/* * Copyright (c) 2007 Mockito contributors * This program is made available under the terms of the MIT License. */ package org.powermock.api.mockito.repackaged.cglib.transform.impl; /** * @author Juozas Baliuka */ public interface InterceptFieldCallback { int writeInt(Object obj, String name, int oldValue, int newValue); char writeChar(Object obj, String name, char oldValue, char newValue); byte writeByte(Object obj, String name, byte oldValue, byte newValue); boolean writeBoolean(Object obj, String name, boolean oldValue, boolean newValue); short writeShort(Object obj, String name, short oldValue, short newValue); float writeFloat(Object obj, String name, float oldValue, float newValue); double writeDouble(Object obj, String name, double oldValue, double newValue); long writeLong(Object obj, String name, long oldValue, long newValue); Object writeObject(Object obj, String name, Object oldValue, Object newValue); int readInt(Object obj, String name, int oldValue); char readChar(Object obj, String name, char oldValue); byte readByte(Object obj, String name, byte oldValue); boolean readBoolean(Object obj, String name, boolean oldValue); short readShort(Object obj, String name, short oldValue); float readFloat(Object obj, String name, float oldValue); double readDouble(Object obj, String name, double oldValue); long readLong(Object obj, String name, long oldValue); Object readObject(Object obj, String name, Object oldValue); }