package owlaccessor; import; import; import; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.apibinding.OWLManager; //import*; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.model.*; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.OWLClassExpressionVisitorAdapter; import org.semanticweb.owlapi.vocab.OWLRDFVocabulary; import outputter.ApplicationUtilities; import outputter.XML2EQ; import outputter.knowledge.Dictionary; import; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc //import org.semanticweb.owlapi.util.SimpleIRIMapper; //this message is for testing purpose /** * This class includes implemented methods being used to retrieve meaning of and * relationships among terms in PATO using OWL API. Keywords, synonyms, and * parents of a term could be retrieved by giving the term. * * TAO: * PATO: * * @author Zilong Chang, Hong Cui * */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class OWLAccessorImpl implements OWLAccessor { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(OWLAccessorImpl.class); /** The manager. */ private OWLOntologyManager manager; /** The df. */ private OWLDataFactory df; /** A set of ontologies. */ private Set<OWLOntology> onts; /** The allclasses. */ public Set<OWLClass> allclasses=new HashSet<OWLClass>(); /** The PATO relational slim. */ private Set<OWLClass> relationalSlim = new HashSet<OWLClass>(); /** The PATO attribute slim. */ private Set<OWLClass> attributeSlim = new HashSet<OWLClass>(); /** The obsolete. */ private Set<OWLClass> obsolete = new HashSet<OWLClass>(); /** The excluded. */ private boolean excluded = false; /** The search cache. */ private Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>>> ontologyHash = new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>>>();; //syn type => {term => classes} public static Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,String>> adjectiveorgans = new Hashtable<String,Hashtable<String,String>>(); //adj => {classID => label} public static Hashtable<String,ArrayList<String>> organadjectives = new Hashtable<String,ArrayList<String>> (); //organ => adjective /** The source. */ private String source; private OWLOntology rootOnt; private Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>>> searchCache = new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>>>(); //con => {syn type => classes} public final static String temp = "TEMP"; public static Connection conn; static{ try{ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(ApplicationUtilities.getProperty("database.url")); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("can't create database connection:"+ApplicationUtilities.getProperty("database.url")); LOGGER.error("", e); System.exit(1); } } /** * Instantiates a new oWL accessor impl. * * @param ontoURL the onto url * @param excludedclasses: arraylist of class IRI string * @throws Exception the exception */ public OWLAccessorImpl(String ontoURL, ArrayList<String> excludedclasses) { manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); df = manager.getOWLDataFactory(); IRI iri = IRI.create(ontoURL); source = ontoURL; try{ rootOnt = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(iri); constructorHelper(rootOnt, excludedclasses); // retrieves all synonyms of every class and store it in search cache - Hariharan Task2 this.retrieveAllConcept(); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("can't load ontology:"+ontoURL); System.exit(1); } } public OWLOntology getOntology(){ return rootOnt; } /** * Instantiates a new oWL accessor impl. * * @param file the file * @param eliminate the eliminate//TODO make use of eliminate: it should hold a list of class ids, not a list of words. All subclasses of the to-be-eliminated class should be removed from the search space. * @throws Exception the exception */ public OWLAccessorImpl(File file, ArrayList<String> eliminate) { manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager(); df = manager.getOWLDataFactory(); source = file.getAbsolutePath(); try{ rootOnt = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(file); constructorHelper(rootOnt, eliminate); // retrieves all synonyms of every class and store it in search cache - Hariharan Task2 this.retrieveAllConcept(); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println("can't load ontology:"+file.getPath()); LOGGER.error("", e); System.exit(1); } } public Set<OWLOntology> getOntologies(){ return onts; } /** * Constructor helper: the common part of the two constructors. * filtering obsolete classes * grouping classes, such as relationalSlim in PATO * * @param rootOnt the root ont * @param excludedclassIRIs */ private void constructorHelper(OWLOntology rootOnt, ArrayList<String> excludedclassIRIs){ onts=rootOnt.getImportsClosure(); for (OWLOntology ont:onts){ allclasses.addAll(ont.getClassesInSignature(true)); } //"Process Quality" IRI value is added to be excluded excludedclassIRIs.add(""); //eliminate branches allclasses.removeAll(this.classesToExclude(excludedclassIRIs)); //add all relational slim terms to a list //also add all obsolete terms to a list for (OWLClass c: allclasses){ if(inRelationalSlim(c, rootOnt)){ this.relationalSlim.add(c); } if(inAttributeSlim(c, rootOnt)){ this.attributeSlim.add(c); } if(this.isObsolete(c, rootOnt)){ this.obsolete.add(c); } } //remove all obosolete classes relationalSlim.removeAll(obsolete); attributeSlim.removeAll(obsolete); allclasses.removeAll(obsolete); } /** * Checks if is relational slim. * * @param c the c * @return true, if is relational slim */ public boolean inAttributeSlim(OWLClass c, OWLOntology ontology){ for(OWLAnnotation a: getAnnotationByIRI(c, "")){ if(a.getValue().toString().equals("")) return true; } return false; } /** * Gets the source. * * @return the source */ public String getSource(){ return source; } public Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>>> getOntologyHash() { return ontologyHash; } /** * Gets the keywords. * * @param c * the c * @return the keywords */ @Override public Set<String> getKeywords(OWLClass c) { WordFilter wf = new WordFilter(); Set<OWLAnnotation> ds = this.getAnnotationByIRI(c, ""); if (ds.isEmpty()) { return new HashSet<String>(); } else { Set<String> tresult = new HashSet<String>(); OWLAnnotation orgdef = (OWLAnnotation) ds.toArray()[0]; String def = this.getRefinedOutput(orgdef.toString()).replaceFirst( "quality inhering in a bearer by virtue of the bearer's", ""); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(def); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String temp = st.nextToken().replaceAll("\\\\", "") .replaceAll(",", "").replaceAll("\\.", "") .replaceAll("\\(", "").replaceAll("\\)", "") .replaceAll(";", "").replaceAll(":", "") .replaceAll(".*[0-9].*", "") .replaceAll(".*[+\\-*/].*", "").trim().toLowerCase(); if (temp.length() > 1) { if (!wf.isInList(temp)) { tresult.add(temp); } } } return tresult; } } //Below is the code for populating all the synonyms and labels with their classes into a hashtable searchCache!! task2 public void retrieveAllConcept() { //TODO: searchCache = new Hashtable<String, Hashtable<String, List<OWLClass>>>(); //label => {"original|exact|related|narrow" => List<OWLClass>} int flag =0;//TODO why it's needed? for (OWLClass c : allclasses) { collectAdjectiveOrgans(c); String label =this.getLabel(c).toLowerCase().trim(); Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> matches = ontologyHash.get(label); if(matches == null){ matches = initTypedClasses(); } //add original ArrayList<OWLClass> list = matches.get("original"); list.add(c); matches.put("original", (ArrayList<OWLClass>) list.clone()); ontologyHash.put(label, matches); //add others hashTypedSyns(c, "exact"); hashTypedSyns(c, "narrow"); hashTypedSyns(c, "related"); } } /*private void collectAdjectiveOrgans(OWLClass c) { onts=rootOnt.getImportsClosure(); ArrayList<OWLAnnotation> annotations = new ArrayList<OWLAnnotation>(); for (OWLOntology ont:onts){ annotations.addAll(c.getAnnotations(ont)); } for(OWLAnnotation anno : annotations){ //System.out.println(anno.toString()); //adjectiveorgans//adj => classID#label if(anno.toString().contains("UBPROP_0000007") ){//has_relational_adjective String adj = anno.getValue().toString();//"zeugopodial"^^xsd:string adj = adj.substring(0, adj.indexOf("^^")).replace("\"", ""); Hashtable<String, String> organs = this.adjectiveorgans.get(adj); if(organs ==null){ organs = new Hashtable<String, String>(); } organs.put(this.getID(c), this.getLabel(c)); this.adjectiveorgans.put(adj,organs); } } }*/ //Two caches one to hold organ => adjective pairs and the other to hold adjective => {organid,organlabel} private void collectAdjectiveOrgans(OWLClass c) { onts=rootOnt.getImportsClosure(); ArrayList<OWLAnnotation> annotations = new ArrayList<OWLAnnotation>(); for (OWLOntology ont:onts){ annotations.addAll(c.getAnnotations(ont)); } for(OWLAnnotation anno : annotations){ //System.out.println(anno.toString()); //adjectiveorgans//adj => classID#label if(anno.toString().contains("UBPROP_0000007") ){//has_relational_adjective String adj = anno.getValue().toString();//"zeugopodial"^^xsd:string adj = adj.substring(0, adj.indexOf("^^")).replace("\"", ""); ArrayList<String> adjectives = this.organadjectives.get(this.getLabel(c)); if(adjectives ==null){ adjectives = new ArrayList<String>(); } adjectives.add(adj); this.organadjectives.put(this.getLabel(c),adjectives); Hashtable<String, String> organs = this.adjectiveorgans.get(adj); if(organs ==null){ organs = new Hashtable<String, String>(); } organs.put(this.getID(c), this.getLabel(c)); this.adjectiveorgans.put(adj,organs); } } } private Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> initTypedClasses(){ ArrayList<OWLClass> classes = new ArrayList<OWLClass>(); Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> typedclasses = new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>>(); typedclasses.put("original", (ArrayList<OWLClass>) classes.clone()); typedclasses.put("exact", (ArrayList<OWLClass>) classes.clone()); typedclasses.put("related", (ArrayList<OWLClass>) classes.clone()); typedclasses.put("narrow", (ArrayList<OWLClass>) classes.clone()); return typedclasses; } private void hashTypedSyns(OWLClass c, String type) { Hashtable<String, List<OWLClass>> syns = getTypedSyns(type, c); Enumeration<String> en = syns.keys(); while(en.hasMoreElements()){ String synlabel = en.nextElement(); Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> temp = ontologyHash.get(synlabel); if(temp == null){ temp = initTypedClasses(); } ArrayList<OWLClass> templist = temp.get(type); templist.add(c); temp.put(type, templist); ontologyHash.put(synlabel, temp); } } private Hashtable<String, List<OWLClass>> getTypedSyns(String type, OWLClass c){ //int flag = 0; Hashtable<String, List<OWLClass>> result = new Hashtable<String, List<OWLClass>>(); List<OWLClass> ec = new ArrayList<OWLClass>(); List<String> syns = new ArrayList<String>(); if(type.compareTo("exact") == 0) syns = this.getExactSynonyms(c); if(type.compareTo("narrow") == 0) syns = this.getNarrowSynonyms(c); if(type.compareTo("related") == 0) syns = this.getRelatedSynonyms(c); //if(syns.size()>0){ // System.out.print(""); //} Iterator<String> i=syns.iterator(); while(i.hasNext()) { String label = (String); if(result.containsKey(label.trim())) { List<OWLClass> temp = result.get(label.trim()); temp.add(c); //flag=1; } else { List<OWLClass> clas = new ArrayList<OWLClass>(); clas.add(c); result.put(label.trim(), clas); } //if(flag==1) //System.out.println(flag--); } return result; } /** * Retrieve concept. * * @param con * the concept * @return the list * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Override /*Old code * public List<OWLClass> retrieveConcept(String con) throws Exception { con = con.trim(); List<OWLClass> result = new ArrayList<OWLClass>(); for (OWLClass c : allclasses) { List<String> syns = this.getSynonymLabels(c); String label = this.getLabel(c).toLowerCase(); boolean syn = matchSyn(con, syns, "e"); if (label.equals(con) || syn) { result.add(c); } } return result; } */ //@see owlaccessor.OWLAccessor#retrieveConcept(java.lang.String, int) // returns the arraylist of owl classes for a particular label Task 2 /** * @param: con: class label (e.g. 