package fna.parsing; /** @author Partha Pratim Sanyal*/ import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Shell; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Button; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TabFolder; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.TabItem; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Group; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.ScrolledComposite; import; import; import; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormAttachment; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormData; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormLayout; import org.eclipse.swt.layout.RowData; import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo; import com.swtdesigner.SWTResourceManager; import fna.beans.DescriptionBean; import fna.beans.ExpressionBean; import fna.beans.NomenclatureBean; import fna.beans.SectionBean; import fna.beans.SpecialBean; import fna.beans.TextBean; import fna.beans.Type2Bean; import fna.db.ConfigurationDbAccessor; public class Type2Document { private Text text; private Text text_1; private Text text_2; private Text text_3; private Text text_4; private Text text_5; private Text text_6; private Text text_7; private Text text_9; private Text text_10; private Text text_11; private Text text_12; private Text text_13; private Text text_14; private Text text_15; private Text text_16; private Text text_33; private Text text_40; private Text text_41; private Text text_42; private Text text_8; private Text text_29; /* String for user input while adding a row*/ private String identifier = null; private Group nomenclatureGroup = null; private Group expressionGroup = null; private Group descriptionGroup = null; private ScrolledComposite nomenScrolledComposite = null; private ScrolledComposite expScrolledComposite = null; private ScrolledComposite descScrolledComposite = null; /*The following set of variables will act as beans to hold data for saving in database*/ /* This HashMap stores the data available from the nomenclature tab */ private HashMap<Integer, NomenclatureBean> nomenclatures = new HashMap<Integer, NomenclatureBean>(); /* This HashMap stores the data available from the expression tab */ private HashMap<Integer, ExpressionBean> expressions = new HashMap<Integer, ExpressionBean>(); /* This HashMap stores the label data available from the description tab */ private HashMap<Integer, SectionBean> sections = new HashMap<Integer, SectionBean>(); /* One comprehensive bean to store all description related data */ private DescriptionBean descriptionBean = null; /* This HashMap store the data from the last tab - Abbreviations */ private HashMap<String, Text> abbreviations = new HashMap<String, Text>(); /* This bean will be used to store data from the special tab */ private SpecialBean special = null; /* This bean will store data from Text tab */ private TextBean textBean = null; /* This variable will count the number of instances of nomenclature beans on the UI Nomenclature tab */ private int nomenCount = 0; /* This variable will count the number of instances of nomenclature beans on the UI Expressions tab */ private int expCount = 0; /* This variable will count the number of instances of descriptions - * section labels on the UI Descriptions tab */ private int secCount = 0; private ConfigurationDbAccessor configDb = new ConfigurationDbAccessor(); private Shell shlTypeDocument = null; public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub new Type2Document().showType2Document(); } /** * @wbp.parser.entryPoint */ public void showType2Document() { final Display display = Display.getDefault(); shlTypeDocument = new Shell(display); shlTypeDocument.setText("Type 2 Document"); shlTypeDocument.setSize(780, 634); shlTypeDocument.setLocation(display.getBounds().x+200, display.getBounds().y+100); Composite composite = new Composite(shlTypeDocument, SWT.NONE); composite.setBounds(0, 0, 759, 557); TabFolder tabFolder = new TabFolder(composite, SWT.NONE); tabFolder.setBounds(10, 10, 742, 545); TabItem tbtmText = new TabItem(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); tbtmText.setText("Text"); Group grpText = new Group(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); grpText.setText("Text"); tbtmText.setControl(grpText); //The first tab! --> Text Label lblLeadingIndentionOf = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); lblLeadingIndentionOf.setBounds(10, 82, 374, 15); lblLeadingIndentionOf.setText("Leading indention of other paragraph:"); text = new Text(grpText, SWT.BORDER); text.setBounds(422, 79, 76, 21); Label lblCharacters = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); lblCharacters.setBounds(504, 82, 85, 15); lblCharacters.setText("characters"); Label lblSpacingBetweenCharacters = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); lblSpacingBetweenCharacters.setBounds(10, 116, 374, 15); lblSpacingBetweenCharacters.setText("Spacing between paragraphs:"); text_1 = new Text(grpText, SWT.BORDER); text_1.setBounds(422, 113, 76, 21); Label lblLines = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); lblLines.setBounds(504, 116, 85, 15); lblLines.setText("lines"); Label lblstParagraph = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); lblstParagraph.setBounds(10, 47, 374, 15); lblstParagraph.setText("1st Paragraph:"); text_2 = new Text(grpText, SWT.BORDER); text_2.setBounds(422, 47, 76, 21); Label label_2 = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); label_2.setBounds(504, 47, 85, 15); label_2.setText("characters"); Label lblEstimatedAverageLengths = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); lblEstimatedAverageLengths.setBounds(10, 154, 374, 15); lblEstimatedAverageLengths.setText("Estimated average length(s) of a line:"); text_3 = new Text(grpText, SWT.BORDER); text_3.setBounds(422, 148, 76, 21); Label label_3 = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); label_3.setBounds(504, 154, 85, 15); label_3.setText("characters"); Label lblPageNumberForms = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); lblPageNumberForms.setBounds(10, 194, 141, 15); lblPageNumberForms.setText("Page number forms:"); text_4 = new Text(grpText, SWT.BORDER); text_4.setBounds(161, 191, 477, 21); Label lblSectionHeadings = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); lblSectionHeadings.setBounds(10, 237, 141, 15); lblSectionHeadings.setText("Section headings:"); Button btnCapitalized = new Button(grpText, SWT.RADIO); btnCapitalized.setBounds(169, 236, 90, 16); btnCapitalized.setText("Capitalized"); Button btnAllCapital = new Button(grpText, SWT.RADIO); btnAllCapital.setBounds(263, 237, 90, 16); btnAllCapital.setText("ALL CAPITAL"); text_5 = new Text(grpText, SWT.BORDER); text_5.setBounds(366, 231, 272, 21); Label lblFooterTokens = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); lblFooterTokens.setBounds(10, 283, 85, 15); lblFooterTokens.setText("Footer tokens:"); Button btnHasFooters = new Button(grpText, SWT.CHECK); btnHasFooters.setBounds(123, 282, 93, 16); btnHasFooters.setText("Has footers"); text_6 = new Text(grpText, SWT.BORDER); text_6.setBounds(222, 280, 98, 21); Label lblHeaderTokens = new Label(grpText, SWT.NONE); lblHeaderTokens.setBounds(337, 283, 85, 