package org.iplantc.phyloviewer.viewer.server.db; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.sql.Types; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.shared.model.INode; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.shared.model.Tree; import org.iplantc.phyloviewer.viewer.client.model.RemoteNode; public class ImportTree { Connection connection; PreparedStatement addTreeStmt = null; PreparedStatement addNodeStmt = null; PreparedStatement addChildStmt = null; PreparedStatement getNodeIdStmt = null; PreparedStatement addAltLabelStmt = null; public ImportTree(Connection conn) throws SQLException { this.connection = conn; // Create our prepared statements. addNodeStmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into node(Label) values (?)"); addChildStmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into topology (node_id, parent_id, tree_id, NumNodes, NumLeaves, Height, LeftNode, RightNode, Depth, NumChildren) values ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"); String sql = "insert into tree(root_id,Name) values(?, ?)"; addTreeStmt = conn.prepareStatement(sql); getNodeIdStmt = conn.prepareStatement("select currval('nodes_node_id') as result"); //TODO: I think PreparedStatement can return the sequence number without a query, using Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS addAltLabelStmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into node_label_lookup(node_id,alt_label) values(?, ?)"); } public void close() { ConnectionUtil.close(addTreeStmt); ConnectionUtil.close(addNodeStmt); ConnectionUtil.close(addChildStmt); ConnectionUtil.close(getNodeIdStmt); ConnectionUtil.close(addAltLabelStmt); } public void addTree(Tree tree,String name) throws SQLException { INode root = tree.getRootNode(); try { // We need to add the root first to meet the key constraints of the database. addNode(root); addTreeStmt.setInt(1, tree.getRootNode().getId()); addTreeStmt.setString(2, name != null ? name : "No name"); addTreeStmt.execute(); { Statement statement = connection.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery("select currval('trees_tree_id') as result" ); if ( { tree.setId(rs.getInt("result")); } } addChildStmt.setInt(3, tree.getId()); if (root instanceof RemoteNode) { //add the tree root to the topology table addChild(null, (RemoteNode) root, addChildStmt); // add the children of the root. if (root.getChildren() != null) { for (RemoteNode child : (RemoteNode[]) root.getChildren()) { addSubtree(child, root.getId(), addNodeStmt, addChildStmt); } } } else { //if not RemoteNode, the depth and left and right indices have to be calculated in the traversal int left = 1; int right = 2 * root.getNumberOfNodes(); int depth = 0; addChild(null, root, left, right, depth, addChildStmt); // add the children of the root. if (root.getChildren() != null) { for (INode child : root.getChildren()) { addSubtree(child, root.getId(), left + 1, depth + 1, addNodeStmt, addChildStmt); } } } addChildStmt.executeBatch(); } catch(SQLException e) { // Rethrow. throw e; } finally { this.close(); } } private int addSubtree(INode node, int parentID, int traversalCount, int depth, PreparedStatement addNodeStmt, PreparedStatement addChildStmt) throws SQLException { addNode(node); int left = traversalCount; traversalCount++; if (node.getChildren() != null) { for (INode child : node.getChildren()) { traversalCount = addSubtree(child, node.getId(), traversalCount, depth + 1, addNodeStmt, addChildStmt); } } int right = traversalCount; traversalCount++; addChild(parentID, node, left, right, depth, addChildStmt); return traversalCount; } private void addSubtree(RemoteNode node, int parentID, PreparedStatement addNodeStmt, PreparedStatement addChildStmt) throws SQLException { addNode(node); if (node.getChildren() != null) { for (RemoteNode child : node.getChildren()) { addSubtree(child, node.getId(), addNodeStmt, addChildStmt); } } addChild(parentID, node, addChildStmt); } private void addNode(INode node) throws SQLException { String label = node.getLabel(); addNodeStmt.setString(1, label); addNodeStmt.execute(); ResultSet rs = getNodeIdStmt.executeQuery(); if ( { node.setId(rs.getInt("result")); } if (label==null) { label = node.findLabelOfFirstLeafNode(); addAltLabelStmt.setInt(1, node.getId()); addAltLabelStmt.setString(2, label); addAltLabelStmt.execute(); } } private void addChild(Integer parentID, INode child, int left, int right, int depth, PreparedStatement addChildStmt) throws SQLException { addChildStmt.setInt(1, child.getId()); if (parentID != null) { addChildStmt.setInt(2, parentID); } else { addChildStmt.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); } //param 3 (treeID) is already set by addTree addChildStmt.setInt(4, child.getNumberOfNodes()); addChildStmt.setInt(5, child.getNumberOfLeafNodes()); addChildStmt.setInt(6, child.findMaximumDepthToLeaf()); addChildStmt.setInt(7, left); addChildStmt.setInt(8, right); addChildStmt.setInt(9, depth); addChildStmt.setInt(10, child.getNumberOfChildren()); addChildStmt.addBatch(); } private void addChild(Integer parentID, RemoteNode child, PreparedStatement addChildStmt) throws SQLException { addChildStmt.setInt(1, child.getId()); if (parentID != null) { addChildStmt.setInt(2, parentID); } else { addChildStmt.setNull(2, Types.INTEGER); } //param 3 (treeID) is already set by addTree addChildStmt.setInt(4, child.getNumberOfNodes()); addChildStmt.setInt(5, child.getNumberOfLeafNodes()); addChildStmt.setInt(6, child.findMaximumDepthToLeaf()); addChildStmt.setInt(7, child.getLeftIndex()); addChildStmt.setInt(8, child.getRightIndex()); addChildStmt.setInt(9, child.getDepth()); addChildStmt.setInt(10, child.getNumberOfChildren()); addChildStmt.addBatch(); } }