package; import de.bse.prgm.Interpreter; import de.bse.prgm.parse.Lexer; import de.bse.prgm.struct.Program; import; import; import de.bse.util.Stopwatch; import de.bse.vm.Machine; import de.bse.vm.Settings; import; import; import java.util.Scanner; public class ConsoleMain { private static IConsole console = new Console(); private static Scanner scanner; /** * The console-application of the project. * * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { try { console.printLn("PiBasic VM [Version 2.15] \n by Elias Groll, Jonas Reichmann.\n"); if (args.length == 0) { console.printLn("[Error, compile]No arguments - enter at least the path to your program"); System.exit(1); } // default settings boolean printInfo = true; boolean emulate4Mhz = true; boolean printInternComposition = false; boolean ignoreWarnings = false; String path = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i].equals("-noinfo")) { printInfo = false; } else if (args[i].equals("-fast")) { emulate4Mhz = false; } else if (args[i].equals("-pic")) { printInternComposition = true; } else if (args[i].equals("-nowarn")) { ignoreWarnings = true; } else if (args[i].endsWith(".bs1")) { if (i != (args.length - 1)) { console.printLn("[Error, compile]The filepath has to be the last argument"); System.exit(1); } path = args[i]; } else { console.printLn("[Error, compile]Bad argument: \"" + args[i] + "\""); System.exit(1); } } if (path == null) { console.printLn("[Error, compile]Expected a filepath (*.bs1) as last argument"); System.exit(1); } console.printLn("[Compile, " + path + "]"); String code = null; try { code = getCodeFromFile(new File(path)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { console.printLn("[Error, compile]File not found"); System.exit(1); } Program program = Lexer.createProgramFromString(code); Settings settings = new Settings(printInfo, emulate4Mhz, printInternComposition, ignoreWarnings); Machine machine = new Machine(program, settings,null); Interpreter interpreter = new Interpreter(machine, console); String input = null; int execs; do { machine.setExecutionIndex(0); console.printLn("[Execute, " + path + "]"); Stopwatch.start(); execs =; console.printLn("[End of file, " + Stopwatch.stop() + " milliseconds, " + execs + " instructions]\n"); do { console.print("Run again with given config?(y/n)"); input = console.readLn(); } while (!(input.equals("y") || input.equals("n"))); } while (input.equals("y")); } catch (Exception e) { console.printLn("[Error, program]Sorry! Something went wrong"); } } private static String getCodeFromFile(File file) throws FileNotFoundException { scanner = new Scanner(file); String retVal = ""; while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { retVal += scanner.nextLine() + "\n"; } return retVal; } }