'dorsal fin' or 'epibranchial .*') * @result: Hashtable<syn_type(original|exact|narrow|related), matched_classes> */ public Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> retrieveConcept(String con){ Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> result = this.searchCache.get(con); if(result != null) return result; if(con.indexOf("*")<0 && con.indexOf("(")<0 &&con.indexOf("|")<0 ){//exact match return this.ontologyHash.get(con); }else{//reg exp Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> output =new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> (); Enumeration<String> en = this.ontologyHash.keys(); while(en.hasMoreElements()){ String term = en.nextElement(); //over type: original, exact, narrow, related if(term.matches(con)){ Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> temp = ontologyHash.get(term); merge(output, temp); } } this.searchCache.put(con, output); return output; } } /** * add part to whole, deduplicate * @param whole * @param part */ private void merge(Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> whole, Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> part){ TreeSet<OWLClass> temp = new TreeSet<OWLClass>(); ArrayList<OWLClass> oneset = whole.get("original"); ArrayList<OWLClass> anotherset = part.get("original"); if(oneset!=null) temp.addAll(oneset); if(anotherset!=null) temp.addAll(anotherset); whole.put("original", new ArrayList<OWLClass>(temp)); temp = new TreeSet<OWLClass>(); oneset = whole.get("exact"); anotherset = part.get("exact"); if(oneset!=null) temp.addAll(oneset); if(anotherset!=null) temp.addAll(anotherset); whole.put("exact", new ArrayList<OWLClass>(temp)); temp = new TreeSet<OWLClass>(); oneset = whole.get("narrow"); anotherset = part.get("narrow"); if(oneset!=null) temp.addAll(oneset); if(anotherset!=null) temp.addAll(anotherset); whole.put("narrow", new ArrayList<OWLClass>(temp)); temp = new TreeSet<OWLClass>(); oneset = whole.get("related"); anotherset = part.get("related"); if(oneset!=null) temp.addAll(oneset); if(anotherset!=null) temp.addAll(anotherset); whole.put("related", new ArrayList<OWLClass>(temp)); } // // public Hashtable<String, List<OWLClass>> retrieveConcept(String con) throws Exception { // // return this.searchCache.get(con); // } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see owlaccessor.OWLAccessor#retrieveConcept(java.lang.String, int) * * TODO make the return type the same as retrieveConcept(String con) */ //@Override /*public List<OWLClass> retrieveConcept(String con, int slim) throws Exception { con = con.trim(); List<OWLClass> result = new ArrayList<OWLClass>(); Set<OWLClass> classes = null; if(slim==outputter.XML2EQ.RELATIONAL_SLIM){ classes=this.relationalSlim; }else if(slim==outputter.XML2EQ.ATTRIBUTE_SLIM){ classes=this.attributeSlim; }else{ classes=this.allclasses; } //maybe other slims for (OWLClass c : classes) { List<String> syns = this.getSynonymLabels(c); String label = this.getLabel(c).toLowerCase(); boolean syn = matchSyn(con, syns, "e"); if (label.equals(con) || syn) { result.add(c); } } return result; }*/ /** * construct a regular exp pattern out of attribute classes (such as those in attribute slim in PATO) * * @return an empty string when no attribute in in ontology, or string like "color|shape" */ public String getLowerCaseAttributeSlimStringPattern(String glossary){ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for(OWLClass c: this.attributeSlim){ //add labels to the pattern string String label = this.getLabel(c).replaceAll("\\([^)]*\\)", "").replaceAll("\\s+", " ").toLowerCase().trim(); if(structureCheck(label, glossary)==false) { sb.append(label); sb.append("|"); //add syns to the pattern string