List<Table> tables = new ArrayList<Table>(); while( { tables.add(createTable(rs)); } return tables; }finally { DBHelper.close(rs); } } private String[] getSynonymOwnerAndTableName(String synonymName) { PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; String[] ret = new String[2]; try { ps = connection.prepareStatement("select table_owner,table_name from sys.all_synonyms where synonym_name=? and owner=?"); ps.setString(1, synonymName); ps.setString(2, getSchema()); rs = ps.executeQuery(); if ( { ret[0] = rs.getString(1); ret[1] = rs.getString(2); } else { String databaseStructure = DatabaseMetaDataUtils.getDatabaseStructureInfo(getMetaData(),schema,catalog); throw new RuntimeException("Wow! Synonym " + synonymName + " not found. How can it happen? " + databaseStructure); } } catch (SQLException e) { String databaseStructure = DatabaseMetaDataUtils.getDatabaseStructureInfo(getMetaData(),schema,catalog); GLogger.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new RuntimeException("Exception in getting synonym owner " + databaseStructure); } finally { DBHelper.close(null,ps,rs); } return ret; } private DatabaseMetaData getMetaData() { return DatabaseMetaDataUtils.getMetaData(connection); } private void retriveTableColumns(Table table) throws SQLException { GLogger.trace("-------setColumns(" + table.getSqlName() + ")"); List primaryKeys = getTablePrimaryKeys(table); table.setPrimaryKeyColumns(primaryKeys); // get the indices and unique columns List indices = new LinkedList(); // maps index names to a list of columns in the index Map uniqueIndices = new HashMap(); // maps column names to the index name. Map uniqueColumns = new HashMap(); ResultSet indexRs = null; try { if (table.getOwnerSynonymName() != null) { indexRs = getMetaData().getIndexInfo(getCatalog(), table.getOwnerSynonymName(), table.getTableSynonymName(), false, true); } else { indexRs = getMetaData().getIndexInfo(getCatalog(), getSchema(), table.getSqlName(), false, true); } while ( { String columnName = indexRs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); if (columnName != null) { GLogger.trace("index:" + columnName); indices.add(columnName); } // now look for unique columns String indexName = indexRs.getString("INDEX_NAME"); boolean nonUnique = indexRs.getBoolean("NON_UNIQUE"); if (!nonUnique && columnName != null && indexName != null) { List l = (List)uniqueColumns.get(indexName); if (l == null) { l = new ArrayList(); uniqueColumns.put(indexName, l); } l.add(columnName); uniqueIndices.put(columnName, indexName); GLogger.trace("unique:" + columnName + " (" + indexName + ")"); } } } catch (Throwable t) { // Bug #604761 Oracle getIndexInfo() needs major grants // } finally { DBHelper.close(indexRs); } List columns = getTableColumns(table, primaryKeys, indices, uniqueIndices, uniqueColumns); for (Iterator i = columns.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Column column = (Column); table.addColumn(column); } // In case none of the columns were primary keys, issue a warning. if (primaryKeys.size() == 0) { GLogger.warn("WARNING: The JDBC driver didn't report any primary key columns in " + table.getSqlName()); } } private List getTableColumns(Table table, List primaryKeys, List indices, Map uniqueIndices, Map uniqueColumns) throws SQLException { // get the columns List columns = new LinkedList(); ResultSet columnRs = getColumnsResultSet(table); try { while ( { int sqlType = columnRs.getInt("DATA_TYPE"); String sqlTypeName = columnRs.getString("TYPE_NAME"); String columnName = columnRs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); String columnDefaultValue = columnRs.getString("COLUMN_DEF"); String remarks = columnRs.getString("REMARKS"); if(remarks == null && DatabaseMetaDataUtils.isOracleDataBase(connection.getMetaData())) { remarks = getOracleColumnComments(table.getSqlName(), columnName); } // if columnNoNulls or columnNullableUnknown assume "not nullable" boolean isNullable = (DatabaseMetaData.columnNullable == columnRs.getInt("NULLABLE")); int size = columnRs.getInt("COLUMN_SIZE"); int decimalDigits = columnRs.getInt("DECIMAL_DIGITS"); boolean isPk = primaryKeys.contains(columnName); boolean isIndexed = indices.contains(columnName); String uniqueIndex = (String)uniqueIndices.get(columnName); List columnsInUniqueIndex = null; if (uniqueIndex != null) { columnsInUniqueIndex = (List)uniqueColumns.get(uniqueIndex); } boolean isUnique = columnsInUniqueIndex != null && columnsInUniqueIndex.size() == 1; if (isUnique) { GLogger.trace("unique column:" + columnName); } Column column = new Column( table, sqlType, sqlTypeName, columnName, size, decimalDigits, isPk, isNullable, isIndexed, isUnique, columnDefaultValue, remarks); BeanHelper.copyProperties(column,TableOverrideValuesProvider.getColumnConfigValues(table,column)); columns.add(column); } }finally { DBHelper.close(columnRs); } return columns; } private ResultSet getColumnsResultSet(Table table) throws SQLException { ResultSet columnRs = null; if (table.getOwnerSynonymName() != null) { columnRs = getMetaData().getColumns(getCatalog(), table.getOwnerSynonymName(), table.getTableSynonymName(), null); } else { columnRs = getMetaData().getColumns(getCatalog(), getSchema(), table.getSqlName(), null); } return columnRs; } private List<String> getTablePrimaryKeys(Table table) throws SQLException { // get the primary keys List primaryKeys = new LinkedList(); ResultSet primaryKeyRs = null; try { if (table.getOwnerSynonymName() != null) { primaryKeyRs = getMetaData().getPrimaryKeys(getCatalog(), table.getOwnerSynonymName(), table.getTableSynonymName()); } else { primaryKeyRs = getMetaData().getPrimaryKeys(getCatalog(), getSchema(), table.getSqlName()); } while ( { String columnName = primaryKeyRs.getString("COLUMN_NAME"); GLogger.trace("primary key:" + columnName); primaryKeys.add(columnName); } }finally { DBHelper.close(primaryKeyRs); } return primaryKeys; } // FIXME 如果是oracle同义词:Synonym, 需要根据 OwnerSynonymName及TableSynonymName 才能查找回oracle注释 private String getOracleTableComments(String table) { String sql = "SELECT comments FROM user_tab_comments WHERE table_name='"+table+"'"; return ExecuteSqlHelper.queryForString(connection,sql); } private String getOracleColumnComments(String table,String column) { String sql = "SELECT comments FROM user_col_comments WHERE table_name='"+table+"' AND column_name = '"+column+"'"; return ExecuteSqlHelper.queryForString(connection,sql); } } /** 得到表的自定义配置信息 */ public static class TableOverrideValuesProvider { private static Map getTableConfigValues(String tableSqlName){ NodeData nd = getTableConfigXmlNodeData(tableSqlName); if(nd == null) { return new HashMap(); } return nd == null ? new HashMap() : nd.attributes; } private static Map getColumnConfigValues(Table table, Column column) { NodeData root = getTableConfigXmlNodeData(table.getSqlName()); if(root != null){ for(NodeData item : root.childs) { if(item.nodeName.equals("column")) { if(column.getSqlName().equalsIgnoreCase(item.attributes.get("sqlName"))) { return item.attributes; } } } } return new HashMap(); } private static NodeData getTableConfigXmlNodeData(String tableSqlName){ NodeData nd = getTableConfigXmlNodeData0(tableSqlName); if(nd == null) { nd = getTableConfigXmlNodeData0(tableSqlName.toLowerCase()); if(nd == null) { nd = getTableConfigXmlNodeData0(tableSqlName.toUpperCase()); } } return nd; } private static NodeData getTableConfigXmlNodeData0(String tableSqlName) { try { File file = FileHelper.getFileByClassLoader("generator_config/table/"+tableSqlName+".xml"); GLogger.trace("getTableConfigXml() load nodeData by tableSqlName:"+tableSqlName+".xml"); return new XMLHelper().parseXML(file); }catch(Exception e) {//ignore GLogger.trace("not found config xml for table:"+tableSqlName+", exception:"+e); return null; } } } static class ExecuteSqlHelper { public static String queryForString(Connection conn,String sql) { Statement s = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { s = conn.createStatement(); rs = s.executeQuery(sql); if( { return rs.getString(1); } return null; }catch(SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; }finally { DBHelper.close(null,s,rs); } } } public static class DatabaseMetaDataUtils { public static boolean isOracleDataBase(DatabaseMetaData metadata) { try { boolean ret = false; ret = (metadata.getDatabaseProductName().toLowerCase() .indexOf("oracle") != -1); return ret; }catch(SQLException s) { return false; // throw new RuntimeException(s); } } public static boolean isHsqlDataBase(DatabaseMetaData metadata) { try { boolean ret = false; ret = (metadata.getDatabaseProductName().toLowerCase() .indexOf("hsql") != -1); return ret; }catch(SQLException s) { return false; // throw new RuntimeException(s); } } public static boolean isMysqlDataBase(DatabaseMetaData metadata) { try { boolean ret = false; ret = (metadata.getDatabaseProductName().toLowerCase() .indexOf("mysql") != -1); return ret; }catch(SQLException s) { return false; // throw new RuntimeException(s); } } public static DatabaseMetaData getMetaData(Connection connection) { try { return connection.getMetaData(); }catch(SQLException e) { throw new RuntimeException("cannot get DatabaseMetaData",e); } } public static String getDatabaseStructureInfo(DatabaseMetaData metadata,String schema,String catalog) { ResultSet schemaRs = null; ResultSet catalogRs = null; String nl = System.getProperty("line.separator"); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(nl); // Let's give the user some feedback. The exception // is probably related to incorrect schema configuration. sb.append("Configured schema:").append(schema).append(nl); sb.append("Configured catalog:").append(catalog).append(nl); try { schemaRs = metadata.getSchemas(); sb.append("Available schemas:").append(nl); while ( { sb.append(" ").append(schemaRs.getString("TABLE_SCHEM")).append(nl); } } catch (SQLException e2) { GLogger.warn("Couldn't get schemas", e2); sb.append(" ?? Couldn't get schemas ??").append(nl); } finally { DBHelper.close(schemaRs); } try { catalogRs = metadata.getCatalogs(); sb.append("Available catalogs:").append(nl); while ( { sb.append(" ").append(catalogRs.getString("TABLE_CAT")).append(nl); } } catch (SQLException e2) { GLogger.warn("Couldn't get catalogs", e2); sb.append(" ?? Couldn't get catalogs ??").append(nl); } finally { DBHelper.close(catalogRs); } return sb.toString(); } } }