15); lblHeaderTokens.setText("Header tokens:"); Button btnHasHeaders = new Button(grpText, SWT.CHECK); btnHasHeaders.setBounds(428, 282, 93, 16); btnHasHeaders.setText("Has headers"); text_7 = new Text(grpText, SWT.BORDER); text_7.setBounds(523, 277, 98, 21); textBean = new TextBean(text_2, text, text_1, text_3, text_4, btnCapitalized, btnAllCapital, text_5, new SpecialBean(btnHasFooters, btnHasHeaders, text_6, text_7)); TabItem tbtmNomenclature = new TabItem(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); tbtmNomenclature.setText("Nomenclature"); Group grpNomenclature = new Group(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); grpNomenclature.setText("Nomenclature"); tbtmNomenclature.setControl(grpNomenclature); Label lblWhatIsIn = new Label(grpNomenclature, SWT.NONE); lblWhatIsIn.setBounds(10, 28, 111, 15); lblWhatIsIn.setText("What is in a name?"); Label lblFamily = new Label(grpNomenclature, SWT.NONE); lblFamily.setBounds(233, 28, 55, 15); lblFamily.setText("Family"); Label lblGenus = new Label(grpNomenclature, SWT.NONE); lblGenus.setBounds(399, 28, 55, 15); lblGenus.setText("Genus"); Label lblSpecies = new Label(grpNomenclature, SWT.NONE); lblSpecies.setBounds(569, 28, 55, 15); lblSpecies.setText("Species"); nomenScrolledComposite = new ScrolledComposite(grpNomenclature, SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL); nomenScrolledComposite.setBounds(10, 53, 714, 278); nomenScrolledComposite.setExpandHorizontal(true); nomenScrolledComposite.setExpandVertical(true); nomenclatureGroup = new Group(nomenScrolledComposite, SWT.NONE); nomenclatureGroup.setLayoutData(new RowData()); Label lblName = new Label(nomenclatureGroup, SWT.NONE); lblName.setBounds(10, 20, 75, 15); lblName.setText("Name"); Group group_2 = new Group(nomenclatureGroup, SWT.NONE); group_2.setBounds(100, 10, 182, 40); Button button = new Button(group_2, SWT.RADIO); button.setText("Yes"); button.setBounds(10, 13, 39, 16); Button button_1 = new Button(group_2, SWT.RADIO); button_1.setText("No"); button_1.setBounds(55, 13, 39, 16); text_14 = new Text(group_2, SWT.BORDER); text_14.setBounds(100, 11, 76, 21); nomenclatures.put(new Integer(nomenCount), new NomenclatureBean(group_2, button, button_1, text_14, lblName)); nomenCount++; Group group_1 = new Group(nomenclatureGroup, SWT.NONE); group_1.setBounds(300, 10, 182, 40); Button button_2 = new Button(group_1, SWT.RADIO); button_2.setText("Yes"); button_2.setBounds(10, 13, 39, 16); Button button_3 = new Button(group_1, SWT.RADIO); button_3.setText("No"); button_3.setBounds(55, 13, 39, 16); text_15 = new Text(group_1, SWT.BORDER); text_15.setBounds(100, 11, 76, 21); nomenclatures.put(new Integer(nomenCount), new NomenclatureBean(group_1, button_2, button_3, text_15, lblName)); nomenCount++; /////////////// Group group_4 = new Group(nomenclatureGroup, SWT.NONE); group_4.setBounds(500, 10, 182, 40); Button button_4 = new Button(group_4, SWT.RADIO); button_4.setText("Yes"); button_4.setBounds(10, 13, 39, 16); Button button_5 = new Button(group_4, SWT.RADIO); button_5.setText("No"); button_5.setBounds(55, 13, 39, 16); text_16 = new Text(group_4, SWT.BORDER); text_16.setBounds(100, 11, 76, 21); nomenclatures.put(new Integer(nomenCount), new NomenclatureBean(group_4, button_4, button_5, text_16, lblName)); nomenCount++; String [] nomenclatureArray = {"Authors", "Date", "Publication", "Taxon Rank"}; for (String name : nomenclatureArray){ addNomenclatureRow(name); } nomenScrolledComposite.setContent(nomenclatureGroup); //When you add a row, reset the size of scrolledComposite nomenScrolledComposite.setMinSize(nomenclatureGroup.