List<String> syns = this.getSynonymLabels(c); for(String syn: syns){ sb.append(syn.replaceAll("\\([^)]*\\)", "").replaceAll("\\s+", " ").toLowerCase().trim()); sb.append("|"); } } } return sb.toString().replaceAll("\\|+", "|").replace("\\|$", "").trim(); } //returns false, if the label is not a structure in fishglossaryfixed table private boolean structureCheck(String label, String glossary) { try { if(conn==null){ Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(ApplicationUtilities.getProperty("database.url")); } Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); //fetches result if the label is associated with a structure ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from "+glossary+" where category = \"structure\" and term = \""+label+"\""); if( return true; /*if( //close connection somewhere else. { conn.close(); return false; } else { conn.close(); return true; }*/ } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("", e); } return false; } /** * Match syn. * * @param label * the label * @param synlabels * the synlabels * @param mode * : exact="e" or partial="p" * @return true, if successful */ private boolean matchSyn(String label, List<String> synlabels, String mode) { Iterator<String> it = synlabels.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { if (mode.compareTo("p") == 0 && { return true; } if (mode.compareTo("e") == 0 && == 0) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Gets the IRI to eliminate. * * @param excludedclassIRIs the eliminate * @return the IRI's(including all subclasses) to eliminate */ public Set<OWLClass> classesToExclude(List<String> excludedclassIRIs) { Set<OWLClass> er = new HashSet<OWLClass>(); for (String s:excludedclassIRIs){ OWLClass c = this.getOWLClassByIRI(s); er.add(c);//add itself to the set first er.addAll(this.getAllOffsprings(c));//add all its offsprings } return er; } /** * Remove the non-readable or non-meaningful characters in the retrieval * from OWL API, and return the refined output. * <<<<<<< HEAD * * @param origin the origin??? what does it look like? * >>>>>>> branch 'master' of ssh:// * @return the refined output ??? what does it look like?? */ public String getRefinedOutput(String origin) { // Annotation(<> // W) if (origin.startsWith("Annotation")) { origin = origin.replaceFirst("^Annotation.*>\\s+", "") .replaceFirst("\\)\\s*$", "").trim(); } /* * Remove the ^^xsd:string tail from the returned annotation value */ return origin.replaceAll("\\^\\^xsd:string", "").replaceAll("\"", "") .replaceAll("\\.", "").replaceFirst("@.*", ""); //remove lang info @en } /** * Recursively return all the ancestors of a term. * * @param c * the c * @return the parents */ // public Set<String> getAncestors(OWLClass c) { // Set<String> result = new HashSet<String>(); // this.getAncestorsHelper(c, result); // return result; // } // private void getAncestorsHelper(OWLClass c, Set<String> s) { // if(c.gets) // for (OWLClassExpression p : c.getSuperClasses(ont)) { // if (!p.isAnonymous()) { // l.add(p.asOWLClass()); // this.getAncestorsHelper(p.asOWLClass(), l); // } // } // } /** * Return the parents of a term. */ public List<OWLClass> getParents(OWLClass c) { List<OWLClass> parent = new ArrayList<OWLClass>(); for(OWLOntology ont:onts){ for (OWLClassExpression ce : c.getSuperClasses(ont)) { if (!ce.isAnonymous()) parent.add(ce.asOWLClass()); } } return parent; } /** * Gets the annotation property by an iri string. * * @param c * the owl class * @param iri * the iri of the annotation property * @return the annotation property by iri */ public Set<OWLAnnotation> getAnnotationByIRI(OWLClass c, String iri) { // Set<OWLOntology> onts = ont.getImports(); // onts.addAll(ont.getDirectImports()); // onts.addAll(ont.getImportsClosure()); Set<OWLAnnotation> allAnnotations = null; for(OWLOntology onto: onts){ if(allAnnotations == null){ allAnnotations = c.getAnnotations(onto, df.getOWLAnnotationProperty(IRI.create(iri))); }else{ allAnnotations.addAll(c.getAnnotations(onto, df.getOWLAnnotationProperty(IRI.create(iri)))); } } return allAnnotations; /*return c.getAnnotations(ont, df.getOWLAnnotationProperty(IRI.create(iri)));*/ } /** * Gets the annotation by iri. * * @param c * the c * @param iri * the iri * @return the annotation by iri */ public Set<OWLAnnotation> getAnnotationByIRI(OWLClass c, IRI iri) { Set<OWLAnnotation> result = new HashSet<OWLAnnotation>(); for(OWLOntology ont:onts){ result.addAll(c.getAnnotations(ont, df.getOWLAnnotationProperty(iri))); } return result; } /** * Checks if is obsolete. * owl:deprecated = true * @param c the c * @return true, if is obsolete */ public boolean isObsolete(OWLClass c, OWLOntology ontology){ for(OWLAnnotation a: getAnnotationByIRI(c, "")){ if(a.getValue().toString().contains("\"true\"")) return true; } return false; } /** * is class a subclass of the things that has part part for example, could 'caudal fin' has_part 'epichordal lepidotrichium'? * @param classIRI * @param partIRI * @return */ /*public boolean isSubclassOfWithPart(String classIRI, String partIRI){ OWLClass part= df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(partIRI)); //'epichordal lepidotrichium' OWLClass claz= df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(classIRI)); //'caudal fin' 4000164 //find all classes that have 'part' Set<OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom> properties = part.getAnnotationAssertionAxioms(this.rootOnt); for(OWLAnnotationAssertionAxiom p: properties){ p.toString(); } return false; }*/ /** * Checks if is relational slim. * * @param c the c * @return true, if is relational slim */ public boolean inRelationalSlim(OWLClass c, OWLOntology ontology){ for(OWLAnnotation a: getAnnotationByIRI(c, "")){ if(a.getValue().toString().equals("")) return true; } return false; } /** * Return the exact synonyms of a term represented by an OWLClass object. * * @param c * the c * @return the exact synonyms */ public ArrayList<String> getExactSynonyms(OWLClass c) { Set<OWLAnnotation> anns = this.getAnnotationByIRI(c, ""); ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<OWLAnnotation> it = anns.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String label = this.getRefinedOutput(; labels.add(label); } return labels; } /** * Return the related synonyms of a term represented by an OWLClass object. * * @param c * the c * @return the related synonyms */ public ArrayList<String> getRelatedSynonyms(OWLClass c) { Set<OWLAnnotation> anns = this .getAnnotationByIRI(c, ""); ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<OWLAnnotation> it = anns.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String label = this.getRefinedOutput(; labels.add(label); } return labels; } /** * Gets the narrow synonyms. * * @param c the c * @return the narrow synonyms */ public ArrayList<String> getNarrowSynonyms(OWLClass c) { Set<OWLAnnotation> anns = this .getAnnotationByIRI(c, ""); ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<OWLAnnotation> it = anns.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { String label = this.getRefinedOutput(; labels.add(label); } return labels; } public Set<OWLClass> getRelationalSlim() { return relationalSlim; } /** * Gets the broad synonyms. * * @param c the c * @return the broad synonyms */ /*public Set<OWLAnnotation> getBroadSynonyms(OWLClass c) { return this .getAnnotationByIRI(c, ""); }*/ /** * Return the labels of a term represented by an OWLClass object. * * @param c * the c * @return the labels */ public Set<OWLAnnotation> getLabels(OWLClass c) { return this.getAnnotationByIRI(c, OWLRDFVocabulary.RDFS_LABEL.getIRI()); } /** * Gets the parents labels. * * @param c * the c * @return the parents labels */ @Override public List<String> getParentsLabels(OWLClass c) { List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); for (OWLClass p : this.getParents(c)) { result.add(this.getLabel(p)); } return result; } /** * Gets the label. * * @param c * the c * @return the label */ @Override public