package outputter.process; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom.Element; import org.jdom.xpath.XPath; import outputter.Utilities; import; import; /** * This class parses entity or quality from one part_of chain of <structure> elements. * It takes as input a <structure> element, identify the part_of chain starting with the structure as an entity and/or a quality, * Returns an EntityProposals and/or a Structure2Quality strategy * @author Hong Cui * */ public class EntityParser { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(EntityParser.class); //caches: key = structid private static Hashtable<String, ArrayList<EntityProposals>> entitycache = new Hashtable<String, ArrayList<EntityProposals>>() ; //structureid => results private static Hashtable<String, Structure2Quality> s2qcache = new Hashtable<String, Structure2Quality> (); private static ArrayList<String> nomatchentitycache = new ArrayList<String>(); //structureid private static ArrayList<String> nomatchs2qcache = new ArrayList<String>(); //private Hashtable<String, EntityProposals> spaitialmodifiercache; //private Hashtable<String, HashSet<String>> identifiedqualitiescache; private ArrayList<EntityProposals> entity; private Structure2Quality s2q; private EntityProposals spaitialmodifier; private HashSet<String> identifiedqualities; private ArrayList<EntityProposals> keyentities; /* * Structureid: to handle pubis-ischium case, multiple structureids may be constructed from one structureid using '#' and an index, for example "o1#0", "o1#1" * the copy should be used for saving to and looking up in caches * the real structureid is used in process. */ public EntityParser(Element statement, Element root, String structureid, String structurename, ArrayList<EntityProposals> keyentities, boolean keyelement) { String structureidcopy = structureid; if(structureid.indexOf("#")>0) structureid = structureid.substring(0, structureid.indexOf("#")); this.keyentities = keyentities; if(entitycache.get(structureidcopy)!=null){ entity = entitycache.get(structureidcopy); }else if(s2qcache.get(structureidcopy)!=null){ s2q = s2qcache.get(structureidcopy); }else if(nomatchentitycache.contains(structureidcopy)){ entity = null; }else if(nomatchs2qcache.contains(structureidcopy)){ s2q = null; }else{ String parents = Utilities.getNamesOnPartOfChain(root, structureid); LOGGER.debug("EntityParser calls EntitySearcherOriginal to search '"+structurename+","+parents+"'"); this.entity = new EntitySearcherOriginal().searchEntity(root, structureid, structurename, parents, structurename+"+"+parents, "part_of"); if(this.entity!=null){ LOGGER.debug("EntityParser recorded matched proposals: "); for(EntityProposals ep: entity){ LOGGER.debug(".."+ep.toString()); } entitycache.put(structureidcopy, entity); }else{ EntityParser.nomatchentitycache.add(structureidcopy); LOGGER.debug("EntityParser found no matching entities for '"+structurename+","+parents+"'"); } // could the 'structure' be a quality? //is the structure a simple quality? /*Quality result = (Quality) new TermSearcher().searchTerm(structurename, "quality"); if(result!=null){ quality = new QualityProposals(); quality.add(result); }else{ // is the structure a relational quality? QualityProposals relationalquality = PermittedRelations.matchInPermittedRelation(structurename, false); if (relationalquality != null) quality = relationalquality; }*/ Structure2Quality rq = null; //structures involved in constraints should not be checked for quality (the resulting quality would be mistakenly applied to keyentities) if(!Utilities.isConstraint(root, structureid)){ rq = new Structure2Quality(root, structurename, structureid, keyentities); rq.handle(); } //If any structure is a quality detach all the structures containing the structure id // if this.entity is not ontologized, then take the qualities else retain the entities if(rq!=null && rq.qualities.size()>0){ s2q = rq; s2qcache.put(structureidcopy, rq); LOGGER.debug("EntityParser recorded candidate s2q"); }else{ EntityParser.nomatchs2qcache.add(structureidcopy); LOGGER.debug("EntityParser found no matching qualities for '"+structurename+","+parents+"'"); } //resolveStructure(); //EntityParser doesn't have info to resolve this. } } /** * return a clone so subsequent changes to entities will not be proprogated to the entity cache. * @return null if no entity has been found/ontologized. */ public ArrayList<EntityProposals> getEntity() { if(entity!=null && entity.size()>0 && entity.get(0)!=null){ ArrayList<EntityProposals> clone = new ArrayList<EntityProposals>(); for(EntityProposals ep: entity){ clone.add(ep.clone()); } return clone; } else return null; } /** * not return a clone because no subsequent change is performed on s2q * @return */ public Structure2Quality getQualityStrategy() { return s2q; } public ArrayList<EntityProposals> getSpaitialmodifier(){ if(s2q!=null) return this.s2q.spatialmodifier; return null; } public HashSet<String> getIdentifiedqualities(){ if(s2q!=null) return this.s2q.identifiedqualities; return null; } //before //private ArrayList<EntityProposals> entities = new ArrayList<EntityProposals>(); /** * TODO parse also entity locators for entity * TODO parser restricted relations for post-composition of entities * @param statement * @param root */ /*public EntityParser(Element statement, Element root, boolean keyelement) { //add all structures which are not "whole_organism" to key structure. try{ List<Element> structures = XMLNormalizer.pathNonWholeOrganismStructure.selectNodes(statement); ArrayList<String> RelatedStructures = new ArrayList<String>(); //keep a record on related entities, which should not be processed again for(Element structure: structures){ //Hashtable<String, String> keyentity = new Hashtable<String, String>(); int flag=1; //not being processed as a related entity String sid = structure.getAttributeValue("id"); for(String Structid:RelatedStructures){ if(Structid.equals(sid)){ flag=0; break; } } if(flag==1) { List<Element> relations = Utilities.relationWithStructureAsSubject(sid, root); if((relations==null)||(relations.size()==0)) {//the structure is not related to others, form a simple entity String sname = Utilities.getStructureName(root, sid); EntityProposals entity = new EntitySearcherOriginal().searchEntity(root, sid, sname, "", sname, ""); if(entity!=null){ entities.add(entity); } }else{ for(Element relation:relations) { boolean negation = false; if(relation.getAttribute("negation")!=null) negation = Boolean.valueOf(relation.getAttributeValue("negation")); RelationHandler rh = new RelationHandler(root, relation.getAttributeValue("name"), relation, Utilities.getStructureName(root, relation.getAttributeValue("to")), relation.getAttributeValue("to"), Utilities.getStructureName(root, relation.getAttributeValue("from")), relation.getAttributeValue("from"), negation, keyelement); rh.handle(); EntityProposals entity = rh.getEntity(); if(entity!=null){ entities.add(entity); for(Entity related:entity.getProposals()) if(related instanceof CompositeEntity) RelatedStructures.add(relation.getAttributeValue("to")); } } } } } }catch(Exception ex){ ex.printStackTrace(); } } public ArrayList<EntityProposals> getEntities() { return entities; }*/ /*public void setEntities(ArrayList<Entity> entities) { this.entities = entities; }*/ /** * if an ontologized entity is found, resolve to it * otherwise, resolve to s2q and cleanHandledStructures() */ /*public void resolveStructure() { for(Entity proposal :this.entity.getProposals()) { if((proposal.isOntologized())) { this.s2q=null; return; } } if(this.s2q != null && this.s2q.qualities.size()>0){ this.entity = null; this.spaitialmodifier = this.s2q.spatialmodifier; this.identifiedqualities = this.s2q.identifiedqualities; s2q.cleanHandledStructures(); } }*/ }