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)); Button btnAddARow = new Button(grpNomenclature, SWT.NONE); btnAddARow.setBounds(10, 337, 75, 25); btnAddARow.setText("Add a Row"); btnAddARow.addSelectionListener (new SelectionAdapter () { public void widgetSelected (SelectionEvent e) { identifier = null; showInputBox(); if(identifier != null && !identifier.equals("")) { addNomenclatureRow(identifier); } } }); TabItem tbtmExpressions = new TabItem(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); tbtmExpressions.setText("Expressions"); Group grpExpressionsUsedIn = new Group(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); grpExpressionsUsedIn.setText("Expressions used in Nomenclature"); tbtmExpressions.setControl(grpExpressionsUsedIn); Label lblUseCapLetters = new Label(grpExpressionsUsedIn, SWT.NONE); lblUseCapLetters.setBounds(10, 22, 426, 15); lblUseCapLetters.setText("Use CAP words for fixed tokens; use small letters for variables"); Label lblHononyms = new Label(grpExpressionsUsedIn, SWT.NONE); lblHononyms.setBounds(348, 22, 99, 15); lblHononyms.setText("Hononyms:"); expScrolledComposite = new ScrolledComposite(grpExpressionsUsedIn, SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL); expScrolledComposite.setBounds(10, 43, 714, 440); expScrolledComposite.setExpandHorizontal(true); expScrolledComposite.setExpandVertical(true); expressionGroup = new Group(expScrolledComposite, SWT.NONE); expressionGroup.setLayoutData(new RowData()); // count of number of rows expCount = 0; Label lblSpecialTokensUsed = new Label(expressionGroup, SWT.NONE); lblSpecialTokensUsed.setBounds(10, 20, 120, 15); lblSpecialTokensUsed.setText("Special tokens used:"); text_29 = new Text(expressionGroup, SWT.BORDER | SWT.WRAP | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.MULTI); text_29.setBounds(135, 20, 550, 70); expressions.put(new Integer(expCount), new ExpressionBean(lblSpecialTokensUsed, text_29)); expCount++; String [] expressionArray = {"Minor Amendment:", "Past name:", "Name origin:", "Homonyms:"}; for (String name : expressionArray){ addExpressionRow(name); } expScrolledComposite.setContent(expressionGroup); expScrolledComposite.setMinSize(expressionGroup.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)); Button btnAddARow_2 = new Button(grpExpressionsUsedIn, SWT.NONE); btnAddARow_2.setBounds(10, 489, 75, 25); btnAddARow_2.setText("Add a row"); btnAddARow_2.addSelectionListener (new SelectionAdapter () { public void widgetSelected (SelectionEvent e) { identifier = null; showInputBox(); if(identifier != null && !identifier.equals("")) { addExpressionRow(identifier); } } }); TabItem tbtmDescription = new TabItem(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); tbtmDescription.setText("Description"); Group grpMorphologicalDescriptions = new Group(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); tbtmDescription.setControl(grpMorphologicalDescriptions); Label lblAllInOne = new Label(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.NONE); lblAllInOne.setBounds(10, 53, 160, 15); lblAllInOne.setText("All in one paragraph"); Button btnYes = new Button(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.RADIO); btnYes.setBounds(241, 52, 90, 16); btnYes.setText("Yes"); Button btnNo = new Button(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.RADIO); btnNo.setBounds(378, 52, 90, 16); btnNo.setText("No"); Label lblOtherInformationMay = new Label(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.NONE); lblOtherInformationMay.setBounds(10, 85, 438, 15); lblOtherInformationMay.setText("Other information may also be included in a description paragraph:"); Combo combo = new