String getLabel(OWLClass c) { if (this.getLabels(c).isEmpty()) { return ""; } else { OWLAnnotation label = (OWLAnnotation) this.getLabels(c).toArray()[0]; return this.getRefinedOutput(label.getValue().toString()); } } /** * Gets the synonym labels. * * @param c * the c * @return the synonym labels */ @Override public List<String> getSynonymLabels(OWLClass c) { ArrayList<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>(); labels.addAll(this.getExactSynonyms(c)); labels.addAll(this.getRelatedSynonyms(c)); labels.addAll(this.getNarrowSynonyms(c)); return labels; } //Get all the exact and original synonyms of a particular entity or spatial entity //word denotes the term from the entity phrase //onto denotes whether to search in entity cache or BSPO cache public ArrayList<String> getSynonymLabelsbyPhrase(String word, String onto) { String type; ArrayList<String> synonyms = new ArrayList<String>(); Hashtable<String, ArrayList<OWLClass>> matches = this.getOntologyHash().get(word); if(matches!=null) { ArrayList<OWLClass> exactsynonyms = matches.get("exact"); for(OWLClass synonym:exactsynonyms) synonyms.add(this.getLabel(synonym)); ArrayList<OWLClass> originalsynonyms = matches.get("original"); for(OWLClass synonym:originalsynonyms) synonyms.add(this.getLabel(synonym)); } return synonyms; } /** * Gets the all classes. * * @return the all classes */ @Override public Set<OWLClass> getAllClasses() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub return allclasses; } /** * Gets all offsprings of the given class. * * @param c * the given class * @return a set of all offsprings */ @Override public Set<OWLClass> getAllOffsprings(OWLClass c) { Set<OWLClass> r = new HashSet<OWLClass>(); if(c!=null){ for(OWLOntology ont: onts){ Set<OWLClassExpression> subclasses = c.getSubClasses(ont); for (OWLClassExpression ch : subclasses) { OWLClass o = ch.asOWLClass(); r.add(o); r.addAll(this.getAllOffsprings(o)); } } } return r; } /** * Gets the all offspring lables. * * @param c * the c * @return the all offspring lables */ @Override public Set<String> getAllOffspringLables(OWLClass c) { Set<String> r = new HashSet<String>(); for (OWLClassExpression ch : this.getAllOffsprings(c)) { r.add(this.getLabel(ch.asOWLClass())); } return r; } /** * Gets the class by label. * * @param l * the l * @return the class by label * * TODO: deprecate this method, use retrieveconcept(string con) instead */ @Override public OWLClass getOWLClassByIRI(String iri) { //isn't this more efficient? return df.getOWLClass(IRI.create(iri)); //for (OWLClass c : this.getAllClasses()) { // if(c.getIRI().toString().compareTo(iri)==0) return c; //} //return null; } /** * Gets the iD. * * @param c * the c * @return the iD */ @Override public String getID(OWLClass c) { String id = c.getIRI().toString();//<> if(id.contains("/provisional/")){// return temp +":"+id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('/')+1); }else{ return id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('/')+1).replace('_', ':'); } /*Set<OWLAnnotation> ids = new HashSet<OWLAnnotation>(); for (OWLOntology ont:onts){ ids.addAll(c.getAnnotations(ont, df.getOWLAnnotationProperty(IRI.create("")))); } if (ids.isEmpty()) { String id = c.toString();//<> return id.substring(id.lastIndexOf('/')+1).replace('_', ':').replaceFirst(">$", ""); } else { //Should return only one id, assuming each class only has one id return this.getRefinedOutput(((OWLAnnotation) ids.toArray()[0]) .toString()); }*/ } /** * form the IRI using the shorthand id * assuming all IRIs come from the baseiri and provisionaliri * @param id: provisiona id may be "PATOTEMP:UUID" * @return */ public static String getIRI(String id) { if(id.startsWith(OWLAccessorImpl.temp)){ return Dictionary.provisionaliri+id.substring(id.indexOf(":")+1); }else{ return Dictionary.baseiri+id.replace(':', '_'); } } //added by Hariharan to return Manager that was created by constructor Task1 public OWLOntologyManager getManager() { return manager; } }