package; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.client.tree.viewer.DetailView; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.shared.math.Box2D; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.shared.math.Vector2; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.shared.model.INode; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.shared.scene.Rectangle; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class SelectionMouseHandler extends BaseMouseHandler implements HasNodeSelectionHandlers { //TODO listen for tree changes on the view and clear the selection public static final int DRAG_THRESHOLD = 3; //drags less than this distance will be treated like a click and select a single node public static final int BUTTON = NativeEvent.BUTTON_LEFT; private final DetailView view; private Set<INode> currentSelection = new HashSet<INode>(); Rectangle selectionBox = new Rectangle(); /** * Creates a new SelectionMouseHandler that selects nodes on the given view. SelectionEvents are * broadcast on the view's eventBus (as well as to any handlers added with addSelectionHandler()). * * @param view */ public SelectionMouseHandler(DetailView view) { super(view); this.view = view; } @Override public void onMouseDown(MouseDownEvent event) { super.onMouseDown(event); SavedMouseEvent downEvent = super.getCurrentMouseDownEvent(BUTTON); if (downEvent != null) { if (!downEvent.isControlKeyDown && !downEvent.isMetaKeyDown && !downEvent.isAltKeyDown) { clearSelection(); } } } @Override public void onMouseUp(MouseUpEvent upEvent) { SavedMouseEvent downEvent = super.getCurrentMouseDownEvent(BUTTON); //getting this before it's nulled by super.onMouseUp(upEvent) boolean isDragging = isDragging(BUTTON); super.onMouseUp(upEvent); // downEvent can be null. (I can't recreate it reliably.) if (upEvent.getNativeButton() == BUTTON && downEvent != null) { if (isDragging) { Vector2 up = new Vector2(upEvent.getX(), upEvent.getY()); Box2D box = Box2D.createBox(downEvent.getLocation(), up); addToSelection(view.getNodesIn(box)); } else { //handle an actual (non-drag) click. (onClick() gets called whether dragging or not) INode node = view.getNodeAt(upEvent.getX(), upEvent.getY()); if (node != null) { if (downEvent.isShiftKeyDown) { if (downEvent.isAltKeyDown) { addToSelection(node, false); addSubtreeToSelection(view.getTree().getRootNode().mrca(currentSelection)); } else { addSubtreeToSelection(node); } } else { addToSelection(node, true); } } } } //clear selection box updateSelectionArea(null); } @Override public void onMouseMove(MouseMoveEvent event) { super.onMouseMove(event); if (isDragging(BUTTON)) { Vector2 start = super.getCurrentMouseDownEvent(BUTTON).getLocation(); Vector2 end = new Vector2(event.getX(), event.getY()); Box2D box = Box2D.createBox(start, end); updateSelectionArea(box); } } @Override public void onMouseOut(MouseOutEvent event) { super.onMouseOut(event); updateSelectionArea(null); //assume the button is released when leaving the widget. (see BaseMouseHandler.onMouseOver()) } @Override public HandlerRegistration addSelectionHandler(NodeSelectionHandler handler) { return getEventBus().addHandlerToSource(NodeSelectionEvent.TYPE, this, handler); } public HandlerRegistration addSelectionAreaHandler(SelectionAreaChangeHandler handler) { return getEventBus().addHandlerToSource(SelectionAreaChangeEvent.TYPE, this, handler); } @Override public void fireEvent(GwtEvent<?> event) { getEventBus().fireEventFromSource(event, this); } public EventBus getEventBus() { return view.getEventBus(); } private void updateSelectionArea(Box2D box) { if (box != null) { selectionBox.setMin(box.getMin()); selectionBox.setMax(box.getMax()); view.addOverlay(selectionBox); } else { view.removeOverlay(selectionBox); } view.requestRender(); getEventBus().fireEventFromSource(new SelectionAreaChangeEvent(box), this); } private void addToSelection(INode node, boolean fireEvent) { boolean change = currentSelection.add(node); if (change && fireEvent) { Logger.getLogger("").log(Level.FINEST, "Added node to selection. " + currentSelection.size() + " total nodes are selected."); getEventBus().fireEventFromSource(new NodeSelectionEvent(currentSelection), this); } } private void addToSelection(Set<INode> nodes) { boolean change = currentSelection.addAll(nodes); if (change) { Logger.getLogger("").log(Level.FINEST, "Added nodes to selection. " + currentSelection.size() + " total nodes are selected."); getEventBus().fireEventFromSource(new NodeSelectionEvent(currentSelection), this); } } private void clearSelection() { Logger.getLogger("").log(Level.FINEST, "Cleared selection"); currentSelection = new HashSet<INode>(); getEventBus().fireEventFromSource(new NodeSelectionEvent(currentSelection), this); } private void addSubtreeToSelection(INode node) { addToSelection(node, false); INode[] children = node.getChildren(); if (children != null) { for (INode child : children) { if (child != null) { addSubtreeToSelection(child); } } } getEventBus().fireEventFromSource(new NodeSelectionEvent(currentSelection), this); } }