Combo(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.NONE); combo.setItems(new String[] {"Nomenclature", "Habitat", "Distribution", "Discussion", "Other"}); combo.setBounds(496, 82, 177, 23); descriptionBean = new DescriptionBean(btnYes, btnNo, combo, sections); Label lblMorphological = new Label(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.NONE); lblMorphological.setFont(SWTResourceManager.getFont("Segoe UI", 9, SWT.BOLD)); lblMorphological.setBounds(10, 25, 242, 15); lblMorphological.setText("Morphological Descriptions: "); Label lblOrder = new Label(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.NONE); lblOrder.setFont(SWTResourceManager.getFont("Segoe UI", 9, SWT.BOLD)); lblOrder.setBounds(22, 142, 55, 15); lblOrder.setText("Order"); Label lblSection = new Label(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.NONE); lblSection.setFont(SWTResourceManager.getFont("Segoe UI", 9, SWT.BOLD)); lblSection.setBounds(140, 142, 55, 15); lblSection.setText("Section"); Label lblStartTokens = new Label(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.NONE); lblStartTokens.setFont(SWTResourceManager.getFont("Segoe UI", 9, SWT.BOLD)); lblStartTokens.setBounds(285, 142, 90, 15); lblStartTokens.setText("Start tokens"); Label lblEndTokens = new Label(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.NONE); lblEndTokens.setFont(SWTResourceManager.getFont("Segoe UI", 9, SWT.BOLD)); lblEndTokens.setBounds(443, 142, 68, 15); lblEndTokens.setText("End tokens"); Label lblEmbeddedTokens = new Label(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.NONE); lblEmbeddedTokens.setFont(SWTResourceManager.getFont("Segoe UI", 9, SWT.BOLD)); lblEmbeddedTokens.setBounds(592, 142, 132, 15); lblEmbeddedTokens.setText("Embedded tokens"); descScrolledComposite = new ScrolledComposite(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.BORDER | SWT.H_SCROLL | SWT.V_SCROLL); descScrolledComposite.setBounds(10, 169, 714, 310); descScrolledComposite.setExpandHorizontal(true); descScrolledComposite.setExpandVertical(true); descriptionGroup = new Group(descScrolledComposite, SWT.NONE); descriptionGroup.setLayoutData(new RowData()); text_33 = new Text(descriptionGroup, SWT.BORDER); text_33.setBounds(10, 20, 75, 20); Label lblNomenclature = new Label(descriptionGroup, SWT.NONE); lblNomenclature.setBounds(120, 20, 145, 20); lblNomenclature.setText("Nomenclature"); text_40 = new Text(descriptionGroup, SWT.BORDER); text_40.setBounds(270, 20, 115, 20); text_41 = new Text(descriptionGroup, SWT.BORDER); text_41.setBounds(420, 20, 115, 20); text_42 = new Text(descriptionGroup, SWT.BORDER); text_42.setBounds(570, 20, 115, 20); sections.put(new Integer(secCount), new SectionBean(text_33, lblNomenclature, text_40, text_41, text_42)); secCount ++; String [] sectionArray = {"Morph. description", "Habitat", "Distribution", "Discussion", "Keys", "References"}; for(String name : sectionArray) { addDescriptionRow(name); } descScrolledComposite.setContent(descriptionGroup); descScrolledComposite.setMinSize(descriptionGroup.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)); Button btnAddARow_1 = new Button(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.NONE); btnAddARow_1.setBounds(10, 482, 75, 25); btnAddARow_1.setText("Add a row"); btnAddARow_1.addSelectionListener (new SelectionAdapter () { public void widgetSelected (SelectionEvent e) { identifier = null; showInputBox(); if(identifier != null && !identifier.equals("")) { addDescriptionRow(identifier); } } }); Label lblSectionIndicationsAnd = new Label(grpMorphologicalDescriptions, SWT.NONE); lblSectionIndicationsAnd.setFont(SWTResourceManager.getFont("Segoe UI", 