package; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.viewer.client.model.RemoteNode; import; import; import; import; @RemoteServiceRelativePath("search") public interface SearchService extends RemoteService { public class SearchResult implements IsSerializable { public RemoteNode node; public LayoutResponse layout; } /** * Finds nodes matching the given query (case-insensitive) in the given tree */ SearchResult[] find(String query, int tree, SearchType type); public enum SearchType implements IsSerializable { EXACT { public String queryString(String query) { return query; } public boolean match(String query, String string) { return string.equalsIgnoreCase(query); } }, PREFIX { public String queryString(String query) { return query + "%"; } public boolean match(String query, String string) { return string.toLowerCase().startsWith(query.toLowerCase()); } }, CONTAINS { public String queryString(String query) { return "%" + query + "%"; } public boolean match(String query, String string) { return string.toLowerCase().contains(query.toLowerCase()); } }; /** Adds SQL wildcards for a database query */ abstract public String queryString(String query); /** @return true if the query matches the string for this query type */ abstract boolean match(String query, String string); }; }