9, SWT.BOLD)); lblSectionIndicationsAnd.setBounds(10, 116, 222, 15); lblSectionIndicationsAnd.setText("Section indications and order:"); TabItem tbtmSpecial = new TabItem(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); tbtmSpecial.setText("Special"); Group grpSpecialSections = new Group(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); grpSpecialSections.setText("Special Sections"); tbtmSpecial.setControl(grpSpecialSections); Label lblGlossaries = new Label(grpSpecialSections, SWT.NONE); lblGlossaries.setBounds(10, 51, 55, 15); lblGlossaries.setText("Glossaries:"); Button btnHasGlossaries = new Button(grpSpecialSections, SWT.CHECK); btnHasGlossaries.setBounds(96, 51, 93, 16); btnHasGlossaries.setText("has glossaries"); Label lblGlossaryHeading = new Label(grpSpecialSections, SWT.NONE); lblGlossaryHeading.setBounds(257, 51, 93, 15); lblGlossaryHeading.setText("Glossary heading"); text_9 = new Text(grpSpecialSections, SWT.BORDER); text_9.setBounds(377, 48, 76, 21); Label lblReferences = new Label(grpSpecialSections, SWT.NONE); lblReferences.setBounds(10, 102, 69, 15); lblReferences.setText("References :"); Button btnHasReferences = new Button(grpSpecialSections, SWT.CHECK); btnHasReferences.setBounds(96, 102, 93, 16); btnHasReferences.setText("has references"); Label lblReferencesHeading = new Label(grpSpecialSections, SWT.NONE); lblReferencesHeading.setBounds(257, 102, 114, 15); lblReferencesHeading.setText("References heading:"); text_10 = new Text(grpSpecialSections, SWT.BORDER); text_10.setBounds(377, 99, 76, 21); special = new SpecialBean(btnHasGlossaries,btnHasReferences, text_9, text_10); TabItem tbtmAbbreviations = new TabItem(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); tbtmAbbreviations.setText("Abbreviations"); Group grpAbbreviationsUsedIn = new Group(tabFolder, SWT.NONE); tbtmAbbreviations.setControl(grpAbbreviationsUsedIn); text_11 = new Text(grpAbbreviationsUsedIn, SWT.BORDER | SWT.MULTI| SWT.WRAP | SWT.V_SCROLL ); text_11.setBounds(10, 52, 691, 69); abbreviations.put("Text", text_11); Label lblAbbreviationsUsedIn = new Label(grpAbbreviationsUsedIn, SWT.NONE); lblAbbreviationsUsedIn.setBounds(10, 31, 272, 15); lblAbbreviationsUsedIn.setText("Abbreviations used in text:"); Label lblAbbreviationsUsedIn_1 = new Label(grpAbbreviationsUsedIn, SWT.NONE); lblAbbreviationsUsedIn_1.setBounds(10, 150, 272, 15); lblAbbreviationsUsedIn_1.setText("Abbreviations used in bibliographical citations:"); text_12 = new Text(grpAbbreviationsUsedIn, SWT.BORDER | SWT.WRAP | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.MULTI); text_12.setBounds(10, 175, 691, 69); abbreviations.put("Bibliographical Citations", text_12); Label lblAbbreviationsUsedIn_2 = new Label(grpAbbreviationsUsedIn, SWT.NONE); lblAbbreviationsUsedIn_2.setBounds(10, 275, 272, 15); lblAbbreviationsUsedIn_2.setText("Abbreviations used in authorities:"); text_13 = new Text(grpAbbreviationsUsedIn, SWT.BORDER | SWT.WRAP | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.MULTI); text_13.setBounds(10, 296, 691, 69); abbreviations.put("Authorities", text_13); Label lblAbbreviationsUsedIn_3 = new Label(grpAbbreviationsUsedIn, SWT.NONE); lblAbbreviationsUsedIn_3.setBounds(10, 395, 204, 15); lblAbbreviationsUsedIn_3.setText("Abbreviations used in others:"); text_8 = new Text(grpAbbreviationsUsedIn, SWT.BORDER | SWT.WRAP | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.MULTI); text_8.setBounds(10, 416, 691, 69); abbreviations.put("Others", text_8); final Type2Bean bean = new Type2Bean(textBean, nomenclatures, expressions, descriptionBean, special, abbreviations); Button btnSave = new Button(shlTypeDocument, SWT.NONE); btnSave.setBounds(670, 563, 75, 25); btnSave.setText("Save"); btnSave.addSelectionListener (new SelectionAdapter () { public void widgetSelected (SelectionEvent e) { try { if (configDb.saveType2Details(bean)) { ApplicationUtilities.showPopUpWindow(ApplicationUtilities.getProperty(""), ApplicationUtilities.getProperty(""), SWT.ICON_INFORMATION); shlTypeDocument.dispose(); } } catch (SQLException exe) { } } }); /* Load previously saved details here */ try { configDb.retrieveType2Details(bean, this); } catch (SQLException exe) { exe.printStackTrace(); }; shlTypeDocument.layout(); while (!shlTypeDocument.isDisposed()) { if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep(); } } public void addDescriptionRow(String sectionName) { RowData rowdata = (RowData)descriptionGroup.getLayoutData(); rowdata.height += 60; descriptionGroup.setLayoutData(new RowData(rowdata.width, rowdata.height)); Rectangle rect = descriptionGroup.getBounds(); rect.height += 60; descriptionGroup.setBounds(rect); /*Add the row*/ Text prevText = sections.get(new Integer(secCount-1)).getEndTokens(); rect = prevText.getBounds(); Text newText_1 = new Text(descriptionGroup, SWT.BORDER); newText_1.setBounds(10, rect.y + 40, 75, 20); newText_1.setFocus(); Label lblNew = new Label(descriptionGroup, SWT.NONE); lblNew.setBounds(120, rect.y + 40, 145, 20); lblNew.setText(sectionName); Text newText_2 = new Text(descriptionGroup, SWT.BORDER); newText_2.setBounds(270, rect.y + 40, 115, 20); Text newText_3 = new Text(descriptionGroup, SWT.BORDER); newText_3.setBounds(420, rect.y + 40, 115, 20); Text newText_4 = new Text(descriptionGroup, SWT.BORDER); newText_4.setBounds(570, rect.y + 40, 115, 20); sections.put(new Integer(secCount), new SectionBean(newText_1, lblNew, newText_2, newText_3, newText_4)); secCount ++; descScrolledComposite.setMinSize(descriptionGroup.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)); } public void addExpressionRow(String expressionName) { RowData rowdata = (RowData)expressionGroup.getLayoutData(); rowdata.height += 120; expressionGroup.setLayoutData(new RowData(rowdata.width, rowdata.height)); Rectangle rect = expressionGroup.getBounds(); rect.height += 120; expressionGroup.setBounds(rect); /*Create a row*/ ExpressionBean expBean = expressions.get(new Integer(expCount-1)); Label previousLabel = expBean.getLabel(); rect = previousLabel.getBounds(); Label lblNew = new Label(expressionGroup, SWT.NONE); lblNew.setBounds(10, rect.y + 90, 120, 15); lblNew.setText(expressionName); lblNew.setFocus(); Text previousText = expBean.getText(); rect = previousText.getBounds(); Text newText = new Text(expressionGroup, SWT.BORDER | SWT.WRAP | SWT.V_SCROLL | SWT.MULTI); newText.setBounds(135, rect.y + 90, 550, 70); expressions.put(new Integer(expCount), new ExpressionBean(lblNew, newText)); expCount++; expScrolledComposite.setMinSize(expressionGroup.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)); } public void addNomenclatureRow(String name) { RowData rowdata = (RowData)nomenclatureGroup.getLayoutData(); rowdata.height += 30; nomenclatureGroup.setLayoutData(new RowData(rowdata.width, rowdata.height)); Rectangle rect = nomenclatureGroup.getBounds(); rect.height += 30; nomenclatureGroup.setBounds(rect); /*Create a row*/ NomenclatureBean nbean = nomenclatures.get(new Integer(nomenCount-1)); Label previousLabel = nbean.getLabel(); rect = previousLabel.getBounds(); rect.y += 45; Label lblNew = new Label(nomenclatureGroup, SWT.NONE); lblNew.setBounds(rect); lblNew.setText(name); lblNew.setFocus(); /* Create the first group*/ Group prevGroup = nbean.getParent(); rect = prevGroup.getBounds(); Group group_1 = new Group(nomenclatureGroup, SWT.NONE); group_1.setBounds(100, rect.y+45, 182, 40); Button buttonYes_1 = new Button(group_1, SWT.RADIO); buttonYes_1.setText("Yes"); buttonYes_1.setBounds(10, 13, 39, 16); Button buttonNo_1 = new Button(group_1, SWT.RADIO); buttonNo_1.setText("No"); buttonNo_1.setBounds(55, 13, 39, 16); Text text1 = new Text(group_1, SWT.BORDER); text1.setBounds(100, 11, 76, 21); nomenclatures.put(new Integer(nomenCount), new NomenclatureBean(group_1, buttonYes_1, buttonNo_1, text1, lblNew)); nomenCount++; /////////////////////////////////// /*Create the second group */ Group group_2 = new Group(nomenclatureGroup, SWT.NONE); group_2.setBounds(300, rect.y+45, 182, 40); Button buttonYes_2 = new Button(group_2, SWT.RADIO); buttonYes_2.setText("Yes"); buttonYes_2.setBounds(10, 13, 39, 16); Button buttonNo_2 = new Button(group_2, SWT.RADIO); buttonNo_2.setText("No"); buttonNo_2.setBounds(55, 13, 39, 16); Text text2 = new Text(group_2, SWT.BORDER); text2.setBounds(100, 11, 76, 21); nomenclatures.put(new Integer(nomenCount), new NomenclatureBean(group_2, buttonYes_2, buttonNo_2, text2, lblNew)); nomenCount++; /* Create the third group */ Group group_3 = new Group(nomenclatureGroup, SWT.NONE); group_3.setBounds(500,rect.y+45, 182, 40); Button buttonYes_3 = new Button(group_3, SWT.RADIO); buttonYes_3.setText("Yes"); buttonYes_3.setBounds(10, 13, 39, 16); Button buttonNo_3 = new Button(group_3, SWT.RADIO); buttonNo_3.setText("No"); buttonNo_3.setBounds(55, 13, 39, 16); Text text3 = new Text(group_3, SWT.BORDER); text3.setBounds(100, 11, 76, 21); nomenclatures.put(new Integer(nomenCount), new NomenclatureBean(group_3, buttonYes_3, buttonNo_3, text3, lblNew)); nomenCount++; nomenScrolledComposite.setMinSize(nomenclatureGroup.computeSize(SWT.DEFAULT, SWT.DEFAULT)); } private void showInputBox() { Display display = Display.getDefault(); final Shell dialog = new Shell (display, SWT.DIALOG_TRIM | SWT.APPLICATION_MODAL); dialog.setText("Add a row"); dialog.setLocation(shlTypeDocument.getBounds().x/2 + shlTypeDocument.getBounds().width/2, shlTypeDocument.getBounds().y/2+ shlTypeDocument.getBounds().height/2); FormLayout formLayout = new FormLayout (); formLayout.marginWidth = 10; formLayout.marginHeight = 10; formLayout.spacing = 10; dialog.setLayout (formLayout); Label label = new Label (dialog, SWT.NONE); label.setText ("Type an identifier:"); FormData data = new FormData (); label.setLayoutData (data); Button cancel = new Button (dialog, SWT.PUSH); cancel.setText ("Cancel"); data = new FormData (); data.width = 60; data.right = new FormAttachment (100, 0); data.bottom = new FormAttachment (100, 0); cancel.setLayoutData (data); cancel.addSelectionListener (new SelectionAdapter () { public void widgetSelected (SelectionEvent e) { dialog.close (); } }); final Text text = new Text (dialog, SWT.BORDER); data = new FormData (); data.width = 200; data.left = new FormAttachment (label, 0, SWT.DEFAULT); data.right = new FormAttachment (100, 0); = new FormAttachment (label, 0, SWT.CENTER); data.bottom = new FormAttachment (cancel, 0, SWT.DEFAULT); text.setLayoutData (data); Button ok = new Button (dialog, SWT.PUSH); ok.setText ("OK"); data = new FormData (); data.width = 60; data.right = new FormAttachment (cancel, 0, SWT.DEFAULT); data.bottom = new FormAttachment (100, 0); ok.setLayoutData (data); ok.addSelectionListener (new SelectionAdapter () { public void widgetSelected (SelectionEvent e) { identifier = text.getText(); dialog.close (); } }); dialog.setDefaultButton (ok); dialog.pack (); (); while (!dialog.isDisposed()) { if (!display.readAndDispatch()) display.sleep(); } } }